A/N: Hi guys! I know I normally do TMI fics but im kinda obsessed with Reign! So this fic takes place in modern time, and I tried to fit the characters to modern time. Sorry if they seem a little out of character!

Chapter 1: It's Time to Forget

The cold stung her skin, but that wasnt her biggest worry. Her legs ached; her whole body ached. She had never ran this fast and hard. She could barely see anything in the dark. All she saw was parts of trees. She could hear the leaves rustling in the wind, and she could also hear the heavy footsteps behind her. The more she listened the more she realized how close the footsteps were. She ran faster, faster, faster.

She knew the person would catch up to her any minute. She wasnt fast. She saw a big tree and decided to hide behind it. She kept her back pinned to the tree trunk. She could hear the footsteps slow down just a few feet in front of the tree. She could hear the man approaching the tree. She covered her mouth with her hand to hold back a sob. Then she realized there was no noise at all. Just the wind and the leaves, but no footsteps or heavy breathing. She stood there unsure of what to do. She lowered her hand from her mouth.


"Come here!" she heard the man yell. Before she knew it the man had his arms around her. She screamed and kicked but he wouldn't let go. She felt the man grab places of her body.

"Stop, please!" She cried. But of course the man didn't. She noticed the smell on him. He reeked of alcohol and other unpleasant smells.

His arms were right in front of her trying to get her shirt off.

She bit one of his hands hard, and he screamed in pain and pulled away. She took the chance and sprinted away from the man. Her fear let her run faster than ever, but she heard the man running behind her. She felt her foot get caught in a tree root sticking out of the ground. She fell forward and screamed in pain. In a blink of an eye the man was standing over her. She tried to crawl away but it was no use. She looked up at the man. The dark wouldn't let her see the man's face, but she could see he was taking his shirt off.

"NO! Please! Dont! Help!" She cried, but her screams were useless.

"NO!NO!NO!NO!" She woke up screaming. She woke up from the nightmare she lived that horrible night.

She heard her mom run up to her room. Her mom burst through her bedroom door.

"Mary!" Her mom rushed to Mary's bed.

"Mom!" Mary cried. "It was that dream again." Mary hugged her mom tightly.

"Oh, Mary."

Mary sobbed loudly. " How can I make the memory go away?"

"I don't know, Mary," said her mom. "I think its time to forget."

A/N: I know this is a really dark chapter! It really hurt writing this! Believe me! But I do have the story all layed out! I'm pretty sure you already got a hint that this is going to be a painful story! I know this chapter was small, but it was like an intro! Want to find out who the man is? Want to know where this story goes? Then encourage me to keep writing! REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW

I love you royals!~ Bethany