A/N:redid the first chapter because I read it over and it wasn't that good.

I am only a regular guy don't want to be a writer just doing it for fun. review if you read If you don`t then I will not continue this story(what's the point to write if no one reads).

Disclaimer: I do not own anything pertaining to TfP or Hasbro

1. prologue

jasper Nevada June 1990

"I present to you the class of 1990" The announcer stated to the crowd as they got up and cheered. June Hilliard's eyes brimmed with tears, she had made it finally graduated. To make it even better she had the second highest marks in the class.

The new guy on the block Brian Downey, was a half of a percent higher than her. She and him had spent a lot of time together since he moved to jasper, they even had a bet whoever got the highest mark would get anything they wanted (as long as it was within reason). June would be lying to say she didn't have a crush on him, but her parents did not approve of him her father especially distrusted him. But that was moot now with high school over they would likely go their separate ways. Her to a university to get her bachelor of nursing, Brian to Princeton to study science biology in particular.

June was mulling this over when a hand was placed on her shoulder brought her back into reality " Hey everyone is leaving , you coming to the party?" Brian asked "Yeah I guess" June said half heartedly "Is something the matter June" Brian asked. "No its just you are leaving we are going our separate ways . you to be a big shot scientist and me to be a nurse" June said with a sigh June don't you worry because we will stay in touch I will be there for you ." thanks Brian that makes me feel better" June said leaning into her best friend Hey don't let yourself think you are off the hook from that bet." Brian said with a smirk obvious in his voice. Okay okay what do you want June playfully growled. "how about a kiss" Brian asked flashing her a smile that he knew melted her heart " I...I ...oh what the hell" as the leapt into him and kissed him passionately. Then she got up and ran away leaving a Brian dumbfounded.

The next day June Hilliards house

Knock knock knock Jerome Hilliard groaned after he got up from the table and went to the door after he saw the face of Brian on the other side he promptly shut the door as Jerome turned the other way heard knocking again when he opened the door Brian quickly blurted out is June okay she ran away last night I don't know what you did but she came home crying that had to leave so she wouldn't fall in love with you she kept saying I can't make him give up his scholarship and I'm going to be a nurse I can't get into a relationship if I do it will all be lost she threw her happiness away so you could go to school I hope you are happy Brian then Jerome slammed the door as he sighed why did his June bug get tangled up with this guy he shook his head as he returned to his breakfast

Brian sat down on the unforgiving sidewalk thinking she doesn't want to be together so we can both go to school well I should respect his wishes he said to himself as he got up and went to pack for university

4 years later just outside of Princeton university

June sighed as she stood in front of room 4b the supposed room Brian stayed in according to his mother. 4 years since she had seen her best friend Brian 4 years since they last talked how had he changed well June was about to find out as she knocked on his door some shuffling and a couple seconds later a dishevelled Brian came to the door before he could even get over his surprise to say hello June jumped into his arms embracing him crying softly saying I'm so so so sorry for leaving you over and over

Getting over his surprise Brian took hold of her arms and put her at arm's length he stared into her watery eyes for a moment before saying " I understand your reasons and I still love you but what are you doing here?" Brian questioned. "I finished nursing a week ago I am now a registered nurse and I wanted to get you back. I know it has been a while but will you have dinner with me?" June pleaded " Of course I will " Brian chuckled

They dated.

They fell back in love.

They got hitched.

2 1/2 years later.

Under the scorching hot sun of Arizona a couple of 3 years walk into their newly acquired home. "Oh the house is beautiful Brian." A raven haired beauty of average height with a rather petite body with a fire in her eyes said as she walked into their new home, a 3 bedroom home with 2 bathrooms. She stood in the fully furnished kitchen wide eyed in amazement. "How did you get this place?" she questioned her husband, "eh a work perk with the new organization I am working with." Brian said as he put down a rather hefty box.

(Little did June Know that this new organization was less than savoury Experimenting on animals and humans mutating to make the ultimate solider.

Brian had been working there for months But to say the least he was highly invested in his work injecting himself with serums trying to make himself the ultimate solider)

Brian snuck up behind his wife who was still ogling the modern looking kitchen, Brian grabbed her around the waist and lifted her into the air with ease. He then brought her close and whispered in her ear deviously. "I can`t wait to break the house in if you get my meaning June" June Downey was silent for a moment, until she grasped his meaning and gasped in realization." oh you devil skin we have to finish unpacking first." "aw June" Brian whined until a devious thought entered his brain and smirked saying " That can wait my dear how about we get accustomed to our new room." Brian said rearranging her so that he was carrying her bridal style while flashing her a sly smile that quickly shattered her resolve." okay" June said "but as soon as we are done we have to unpa..." her voice was cut off by the soft click of the door

6 weeks later...

