"This is your last chance. Leave now and never return," Goku ordered as he stared down Vegeta.

"And what if I don't?" Vegeta retorted.

"You will suffer and die more brutally than even Frieza could imagine," Raditz replied with hatred dripping from each word.

"I doubt that's possible. Besides, shame of Bardock, you could never finish a job properly," Vegeta scoffed as he began sizing up his former soldier.

"If you won't leave then you leave me no choice...I still don't get why you're refusing to go. You can't make a wish due to your own actions yet you continue to harm and kill. Where's your empathy?" Goku asked with angry resignation.

"Empathy is a luxury warriors don't have," Vegeta growled, as an image of purple light followed by smoke and shadows flashed through his mind.

"It's sad you think that way," Goku replied as he stepped towards Vegeta.

Vegeta took this as a sign of aggression and rocketed towards Goku, aura blazing only to be hurtled sideways as Ki bombarded his left side.

"No-one rushes my brother," Raditz barked as he lowered his still glowing arms down, his red aura fading.

Getting up quickly Vegeta turned from Goku to Raditz and sprayed the area with Ki bullets, forcing him to dodge, seeing a chance Vegeta then snapped back to Goku and unleashed an energy volley that lit up the sky.

With Goku distracted Vegeta glanced at Raditz who was forced to stop dodging and throw up a Ki wave to destroy the oncoming energy bullets. Realising this forced Raditz to remain stationary Vegeta smirked before flying up and hurling himself into Raditz feet first. He stuck the distracted warrior in the abdomen and made spittle fly from his mouth in pain and shock, Vegeta then proceeded to charge Ki in his right palm and threw a concussive punch at Raditz's head. As his fist streaked forwards Vegeta's arm lost all momentum and was wrenched up and back, Goku had stepped back in.

Still twisting Vegeta's arm Goku bent the Prince backwards and slammed his knee into his spine, causing the battle hardened Saiyan to groan.

Presented with an opening Raditz unleashed a Kaio-Ken x 2 and rained blows down on the vulnerable Vegeta's chest and stomach, smashing away small fragments off his armour.

Acting on instinct Vegeta threw out an explosive wave of Ki that buffeted his assailants away. Fuelled by pain induced rage, Vegeta immediately sprang on Goku and kicked at his ribs, Goku barely blocked with his right forearm, only to be caught with a left hook that snapped his head back. Goku punched rapidly at the Prince only to be parried instantly. Goku lashed out with his legs only for Vegeta to grab one and pull him in. As Goku was lurched forwards Vegeta smashed his free fist into Goku's stomach, making his head swim. Before Vegeta could strike again Goku used his free leg to kick Vegeta's chin, launching him back. This resulted in Goku being dropped to the ground with a heavy impact. Goku shook off the pain and sprang back up only to be met with a downwards kick from Vegeta which he blocked with his forearm. Turning slightly Goku saw Raditz approaching from directly above Vegeta and grabbed Vegeta's next strike forcing a grapple.

"You won't win." Goku stated as he began to lose control in the struggle. His legs slowly being inched back as he pushed forwards.

"I appear to be, why wouldn't I?" Vegeta grunted out.

"Because I have back up," Goku grinned just as Raditz's speed enhanced legs crashed down onto Vegeta's skull.

Pain exploded through Vegeta. He could barely register what happened. Out of sheer desperation he released Ki, forcing Raditz away and flew as high as he could to get breathing space.

"Did you feel that?" Goku asked his brother as he sensed Vegeta's power.

"Yeah his energy just dipped, a lot. The two of us have this in the bag," Raditz laughed; grinning evilly at the thought of finally killing his chief tormentor of decades.

"No Raditz," Goku replied quickly, his voice unusually hard.

"Why not?" Raditz asked, puzzled.

"He's caused the death of my friends, nearly murdered my son and threatened the life of the woman I love. I will be the one to finish this. Alone," Goke explained, the steel in his voice making it clear he was not to be argued with.

