Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto

AN: There are gonna be a lot of parenthesis because it is a mind swap fanfic and I don't wanna confuse you guys too much so if the name is in parenthesis that means that's who they really are. For example Sasuke (Sakura)-Sakura's mind in Sasuke's body. And then once I just say Sakura and Sasuke I mean them actually since you get the idea now that they're mindswapped...this one shot hurts my head. But for this first part its being told from how Ino sees it.

Ino has seen a lot of stuff in her life. A lot. But this!? This was something else. All she did was just go around the village to search for her pink-haired friend, but what she ran into was the supposed calm and collected raven haired boy strangling and screaming at Naruto while Sakura only leaned against a tree looking as if she was about to fall asleep.

"NARUTO YOU BAKA! ALWAYS MESSING SHIT UP YOU BETTER FIX THIS YOU HEAR ME!?" Sasuke roared. He was thrashing Naruto's collar back and forth, and poor blond haired boy's face was a serious dark purple color. He raised his fist. "I'M GONNA END IT FOR YOU RIGHT NOW YOU-"

Ino sweat-dropped big time.

"S-Sasuke-kun...?" she stuttered out. Since when did he act so much like...

Team 7 looked over at the Yamanaka.

Sakura only opened one eye to look in her direction before letting out a sigh.

Naruto looked at her with begging eyes.

"Ino-chan!" he cried desperately flailing to escape the scary Uchiha's grasp. "Help me!" But Sasuke wouldn't have it. He scowled and tightened his grip on Naruto's collar.




"So long story short...Naruto messed up a new jutsu and mind-swapped you guys?" Ino asked, pointing at Sasuke and Sakura

Sasuke (Sakura) growled. "Yes..." she threw the darkest glare in Naruto's direction and he felt a shiver of fear run down his spine.

Sakura (Sasuke) only nodded.

"...AHAHAHAHAHA!" Three gazes snapped towards Ino's direction as she fell backwards and grasped her stomach for dear life.

"T-This isn't funny Pig!"

She looked at (the real) Sakura and smirked. "Kinda is Forehead~ ah well I can't really call you that now can I?" Ino laughed.

Sakura pouted and looked at Sasuke.

"No funny business Sasuke-kun!" she snapped. "I will know!"

Sasuke sighed. "Sakura, I'm not Naruto," he said simply. He kept his arms crossed.


Sakura grabbed his hair. "Naruto! You're still not out of this you know..."

"Itai Itai! I know Sakura-chan I know!"

"I could help out!" Ino piped in. "I specialize in mind jutsus I can figure something out for sure," she grinned. "Ne...but for the time being you guys will have to swap lives. Sakura they're not gonna let you work in the hospital because you're in Sasuke-kun's body, and Sasuke-kun they're not gonna give you your usual missions since you're in Sakura's body. So that leaves...Sasuke-kun helping out in the hospital and Sakura taking over Sasuke-kun's missions."

"HELL NO!" Sakura roared. "Sasuke-kun doesn't know half of what I know! Tsunade-sama would kick me out of the hospital!"

"Look I'll tell Shizune-san so she will be around Sasuke-kun whenever there's a patient. If Tsunade-sama found out about the situation...all of us are dead."

"Especially me!" Naruto shouted with a frown.

"You deserve it! I always get wrapped up in these situations with you!"

"Yo Teme...you've been even quieter than usual...what's going on."

"Fuck off Dobe," the Uchiha snapped. A vein nearly throbbed. Pink hair. Of all people to switch bodies with it had to be with his pink-haired teammate.

"Yosh!" Ino exclaimed clapping her hands together. "Its time you guys!"

Sakura tightened her armor around her now muscular body as mumbled some pleasant vulgar words under her breathe. Originally Sasuke had been placed on an assassination mission today, so maybe she'll be able to let some anger then. Unfortunately it won't be in her usual show-stopping, earth and bone-crushing way...but it was something.

