Disclaimer: I don't own Pok'emon
I do own the idea for this story.
I got the idea from a picture I saw of a Tropius with a Togepi, Pichu and an Eevee. just so you know...
Ch.1 Arrival and Lost
A five year old Ash and his mother Delia step off the boat and onto one of the Orange Islands called Kumquat Island, Ashs mother had won a ticket to one of their luxurious hotels, and thought it would be delightful to have a vacation.
Ash had loved the boat ride over to the Island, he had saw many unique water pok'emon and even an advetureas young Lapras that had played ball with him from the ocean for a day then had to leave when it's pod came and got it.
Ash saw many tropical birds and some Pidgey and Pidgeot when they got close to the island, and vowed to catch and train a Pidgey into one of the magnificent birds so they could fly together.
Ash held his mothers hand as they walked into the lobby of their hotel, he looked around while his mother talked to the manager, he spoted a Alakazam floating sitting indian style with it's eyes closed nearby and tilted his head at it curious, he let go of his moms hand and walked up to it "Ash hunny don't go to far okay" "Okay mom" Ash smiled and continued.
Ash looks up at the floating pok'emon "How are you doing that?" he asks, one of the pok'emons eyes peeks open and looks at him, then smiles at the child, Ashs eyes widden when he hears a voice.
"It is because im a Alakazam a psycic type, I am able to move and do things with my mind, young one" "Waoh your so cool, It's nice to Alakazam my names Ash Ketchum" Ash introduced then his mom was calling his "I gotta go I hope we meet again, while im here, see ya" then Ash jogged away and took him mothers hand again while waving to the psycic type.
Ash soon had all his clothes put away and he and his mother went strait to the beach, which Ash dove into the water with his mother staying on shore on a beach towel reading a novel that Ash couldn't careless about.
through out the day Ash played with many of the water pok'emon that came close to the shore, mainly the Magikarp, some Krabby, Shelder, Qwilfish, Corsola, and Remoraid, even some Horseas joined in to the Magikarp would let him hold onto the golden crown and they would pull him along the shore not to far from the beach.
All and all he had a great time that day and to think he was staying here for two weeks it was going to be great, Ash and him mother had lunch in a beach side restarant, that was on the water, A favorite place for water type trainers.
Ash enjoyed the lunch with the pok'emon around and secretly sent some bread to the Magikarp that he had befriended.
Ash went back to the beach to play with his water type friends as much as he could for that week, while also exploring and helping some pok'emon he found in the city.
The second week was nearly the same he made a habit to help the family of pok'emon he found and playing with the two Magikarp that stayed to play with him.
But on the 13 day of their vacation Ash was playing with his Magikarp, his friends had pulled him further out than before in their game, when a storm hit the island Ash and his friends tried to swim back to shore where Ashs mother was but the ocean drew him out into the sea with his friends.
When the storm was over the next day Delia was frantic she went strait to the police station and got every one she could to help search for her child, boats were sent out to look.
Delia called Professor Oak, and he came to be with the destressed mother, on that day the met a lone Meowth that Delia had spotted many times playing with her son, it was walking around, and seemed to be searching for something.
Then some of the search party came and gave a report that they haven't found him yet then they left to comtinue the search, Delia felt a tugging at her dress, it was the Meowth it was trying to pull her some where.
"Meeowth!" it meowed and took off toward an ally, just before it entered "Meowth!" it called again and then rushed into the ally.
Delia and the Professor followed nearly losing the cat a few times then coming to large area surrounded by buildings were the met a Persian and a pink and cream cat pok'emon with large ears, "Meh meh!"
"A Skitty what is it doing here?" the old Professor said, then gulped when the Persian growled.
"Who are you human" a voice growled "Where is Ash" it growled again.
"Me-Meowth- eowth!" the small Meowth said worriedly.
"Missing? you... human tell me where Ash is" the voice asked again
The Professor thought for a moment and said "Telepathy?".