"Fine. But if he's about to kill you I'm jumping in. And if we ever have to face Frieza I get to end the bastard," Raditz growled, trying to at least salvage something for himself. The thought of being denied revenge against the most brutal figure of his life disgusted Raditz.

"Deal," Goku smiled confidently back, his smile widening as he felt Vegeta's Ki approach very slowly.

"I will make you watch as I rip that stupid smiling face off your brother's skull," Vegeta promised grimly to Raditz as he stalked closer.

"Good luck, you've been trying to kill his friends all day and haven't managed it. Personally I think you're slipping." Raditz replied dismissively as he turned away.

"Do not turn from me Raditz!" Vegeta barked, snubbed by the disrespect, earth floating around him as excess power radiated off him.

"If you've a problem take it up with me. I dare you," Goku taunted, enjoying the state Vegeta was in.

"You are dying for this," Vegeta whispered, his body shaking slightly as blinding hate coursed through him.

'I will not tolerate this! Kakarot this whole fiasco is your fault," Vegeta thought furiously.

Without warning the two fighters charged each other, Vegeta threw a wild right hook which Goku ducked and countered with a stomach blow. Ignoring the pain Vegeta kicked out and broke through Goku's cross guard, striking his chest hard. Buoyed by this Vegeta then kicked at Goku's side which was blocked by his elbow. Vegeta followed up by twisting slightly and rammed his elbow into Goku's shoulder making the arm numb for a moment.

Caught by surprise Goku tried to back away but was too slow. Vegeta unleashed a furious volley of kicks that battered Goku around, before leaping foot first into Goku's stomach. Goku was sent crashing into the dirt away from Vegeta who was already approaching again. Scrabbling up, Goku flexed his arm to regain feeling just before the Prince reached him.

"Time to get serious!" Goku shouted as a red aura surrounded him again and the dirt rose in waves.

"Kaio-Ken x 2!" He yelled as his power rose to around thirteen thousand, the Earth literally shaking from the display of power.

As Vegeta came charging to him Goku waited until Vegeta was virtually in striking range and put his fingers to his eyes.

"Solar Flare!" Goku exclaimed as he blinded Vegeta in close quarters.

"Damn it!" Vegeta yelled in frustration as he rubbed his eyes.

Total white enveloped Vegeta's vision and he was essentially blind. Goku increased his power using a kaio-ken times three and kicked Vegeta across the face before the Prince could react. As Vegeta stumbled from the strike he fell onto a vicious left hook from Goku which sent him flying back. As Vegeta began to slow himself he was expertly struck in a cluster nerve by a kick and his right leg and arm went limp.

Pain obscuring sense Vegeta gave up on his still blurred vision and instead merely spun on the spot, firing Ki blasts from his left arm in a random frenzied rate. Goku had already gone in for another attack and was unable to dodge one of the salvos, the blasts keeping him at bay and burning him.

Vegeta's vison came back into focus just as Goku closed down the gap to him. Acting, Vegeta deliberately missed a few blasts, this made Goku cocky and his new assault lacked precision.

Goku kicked downwards towards Vegeta's head but was surprised to meet firm resistance.

The Prince was livid. A hate he'd only ever felt for Frieza reared its head for the first time in a decade, strange yet dimly familiar power briefly exploded within him. Vegeta rose his head and glared straight into Goku's eyes. His eyes were flashing White and Teal before returning to the usual smouldering brown as he had hold of Goku's leg.

"My turn," Vegeta hissed with a smirk as new power and confidence flooded through him.

Twisting Goku's leg he launched the Earth raised Saiyan up and immediately rocketed into him fists first.

Feeling faint from the pain coursing through his body Goku quickly reached an arm down to Vegeta's chest. Putting his fingers together into a gun shape he charged Ki rapidly.

"This is for Chaiotzu and Tien!" Goku grimaced angrily, unable to yell through waves of pain.

"Dodon Ray!" Goku shouted weakly as he released the energy.

