Disclaimer: I do not and never will own Fate/Stay Night and Campione!.

Author Notes: Finally, the end of the introductory arc (as I call it) is here! Please forgive me that it took me this long to post this. As for this chapter, it is more like a big exposition and an epilogue. There's a short fight in between but that's it. This chapter after all is meant to close the current arc so that I can start my work on the next arc. Its just that I haven't posted this for two months so I wanted to get it out as soon as possible though I believe I might have traded in a bit of the chapter's quality just to get this out.

And as usual, more notes at the end of the chapter.

- Chapter 4: A New Form of Evil Part 2 -

It was all so sudden. One moment he was trying to get away from whatever 'it' was doing and the next, he felt his consciousness fade the instant his vision got covered by the darkness.

What followed was a lucid dream like state. That was the best way he could describe it. He could feel himself floating in the emptiness of his own mind without any dream or thought.

He could still think, able to remember everything before ending up in his current state but his body was like a doll in his current state, unable to move as whatever power Angra Manyu had suppressed his very own soul.

'You sure are troublesome. Can't you wake up any faster?' A voice beckons to him. It was a familiar voice, that he was sure of. However, he had taken a bigger notice of the fact that the presence of someone else in his forsaken state had a far more positive effect on him than he expected. When he heard the voice, he felt the shackles around his mind seemingly subside in that instant, allowing him free control of his body once more.

'Honestly. With your current body, you can escape faster than this. I never knew that you would give up just become of something like this.' The voice was mocking him this time. It really annoyed him and he truly wanted to return the 'favor' back.

'You really annoy me, Archer!' Just that one thought was enough to invigorate him and make him remember what he needed to do. Having grasp his objective once more, he was prepared to escape from his chains. It was within that instance that he 'opened' his eyes or at least imagined himself doing so..

In that instant, the emptiness of the world was replace by something else. He knew that he wouldn't easily wake up like that for something was preventing him from doing so. But he never expected it to be greeted with that scene once more...

- - - - - ' Ziggurat of Ur ' - - - -

"This is bad..." Describing Madame Aisha's situation as 'bad' would actually be an understatement. Right now, the black sphere which had initially engulfed a small portion of the crater had suddenly expanded at an extremely fast rate, only stopping just after it had covered slightly more land than the entire radius of the crater itself.

Not only that, the magic it was made up of had become so dense that whatever the sphere touches is seemingly destroyed. Just seconds after that, werewolf like beasts made out of shadow started appearing outside the sphere in huge numbers, a situation she was having trouble containing.

She had already frozen around more than forty of those things within five minutes after they started appearing but things were starting to get more difficult for her. The snow was falling at a greater rate and it was getting very dark as the clouds above continue to thicken and block out the already scarce light of the night. More problematic to her though is the fact that any more usage of her 'Winter's Authority' may result in a blizzard and her eventually triggering her trump card by accident.

The biggest problem though is Emiya Shirou who is currently stuck inside the destructive sphere. It made her really worried and annoyed that she couldn't do anything right now. She could only hope that the red-head was still alive and fighting against the Heretic God.

'I can only hope that he is doing well but...' If things get too bad, then she would have no choice but to use her trump card. It would have the end result of taking the heretic god and its magic along with it to the underworld but it would most likely get Shirou killed as well if he was still alive. That was the reason why she was reluctant to use it, not including the fact that she would also cause a lasting winter storm that could persist for a month or

Yet while she was in the middle of her thoughts, more of the shadow like beasts had manifested themselves around the border of the sphere. Every single one of them was already rushing its way towards Madame Aisha while running and growling like wolves.

'Please do your best, Emiya Shirou.' Wishing luck to her new keen, it was time for her to face the storm of darkness once again.

- - - - - False World - - - - -

Upon opening his eyes, he found himself standing in a world that had filled in the emptiness of his mind. He was still in a dream but it felt weird to him. The world he was around in...

'What...?' Shirou found himself standing on top of a building that he couldn't recognize. Looking around, his vision takes in the sight of a burning city, the tall buildings around the densely populated area illuminated by the orange glow of fire that raged on just behind them. While some structures around had burn marks on them, some of the smaller buildings had collapsed, most likely from the intense heat of the fire.

And yet what mattered more to him was the fact that the city was something he could never mistaken for anything else. After all, the sight of it ten years ago was completely engraved in his memories. "Fuyuki?!"

Seeing a clear scene of that incident causes Shirou to remember his own memories during that time, causing his skin to crawl and him to sweat drop from the nauseating feeling building up inside of him. Beyond the distance covered by the thick flames and the smoke, he could see it. A tower of darkness that spelt out the true reason behind the fire ten occurring in front of him, the menacing object obscured by smoke and the crimson glow of the raging fires.

This time, Shirou was able to take the sudden influx of traumatizing memories better unlike that feeling he got after waking up from his dream of the fire currently happening in front of him.

'If this is Fuyuki ten years ago then... this place must be where it all started.' Shirou thinks of as he looks at the side of the wide building he was standing on. He couldn't remember what it was on that time but he was pretty sure that it was some sort of theater. However, after the fire, the place had been demolished and had been turned into a park due to the extensive damage it had suffered.

"Shirou." The sudden surprise of someone calling out his name causes him to jump and immediately turn to his back. Yet the figure that greets his vision was enough to cause him to momentarily falter.

"F-Father?" He couldn't believe it. Of the sight of his father who stood in front of him. After all, the old man had passed away years ago and for him to be present right now... There was only one explanation regarding his current situation. Only 'it' could cause something like this. Not just the presence of his father but of him being in this dream world of Fuyuki.

"... Why are you taking on that form, Angra Manyu?" That was the true nature of the man in front of him, an avatar of the Zoroastrian God and the true reason behind the burning world surrounding him. His current situation was most likely caused by Angra Manyu invading his mind.

"What are you saying? Don't you recognize me?" As if not listening to his words, 'Kiritsugu' began walking forward towards Shirou, causing the latter to tense up. However, he simply continues walking not to him but to his right side without doing anything, stopping ten feet away from him at the edge of the roof overlooking the burning city.

"Do you remember this place? It was the time when I found you. Back then, you were young and weak at that time and yet you somehow still clang on to your life. You were ready to give up on your life until the moment I saved you." It spoke in the voice of his father, taking on a melancholic voice. But the red hero couldn't but feel anger swell inside him from the fact that 'it' was the cause of the fire right in front of him.

"How about you just give up here? Don't live on. Accept the fate that you were meant to receive back here."