"Yes I can comunicate with telepathy, now answer my question!" the Persian roar at them, growling.
"W-we don't know where Ash is" Delia said sobbing "He was playing in the ocean when that storm hit yesterday."
"The ocean huh?" Persian thought out loud, then looked at her kittens "Skitty, Meowth, you will go with these two humans until I return understood," the kittens nodd and walk to the two the humans "And you two will look after them until I return," The Persian turns to and ally and begins to walk.
"W-Wai-" the mother Persian was gone, they had no choice but to do as she said, they took the two kittens with them to the hotel to wait for news to arrive.
1 hr and 30 minutes later a booming shrill sound echoed across the island, making everyone cover their ears at the screech, it lasted for 5 minutes before silence, but it was brief silence, many people ran outside and looked up at the large swarm of bird pokemon coming from the mountain inland, they flew past the city with great speed, spreading out above the sea, only one of the bird pok'emon stopped by the city, a large Pidgeot flew down to Delia and the Professor, hovering for a momment to let off Persian before it followed the others faster than any had seen a Pidgeot fly before.
"Ash will be found" was all the mother Persian said before walking to her kittens to wait.
With Ash
Ash kicked again in the water holding onto his two friends swiming as much as he could before he had to go back up for air, and resting, he was getting tired, really tired, and the two Magikarp could tell they were frantic, they knew swiming during that storm had tired out their young friend and were worried.
Ash was able to continue for another hour before he passed out from exhaustion and started to sink, the Magikarp saw their friend and tried to keep him afloat but they were to small, to do so for to long and were getting tired as well.
A large wave took Ash away form the fish pok'emon, they swam after his sinking body frantically, all of a sudden they both were glowing.
Close to where the Magikarp were the large Pidgeot was soaring with some Pidgeotto searching the water with their sharp eyes, A large Splash alerted them to two Gyarados that roared in worry.
Their on the larger Gyarados' back layed the boy they were searching for, he was coughing up water, but but soon fell stil in exhaustion.
The smaller Gyarados spotted the Pidgeot and roar for help, it was imediatly given.
With Delia
No one had heard anything from the search party, and Delia looked close to crying again.
Another loud shrill screech sounded form the ocean, which made the mother Persian look up from playing with her kittens and walk out side stating "They found him" which had Delia and the Professor following quickly, Persian led them to a peer that boats docked at and waited, soon many figures could be seen two in the water and many flying.
What they saw shocked them two Gyarados were swimming quickly towards them looking worried the large Pidgeot flew ahead and reported to the mother persian "It would seem Ash has made some friends for life" Persian said outloud to the frightened humans.
Soon the Gyarados were beside the peer, the larger one moved so that its body was right next to the end, it was giving the humans soft sounds, that the professor had never heard a Gyarados make before, the smaller Gyarados moved close to the larger one and picked up something, The Professor, and Delia watch as the serpent pick it's head up and reveal Ash gental enclosed in its mouth, and place Ash onto the deck, before, gental rumbling in worry.
Delia gave a cry at the sight of her son and raced to him, she picked him up checking him over from head to toe.
Delia was sitting, having finally calmed down after having Ash checked over by the doctor on the island, Persian and her kittens where in the room and the Gyarados were looking in to the room every now and again from the pool out side, which scared some of the other patience until they saw and heard how gental they were then they calmed down.
The next day Ash woke up from a sneeze dew to Skitty tickling his nose, He got bear hugs from his mother and the Gyarados who he was told by Persian where his friends the Magikarp, he remembered the two evolving while he drowned but was to tired to move at the time.
He hugged them just as hard as they hugged him, It was time to leave Kumquat Island, Ash was sad, until his mother handed him five pok'eballs and explained "They're coming home with us, I don't know where we'll put your Gyarados but we'll find a place."
Ash was as happy as can be, he could introduce his new friends to his other friends in Pallet town.
What do you all think! The story was alittle short but I think it's a great start.
Tell me what tou think! Write a review!