The point blank force sent Vegeta crashing sideways, ending his relentless pummelling of Goku.

Righting himself, Goku flared up a Kaio-Ken x 3, just in time to see a screaming Vegeta speeding towards him.

'He has a big advantage in aerial fighting, better take this to the ground,'Goku thought tactically. Normally he fought on instinct, but with this much at stake Goku realised he had to focus and think logically, a rare occurrence despite being more than capable.

With that he descended as fast as he could, forcing Vegeta to fly on an angle towards him.

Vegeta lead with a speed enhanced kick at Goku's chest, luckily Goku had thrown up a cross guard, though it heavily bruised his arms. As Goku moved his arms he was kicked in the ribs, making him gasp. He retaliated with a jab that Vegeta blocked and returned. Catching the blow with his forearm Goku span slightly whilst crouching, he pushed his left leg out forcing Vegeta to jump to avoid being swept. As Vegeta fell back down Goku swung up and hit Vegeta in the stomach and side. The force doubled Vegeta over and he received a right uppercut that knocked him backwards.

'Ok, I felt ribs break. The rest of this should be easy,' Goku thought in relief, his gi was shredded exposing small streams of sweat diluted blood that slowly dripped from his tanned, muscular chest.

Goku began charging a Kamehameha to finish off the still prone Vegeta. He fired the energy wave and was momentarily blinded by the flash. Once the glow faded he saw only a small crater, Vegeta's body was not there.

"That shouldn't have destroyed the body...unless he was never there," Goku muttered to himself as he threw a guard up and spun around. Only to meet a fist that shattered his nose, sending blood spraying everywhere in arcs.

"No shit," Vegeta barked as he punched Goku in the stomach and then the ribs, making him collapse.

Vegeta stamped down at Goku's head but missed as he rolled away. Firing a ki blast to slow Vegeta down, Goku got up.

Ignoring the agony he was in, Goku leapt at Vegeta once again, igniting a Kaio-Ken x 3.

Vegeta kicked out at Goku who blocked it with his knee and struck back, Vegeta caught the blow and punched towards Goku's chest only have it deflected by a forearm. Goku push-kicked Vegeta off him and drove forwards with a flurry of punches. Vegeta blocked the first barrage but he was struggling to keep up.

'How is he so fast?!' He thought furiously as he was caught in the side.

Trading blows Vegeta saw a small opening and feinted with his right leg, forcing Goku's right arm down. Vegeta concentrated all his Ki into his arm and let fly at Goku's already battered face.

Seeing the punch coming Goku turned his head just in time. The blow grazed past his cheek, seeing an opportunity Goku then drew his head back and lurched it forwards, slamming it into Vegeta's forehead and nose. A sickening crunch was heard and it forced Vegeta to back off. Putting a hand up Vegeta touched the area, pain forced him to pull it back and as he did he saw his hand coated in fresh blood. Goku himself was a bit disorientated from what amounted to a cheap headbutt.

"You broke the proudest feature of my face! You utter bastard Kakarot!" Vegta raged as he began to pull himself together.

"Well now we match," Goku laughed, coughing with pain from doing so.

"I will teach you not to laugh at me again! I am going to make a necklace from your entrails!" Vegeta bellowed with little coherence due to his nose as he sprang forth, clashing with Goku again.

Watching from afar Raditz heard what was said and chuckled.

"Oh boy is he pissed! I haven't heard or seen him like this since that jock-strap incident with the Ginyu's. Keep it up little brother!" Raditz encouraged, fully enjoying the spectacle.

Goku and Vegeta hopped back as they each dodged a kick, panting heavily they began to sense for signs of weakness.

'His power isn't dropping!' Vegeta fumed, this new information tipped him over the edge and he rocketed leg first into the unprepared Goku, slamming him into the rubble that had once been a plateau.

Kicking down Vegeta got a solid purchase on Goku's throat, increasing pressure as quickly as he could. Glee on his face as he saw the light begin to dim in the third class's eyes.