- Give up -

That was the meaning behind its words. Rather than clinging on to his life up to the point that he was saved, he should instead give up and simply disappear as what was meant to happen to him ten years ago. The words seem to echo within him, trying to compel him to do so.

But how could Shirou even give up just like that? His life was already a gift by his father and he had already sworn that he would protect others and become a hero. If he just gave up here, then wouldn't that mean that everything that had happened around him was meaningless? Not only that, giving up would simply condemn the life of many people to death. That wasn't something he would allow.

There was only one answer for him and nothing can persuade him to change that.

"I refuse." A swift and simple response. The Zoroastrian God probably expected that answer but the face of its avatar still lost its calm expressionless face.

"Persistent, aren't you." Seemingly annoyed by that, the facade put up by Angra Manyu temporarily disappears.

"Angra Manyu... What is your objective?" Shirou suddenly asks. To the normal person, asking a god who held great power wasn't the smartest idea. However, Shirou wanted to know its motives. It might be obvious already to him ever since learning its identity but something felt off, different but not in a good way.

"What?" Surprised by the sudden question, 'it' couldn't help but stay silent as it stares at him with disbelief. However, that surprise did not stem from the question Shirou had asked but rather from the fact that he even had the gull to ask 'it' something. It was like a piece of Gilgamesh's ego had somehow found its way inside of 'it'.

Whatever it was thinking didn't last long as it quickly regains its composure and puts its mask back, regaining the expressionless face that Shirou heard his father often had before meeting him.

"You should already know it but for his sake, I shall answer again..." It stood silent for a second before continuing.

"To cleanse the world of the worthless and return it to its rightful state, creating a world worthy for the King to rule." Angra Manyu spoke through its avatar but not with the voice of Kiritsugu Emiya but rather, its own deep voice that seemed to echo in the air.

"... What?" 'The same as Gilgamesh? But...' Shirou could already see something wrong with it. How was 'it' even aware of what Gilgamesh was trying to originally achieve using 'it's' power? After all, despite the battle that had occurred in Ryuudou temple, the red hero was very sure that 'it' was asleep deep within the Holy Grail.

However, what he didn't like the most was that essentially, 'it' was going to kill many people to achieve that. 'Making the world worthy by sacrificing the life of millions... Unacceptable!' Just as Shirou was about to say his thoughts, Angra Manyu interrupts him.

"In the end, the King had disappeared from this world. But even if that is the case, I must continue on his wish." To Shirou, the statement of it had revealed that it knew of Gilgamesh's death, something that was obvious though. However, he wanted to know something else.

"During that fight, were you watching?" Specifically, he was referring to the time when he fought the King of Heroes on top of the now ruined Ziggurat of Ur.

"I was... Watching from his perspective as he sought to defeat you." 'His perspective...' "In the end, he fell in battle. Unable to continue, his death gave me one last objective. To finish everything he started." 'Gilgamesh's death... Don't tell me - ?!'

"When he died, I was given life by his own wish. I was given another purpose and so could exist in this new world."

Hearing all of those words had revealed the truth to him.

After stepping out of the Holy Grail, he and the King of Heroes were both carrying something else inside of them. For him, he held a piece of Archer's soul which up to now remained an enigma to him. He thought that the King of Heroes was no different than usual but it seems to be he also held something greater within him, essentially... All Evils of the World.

Upon his death, said evil was somehow released unto the world. It was extremely powerful after all so in a world where the power of the God's remained intact, something like that could not easily disappear. Having obtained Gilgamesh's objective as the purpose of its existence, it could keep itself on the world and persist until it gained a form.

"I see... Then, it is my duty to stop you!" To his previous self three days ago, it might've been impossible but now, he held the power of his enemy in his own hands and become something equal or even greater than the heroes that fought during the Holy Grail War. That was why he was gonna fight even if it might cost him his life. It was his responsibility for even though he did not intentionally did it, his action had released such a deadly threat into the world.

As for the Zoroastrian God, its avatar simply gives off an unamused look upon hearing those words.

"You should understand that a wish can never be granted without a way to do so. But for his wish, the King knew that only death can grant it and it is something that I can only do." A illogical explanation that Shirou could never accept. People didn't need to die just to make the world worthy. For him, he only cared about the fact that people were happy and that in itself was good enough for him.

"Killing people is something I can never accept. That is why I will not back down!" Placing himself on a stance, Shirou was ready to project his weapons in preparation for the imminent clash despite the uncertainty in being able to use Magecraft in his current state.

'Truly idiotic but still, just as expected of you.' Whatever tension in the air temporarily disappears on that moment as someone suddenly speaks out of thin air. Upon looking behind him, Shirou was met with the figure of someone he never expected to see again.

"Archer?!" The servant of the bow. He couldn't help but wonder if it truly was Archer but his identity was easily proven by the his next words.

"An idiot will always be an idiot so there's nothing I can change about this guy's choice. But then again, I can't help but agree with his words as well." Archer speaks out as he continually walks forward before stopping just to the right of his younger self with a dejected look.

"You have interfered too many times, servant of the bow." Angra Manyu growls angrily at the servant.

"I'm just doing my job." Answering in a sarcastic tone, Shirou's other self smirks at the now visibly angry figure in front of them. The evil god simply remains silent from that remark, only staring at the two with eyes that felt like it could stare into one's very own soul.

"Oh well. Let me handle this guy for you as a sorry." Archer breaks the silence, talking to Shirou as if he needed to apologize for something.

"Wha - ?" But before Shirou could even ask Archer, three swords suddenly materialize themselves around the servant.

"You cannot kill me." Archer did not heed those words as all three swords propel themselves towards Angra Manyu's physical body. It only took a second for all three to find its mark, skewering the form of Kiritsugu Emiya completely and not giving 'it' any chance to react.

Losing 'it's' life or simply acting it out, the body falls on its knees before suddenly dissipating into a fog of black magic. Even that fog did not exist longer than a second before completely fading out of existence as it could not sustain itself any further.

"Only for me though." The servant speaks out silently to the Zoroastrian God who was now gone. With 'its' disappearance, the world around them burns apart in a fire that spreads out from underneath the place where Shirou Emiya stands. It did not hold any heat though as it burns through the world like it was paper, revealing the true nature underneath the false Fuyuki.

Hiding beneath the burning city was a barren landscape bathed in a twilight glow that shone from the horizon. And yet the ground itself was not devoid of anything for there stood many weapons of different manners, a copy of every weapon Shirou had encountered in his current life. It was the very representation of his inner world that had been shaped by his ideals.

