It was sad.

Dean was at the bar, probably with some girl, probably she was coming up to him and flirting, and smiling, and he was looking her up and down with his eyes filled with lust roaming all around her curves, and she was placing her hands on his back, and... and... and they were kissing, and... Castiel clutched his head and groaned. He didn't even want to think about it.

WHY was Dean so obsessed with women? Why would he rather spend the night with a whore from the bar than the angel that died for him time and time again? Because of gender? Because of a stupid thing like the fact that Jimmy, his vessel, happened to be male? Castiel was an angel! He was above gender, he loved for the soul, Dean's perfect genderless soul... DAMN IT!

Cas stood up. He was sitting outside on a bench at a local gas station in some small town Sam and Dean were investigating a case in. It was almost midnight, and the angel was sure that if he could feel cold, he would be. There were so many stars up in the sky, thought Castiel as he looked up, trying to move his thoughts to a different topic. There were also so many angels in heaven. And there were so many people on earth. There were also so many girls who wanted to sleep with Dean Winchester. Cas managed a small laugh. His mind always brought him back here, didn't it? Cas put his hands in his pockets and walked into the gas station convenience store.

"How can I help ya?" A cheery, slightly ditzy-looking strawberry blonde greeted Castiel at the counter. She smiled wide at him and seemed genuinely happy. It annoyed Cas. This was the kind of girl Dean would eye at the bar.

But as the girl reached to take Cas's money when he bought the pie he wanted for Dean, he saw a flash of silver under her cashier vest. A cross necklace. He smiled. This girl respected angels, respected the lord. That was always nice to see.

"I like your necklace," He said.

"Oh, thank you," She bubbled.

"Are you a faithful Christian?" Castiel asked, he was a bit curious.

"As faithful as they get!" She giggled. "I LOVE god, and angels! In fact, I'm Buddy Boyle's niece! Can you believe that? Oh, do you listen to my uncle?"

That's when it hit him.

There was a girl standing in front of him who was what Dean would call smoking hot. She was not really that smart. She believed in Buddy Boyle.

Castiel felt terrible, he really did, for what he was about to do. But being used by an angel to get a hot guy is alot better that being used by an angel to murder someone.

"Yes," Said Castiel, "I'm very familiar with your uncle."