Through strangled gasps Goku went limp and began to choke out what to Vegeta was an all too familiar phrase.

"Kamehameha!" Goku intoned as a veritable sea of blue energy crashed into Vegeta, sending him off of Goku and several hundred metres away.

Struggling to his feet, Goku looked over at the area where Vegetav had landed and slowly smiled, he had this.

Goku swiftly had the anguished grin wiped off his face however when he saw Vegeta begin to rise.

"He doesn't stop coming!" Goku sighed in disbelief and by this point sheer exhaustion.

"Why? Why does he keep hitting me in the eyes?" Vegeta asked himself rhetorically, his eyes burning and his marked with white dots.

'Goku, explain,' A rather high-pitched voice shouted, seemingly into Goku's head as Vegeta slammed into him.

'Oh hey King Kai, good afternoon!' Goku greeted as he slid under a wild punch easily.

'Goku, why is Vegeta not dead yet?!' King Kai asked anxiously as he paced his small planet, ignoring Gregory's questions.

'He won't stay down! He's really tough, don't know which of us will be left after this,' Goku replied honestly, his train of thought slipping along with his mental connection as Vegeta drove an elbow into his ribs.

'Goku! I can feel that pain through the link! Finish this! I mean the hell is Raditz doing?!' King Kai ordered in concern, reeling slightly from the stab of pain.

'I told him to leave it to me, I want to get justice for the others myself!' Goku replied as he blocked a kick with his left fist and drove the right one up past Vegeta's guard, squarely into his face.

'Oh for the love of me! I am not a hotel service! It's bad enough half your friends are heading my way. I do not need you coming back as well! Win however you can!' King Kai ranted, masking his affection with anger.

'Any means...' Goku replied as Vegeta jabbed at his head.

Twisting slightly Goku grabbed the side of Vegeta's outstretched arm and clamped down. With his teeth. Yelling incoherently Vegeta used his free arm to Ki blast Goku off, he then proceeded to swear profusely and check his arm.

'Goku...I meant use Raditz, not Hannibal Lecter his arm!' King Kai groaned in despair, head in hands.

'Hannibal who?' Goku asked before a glow and deafening roar diverted his attention.

"You bit me...two decades of frontline combat and nobody has bitten me before. You'll pay for this humiliation! I am ending this and you now, you bastard!" Vegeta screamed, charging the last of his Ki, purple energy pulsing off him.

'You know what, you've enough on your plate without me interrupting. Good luck, you'll need it!' King Kai yelped as he severed the psychic connection.

'Well Goku's dead. Again,' He thought miserably as he awaited the sad return of his prize pupil.

Vegeta dashed forwards, his arms engulfed in pulsing, purple Ki. Goku kicked out hoping to keep some distance, Vegeta merely sidestepped and twisted past his guard. With a crazed snarl he unleashed all of his rage in a blindingly fast barrage of attacks. Goku could barely register them even with a times three Kaio-Ken, while he blocked a few with his crossed forearms he began to lose sensation and realised much more and Vegeta would shatter his arms. Giving up with blocking, Goku drew an arm back and slammed it forwards, only to have it knocked aside, kicking furiously Goku attempted to batter Vegeta away. The Prince however just parried them with more punishing kicks of own and then sped behind Goku.

Turning on the spot, Goku crashed his left fist into Vegeta'a face rocking his head to the side. Vegeta responded by driving his right fist into Goku's unprotected face. Both men stood momentarily, pushing with all their might, neither would give in. Just as the pressure and pain nearly became unbearable for both, Vegeta ceased the pressure and opened his palm, firing a concussive KI blast straight into Goku's face.

Goku's world went blank, he could feel nothing, see nothing. It was as bad as when he had died. For the first time in years he felt fear, fear of death and what it would mean for his family and friends. There were no available Dragon balls anymore, death was final. He thought of not cracking jokes with Krillin by the lake, of never going to Capsule Corp simply to see Bulma when he was upset or lonely. He realised he'd never end up sorting things out with Chi-Chi, or see the pride and joy of his life, Gohan grow up into a better, more well-rounded man then himself.