'Unlimited Blade Works... Looks like I'm back to my usual dream.' With the influence of Angra Manyu gone, Shirou's dream had returned to what it should be. When he ever he didn't have any dreams, he would often dream up about his Reality Marble with him standing in the center as he simply stares into the vast land filled with weapons.

"Honestly, you already knew that killing that guy in your dream was the only way to get out of that hellish illusion and yet you were taking your time. If you went on any longer, you might have seriously died back in the real world. You should be thankful that I quickened your escape." Archer speaks out. The red-head himself had nothing to say to that considering that he placed a higher priority on learning the truth rather than escaping.

"So, how are you talking to me right now?" Shirou asks. It was the biggest mystery right now for him. The fact that Archer, who 'died' while protecting him against Gilgamesh was somehow still alive. Well, he had already suspected that Archer might have survived that encounter with Gilgamesh though the lack of evidence as well as the fact that he was busy trying to stop Gilgamesh didn't allow the red-hero to confirm it.

"When it comes to dreams, things like me are usually not limited by the lack of a physical body. Well, the only real reason I can appear here is because of the me inside of you." The servant explains as he starts looking around, checking out the Reality Marble of his younger and naive self.

"I'm not sure. The only thing I can say is that you're own world is a little plainer than mine, not that its bad or anything." Commenting on the lack of gigantic gears that existed in Archer's own internal world, Shirou couldn't help but feel that his other self was simply making a pointless remark. After all, he didn't care the slightest about the appearance of his own power so long as it helped him uphold his ideals.

"Not really interested in jokes right now I see... Then let's get to the point. I believe that you already know about a piece of me stuck in you so there's no need for further explanations." Archer continues. True enough, Shirou knew about that part though how he did on the other hand was something he couldn't remember.

Upon thinking about it, such an event would be something similar to possession though Shirou was aware that servants probably aren't capable of doing that unless they have such a skill or a Noble Phantasm that allowed them to do so during their life as heroes. As for possession, it wasn't something he was knowledgeable in so he couldn't comment about it.

"If you're thinking of possession, then I guess its both right and wrong. In a sense, what actually happened was that I tried merging my soul with yours, essentially, trying to give you my power." That actually sounded like something in the realm of true magic, something that Shirou thought only the 3rd Magic could even hope to achieve. When it comes to the soul, such things as transferring the soul into another was already impossible without performing true magic and yet it seems to be, the unique existence of the two could ignore some of the rules.

"What I said sounded like something only true magic can do but considering the rather unique situation between the two us, some rules don't apply to us. Of course, trying to force myself inside of you like a ghost trying to possess someone else was one of the weirdest things ever just to transfer my power towards you... was what was supposed to happen but since I was almost out of power when I did that, only a fragment of myself was able to successfully do so before the real me disappeared back into where I came from." All of the explanation was hard to take in for Shirou but he kept on listening as he tries to piece in every information his heroic counter part is giving him.

"Can I ask one thing? Where you there at that time during the fight against Gilgamesh?" Specifically, Shirou was referring to his fight on Ryuudou temple. Archer simply nods at that.

'So he really was there.' Archer had confirmed or at least reinforced the idea of one of the things Shirou had been wondering about. After all, how could he survive the attack of that absurd weapon when he was unable to do anything but stare at it?

The reason was that someone had helped from the outside. He had suspected after the battle that Archer was responsible, the theory itself reinforced further when he learned about the fragment of the servant stuck in him but only now had it been truly proven.

"Continuing on... Regarding my 'possession' of you, I did it for one reason which you should know of already. But just to be sure, let me explain." Archer then moves closer to one of the swords and leans on it, making sure that he isn't putting too much weight on it so as not to tip it.

"You should know that the place we ended up in would be inside the Holy Grail. Of course, that meant that we would be brought directly up to the place where All Evils of the World rested in, something that you would have not survived against with a human body. So as a last resort, I decided to confuse it by sharing my power with you.

That was to try and protect you from the Holy Grail by trying to make it think that you are me which was kind off a strange way to be honest. The only problem was that it would've only lasted a few minutes with such a massive amount of power being brought upon you and the small amount of power that I managed to place into you. If it weren't for the King of Heroes accidentally causing you to escape along with him, then you would've probably died there anyway despite my help."

Archer explains as he looks at Shirou without much interest. As for his younger self, he was busy listening to him while trying to remember and piece the puzzle that had nagged him for the past few days.

"So it was Gilgamesh who got me out?" Shirou asks to his other self. What Archer said made sense to him however considering that the King of Heroes was someone who would've just left him to die if he had the choice. Then he needed to ask something else instead. "... I guess I should've known already. Then, how did we escape?" He asks, changing his current question into that.

"That's the unbelievable part... While stuck within the grail, it is probable that the King of Heroes himself took over the evil essence of the Holy Grail."

"W-What?!" It was an absurd occurrence. In the first place, Gilgamesh was a servant meaning that being within the Holy Grail meant that he was at the mercy of it, specifically Angra Manyu. And yet somehow, the man was able to take over the thing that slept and controlled it within, as utterly impossible as that sounds. It might be a theory only for Archer but it was the only answer to that question in the first place. It wasn't something one could just reject on a whim.

"No matter how impossible it sounds, the King of Heroes most likely did do it. Considering that Angra Manyu had managed to escape out of the Holy Grail, its not far fetched to say that the King of Heroes managed to contain All Evils of the World within himself. That thing should've been converted into his own power though I guess with how much power Angra Manyu had, it would've probably taken the King of Heroes a few minutes to do so which, if it did happen, would've resulted in your quick death. Thankfully, it didn't happen."

The thought of Gilgamesh being able to convert All Evils of the World into his power in just a few minutes sounded more absurd to Shirou. However, it was due to that few minutes as well that he was able to win against the King of Heroes. The only problem was that it had led to the current situation he was currently in.

"I guess that's pretty much it for everything. Once you're back and finished with that guy, you should just contemplate about everything I said. After all, this is the last you will see of me. After this, the fragment of me inside of you would get swallowed up by your massive power by the next day." The servant interrupts his other self's thinking as he talks about his situation. But Shirou was thinking about something else, an idea that he thought could work.

"You can take everything I said and done as my apology." Archer suddenly speaks out with a rather sad tone.

"Apology?" The only Shirou could think of that Archer would need to apologize for would be the fact that he had caused him and Tohsaka a lot of problems during the Holy Grail War.

"Yeah. Somehow, I was unable to help you in the most important moment so you're now here stuck in a different world far away from Fuyuki." The servant of the bow explains with a melancholic tone, indicating on how he felt on failing to save his other self from that situation.

