"Mysterious Smoak"

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters; those belong to their original creators. The way it's all stringed together is of my making. No profit is being made out of this (*sigh* unfortunately).

Manipulations of the cover art/image are mine though.

While the chapters in this story can be seen as separate entries, they all have the same backstory in common. Think of it as each chapter being a "what if" moment for the characters yet with all chapters sharing the same backstory.

- Felicity meets the Winchesters in 2012 (reality; 2011-2012 / verse; 2012-2013) = S9 (verse; 2015-2016)
- Timeline of "Arrow" is pushed forward by 2 years so the ages are the same (therefore Oliver was shipwrecked in 2009 and saved in 2014) = S2 (2015-2016)

Ages: (see first chapter)

REASON why this is listed under "Arrow" only: because of Felicity.


Story Summary: When the invaders of Earth-X crash the wedding of Barry & Iris, they are stumped by the two men ruling over their doppelgangers. Only Felicity is horrified to realize that her superhero friends will need the help of the Winchesters to stop this invasion.

Spoiler(s): everything up to ep. 13x08 ("The Scorpion and the Frog") for Supernatural and everything up to the Crisis on Earth-X crossover (ArrowVerse)

A/N: At the end to avoid additional spoilers. Not beta-ed.

NOTE: This chapter is no way connected to the previous chapters.


"Supernatural Crisis on Earth-X"

On the rooftop of an abandoned building in Central City stood two fully-masked figures dressed in black with red-lined detailing. Upon closer inspection, they both wore an emblem that had two bolts inside their insignia. The woman had it on her chest while her companion had it on his arm. While the man was completely covered in his dark archer uniform, the woman had her blonde wavy hair as her distinguishing feature while the rest of her was covered by her own dark uniform. They just finished interrupting an event that had a lot of their targets in attendance. Now they stood together as they waited for their third companion to arrive.

"The Kryptonian was stronger than we anticipated," The dark archer commented as he paced the rooftop, furious over the outcome of their earlier attack.

The woman grunted as she gripped at her injured side, "Next time, she won't be so lucky."

Before they could discuss more about their earlier attack, their third companion interrupted them when he arrived in a flash of light.

"What did you do?!" The speedster shouted; he wore the same dark uniform as his comrades. "You were supposed to wait until we were ready before you attacked!"

"Opportunity knocked in the form of a wedding." The dark archer grunted, "We answered."

"Opportunity knocked and you answered," the speedster mocked, "Well, now, because of your recklessness, we have lost Prometheus!"

Before the woman could intervene, the trio were interrupted with a thunderous shout that accompanied the sound of fluttering wings.

"That is enough!"

The trio turned around and saw the owner of the murderous order. Two men stood together with disgusted looks pointed at them as they were dressed in the same dark red-lined outfits as the trio. The only difference was that the insignia was found on their arms while they remained unmasked. However, the power emanating from them was unparalleled to anything they felt before. The first to spoke was the shorter of the two with short light brown hair and stubble that surrounded his jawline. If it weren't for the cold and murderous glare of his green eyes, many women would flock towards this attractive man.

"You were supposed to be the best and yet you're arguing like blithering children!" The second man sneered at his masked soldiers. He stood a few inches taller than his partner, with shaggy brown hair and a glare that matched with his similar green eyes. He looked away with disgust, "Pathetic like all the other hairless apes on your planet."

The archer and the speedster both flinched and clenched their fists in rage, both wanting to retaliate for the disrespect shown towards them. The woman pushed between the two men and stepped forward before they could do any damage.

"A minor setback, my lords," she appeased, "We will not fail you." Back home, she knew she was viewed as a god due to her abilities but the two before her, she knew their abilities were more powerful than she thought she could ever be capable of. Upsetting them was not an option.

The taller man narrowed his glare at her, "You losing Prometheus speaks otherwise."

"You have already started on the wrong foot." The first man scoffed at the thought before he marched towards them. "They know you are here before we have gathered everything that we need." He now stood in front of the archer, "That was not the plan!" His eyes momentarily flashed a vivid blue in his rage.

The archer tried not to recoil from the anger directed at him, "I miscalculated on the opportunity. It won't happen again."

The first man narrowed his eyes again at the archer. The blue hue had returned to their normal green now, though the disgust was still present in his stare.

"Need I remind you that failure is not an option here," the taller man reminded the trio once again before he looked to the woman, "especially for you, my dear."

The woman stood taller with that reminder, "We won't fail. We will have another chance to achieve victory. And we will kill every last one of them before we're done."

The first man returned to his partner's side before he gripped his shoulder with reassurance, "It won't be long brother until there is no one left to stop us from getting what we came here for."

The taller man smirked as his eyes glowed red at the thought.



A/N #1: Heads up...this story will have a slightly different backstory but for now, it works with this setup.

A/N #2: ANYWAYS, HAPPY NEW YEAR! This has been stuck in my head since the crossover event aired and was only until after the holidays I was able to sit down and fully think on this idea. It's something I plan to work on so I hope you guys join me on the journey when I upload it as its own story in a few weeks. So what did you think? Any guesses on who is who?

A/N #3: Once again thank you to all my readers and reviewers. You guys are truly the best out there! I hope this exceeded your expectations when it comes to my stuff. My resolution for 2018 is to try to write more so I hope you follow me on this renewed journey!

Originally Posted: December 31, 2017 (less than 20 minutes left for the year!)