'I cannot allow this,' He decidedly slowly but forcefully as the darkness began to encroach further.

'I will not lose my family again! I will get up, I will beat Vegeta. I will live!' He defiantly screamed at himself, drawing on new Ki reserves he'd never felt before.

Slowly the darkness began to recede from his mind and vision, with supreme effort he managed to move his right hand. Then he allowed the Ki to flood through him, warmth spreading throughout his body.

Gradually his senses began to return, he heard panicked shouting of a technique, a droning hum of energy, a faint yet cruel laugh from above him. Then his sight faded back in and he blearily saw Vegeta standing over him, stamping and punching at will, a feral grin adorning his face. Sadly as his ability to move and see came back so did his ability to feel pain.

Agony exploded through him, unlike anything he'd experienced before. He had a dull, persistent throb in his left leg, Vegeta had clearly broken it in several places. There was a surging ache in his stomach and chest, he had no idea what caused it, but briefly he wondered if death had been the wiser choice. As he breathed in he felt his sides shake and his breath catch, he experienced a stabbing sensation in his side, like he'd broken every rib. His face was struck again by Vegeta and blood trickled down Goku's into his mouth. The blood agitated the inside of his throat which was already raw and swollen. However despite this with each second the pain became more bearable; as he looked into Vegeta's sadistic face with heavy lidded eyes the new Ki reserve built up. The warmth spread and the pain began to cease, first his legs, his arms next, his chest subsided to a far duller ache, and he could thankfully no longer feel his sides.

The lack of pain sharpened his mind and senses, looking into Vegeta's eyes with renewed clarity he began to raise his head.

"Oh good, the clown lives. I could have finished you minutes ago. But I wanted to see the fear in your eyes before I killed you. Fear of me," Vegeta gleefully laughed as he began to charge Ki between his hands.

"I hate to disappoint you Vegeta, but I don't fear you. The only people I fear are my wife and Bulma," Goku replied with a painful smirk.

"Now get off me!" Goku roared as he stretched out his arms and launched a point blank Kamehameha into Vegeta, launching him off. Goku had slowly moved his hands together once he'd regained feeling and concentrated the Ki for the wave into a tiny ball, thus hiding it from Vegeta.

Goku saw Raditz struggling to hold back what he assumed was Vegeta's ki sphere and flew straight to his side, raising his arms to hold it.

Straining his arms forwards Goku began to push the Ki sphere slowly upward. Goku grunted as he began to release a flood of Ki through his hands.

"About time! Holy crap what's happened to you?" Raditz asked, totally shocked at his brother's appearance.

"Huh?" Goku replied as he looked at his sides.

His aura was fluctuating wildly and was crimson red, his veins were bulging and muscles spasmed constantly.

"Kaio-Ken is different," Goku grunted, thought and speech had become a struggle as a desire to fight, to kill began to burn within him.

"Your eyes are white as well...Thats not Kaio-Ken," Raditz replied with concern as Goku's focus began to slip.

"Vegeta. Where? Going to beat, kill him," Goku snarled as he stopped redirecting the Ki sphere to look for Vegeta.

"Goku! I cannot push this back! Kill him after!" Raditz snapped loudly as he took the brunt of the force again and was pushed back.

"Don't tell me what to do!" Goku roared as he launched a red energy wave at Raditz.

'Shit! Ok only chance is to dodge and hope that hits this,' Raditz thought, numbed by the fact his brother tried to harm him.

Giving one final shove Raditz cleared enough space to dash out of the way of the Sphere and energy wave. The yellow Ki wave collided with the sphere with immense force, launching the sphere up into the atmosphere where it harmlessly detonated.

Slowly the rush of adrenaline and power began to slow and Goku came to his senses.

"Raditz, I'm so sorry I couldn't control it," Goku gasped as shock made him power down, returning to normal.

"Its fine I've tried to kill you before. We're even," Raditz replied with a grin as he regained his composure.