"I see." He understood now. Archer really did help him in that time through some means but at that moment, when Archer was still there, he was unable to help him get free from those chains of Gilgamesh. Because of that, he was brought into another world altogether. At that time, Archer probably didn't have enough power left to help so Shirou couldn't even blame him for that. There is one thing he could only ask though.

"During that time, were you at least able to help Tohsaka?" He didn't know what happened back there after all but he was very sure that if Archer was there watching his fight, then he would've helped Tohsaka as well if she got into trouble.

"Don't worry. I helped her get out of that grotesque place." That was a good enough answer for Shirou. With that out of way, there was only one thing left for him to ask.

"Then... There's one more thing I want to ask." That statement causes Archer's eyebrow to rise slightly in curiosity. "Is it possible for me to use it. Your power?" Archer shows a surprised expression upon hearing those words. But that surprise was quickly replaced by a smirk in his face as he seemingly realizes the implication of his other self's words.

"I see. So you want to use 'that'." Specifically, the object that Archer was referring to was something his own Reality Marble could make. After all, he himself had revealed it during the fight underneath the Church, that he had the capability to reproduce it.

- The strongest sword -

"You do know that you need to invoke my own Reality Marble to do that and doing so in the first place is almost impossible?" Archer asks which Shirou simply answers with a nod.

"Honestly, if you were still your normal self, trying to use my Reality Marble would probably just kill you but now, I'm not so sure anymore." The servant of the bow reassures his younger self. After all, no matter what he said, nothing would probably change anyway.

"I see... Then, thanks." With nothing else to say, Shirou extends out his arms towards Archer in order to shake hands. This in turns puzzles the servant of the bow for a bit but he eventually relents. Both shake hands as their own way to signify their respect for each other. In truth, they still hate each other but since that battle under the Einzbern's Castle, it could be said that they're in more 'friendlier' terms now.

As they do so, Archer seemingly starts fading but Shirou did not mind as they both turn their backs on each other just as they finish their gesture of respect for each other.

"Here I go." It was time to fight. For Shirou, the path to victory was clear.

- - - - - ' Ziggurat of Ur ' - - - - -

Madame Aisha was currently slumped down in the ground, having just fended off the last wave of black wolves from reaching her. They didn't get close at all but the end result of the short skirmish was the strong blizzard like weather currently affecting her and the surroundings.

"This is too tiring..." She states as the exhaustion starts registering in her mind. She might be a Campione but she wasn't the type who could fight against her opponent directly. The female Campione's survival could easily be attributed to divine fortune though it seems to be said fortune only applies to her.

"Huh?" A cracking sound could be heard and in the next instant, the darkness lying almost a hundred meters away from her suddenly breaks apart like glass. She didn't understand what was happening but the sudden chill seemingly running down her spine was enough for her to know that she was most likely experiencing the worst situation in front of her.

Whatever came out rose from within its cracked shell. Then it made itself visible, a gigantic humanoid being that stood almost two hundred feet tall. It had the same body shape as a human yet its skin and muscle were composed of purple flesh. It held a gaunt appearance and its heads distinguishing feature was the four large eyes in it that was similar in shape to the eyes of a spider.

Yet what was clearly unmistakable about it was the feeling of death it exuded. She could only best describe it as a voice that constantly whispered to her to end her life.

"The true form of the Heretic God?" That was the true nature of the being in front of her. The power it held was unmistakable. In fact, its power is so much that the surroundings around it was being cursed just by its presence.

'But if the god is here, then...' The worst might have happened. It might be possible though that Shirou was still alive, currently stuck in that form but even if that was the case, getting him out would be almost impossible for her at her current situation.

'If only I could use my other authorities... - !' Quickly reacting to her instincts, Madame Aisha abruptly jumps to her right, barely dodging a shadow like blade that had suddenly risen from the snow covered ground.

Just as she lands from her last second dodge, the form of the heretic god begun moving. Its right arm was slightly raised, its hand pointing towards her like it was trying to command something directed her against.

"Die..." A deep masculine voice reveals the heretic gods intentions.

Her senses suddenly scream for her to escape as mud and black magic gather around the heretic god in such a massive amount that all of it was beginning to obscure 'its' form. The magic began swirling a tornado around it, gathering both momentum and power as each second passes by before suddenly forming into a gigantic spiraling vortex that was pointed at her.

What followed was death as the vortex shot out forward. A massive mass of darkness that looks like a chaotic maelstrom was now barreling down towards her, a sure death if she were to be hit by it.

'I can only pray from here on out.' She knew that the attack was simply too big to avoid through normal means and so, could only hope to use her authority, 'Fairy's Corridor' as a last resort. As for her trump card, 'Underworld Descent', she did not want to use it. After all, she still trusted that the man known as Emiya Shirou was still alive and she was gonna put her faith on that.

'If not, then I must continue on what he has started.'

Kneeling down in the cold snow-filled ground, Madame Aisha clasps her hands together and closes her eyes. If someone were to see her, one could say that she would look like a holy maiden praying deep in thought.

Only a second after her action, the swirling darkness crashes unto her place, tearing apart the landscape like a massive and destructive whirlwind. Rocks, sand and dust are thrown violently as the power of the attack destroys and throws around everything in a large radius around it.

The raging storms last for a few more seconds before finally dying down. What was left was a large gash in the landscape as if something massive had crashed unto it from the sky. Whoever got caught in it wouldn't even survive the initial storm and even if one did, the power of the curses gathered around the attack would be enough to ensure the end of those who get caught.

And yet the Heretic God knew that not even a trace of her was left for she did not die from the attack. Rather, she had simply disappeared.

She was gone. Not dead but simply gone. That was what Angra Manyu could think of upon seeing the destruction that was laid upon its sight. It tried to copy one of the King's greatest power and yet it did not kill. Was it truly the case when such power was not used fully against those below it?

Wherever she went though did not matter to it. After all, with her gone and the other soon to die inside of it, it could continue upon what it had started out from the beginning.

- Kill -

The action itself was like a natural part of it similar to breathing for humans. As it was born from such a wish in the first place, it had become an instinct, an indistinguishable feature that made it think that it was the only solution it could think off for any problem presented against it.

With nothing else in the way, it started moving, taking its first step outside of its birthplace. The mass of its own body was enough to cause the ground to shake from its immense weight, leaving a deep imprint of its foot in the barren land accosted by the cold.

But as the Zoroastrian God takes its second step outwards, an odd phenomenon stops it.

