PLOT: What is a girl to do when the boy she loved tried to kill her and her new team thinks of her as weak and pathetic? Why become emotionless, cuts her hair, dresses like a boy, and leaves her village all in the name of revenge! The Akatsuki recruits this pink haired 'boy' and weird things start to happen in the base. What is this beating in their chest and why do they think their becoming gay and is blaming the pink haired 'boy'? WARNING: LOTS AND LOTS OF SPOILERS! BE WARNED!

Hi it's scar again! This is my new story. I will post a lot more later on because a bunch of ideas keep popping up in my head… ENJOY!

Ai means yes

Oi means annoyance


A mysterious young boy and a big black wolf is seen strolling down the streets of Takumi no sato (village of Artisans.) The villagers were starring at the handsome young man and his pet wandering who these strangers were and how they can bed the boy (the girls). The men stared in both jealousy and confusion since they couldn't understand how this boy can have such angelic features but still look like a man. The girls starred in both envy at his feature and lust because he was the handsomest boy they've ever seen. 'I want him' all the girls thought as some stared shamelessly at the boys strong body despite all the clothing he was wearing. They would have approached him but every time they came near, the wolf would growl (except at the children; he loved children and would let them pet him).

The boy was indeed handsome. He had short pink hair and green eyes. His left eye was covered by a lock of pink hair while his green eyes shined brightly. He was wearing the Konoha ANBU attire but without the mask or any headband stating which village he was from. His face had the features of a beautiful girl but he was obviously a boy since he looked like he had no boobs and his body was muscular like a man. He had a slightly large forehead but it was covered by his pink hair. His pet was a giant male wolf (the size of akamaru when he is transformed)and was all black except for his eyes which were a startling bright silver with a tint of light blue.

The young man walked around the village known for its skilled craftsmen and its many weapons.

'Finally' the young man thought as it found a shop for skilled at making weapons. When he walked in, he was met with the same expressions as from the other weapon shops he visited. Jealousy/curiosity/lust was shown on the other customers face as they looked at the new arrival.


I walked through the store while looking through all the weapons.

'For a world known shop, they have some shitty ass scrap of metal' I thought as I looked through all the swords. I walked further on when something shiny caught my eyes. I walked towards it and was immediately in love with what I saw. It was a sword. The handles were black and the design on it was that of a dragon and it circled around the handle. I picked it up and was disappointed to feel that it was light. Usually, the light swords were the ones that brake easily. I checked how sharp the blades were and was happy to see that it cut my finger when I barely touched it. I tried bending it a little and it bended but went back to place.

'hm… I will need to work on its flexibility' I thought while admiring the sword.

I walked to the cashier and paid for the sword and a few other weapons that I might need. It took a lot longer than I guessed since the cashier was a girl and kept blushing and stumbling. She finally gave me my change and I was going to leave the store but was stopped.

"Well, young men do you like the sword?" a booming male voice came from behind me.

I turned around to see a brown hair with brown eyes short chubby man standing behind me. A beautiful young blond haired woman with mischievous blue eyes was standing right next to him and she was starring right at me. I knew that look too well… lust.

"Ah, yes sir." I answered him in my deep voice that I acquired from being force by inner to scream at the top of my lungs for hours.

"Good, good, good! My name is Youji and this here is my beautiful wife June and we own this establishment." He said cheerily while his wife continued to stare at me.

"Hello, my name is Saku and this here" I said pointing at my wolf "is Hisoka."

"Saku…" the woman said huskily as she kept looking at me. I was surprised by two things.1) she was flirting with me right in front of her husband. 2) That the woman can tell that it wasn't my real name.

"Ah, yes. I changed my name since I moved away due to some … family issues" I said totally ignoring her pass at me.

"So Saku, what are you doing in Takumi no sato?" the man asked totally oblivious to his wife failure at flirting.

"I am just traveling around the different villages. I am going to look for a place to stay here for a while than I will be on my wan to next village tomorrow." I said

"Come stay at our place" the woman said quickly before the man can say anything. I can practically see her stripping me with her eyes. 'Ugh…' I thought trying not to roll my eyes or shudder.

"Yes what my wife said!"

I thought over this for a while. Sleep on a warm bed and possibly get raped by a mad woman or… sleep on the streets again on the cold floor and possibly get raped by prostitutes/fangirls. Again.

"Ok." I answered them not wanting to either offend their offer or sleep on the streets and almost get rapped again.

