Hey readers, here's my new story Second Chances, or Inevitable Redone. I hope you like it.

Walking away from her family was the hardest thing that Charlie Buckton had ever done, but as four years passed, she found herself back in Summer Bay. Everyone had thought that she had died, her colleagues had planned it so well.

The truth was, Charlie was wearing a bullet-proof vest the day of the shooting at the instruction of Inspector Joyce, who knew that Charlie's life would be in danger after Jake Pirovic, Charlie's assailant, was released from jail.

Charlie's life wasn't the only life that the bulletproof vest had saved. The truth was, Charlie was pregnant, and her baby had survived. Charlie looked over at her four year old daughter, who was fast asleep in her bed. Annaliese Maria Buckton-Braxton had been the one constant reminder Charlie had of Brax and Charlie felt pangs of regret every time she looked at her daughter and saw Brax in her. She regretted the fact that Brax didn't see his daughter grow up, he never would see her first steps, her first words, the first time that Annaliese slept in a proper 'big girl' bed. Charlie would hold those regrets for the rest of her life.

Hearing Annaliese stir in her bed, Charlie took in a deep breath, as soon as the four year old woke they were going out and seeing the people of Summer Bay, Charlie could feel the nervousness but she tried to push it down. She prayed they didn't hate her after she faked her own death. She didn't have a choice, she never thought in a million years that she would be shot and torn away from her family in an instant. Annaliese and the distant dream that she could see her family again one day was the only thing that kept Charlie going.

She fought to come back to the Bay, Joyce didn't think it was safe since acquaintances of Jake's were still out there and would finish the job off if they could since their beloved leader was in jail.

"Mummy?" Annaliese asked as she sat up in bed and rubbed at her eyes.

"Good morning honey," Charlie said as she made her way over to her daughter's bed and gave her a hug. "Did you have a good sleep?"

Annaliese nodded. "Yeah. Can we go out today?"

"Yeah sweetie, anything you want." Charlie said gently. She knew that she would have to face everyone eventually, it was no use prolonging it.

"Can we go now?" Annaliese asked hopefully and Charlie tried to keep back a laugh.

"No Anna, you have to get ready and have breakfast."

"Who are we going to meet Mummy?" Annaliese asked.

"Some very special people that mummy used to know, okay?" Charlie answered. It was hard to keep up with Annaliese sometimes, it seemed like she was full of questions.


When Annaliese finished her breakfast she was just about bursting with excitement.

"Can we go? Can we mummy, can we?"

Charlie couldn't help but smile at her daughter's excitement. "Okay baby."

"Yay!" Annaliese exclaimed happily as she ran off to put her shoes on.


Walking into the diner, Charlie couldn't help but shake as she took in the familiar surroundings.

"Heya, what can I get yo-" A look of realisation dawned on Irene's face as she carefully studied Charlie's face. "Charlie Buckton? Is that you? How? What?" Charlie could see the look of shock on Irene's face and she honestly wasn't surprised.

"Oh my god." Charlie whirled around and her heart broke into a million pieces as she stared at her daughter, her first daughter.

"Rubes-" Charlie tried to say but it was too late, Ruby had fled the diner.

"Darl, how are you here? We all thought you died." Irene said as Charlie sank into a chair, Annaliese climbing into the chair next to her.

"I know. I was under Witness Protection for the last four years."

"Darl, I'm sorry. That must've been so hard." Irene said sympathetically.

"Mummy, who was that girl?"

Charlie glanced at Irene, who had another look of shock on her face. Muttering something about getting Charlie a coffee, she headed into the kitchen.

"Honey, that girl, she's your sister."

"My sister?" Annaliese asked. "I have a sister?"

"Yeah, you do. Her name is Ruby."

"Why did she run away?" Annaliese asked just as Irene returned with a coffee for Charlie and a chocolate milkshake for Annaliese.

"Thanks Irene, how much do I owe you?" Charlie asked as she reached into her bag for her wallet.

"Don't worry about it Charlie, it's on me."

"Are you sure?" Charlie asked. "I can pay."

"No arguments girlie. So, are you gonna introduce me?" Irene asked.

Charlie blushed. "This is my daughter Annaliese."

"Annaliese is such a pretty name" Irene told the little girl who gave her a grin, a grin Irene recognized. After all it ran in a family. "Is she his daughter?" Irene avoided saying Brax's name but Charlie knew who she was talking about.

"Yeah she is." Charlie answered as she looked at her little girl who was happily slurping away at her milkshake.

"Charlie, I've got to ask, how did you survive?" Irene asked as she sat down in a chair.

"I was wearing a bulletproof vest the day I was shot." Charlie answered.

"So why did you leave?" Irene asked in shock. "You were okay."

"My superiors thought that it would be too dangerous if Jake found out that I survived and he would've kept targeting me and maybe even Brax and Ruby." Charlie answered.

"Have you seen Brax yet?" Irene asked.

"Mummy, who's Brax?"

"Remember all the talks we had about Daddy?" Charlie asked her daughter.

"I'm gonna get to meet my Daddy?" Annaliese asked.

"She's never met Brax?" Irene asked. "Does he even know you were pregnant?"

"I found out after I went into Witness Protection."


Ruby ran down the beach.

"Dad!" She yelled.

Brax was just making his way out of the surf when he heard Ruby's yell. Ruby ran up to him, panting.

"Rubes, what's going on?"


Let me know in a review what you thought :)