'I am the bone of my sword.' The words seemed to vibrate in the air as they turned into power and yet where the words came from... it didn't know.

'Steel is my body and fire is my blood.' Crystallizing in the air, it imparted the essence of something into the world.

'I have created over a thousand blades.' It was a power to warp the world into one's own image.

'Unknown to death nor known to life.' A pinnacle amongst the users of magecraft.

'Have withstood pain to create many weapons.' A mystery of mysteries that no one could understand.

'Yet, those hands will never hold anything.' Power that only very few could ever hope to achieve.

At that moment, it finally understood what was happening and yet before it could even try to solve the problem, its body suddenly convulses. The reason behind it was revealed when an arrow bathed in blue light suddenly pierces through its flesh and bone from within, leaving a large gaping hole in place where its heart would've been located in. The same place where he had trapped that person.

Having escaped the shackles it had placed on it, the enemy jumps out through its now healing injury.

"You!" It spoke out in anger as its four eyes stare at the red figure that was soaring through the empty space just below its head.

"So as I pray, Unlimited Blade Works." Upon uttering those words, fire suddenly expands out beneath his feet, traveling outwards as it seemingly burns the air. Even though its form got hit by the flames, it felt nothing at all. There was no heat, only a burning light that changes the world. A Reality Marble.

The world had been changed into something else. A desolate world of steel, filled with smoke and flame. The barren land was filled with swords while the sky was covered in a brown haze as light from a star that shines from the horizon. And above stood the most unbelievable aspect of the world. Gigantic gears that one could say exceeded even the size of the moon.

But it was different. It was not like the barren world that the man had used during that time. Rather than his own power, instead, he was using the power of a different individual. It didn't even wonder if it was possible in the first place for the only thing it could think of was to kill the man in front of it.

However, the sudden appearance of golden light stops its actions for what now stood in his front was something its kind would fear. It was a light that could cleave through the darkness, a holy power that promised victory.

- Excalibur -

It was the strongest sword, the sword of a hero that the Zoroastrian God's container had summoned twice in the past ten years. The moment it appeared, the world of steel suddenly recedes, disappearing completely and returning the world back to the chaotic nature it was experiencing initially.

But Angra Manyu did not take notice for it had to stop the man in front. Extending out its arm, it was trying to snatch the man in the air and crush him. Before it could even attack, a golden object pierces its right foot, turning into a powerful bolt of lightning that annihilates both the flesh and bone of the heretic god.

Having lost its balance, Angra Manyu starts falling backwards as it stumbles from the sudden attack. At the same time as it did, black lances forming in the air were quickly directed towards the man yet before it could even start its assault, he was already prepared to utter out its name.

"Excalibur." He spoke in a quiet voice as he swung the sword raised up above his head downwards, creating a brilliant beam of golden light that proceeded to pierce its falling body before being engulfed in the golden lights explosive power.

Swinging the sword downwards, Shirou had sealed the defeat of his enemy. But doing so at such a close range meant that he himself would not be spared by the destruction of the swords power.

As the last drops of its power leave the sword, said power creates a blinding explosion as it engulfs the body of Angra Manyu. Shirou himself was too far to get affected directly by it but the force produced by the rising column of light was more than enough to hurl his body backwards.

Even though he was at his limit, Shirou still manages to reinforce his body which was barely enough to withstand the incoming impact. Moments after that, he felt himself landing in the hard ground while his vision starts blurring from the spin his body was currently in. He couldn't even stop it as control of his body felt extremely heavy so he could only wait for it to stop naturally, eventually doing so after having rolled in the ground sideways five times, ending with him looking up towards the sky.

At his current position, the red-head could barely make out the rising pillar of light at the edge of his vision.

However, he felt really weak just after having escaped and defeated the Zoroastrian God. While he was stuck under Angra Manyu, the curses it was made of were constantly trying to kill him and at the same time, the god's physical form was draining his prana at a rather alarming rate, leaving him with only a small fraction left upon getting out. Not only that, using Archer's Reality Marble resulted in a splitting headache and the pain was still lingering around his head though not as much compared to a few seconds ago.

'Looks like I did it...' His eyes begun closing as the realization of his victory struck him while the damage he had incurred began taking a toll on his mind.

'...' Shirou though he heard the voice of someone but he could not perceive it properly with his hazy mind. Right now, he couldn't even fight back against his mind which was slipping into unconsciousness. The last of what he saw seemed to be form of someone running towards him just as light behind the figure faded out of existence.

- Chapter 4: A New Form of Evil Part 2 End -

- 'The Beginning Arc' Epilogue -

When Shirou woke up, he found himself staring at a white roof. He could feel his surroundings rocking for a bit along with the sound of a siren running.

"Where... - ?" Before Shirou could complete his question though, his fellow Campione answers him.

"An ambulance. I'm glad that you're alright. When I found you lying out there, I thought that you were really gonna die." Madame Aisha who seating just to his right explains as Shirou looks around his surroundings.

"Please don't move around that much. We don't know how severe your injuries are and how long you've been out in this weather but you need to rest." The man who was wearing some thick coat as a well as a surgical mask speaks to him who was sitting at his left.

"I see." He replies as the blizzard continues to rage around them. The battle was truly over now.

Having realized it, Shirou makes him comfortable on the continues to think about everything that had happened recently. First off was the fact that he had ended up in an entirely different world far from his home. He didn't really like that but he managed to defeat Gilgamesh at the least.

What followed was him somehow becoming a 'Campione', a god slayer of the world. He could remember someone saying that they are people who manage to successfully slay a god, thereby gaining their powers and becoming extremely powerful as a result who held great influence in the world. He hadn't really expected that too happen to him after defeating the King of Heroes but there wasn't much he could do by this point.

And what just happened recently was his fight against Angra Manyu who became was released from the Holy Grail after having finally gained a wish to grant. It tried to fulfill it in its own twisted way but he and Madame Aisha were able to put a stop to that, preventing the deaths of many people.

Now that he thought about it, didn't too much happen in less than a month?

"We're here." The person to Shirou's right states out loud, indicating that they had just arrived at the hospital.

'This is going to be a long day.' He couldn't help but think up of that upon seeing the door in front of him open into the rather cold scenery.

"Thanks for helping me out there." The hospital was rather hectic mostly due to the fact that Madame Aisha was there. She was like a celebrity in the place, being greeted and thanked by all of the people who were currently there when they encountered her.