"Come!" the man said leading me to the back door. We went some flights of stairs until we came upon another door. They opened it and we walked in. Apparently, they lived on top of their store.

The lady dragged me around the whole house showing me where everything was until finally she came to the room I was staying in. She finally left and I was glad to be finally away from the crazy woman. The room was decent. I unpacked and I picked out a picture of me and my old teammate. On the picture was a man with white hair and a mask that covered his left eye. He was standing behind three kids and I can tell he was smiling even though he was wearing the mask. A black haired boy with onyx colored eyes was on the left side and he was standing away from the other two kids. He looked bored and as if he wanted to be anywhere else then there. On the right side of the picture, there was a blond hair boy with blue eyes scratching his head while smiling sheepishly. In the middle, a pink haired girl with green eyes looked as if she was screaming at the blond haired boy. Now, you may be thinking 'wait… pink hair… green eyes… YOU HAVE A SISTER!' No, I don't! In fact, the pink hair girl with green eyes is me! And yes, I am a girl!

My real name is Sakura Haruno. Yes… the Sakura Haruno who was the apprentice of Tsuande, Hokage of Konoha and is the second best medic-nin around the world. I was born and raised in Konoha. The guys I mentioned in the pictures Kakashi-sensei, Sasuke Uchiha, and one of my best friends of all time, Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze. Yes as in the son of the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze. We were team seven and we were supposed to work together and all become the greatest ninjas in the world. Naruto was suppose to become the next Hokage with me becoming Sasuke's future wife and him finally accomplishing his dreams of avenging his families death and killing his older brother, Itachi Uchiha. But, all went downhill the day we met Orochimaru and he bitten Sasuke and given him a curse mark. Orochimaru promised great powers, enough to kill Sasukes brother, and Sasuke took the bait and went looking for Orochimaru. Sasuke became hungry with power and was blinded with the want of more power. We went after him a couple time and every time, he tried to kill us. That was the first reason why I left the village. I mean, who would want to stay in a place where everything reminds you of the person you were in love with and, who tried to kill you. After my parents died in a mission a few months later, it only gotten worse. The second reason, was because of my new team. Since Sasuke left, a new guy named Sai replaced him. He was ok, but he kept saying exactly what was in his mind and he is always calling me ugly and is always talking about Naruto's dick size. Naruto had left the village before I left to train in order to achieve my foolish promise I made him do to bring the Uchiha bastard back to Konoha. He was soon replaced by a girl named Naomi. Naomi was a bitch. She constantly picked on my forehead size and since (I hate to admit) she was stronger than me then, she would bully me although, Sai would sometimes take pity and order her to stop (she had a major crush on him). Kakashi was soon replaced by a man named Takeshi. He was a mean man who called me weak and pathetic. He would constantly pick on me and he didn't care to try and at least help me grow stronger (Kakashi did not train me either as much as I would have liked but at least he did not ridicule me). I asked Tsuande if I can leave and presented her with why I must leave and she reluctantly let me leave after I was practically on my knees begging her. I miss Naruto, Ino and all of my old friends from Konoha. I even miss Sasuke (but not in a 'I still love you!' kind a way; more like a 'I miss you as a friend' kind of way). But, I don't regret my choices. I first left to Suna and there, I began to change my looks. I became close friends with Temari and her brothers treated me like I was there sister. I gotten tired of my old looks and Temari helped me cut my hair. It wasn't until I left Suna that I decided to dress like a boy, act like a boy and become a boy (no, not by a jutsu or by having sex change; only by binding my chest). Now, I've been gone for five years and now I am 18 years old.

Anyways, back to the future, I escaped from my room without the lady noticing me leaving and I walked downstairs.

I saw that Hisoka was sitting by the cashier girl growling at five guys who were sound-nins. I narrowed my eyes when I saw that the girl seemed uncomfortable and was standing really close to Hisoka.

'Hisoka, what is wrong?' I thought.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I have an inner. She had helped me throughout the years and she had somehow was able to save Hisoka from his abusive owner. After a year of being away from Konoha, Inner has left me and I thought she was gone forever. One day while on my way to Iwa, she suddenly popped in my head and I almost had a heart attack. It turned out that she had somehow left my mindscape and went into someone else. She was lost for a while but she finally found me. She told me that the last head she was in was a head of a mad man who had stolen and mistreated a small wolf pup. Me, being the animal lover that I am, went to save the pup. The guy was a drunken fool who was asleep when I went and took the pup away. I had rid the world of trash before I left by decapitating him. In the beginning it took Hisoka a while to get use to me but now, he is my best friend. Anyways, Inner was able to somehow bond our minds together and now, I know what Hisoka is thinking/feeling and he knows what I am thinking/feeling.

