A/N: Hey guys! This story is fangirl therapy for me. I've been so disappointed with the show after Oliver slept with Isabel and Sara, all the while stringing Felicity along, that I have just given up on the show and decided to stop watching it and start focusing on the wonderful world of Felicity fics.
Felicity opened the door to her apartment, thew her purse on the couch, took off her high heels and sighed. She really needed a glass of red wine. On her way to the kitchen she turned her computer on, before pouring herself a glass of her favorite wine and bringing the bottle with her to the coffee table where her computer sat.
She had felt like an outcast her whole life, always a joke to others. When she was a child the other kids would pick on her because of her runaway father and crazy mother. In high school her bubbly personality and social awkwardness became the issue. Then she went to MIT and the fact that she was an attractive blonde woman apparently meant that she couldn't be smart or that she hadn't got in on her own merits. Queen Consolidated hadn't been much better for a long while. But then she became part of Team Arrow and suddenly being a fake blonde who said whatever came to her mind wasn't a problem anymore.
And then there was Oliver. Handsome caring Oliver, who just happened to be a hero to the city. And she let herself believe that maybe there was something more between them. Apparently, they couldn't be together because the life he led, or so he had told her, but for a moment she really thought there was a spark between them.
At least that's what she believed until she was told that Oliver was dating Sara. And suddenly Felicity was the only kid in the playground without a friend to play with again. Diggle had Lyla, Roy had Thea, Oliver had Sara and she had... her computers. On the bright side her computers couldn't turn their back on her.
She took a sip of her wine and started working on a new program that would help gather information from different databases more quickly, while downing most of the bottle of wine for the next hour, when a chat box opened on her screen.
Felicity furrowed her eyebrows and moved the mouse to close the window when she received a message, "Good evening, Miss Smoak."
She sat up a little straighter and started to run a program to track the IP address of whoever it was when she received another message, "You're wasting your time trying to track my IP."
A minute later she came to the conclusion he was right; whoever it was, he was definitely good. She knew it was most probably a hacker or a criminal or both, but still against her better judgment she decided to answer back. "Who are you?", she typed. She knew there was a good chance this person wouldn't reveal their identity to her, but she had to at least try.
A few seconds later came the reply, "People in Gotham City call me Batman."
"So, you're Gotham's vigilante?" she typed quickly.
"That would be correct."
"Let's pretend I believe you... what do you want from me?"
"Your help."
Felicity fell back on her chair and finished her glass of wine in a sip. She didn't know if she could deal with two vigilantes and more important, she wasn't sure if this Batman she was talking to was the real deal.
"Why do you think I can help you?" she asked the supposedly vigilante before opening a new window and looking for information on Batman.
The news, articles and pictures of Batman went along the same lines one would find if they googled "The Hood". Both vigilantes tried to fight crime at night, were adored by some and hated by others and seemed to have their own honor code. One difference she found, though, was that there were no deaths linked directly to Batman while she knew Oliver had quite a few.
"I've heard you've been helping the Hood in Starling City."
"How did he find out?" she murmured to herself, while typing, "I don't know where you've heard that but you're wrong."
"I know that you hacked into Merlyn Global and that you were bait for the Dollmaker while working for the Hood." Felicity bit her lip unsure of what to answer but before she could decide the new vigilante send her another message. "Besides, I'm quite sure the Hood doesn't have the abilities needed to track criminals online or to deactivate an earthquake machine. You saved a lot of lives that night."
She couldn't help but smile a little. No one besides Team Arrow and detective Lance knew that she was the one who found out how to deactivate the earthquake machine and though she still felt guilty for not finding out there were two machines in the Glades and not being able to prevent the undertaking from happening, it was still nice that someone had finally pointed out it could have been much worse.
"Even if what you are saying was true, and I'm not saying it is, I still don't know how I could help you when I live in Starling City while you live in Gotham City."
"I need some files decrypted. If you agree, I'll send you a flash drive with the files."
Felicity's eyebrows furrowed again, "I'm sure it's not the first time you need files decrypted and by the fact I couldn't track your IP I think you're doing just fine technologically wise. Why would you need my help?"
"There was someone who used to help me with hacking and gadgets but he decided to retire. So, are you going to help me?"
Felicity tilted her head to side while staring at the bright screen trying to decided just that. The supposedly vigilante seemed to be the real deal but what if he was just a criminal passing as the vigilante. "How can I be sure you're really Batman and not some impostor?"
It took a couple of minutes for her to finally get a reply. "Check Gotham's paper tomorrow. Good night, Miss Smoak."
A moment later the chat room closed on its own. Deciding she had had enough for the night Felicity turned off her computer, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Had she just dreamed the last ten minutes or had another vigilante really asked for her help? She shook her head, turned off the living room lights and walked to her bedroom; she just needed a good night of sleep to clear her head.
Felicity arrived at Queen Consolidated bright and early the next day. She printed Oliver's schedule for the day and put it on his desk next to documents he had to go through and the numbers from last month. She knew she wasn't as good as an EA as she was as an IT, but she really thought she was doing better.
Of course, she still wouldn't server anyone coffee, especially not Oliver, but she knew he still needed someone to schedule his meetings and help him with the company, and that was her job.
She sat behind her desk and started going through her tasks for the day when she received a message on her phone with a link. Clicking on the link, a new window opened with the cover of Gotham's paper on it. The cover had a picture of a criminal wearing normal clothes but also a green hood, holding a sign that read "I still need your help", chained to the Bat Spotlight that stayed on the police department's roof, with the headline "Batman captures hacker who stole money from multiple charities."
A minute later she receives another message from the same blocked number, "Proof enough?"
She thought it was proof enough but there was still another problem, "If I do this I'll have to tell Arrow I'm helping you."
"You mean the Hood?"
"He prefers to be called Arrow now."
"Tell him, if you insist. You'll receive the flash drive by tonight. Have a nice day, Miss Smoak."
Great, one vigilante was dealt with. Now she just had to tell Oliver she was helping another vigilante.
A/N: Please, review and let me know if I should continue this or not.