Shirou, currently confined in a private roomed, had learned that his fellow Campione had helped the hospital greatly by healing everyone inside just a few hours ago. Though when he thought about that, wasn't her usage of her healing magic a little too visible? It made him worry that some sort of organization would eventually appear and... well, he isn't sure about the last part but it was there to ponder upon and worry about. But still, he couldn't help but thank her for helping the people inside.

Sadly, the hospital staff weren't really keen on letting him go after hearing that he was injured. That was fine but he couldn't afford to stay any longer, considering the large commotion he and Madame Aisha had stirred up in that place. As for healing, Madame Aisha herself stated that she couldn't use her magic on him due to the extremely high magical resistance that comes with being a Campione so all he could do was rest until he felt better.

As for the aftermath of the battle, news was already spreading about the sudden heavy snow fall and the unexpected destruction of the Ziggurat of Ur. Considering where he and Madame Aisha came from, some of the officials they encountered tried asking them about it after hearing that they came from a place near it but Shirou's fellow Campione thankfully persuaded them to not ask their questions. That was when he learned that she had another Authority that would cause people to like her no matter what, more than powerful enough to turn people into overzealous followers. It was kind of scary when he thought about it.

"No problem." Madame Aisha responds with a smile as she looks out of the room's window only to be greeted with heavy snow fall. Catching sight of it again causes her shoulders to slump down in disappointment.

"Causing these kinds of problems to others. Why must this always happen?" She whispers to herself which Shirou still manages to hear. Her words were pretty much betraying some facts about her. Madame Aisha might not have realized it but based on her words alone, it seems to be that whenever she gets into a fight against things like the one he fought, the end result seems to be consistently something that causes inconvenience to those around her.

But then again, with their powers, something like that was unavoidable.

It took the female Campione a minute to recompose herself from her perceived failure before remembering something.

"Mr. Emiya. Is it possible to hear your story before that battle?" She reminds of him of what he promised shortly before he went to fight Angra Manyu by himself.

"Alright. But after the next checkup since its going to be a little long." Agreeing with that suggestion, she simply watches through the window as she starts pondering on her plans in the following morning.

"By the way Madame Aisha, what will you be doing after this?" Shirou asks, breaking her out of her thoughts.

"I guess I will be continuing on my journey northwards and eventually cross into Europe." If Shirou thought about, wasn't that quite a long journey? Then again, he couldn't argue on what she wants to do, especially since she was a Campione and first true acquaintance in his new world.

"Then how about you?" Madame Aisha suddenly asks him. The red-head couldn't help but close his eyes for a second and relax on the pillow as he thinks of an answer.

"For me, I'm planning to return to Japan once I get out of this place."

- 'The Beginning Arc' Epilogue End -

- Author's Notes -

And so marks the end the Beginning Arc, as I have called it. Took me a little too long to write this chapter but at least its here now. However, the long down time had resulted in some loss of quality as I get more tired everyday in trying to edit it. I promise that I'll make up for it with the next arc.

For this chapter, its essentially tying up all lose ends regarding the Holy Grail War. I'm not really sure if I have answered all questions here but the truth is, I didn't think out some of the explanations for some events before hand so some of those explanations might sound sloppy or unbelievable so in advance, I'm really sorry if that's the case. It's my fault for not researching before writing and not ensuring first that I had proper understanding of the mechanics. Though I do wish to hear your opinion regarding some of my theories for the reasons stated after this notes.

Now, there is one thing I realized I couldn't fit in directly this chapter so I would prefer to explain it here. That would be how Shirou, Gilgamesh and Angra Manyu could even get out of the Holy Grail (assuming that they really will get stuck inside of it if they got sucked in).

For this part, Gilgamesh manages to take over the Holy Grail like what would've happened in Heaven's Feel if Sakura didn't quickly break him down into prana. His body, being made out of the same curses as Angra Manyu, was able to hold all that power within him without any ill effects, not including his ego that could withstand the evils of the world. Since he had control, he uses this as a way to get out of the Holy Grail, or one could say that he simply wills himself out. I actually imagine the same black vortex forming around the top of the Ziggurat of Ur, spitting out Shirou and Gilgamesh.

Now I realized that that would entail the usage of true magic, something that the Holy Grail could not do. Well, my best explanation there would be that since its Gilgamesh, then the impossible can be possible. Actually, I'm using the fact that the Holy Grail can open a path to Akasha and that it is connected to the Throne of Heroes as an explanation that it could also technically open a pathway to another world. The only reason it cannot do so is because it requires a clear link to the world, a visible pathway that it could use in order to create a stable opening and lots of prana. Let's just say that trying to connect to other worlds require certain knowledge that only the practitioner of the 2nd Magic can know, something the Holy Grail cannot gain.

- Why I wrote this fic -

The very actual reason why I wrote this is in order to improve my writing and story telling skills and also learn the mechanics that exist in the Nasuverse. And the reason for those as well is to use whatever I learn for another story that I have in plan. That story (currently under the name Type-Divergence) has already been planned out months even before I thought of Fate Authority.

The story itself? It will be revolving around the Fifth Holy Grail War... at first. I don't really wish to give out much details but the main character will not be Shirou. Instead, he technically doesn't exist in that story so instead, his role will be replaced by another main character who I shall not name for now. Actually, the main character will be a she and no, she's not an O.C. That should easily narrow who it will be (and yes, she's a human). Of course, using a different character means that I can change somethings in regards to how the narrative plays out and how the character will develop during the Holy Grail War. However, the servants and other characters will not be changed at all save for the roles of some which will expanded upon. Also, I would like to note that characters from other Nasuverse media will be used for the story.

In fact, I already have all the arcs planned out and the prologue chapter written though I haven't touch that since I've started writing this. However, I will not be posting anything regarding that story until after I finish this. I simply don't want to get bogged down in handling that story at the same time as this since I think my plans for Type-Divergence is just too complicated (as a new writer).

- Some other things -

Annoyingly enough, the time between this chapter and the last has caused me to come up with two new fics, one which I have already written the summary of the prologue chapter for. The first one, just like Type-Universe would involve the main character being changed by someone else (this time by a character from another series). The second story would be a non-crossover story involving the main character... I don't feel like talking about it since I'm still not sure about it but the ideas there.

... I don't know... Those ideas just spontaneously popped out of my head while I was looking around for some Light Novels while at the same trying to read some chapters of Campione for the upcoming arc. I actually plan to run at least one of those fics concurrently with this story as a way to prevent me from getting stuck in long non-posting times such as what happened to this chapter but I might only be able to post it after the next arc.

- Enkidu and Ea -

I would consider this two to be the most controversial stuff when it comes to the King of Heroes and their role and appearance in this story has already been decided even before I wrote the prologue chapter.