"I can't believe this bullshit," she growled. As she began to tie the ends of the headband her pale fingers nestled into her now spiky hair. Eh...Sakura began poking at the ends of the hair with interest before balling it in her fist. She hummed, "I wonder how Sasuke-kun does his hair." Her eyes traveled to the mirror observing her new figure.

"Well...lets see how badly this will crash and burn." But~ she couldn't possibly leave without taking a little something with her.

There was no harm in trying out his katana right?

"Oi! If it isn't my pink-haired beauty! Come to take care of me darlin'?"

"She's here to see me fatzo! She saw you earlier today!"

"Back of amateurs! The lovely Dr. Haruno is here to see me now!"

Sasuke...was...ready...to...kill. Ten gropings, fifteen proposals for a date, twenty men have fought for her...and its not even noon yet. The vein bulged on the Uchiha's forehead. How the hell could Sakura deal with these filthy disgusting men!? Once he gets back in his own body he might as well disintegrate them all so there would be nothing of them to go to the hospital.


That seemed like a nice idea.

A devilish smirk graced upon his lips.

"Sasuke-san," Shizune said in a hushed voice near his ear. "Its either you deal with these patients or deal with the Hokage," she warned as if she had read his mind. She shoved a clip board into his hands. "Now let's get a move on! You have about five more checkups booked in for the next two hours, and then you have been requested for surgery at three but I told them I'd take over so just do whatever I tell you. Oh and we also have some papers for you to fill out about the patients that you have seen today."


"Ah!" Shizune shoved a finger near his nose. "Sakura-san never says 'hn'! Sakura acts polite, cheery, and professional. You better get it right or either me or Tsunade or Sakura herself will end you. And quit being so grumpy! For Sakura this a walk in the park day for her."

Sasuke nearly scowled before Shizune stepped away and allowed him to greet her next patient.

He cleared his throat before using a fake pleasant voice. "Hello Kato-san."

The older man threw on a wickedly wide grin before wrapping both arms around Sasuke, one wrapped around his now small waist and the other hand rested on his...ahem.

"If it isn't my favorite doctor!"

Sasuke fumed. This dirty little-!

Let's just say Shizune had to drag Sasuke away before that hospital room became a murder scene.

I guess it is safe to say that Sakura had a bit more fun today than Sasuke did.

She walked in the forest almost gleefully, the sun glistening the katana that had been decorated in blood stains.

"Maaahhhhh," she exclaimed happily. "Who knew being on the field like that could be this fun!" It definitely got her mind off of the stressful situation that the kunoichi was currently in, and it made it all the better that Sasuke's body was built for such missions. It was nice to have some outdoor missions after all the time she spent cooped up in the hospital with all the touchy patients, and mountains of paperwork. Oh yeah...touchy patients.

Sakura smirked mischievously. "I bet Sasuke-kun is having fun," she chuckled to herself. "Now he won't think my job is so easy anymore hm."

Sakura froze in her steps.

Wait a minute.

Before she went back to Ino and Naruto...

...It would be wrong to leave Sasuke's body without trying out some of his learned jutsus. Now what to pick...oh! The Chidori! She remembered seeing Kakashi-sensei do it a few times as well as the Uchiha himself.

Her onyx eyes glowed in excitement at the thought of trying this well-known powerful jutsu. Now what were the hand seals again? She started moving her fingers accordingly. Ox...Boar...Ram...Horse...Monkey...Rat...Dragon...Serpent...Bird...Hare...Tiger...Dog.

She felt the chakra surge throughout her arm to reach the palm of her hand. She saw a flicker of electricity being lifted from her fingers and she froze in anticipation. But nothing else happened.

Eh? But-



The two blonds stared at Sasuke and Sakura.

Sasuke's emerald eyes were twitching in irritation, clothes a wrinkled mess, and tangled up bubble gum hair.

Sakura had a dumb founded smile, every bit of onyx hair sticking straight up out of her hear, and overall burnt skin and face. Wait...was that barbecue they smelled?

"So..." Naruto started trying to avert himself from laughter. "How did you guys get through the day?"