"Yeah guess that's true," Goku laughed shakily.

"Now I believe we've a few seconds before Vegeta turns up ready to turn us into hunting trophies. So, can you get that transformation back?" Raditz asked dryly, sensing Vegeta power up for one last shot at them.

"No I think I have to be desperate. I did get healed a bit though and I'm stronger than you again," Goku replied as he began to stretch his limbs.

"Well that'll have to do, don't mess around brother, you should kill him quickly," Raditz advised sagely.

"I'll try," Goku replied awkwardly.

"And you will fail!" Vegeta thundered as flew straight into Goku from nowhere.

Vegeta grasped Goku's neck as he flew whilst driving his left fist into his chest and face, reopening partially healed wounds.

'Daren't use Kaio-Ken, still drained, time for plan b!" Goku thought, as pain spread throughout his body again.

Giving up with trying to stop Vegeta's choke hold, Goku raised his hands above his head and smashed his fists down onto Vegeta's right arm. There was a crunch as Vegeta lost all strength in his arm. His grip on Goku vanished and he looked down at his arm, it was bent at unnatural angle and was hanging uselessly.

Stopping completely Vegeta stared numbly at his arm in shock,

Whilst Vegeta was essentially paralysed Goku took the oppurtunity to charge Ki, his aura slowly growing.

"You broke my arm... Kakarot! I will be your death!" Vegeta screamed as the pain snapped him back to his senses.

Raising his head coldly Vegeta's aura sparked to life.

'He isn't ranting, shouting or attacking. He's simply stood there...this is weirdly scary,' Goku thought nervously, awaiting Vegeta's reaction.

Raising his left arm slowly Vegeta brought it level to his chest and flicked his palm up.

"This ends now! Die Kakarot!" Vegeta bellowed as Ki formed in an orb in front of his hand.

'He's trying to end this, I hope this is enough Ki!' Goku thought grimly as he stopped charging and began to form his signature technique.

"Big..." Vegeta growled the Ki orb expanding.

"Kame..." Goku grunted as more Ki flowed through his hands.



"Attack!" Vegeta roared as he fired the gigantic silver Ki wave he'd formed.

"Ha!" Goku bellowed as he released his final attack.

The two beams collided, merging into an ethereal blue at the epicentre. Neither warrior could let up, both were screaming in pain at the exertion. As they dedicated more and more Ki the beam slowly inched back and forth. Slowly however Vegeta began to win the struggle, with primal rage he began pouring life Ki into his beam, shunting Goku's efforts back.

'I can't do this, he's too close!' Goku panicked as Vegeta's beam got within a metre of him.

Giving one final push which faltered Vegeta's progress for but an instant, Goku realised he had no choice but to attempt the insane.

Silently praying to his former master, Goku began to build up and draw in Ki from around him, he raised an arm to the sky, transferring all his kamehameha committed Ki into his right arm. Though Vegeta's beam edged ever nearer Goku ignored it. Focusing only on the small sphere of bluish Ki forming above him.

'Please everyone, everything on Earth lend me some of your energy,' Goku pleaded as the Ki flowing into the orb began to diminish.

Hearing his silent and desperate urging the creatures of Earth began to yield to his call of energy. A wolf laid down weary as some of its Ki transferred to Goku, a dragon roared its support as it gave as much as it could spare, a small girl in West City gave a surprising amount. Images, thoughts of those who donated briefly flashed through Goku's mind and reinforced his resolve.

'That's enough!" Goku yelled in triumph.

Throwing his left arm down towards Vegeta the concentrated orb of Ki rapidly descended towards him.

Giving up the beam struggle Goku threw up a Ki barrier and allowed Vegeta's partially weakened beam to immerse him.

There was searing sensation as he felt his skin burn, his face and chest being worst affected. A crunch resounded as an arm broke from the concussive force and his whole body convulsed in a now familiar pain.

As the last of Vegeta's beam dissipated Goku was seen on his knees, burnt nearly beyond recognition but unmistakeably smiling.