For the truth, I will be using both. Now, this has actually been my plan since the start. Of course, the problem with these two is that in the Campione world, they're pretty much broken. Well, Enkidu is probably manageable but Ea is definitively not no matter what I do.

Starting with Enkidu, the weapon itself was something that Shirou originally can't use but it existed within the Gate of Babylon ever since he got it. After defeating Angra Manyu which had a piece of Gilgamesh's power like all other servants, he had managed to gain the rights in using it (like what kid Gil did) and Ea.

One thing I noticed about the Heavenly Chains though is that it has never been used against more than one person so I can easily use that as an explanation to state that it can only bind one subject at a moment.

Now when it comes to binding the divine, Heretic Gods would be considered like, well Gods except with their divinity rank decreased by one. Campione itself would be like demi-gods, probably having the same rank as Hercules in terms of divinity which means that with enough strength such as Godou's Bull Authority or enough speed, one could escape from the chains. Essentially, the chains are strongest against true Gods which do not appear that much in the story. Oddly enough, this thing seems to be capable of affecting divine weapons as well though I'm not sure how much since it barely changed the trajectory of a certain hammer.

Of course, Enkidu can also seal the authorities of God's and Campione, preventing them from using it though chanting their incantations would allow them to at least partially activate a small portion of their authorities power. However, for authorities that have already been activated, Enkidu needs to be bound around the subject's entire body and not just the arms or legs in order for it to at least seal more than half of the authorities power. As for weapons, I don't even think it can seal such things considering the power of some which can easily over power the chains.

As for the usage of Enkidu, it can only be used if Shirou manifests the avatar of the Gate of Babylon which would simply give him red eyes and Ea like markings that Gilgamesh has which for the latter, as I'm aware of, has never been shown in Fate/Zero and Fate/Stay Night.

And now for the broken one, Ea...

I had already decided to use it even before I had written up the prologue. The reason is simply put, I have not seen anyone use it yet. Well, that's not entirely the reason but I at least want to writes about Shirou using said overpowered power weapon along with the Heavenly Chains and the Gate of Babylon. Yet the biggest problem with Ea is that it is obviously overpowered.

It might have been shown that Ea can be beaten but it wasn't at full power on that time, as stated by its owner. However, to prevent Shirou from simply bringing out the weapon and using it to blast away all of his opponents away, I have placed a severe restriction. In fact, Shirou can't use it right now even if he manifests the avatar of the Gate of Babylon since he is lacking something which the King of Heroes has. I'm not sure if its obvious but that's the only thing I'll be saying about Ea since it'll be a long time before it would show up in this story.

To those who do not wish to see Ea appear, I can only give my apologies and hope that you would still be able to enjoy the story. I actually should've said this in the beginning but at that time, I wasn't sure if I would continue on my original plans or not before writing this chapter. I had doubts on using it at first but when I thought about it some more, I felt like I would enjoy writing about said weapon as well so I will continue on what I had planned out from the start.

- Original Plans for this Arc -

For this arc, I had originally planned for Shirou to fight another God altogether and not a Heretic God but a True God. But in the midst of writing the prologue, I decided to switch to Angra Manyu instead as a safer choice of sorts. Of course, that led to some problems such as how could Angra Manyu exist in that world? How could he escape from the vessel? How would get a physical body? And stuff like that.

It took some research a bit of guesswork in order to formulate a theory that for me, sounded plausible at best. Well, I do hope that the explanations on the first part wasat least understandable. Just PM anything for any mistakes or holes in my explanation so that I can improve upon it.

Regarding Chapter 2, the battle sequences itself would have been different. Rather than directly fighting in the Ziggurat, it would instead be Shirou and Aisha encountering and fighting black wolves in the town which will then lead to a chase scene of sorts of Shirou in Vimana following Angra Manyu flying in its dragon form in a mid-air battle. Eventually, it would've ended up in the same place as Chapter 3 which pretty much occurred just as how I planned it.

That was with Angra Manyu of course. The original plan of Shirou fighting against a true God did not even have such a fight sequence, instead being a direct fight against the god located near a lake of sorts (can't remember where though since I just randomly looked Iraq up and tried to find one such spot).

Now as for that god, I already have its identity set and currently, I plan to use that character for a future arc but nothing's been written on that part yet. In fact, I might just change it into a different Heretic God altogether in case I feel like that god's presence wouldn't mix well with the story.

- Comment on the previous chapters reviews -

Kinunatzs: That's actually in Heaven's Feel. In Unlimited Blade Works (route), Rider dies a rather anticlimactic death off screen. Truthfully, after having gone through Heaven's Feel, her death was a little disappointing after seeing and remembering it again.

As for God Hand, I won't be giving it to Shirou since, well, I've given him a weakened Berserker already.

Skelo: Thanks and I think I get it now after reading a bit more between this chapter and the last.

A Random Due Who Likes Anime: Might be hard due to his advantages with the Gate of Babylon and a certain something I've given him as I've mentioned above. Don't worry though about him using it as he wants. There's a big restriction right now that prevents him from using that thing on a whim.

Zaralann: I'm not really sure if Rule Breaker would work against powerful magical existence like Heretic Gods or even Servants. The only thing I've seen it do at most was severe the contract between Master and Servant (Shirou and Saber, Rin and Archer, and Sakura and Angra Manyu) so I'm assuming that its true function is simply erasing the magical connection between two objects.

battleking: Thanks but still be careful during work hours! And thanks again and will do. As for Authorities, he will and I have some plans regarding that for future chapters. During the next arc (Heavenly Sword), I'll be asking for ideas regarding an authority for a specific god which does not appear in the Campione! novels though I'll need to decide on the identity first.

second-stooge: True enough regarding the harem of Godou and thanks.

Elquenodebesernombrado: I think Shirou accessing the Throne of Heroes is impossible though he does have the capability to command the five servants thanks to Angra Manyu so I don't think I'll be dabbling about summoning heroes from that place any time soon. As for teachers or advisers, I'll be substituting them with characters from Campione novel.

pltrgst: He can.

bensandaime33: Thanks and now for your questions.

- Now that I think about it, it probably does.

- There should be some as well though learning them would be another matter all together (Shirou can read them at least even if the language is dead/lost so long as the language existed in the Campione World).

- Yes. Archer does allude to it during their fight but Shirou doesn't know it directly. But with some of Archer's memories, he might learn about it soon.

- Yes though it is said that after the Holy Grail War and after losing connection with Saber, his image of Avalon is stated to have been lost as well but I still think he can project it, just not perfectly.

