I plopped down on the couch, waiting for the movie to start. It had been a long day at work, and all I wanted to do was to watch all of the Marvel movies that were possible before I fell asleep.

After about two movies and halfway through Thor 2: The Dark World, a knock came from the door. I looked at the time. 10:30. Who in the world would come to my house at this hour?

I reluctantly heaved myself off of the couch and answered the door. My eyes widened at what I saw.

There was an African-American man standing there, with an eye patch. His clothing was gold armor. He had a sword in his hand.

"Can I help you?" I asked confidently. I wasn't easily intimidated by people, and this man was no different.

"Am I speaking to Hannah Night of Midgard?" He asked with a regal tone in his voice.

I laughed with excitement. "That is an excellant cosplay!"

The man gave me a confused look. "Lady Hannah, I do not know the meaning of that word. I am Heimdall, gatekeeper of Asgard."

I stopped laughing and stared at him. "You're kidding."

"I do not kid, Lady Hannah. I speak the truth."

I just then noticed that he was still standing outside. I cleared the way for him and motioned for him to enter, but he just shook his head.

"My Lady, we do not have the time. I must bring you to Asgard as soon as possible. The fate of Asgard depends upon it." he said.

I just stood there, not saying anything. It was crazy, but something made me want to believe him. There was just something about this man that made sense.

"Is Asgard in danger?" I asked, fearing the worst.

"I have seen things in which have not come to pass." he replied. "Things in which only you can prevent, Lady Hannah."

"What things?" I asked.

"I am not at liberty to tell you, My Lady. Everything that you do in order to prevent what is coming has to be of your own free will. All I can reveal is that the fate of Asgard, and eventually Midgard, rests on your shoulders."

I let out a shaky breath. I wasn't sure if this man was really Heimdall, but if he was, the fate of two worlds rested on me. So many people depended on me to save them.

Letting out another shaky breath, I nodded. Heimdall motioned for me to follow him outside. We walked over to a dead spot in the grass. He plunged the sword into the ground and with a flash, we were gone.

I felt like every part of my body was being pulled in opposite directions. When we finally hit the ground, the only thing I could think was 'ow.' Everything hurt. And when I mean eveything, I mean everything. I couldn't get up for a really long time.

After my muscles started to work again, I stood up and took in my surroundings. The first thing that I noticed was the flashing rainbow bridge. It was even more beautiful in person. A person on a horse was riding towards us. As soon as I saw his face I knew who it was.

It was Odin. King of Asgard. The All-Father. The man who didn't tell Loki about his true parentage, adn then bad things happened in the long run. Not that I was okay with Loki doing what he did, but I have almost no respect for Odin.

But then I remembered something: At the end of Thor 2, Loki makes himself look like Odin. Could this be Loki?

Before I had time to think about it, he had already reached us. I curtsied. Odin turned to Heimdall.

"Is this her? I didn't expect a mortal." he said, and I think I detected a hint of disgust.

Now I knew that some Asgardians were indifferent to humans, but having the insult directed at me was not something I expected.

"With all due respect, your Highness," I said, causing him to look at me, "I was brought here under the impression that Asgard needed my help, and I came willingly. Please take into condsideration that I have just found out about this world. So, if you could please refrain from insulting my species any further, it would be most appreciated." I knew that I could be executed for speaking to the king in such a wasy, but it needed to be said. I always thought that royalty needed to be challenged.

"You are either very brave, or very foolish," said the king. "I could have you executed for saying such a thing."

"Sir, I meant no desrespect," I defended. "I was just trying to say that I am willing to defend the human race, no matter what the cost. Even if it means standing up to a king."

Odin studied me for a long while before he finally said, "You have proven your loyalty. Not only to the human race, but also your loyalty to those in need."

I bowed my head, still wondering if this was Loki. My question was answered a few short moments later.

I was provided a horse adn I rode with the king to the palace. After a few moments he spoke.

"How do you know about our realm?"

"I know about this place through stories." I explained. "Where I am from, Asgard is just a myth, tole by moving pictures and books." Now came the test. "I am sorry for your lost, All-Father. I know what it is like to lose someone so close to you. I lost my mother at a very young age."

Surprise graced his features so quickly I wasn't even sure that i t was ther. "Thank you," he said soberly. "Even though he did not do many good things in his life, I still pray that he was accepted into Valhalla."

I only nodded. This was definitley Loki. Odin would never hope that his adopted son would be allowed to enter Valhalla. I knew that Odin never really cared about Loki.

We reached the palace. There was a man standing there, with long blonde hair. He was very buff. I knew who that was and I smiled. Thor.

Thor greeted Odin, or which I now knew to be Loki. "Hello father. Is this her?" he asked. Odin just nodded and walked off.

Thor grabbed my hand and kissed it. "My name is Thor Odinson. What is yours?"

"Hannah Night," I replied, smiling. I leaned in towards him and whispered in hsi ear, "Jane Foster is safe."

Thor looked at me with a surprised look. I only nodded.

He led me into the palace and escorted me to my room. "I hope that you will dine with us tonight. We are having a memorial banquet for Loki and my mother Frigga." his blue eyes became sad when he metioned them. "Alyssa will be with you later to help you find something suitable to wear." It was just then that I realized I was still in my pajamas.

I smiled. "Thank you, Thor." He nodded and walked away.

Once he was out of sight, I decided to find Odin/Loki. I never realized the palace was so big! After I turned a corner for what felt like the hundreth time, i cam across a room in which I knew I would be spending most of my time. The library.

I walked in and gasped at the amount of books. I knew that Loki had spent many hours in this room as a child. While Thor, Sif, and the Warriors Three were outside, Loki would be here, practicing his magic and indulging himself in books.

I walked along the shelves, tracing the spines with my finger as I went. Almost all of the books were in a foreign language, which is what I guessed to be Asgardian. Looking up, I saw a book that looked like it was in English. I climbed up the ladder and found that it was Mark Twian's The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Picking up the book, I climbed down and sat in one the chairs near the fire.

I was halfway through the book when I heard footsteps. Odin's commanding voice greeted me.

"You are not what you seem," he said. "I would expect a woman like yourself would enjoy books that are love stories."

Not looking up from my book, I replied, "I do enjoy a good romance every once in a while, but I try not to let myself read too much of it, for then I will begin to think foolish thoughts about love." I sat the book down and stood up to face him. "You are not what you seem either, I'm afraid." I said, looking him in the eyes. "For you are not Odin, King of Asgard. You are Loki, god of Mischief and Lies."