Brian returned home from the lab early to surprise his wife only to find her in the bathroom hugging the toilet hair in a signature ponytail head in the bowl "are you o" his question was cut off by the sickening sounds of vomiting "Kay " Brian finished "have you caught a bug" Brian asked with a questioning look on his face.

Now or never June. Thought to herself. "No I am not okay it is not a bug... I`m pregnant" Brian just stood there frozen from shock till June continued talking " I found out a month ago but I did not want it to affect your new job developing a method to make super soldiers I.." "June this is amazing." Brian said faking excitement he was really a great actor and June could not know what he has been doing at work injecting himself with the formulas not wanting to risk others but then a thought entered his mind what of my child, how will this affect him or her. All these thoughts and millions more flooded into his brain despite all his worry he was quite curious what would the injections do to his child

9 months later...

a shrill woman's scream split the air that made Brian`s heart weep in pain and sadness at the very prospect of his wife`s pain.

Seconds lasted hours in sheer torment for June Downey until it was over the pressure gone extreme pain lessening silence dominated seconds again passed like hours unlike before it was because of pain now it was in anxiety. Anxiously waiting for her son to make a sound. June what is wrong with my child she was about to voice her question but was cut off when a babies wail occupied the silence June sighed is relief. The doctors congratulated her on her son as they passed him to her then she held her son tight. June soothed the baby till he stopped his crying to stare at her wide eyed. "I think I will call you Jackson William Downey my little jack."June then turned to see her husband in the doorway "come see your son Brian" June said What a beautiful name you gave him, almost an beautiful as you." The new family sat contented in each other's presence all but one were truly content Brian had questions that needed to be answered.

later that night

Brian awoke from his bed in the armchair by his sleeping wife and crept over to their infant son "now let's see what I did to you" Brian said as he slowly drew blood into a syringe then left to go to his lab.

brian`s lab

As soon as Brian made it into the company lab he placed a drop of jacks blood on a slide to examine it. Under the microscope his sons blood showed many signs of an awesome truth. His son had the potential to be a super solider, he just had to be guided.

2 years later

The once sweet happy life of June and Brian was starting to sour Fights were commonplace they no longer even slept in the same bed but June still was trying to salvage the relationship urging Brian to go to counselling with her but Brian was always too busy to go staying late at work and when he wasn't at work he was letting his eyes wander at the bar so she was no longer happy with her marriage just waiting for something big the straw that broke that the camel's back so to say.

2 years later

June was waiting for something to snap, she no longer loved her husband but she stayed so jack would know his father. Despite that Brian was a terrible father. He treated his own innocent jack like a freak like a monster like an experiment, when he spoke to jack it was never tender speech it was always orders. June was beginning to notice pinpricks on the boys arms, as if someone was siphoning some of his blood or worse injecting something into it. Coming home from work June walked into the house to check on jack in his playpen in the kitchen, but when she looked to her horror he was shaking uncontrollably as her gaze lifted she saw her husband injecting jack with a vial of neon green fluid.

That's when it snapped, June went full momma bear mode someone hurt her cub so that person was going to get hurt. June grabbed a knife from the counter and stalked Brian she came upon him while he was still oblivious of her prescience. "you" she growled "what have you done to my son." Brian looked away from the shaking toddler and looked directly into his wife's eyes seeing the anger but somehow missing the murderous intent within them.

"Well looks as if the jigs up" Brian sneered "To answer your question jack is the first of a new breed. You see I had been injecting myself with different things, to make myself a super soldier but none of it worked. Then you got knocked up so I halted my experimenting to see what our offspring would be like, to see the side effects of my injections. It turns out that super soldiers are born, not made. Thanks to my injections he will be smarter stronger a whole new superior being he will be... " Brian was cut off literally, June had slashed him with the knife out of anger. The cut went down to the bone, starting under his right eye near the cheekbone extending across his face ending above his left eyebrow. June had to get Jack out of their she had to get away, so to further debilitate him she stabbed him in the shoulder. June then picked up her son who had fallen asleep after the fit he took and ran to the car speeding away.

A/N I Know punctuation sucks.