- Not a Fae heretic god (I'm actually not aware of any such gods right now) but someone else all together. The focus will eventually shift to Avalon and those related to the legends of King Arthur in the future in order to build up for that part though that's still a long way out.

- I believe it is though Caliburn more of alludes to those who had already 'achieved victory' or those who are 'victorious' rather than 'bringing victory'. The part about 'bringing victory' more of refers to Excalibur.

- The gate does have one and its a cloth of sorts though it doesn't mask sound and smell.

- It is.

roanak: Actually, what Gilgamesh holds is the prototypes which have the same powers as the original (though I think this description is truer if its the opposite). For me, I believe that it is the powers of those Noble Phantasms that help some of the heroes become a legend rather than the heroes making the weapon legendary though.

As for the shield, I think you're referring to another shield altogether (Shield of the Gods) since Rho Aias in the Gate of Babylon (which should be there but its not been shown in any works yet) would literally be a normal sized shield that is held in the hand, not a conceptual weapon.

I actually think that Gram got reforged but still with the same name and not into Balmung, which based on some research, is in fact a separate sword. The stories confuse me though so I'm not really sure but for now, I'll assume that its in the gate as a separate weapon (which probably won't appear any time soon so there's still time for confirmation).

Guest 1: They don't really work together in this chapter though she did keep everything in check while he was stuck thanks to Angra Manyu.

Guest 2: I believe that all authorities can manifest an avatar of sorts and Shirou can though I have yet to fully decide on the form for his future authorities.

riffin121294: If you're actually referring to Shirou, he will gain one.

Guest 5: Just like to note that since he is a Campione, he would be immune to most curses save for those exceptionally powerful ones and those that manage to slip through his magic resistance. Even so, said curses would usually have less effect on such powerful people.

ParadoxVictor: Well, I never really had any plans of touching Godou's main harem (Erica, Yuri, Liliana, Ena). I actually more of wish to use other characters that don't have much spotlight in the current novel to pair up with Shirou and also, considering the current timeline of the Campione verse (would start at Ena's intro), it'll be a little hard for me to change some of the relationships. I do understand about the chemistry between Shirou and Lilianna considering their personality, but its a rather touchy subject for me right now.

Big thanks for the review and also for voicing out your opinion.

'The rest': Big thanks for the reviews and hope you enjoy the next chapter and arc.

- Shirou's new authority -

The False Throne

Authority usurped from the Heretic God, Angra Manyu, it grants Shirou the capability to summon the blackened form of the five servants (Lancer, Rider, Caster, Assassin and Berserker) that had appeared during the 5th Holy Grail War. Essentially, these servants are not like the real servants at all since they are instead fragments of said heroes that had been taken in by Angra Manyu, having become a part of its power. Originally, these power would have been used to fulfill the wish of the Holy Grail War's victor but after having arrived in the Campione Universe, it had been changed into a separate of power of sorts that allows Angra Manyu to summon said servants using that obtained power as a template of sorts.

As for the servants summoned under this authority, they are more like familiars that act with limited independence, simply being a shell of their true selves and having no true emotions.

Shirou can summon at least up to two at max. He may push it to four though trying to do so would risk the other servants disappearing due to loss of control. Also, trying to summon more than two would be quiet taxing to his reserves.

Once a servant is summoned into the world, Shriou can not summon another copy of said servant again. Not only that, if a servant were to disappear by Shirou's own doing or choice and get destroyed during battle or through some other means, then he will not be able to summon that same servant for an hour.

In terms of appearance, all the servants essentially look the same save for the fact that their clothing and skin are somewhat darker and paler respectively. Berserker himself is completely black with glowing red skin, a sign of its Noble Phantasm, God Hand having been corrupted as well.

In terms of Noble Phantasms, each servant has as at least a copy of one form of their own Noble Phantasm as detailed below:

Lancer - 'Gae Bolg'

- Lancers Gae Bolg is almost the same save for the fact that it cannot be used as a thrown weapon. Also, the lance's passive capability to prevent magical healing is weakened due to that though the killing effect of Angra Manyu's curses which the weapon is made out of makes up for it.

Rider - 'Bellepheron'

- This time, Rider's own mount itself has also been blackened turning it into a black pegasus that is the polar opposite of its original. Its defensive capability has been weakened due to this change but its offensive capability has been raised slightly due to its being able to spread out curses like the other servants. Bellepheron now takes on the form of a black comet only slightly weaker than the original.

Caster - Magic

- Technically, Caster does not have any Noble Phantasms. Rather, if one where to give her a Noble Phantasm, then it would naturally be her magic. One thing notable is that Caster can use Divine Words and while they worked back in their previous world, it was significantly weakened due to the fact that the Age of the Gods had already come to pass. However, in the new world they are in, divine magic is strong and so her magic itself is significantly strengthened. If the blackened Caster were to fight the original in her current state, she would most likely win thanks to her more powerful magic despite being only a fragment.

Assassin - 'Tsubame Gaeshi'

- As Tsubame Gaeshi is a skill of Assassin rather a true Noble Phantasm, it is more dependent on the physical prowess of its user. The only problem though is that due to Assassin being only a fragment, the technique itself has lost some of its power as the blackened servant does not have any true will or soul, relying on memories stored inside of it. Also, if one is fast enough, the first and second slash can be dodged.

Berserker - 'God Hand'

- Berserker's God Hand, being one of its main Noble Phantasm, is almost the same in most senses save for the changes made to his skin which are now glowing with a blood red color mixed. However, Berserker does not have any extra lives which in his current state may not truly matter since he can easily be recreated by Shirou if the current incarnation falls or gets too damaged. Of course, doing so multiple times costs a lot of prana so it is not something Shirou could do continuously.


"Servants of the holy war, serve me once more and become the new evils of the world!"

"For I shall call upon their names, heroes of the old who once lived in the legends. Now return with a cursed soul so that you may grant my wish once more!"

- Noble Phantasm -


Rank: A++

The Sword of Promised Victory and also considered as the strongest swords. It is the sword gifted to Arturia Pendragon after Caliburn broken, created by the Fae along with its sheath, Avalon. The blade shines a brilliant golden light that is the manifestation of her very ideals as a Knight and King. As a Holy Sword, it is extremely powerful against those that could be considered evil, capable of banishing them with its powerful light. It is even said in the legends that the sword can kill a god though Arturia herself had not fought a god during her time.

- Thank you for reading this chapter and hope you've enjoyed it. Please wait warmly for the next arc. -