'Bad men!' he said in my head while still growling at the men.

I walked towards them and when I gotten closer, I understood why Hisoka was agitated. The guys were trying to get the girl to leave with them to go 'have fun' but she kept refusing. They tried to grab her and Hisoka barked at them which caused them to flinch and back off a little. I grabbed the guys arm and slammed his head on the desk while holding his hand behind his back. The girl got scared when I showed up out of nowhere.

"Are you ok?" I asked the girl and she just shook her head while hugging/choking Hisoka close to her.

I grabbed the guy I was holding and threw him out the door. He flew across the street and went through the wall. The remaining four guys and the girl looked speechless. Knowing what was going to happen and not wanting to ruin the store, I shunshined outside into the street. The guy I threw was unconscious. The other guys came running at me. One tried to stab me with a kunai but instead he stabbed a log. I had sent a few of my clones and they were too busy fighting them. I sat on the rooftop of the weapon shop and watched what was happening. Currently, only two of my clones were fighting so I decided to get it over with. I jumped down from the roof and when I landed, there was a giant crater where I stood. The guys were blown away by the force of the crater and they crashed into the wall. I dusted myself off and looked at the guys.

'for a bunch of ninjas, they suck ass' I thought as I looked at the ninjas in distaste.

"tsk. Tsk. Man you guys fucking suck ass" I said.


Two of them were unconscious while the other two seemed pissed at what I said. They got up and came at me. I evaded their attacks and started getting bored. Suddenly, I felt a presence behind me and I immediately ducked and turned to see that it was the guy I threw across the street. Hisoka came running out the shop and attacked the guy. The guy hit Hisoka away and kicked him. With the sound of whimpering, now I was serious. No one hurts my family. I jumped in front of Hisoka, grabbed the guys leg and twisted until I heard the sweet sounds of bone cracking. The guy screamed and fell to the floor in pain. The two other guys were a bit hesitant when they saw I had easily twisted his leg as if he were a doll but, they finally attacked. I decided to finally end it by using a jutsu that I made myself. Inner has left my head and went into the minds of the two men and she soon came back to my mind.

'It's ready.'

I made hand signals and I whispered the jutsu. "Black Dragon Bloom: Mind Crusher!" (IDK… I'm too lazy to come up with another name.)

I held out my mind and I started to crush my hand as if I had something in it. Soon, the two guys fell to the floor screaming in agony. Couple seconds later, blood started coming out there ears, eyes, mouths and nose. They were dead.

I grabbed the kunai and was going to kill the other three but Hisoka stopped me.

'No. Enough.' He said while blocking me from reaching the other guys. He knew that once I started, it was hard for me to stop. He came and rubbed himself against my leg and I soon became calm. I looked at the three remaining guys and decided to at least heal them. They were still unconscious after I healed them and they were sent to the hospital. When the authorities came, all the civilians were on my side. They said that the guys attacked me first and I was only defending myself from them. The cashier girl had told them that the guys were trying to forcibly take her and rape her (she might have exaggerated a bit but, they didn't need to know that). The authorities were at first reluctant to let me go but, after I told them I was leaving tomorrow, they let it go.

"What happened here?!"

"I turned around to see standing there in shock as he looked at the damage.

"Daddy!" the cashier girl said as she hugged him. "This boy saved my life!"

"What?!" he said shocked.

I told him what happened and he hugged the girl tighter.

"Thank you Saku! If it wasn't for you, my daughter could have been…" he choked at the end as if he could not have even thought about what might have happened to his beloved daughter.

"Thank You Saku!"

"Ai." I said

"Come! Tonight, we celebrate my friend arrival!" The guy announced to the neighbors.

Everyone cheered and they went into the little apartment. I was the last to walk in but I stopped and looked up at the roof. Standing there were two dark figures who watched everything that happened from the shadows. I knew that they were there the whole time despite the fact they hid their chakra so well. All though they were a bit far, I could still make out the figures and the distinctive cloaks they were wearing.

'Akatsuki' I thought. I just stared at them while they stared back at me. After a few seconds, they turned around and were gone. I looked at where they were standing for a few seconds and than just shrugged off a feeling of uncertainty and walked into the building to be met by a bunch of girls starring at me and giggling.

'Oi… now I know how the Uchiha feels…' I thought.