"What's so funny Kakarot? I mean you're done. I have just enough power left to destroy this planet and escape before raditz can stop me. So now I'll kill you and be on my merry way," Vegeta snarled, so exhausted his body shook and speech was fractured.

"The funny thing is, you villains never look up," Goku laughed as he saw the horror on Vegeta's face as the Ki orb crashed into Vegeta. He then promptly collapsed, his body shutting down as the flash went off.

For Vegeta there was only heat. And then darkness.

'Oh holy shit no!' Raditz thought as he returned to the battle zone, having lost both Ki signatures.

He scanned briefly for Goku, first seeing what he assumed to be the smoking corpse of Vegeta. He finally caught sight of his brother and rushed to him.

"What has he done to you?" Raditz asked rhetorically as he scooped Goku's decimated but pulse giving body up and set off for the Lookout at Kaioken enhanced speed.

"Korin! Get out here and heal him!" Raditz bellowed as he skidded to a halt on the edge of the Lookout.

Coming from the shadows Korin leapt straight to Goku's prone form.

"He lives, barely. Goku my boy you are one tough customer" Korin grunted as he began to applying super holy water to the worst burn areas and transferred some Ki over to Goku.

"He looks no different!" Raditz snapped in concern.

"No until I grow more senzus I am limited in what I can do. I've stabilised him but he needs a hospital now," Korin replied, urging Raditz off.

With that Raditz grabbed Goku and flew off to the nearest hospital.

'Mr Popo, gather those fit enough and transport them to the nearest hospital please,' Korim mentally ordered as he went to attend to Yajirrobe.

'I have truly lost today. My honour and my dignity are shredded and my body is broken too. Clearly I need to gain immortality if I'm to deal with Frieza. Now to Namek,' Vegeta thought bitterly, trying to take his mind off the agony he was experiencing.

Shortly after Raditz's departure Vegeta began to wake. Only to be rendered unconscious again by seizure causing pain. He'd broken and injured virtually all his bones, ribs and organs. He could barely breathe let alone move. Using a microchip implanted into his right arm Vegeta managed after three blackouts to bring his pod over to himself.

'It's taken hours but I'm in,' Vegeta wearily thought, his mind impaired by pain, worsened by crawling into his pod.

"Set...course for. Planet Frieza 32, medical. Station," Vegeta coughed as the pod door closed and the stasis gas descended, numbing his mind and pain.

Just before he slipped into the warm embrace of sleep one thought burnt through Vegeta's mind.

'I must gain immortality, I'll slaughter every Ice-Jinn starting with Frieza and then I'll be back for Earth. Kakarot I will kill your entire family,' Vegeta vengefully planned before sinking into darkness once more.

I first wish to apologise for all the delays. I've failed all of you and I cannot tell you how sorry I am. I hope people are still interested in this. I would totally understand if nobody is anymore.

Now that's over time for the normal business.

I am still working with the wonderful Marorin5 on bother her DBZ and Fast and The Furious fics. Similarly I am collaborating with the outstanding Daughter of Vegeta and we have a new fic: Prince of Wall Street. Please go check it out! I am also working on a new fic, not DBZ based but on my other favourite anime; Neon Genesis Evangelion, it will be a sequel of sorts to the main series, separate from the movies.

The song I recommend for this chapter is Headstrong by Trapt, it's fitting due to how Goku just won't quit. Furthermore starting from now I will be replying to all comments in the AN here at the end of each chapter.

That's end of the Saiyan saga! They did well didn't they? They also managed to utterly enrage Vegeta so we all know he'll be amazing on Namek. While the action is over for now fear not, as there will only be 2 filler chapters and then there will be two story arcs running alongside each other. Namek and my own personal innovation! Will Goku recover? How has the battle affected the survivors? How will Chi-Chi respond to Goku's return? Find out in the next exciting instalment of DBZ: Heroes of Humanity. Please read and review! (or message me with criticism).