
'What a rookie mistake,' Raphael couldn't help but think as soon as the Foot ninja's foot connected with his own shell.
He had turned his back to the enemy, and now he was free falling from ten stories up. He was a goner.
Usually, Raph would use his sai to catch himself on the wall, but he had dropped his weapons just a few minutes before.
'Another bonehead move,' he lectured himself as he felt the wind swirling around him as he tumbled toward his death.
Something metal and cold suddenly wrapped around Raphael's chest, and he was jerked to a stop in midair. Looking up over his shoulder with surprised eyes, he saw Michelangelo leaning over the side of the building and holding onto one side of his nunchaku. Raphael realized it was the nunchaku's chain that had wrapped around him, preventing his early demise.
Leonardo was holding onto Michelangelo, and Donatello was pulling on Leo.
In what seemed like a second, Raphael found himself pulled onto the roof, his brothers immediately leaning over him in worry. The Foot was gone, and Raph figured they had retreated.
'Heh. Cowards.'
"Raphie, are you okay?" Mikey asked, unwinding his nunchaku chain from around Raph. His blue eyes were wide with fear. Raphael pulled himself to his feet and tried to hide the shakiness in his legs.
"I'm fine, I'm fine," he assured his baby brother, though in reality, he was a little freaked out. He had almost DIED, after all. He was definitely going to have some nightmares after THAT fiasco...
"Are you sure?" Leo asked, handing Raphael his sais, "You look a little shaken."
"I'm fine, Fearless," Raph replied a little too harshly, "Can we just get home already?!" Leo and Donnie exchanged looks before shrugging and taking off across the rooftop. Raphael was about to follow them when he felt something grab his hand. It was Mikey.
"Want me to hold your hand?" Mikey offered sweetly with an innocent smile on his freckled face, "You know, so you won't fall again?" Raphael was going to jerk his hand away, but looking at the worried look on his baby brother's face, he smiled instead.
"Sure, Mike," Raph replied, squeezing Mikey's hand, "Thanks."
And the two ran hand-in-hand all the way home.

*The End*