He was used to waking up early, sleeping in late was out of the question. He dressed up, had breakfast at the barracks, and after his morning coffee and cigarette he set off to spend his day relaxing. He walked the streets and considered possible destinations. There was a wide variety of choices, starting from amusement parks to onsen. The movies seemed also a good option, but after seeing nothing fancy in the programme list, he called that off. He just loitered around, then opted for a nearby bathhouse.

He never thought that on his day off a really serious problem would occur. He was incredibly lonely. Something was amiss, and he couldn't put his finger on what it was. He was looking forward to be finally away from work and his subordinates. Even Kondo-san got on his nerves regardless of the respect and love he felt toward his commander. As he soaked in the hot water, the uneasiness didn't dissipate. It even mixed with something more shocking : utter boredom.

He couldn't shake off the weird gloomy mood, even when he left the onsen and visited his favorite bar. He tried to remember the last time he had so much time for himself, and how was it possible that he didn't have fun this time. Then he remembered. His previous day off was fun, and … disastrous.

Of course how could he have forgotten? Everywhere he went then, there was a certain loser who kept bothering him. Their routes always crossed, and wherever he went, the bastard was sure to turn up as well. According to him it was totally unintentional, but that wasn't a good excuse for him to be there. Their verbal and physical fights were unending, and by the end of the day Hijikata was not relaxed at all, as he intended. Exactly the opposite: he was extremely annoyed, nervous and dead-ass tired because of Sakata Gintoki.

It was so long ago, yet Hijikata wondered how could he have forgotten that awful day. He would never admit to himself that he secretly enjoyed it, but now his life seemed empty without the silver-haired idiot's constant nagging and bickering. He lit up another cigarette as he kept walking, musing all the way about his long awaited day off that was so uneventful and boring so far. Without actually caring where he headed, his feet suddenly treaded familiar ground. He saw a greenhaired maid cleaning the street in front of a snack bar. Out of the bar a man was seemingly thrown out, because he left more quickly than it was natural. He wore dusty old clothes, sunglasses and an old man's face. He remembered this guy, he occassionally saw him together with…

Oh. Hijikata's eyes went wide. He just arrived at the Yorozuya. His cigarette burned to the stub as he gazed at the top floor above the snack bar.

It was really strange how he got here, so deep into Kabukicho. He will have to take a taxi back to the barracks, because walking back would take forever. He didn't know why would he come here of all places is Edo. It was … unintentional. What a strange excuse.

He went up the stairs, not knowing why. The steps creaked beneath his feet. He knocked softly on the door, but there was no answer. He considered leaving, as he had no plans to come here in the first place, but he had a second thought. He tried opening the door… it wasn't locked.

How reckless are these people? Leaving their door open when they aren't home? he thought as he peeked in. To his surprise, a pair of boots lay by the door, discarded. Probaly the Yorozuya was here? He entered the house and took off his sandals. With soft, barely audible steps, he went into the living room to see if the perm-head was really home. The so-called office wasn't empty yet it was quiet, almost in a deafening way. Hijikata finally got sight of the person he was looking for.

Gintoki lay on one of the couches, unmoving and silent. Last week's Jump issue covered his face. Hijikata found it strange – Gintoki sleeping during daytime wasn't that impossible to comprehend, but to be asleep this quiet? Somehow Hijikata imagined him to snore loudly. That's what lazy bums usually do, especially ones who have a tendency to pick their nose in public.

Out of curiosity Hijikata stepped closer and removed the magazine from the others face. He was surprised at his own actions, but Gintoki's motionless and quiet form unnerved him little. It was as if a dead person lay there but instead of a white fabric, the face was covered with a Jump issue.

The face he revealed had a scrunched up expression, and Gintoki let out a painful moan. That was a really unexpected reaction, and Hijikata's curiosity just doubled.

"Why are you bothering Gin-san? Go away, whoever hell you are." he said covering his face with his right arm, trying to block the light.

"What, are you hungover?" Hijikata asked scornfully. He wondered once again why he bothered coming here. Gintoki lowered his arm, and squinting he looked at the source of the voice.

"No, but why are you here?" Gintoki was astonished.

"Actually I'm about to leave, so don't bother getting up." Hijikata felt the need to go more than ever, as he never wanted to come here at all.

"Yes. Do that. But can you answer my question fir- Ah!" Gintoki finished his line abruptly with a painful intake of breath. When Hijikata glanced over, he saw Gintoki pressing on his eyes and breathing shallowly.

"Oi what's wrong?" the officer asked with slight worry. He was headed towards the entrance, ready to escape, but he turned around when he heard the hitch in the other's words.

"Gin-san has a migraine. Gin-san even sent his employees away too because he's suffering that much." Gintoki said through grit teeth. His voice was pained too, and he took some breaths with caution, careful not to jostle his body which would send new waves of agony into his brain. He had no clue what was Hijikata doing in his house, and he wanted to know. But not now. He spoke quietly before, but that was still too harsh on his on overly sensitive eardrums.

"Why don't you go see a doctor?" Hijikata asked. After all, sick people should go to doctors, right?

Gintoki didn't bother to answer, he was occupied with something more urgent. One of his hands flew to his mouth as he sat up, swaying. He could barely balance himself, much less stand up. He flailed with his other hand trying to get on his feet, and failing. He inhaled through his nose, as he felt saliva and bile gathering in his mouth. He even teared up, he didn't want to throw up in his office but he couldn't get on his feet.

Much to his surprise, he felt a hand taking his own, pulling him on his feet. He had vertigo instantly, and his vision blackened for a moment. Through the hazy dizziness and his efforts to stop himself from puking, he felt a hand taking his arm and another touching his waist. He was guided towards the bathroom, thankfully reaching it in time. He was a miserable wretch by the time they arrived.

Vomiting didn't bring relief to him, and even though he grabbed the toilet bowl with all his strength, the hands that guided him to his destination, didn't leave. One hand held his head while the other was around his chest.

With one final spit, it was over, and Gintoki leaned backwards, away from the mess. It wasn't much of a mess though, because he barely had anything in his stomach. Hi breathing was ragged, from both the attempts to throw up and the splitting headache that assaulted his head with renewed force. There was something odd, though. He thought he had leaned against the wall, but instead of that he was lying against something warmer and softer.

"Ah, I thought th-, that you were, uh, leaving." he said, directing his words towards Hijikata. Said person was more than a little uncomfortable, and yes, he really had the intention to leave. But here he was, actually hugging the Yorozuya, who resembled a child with an upset stomach.

"I was. Can you get up? You should lie in your futon, that's more comfortable than the sofa." Hijikata asked, shifting a little so he could help the other up. Gintoki murmured that he took for a yes . Slowly they stood up together, and Hijikata held the other steady when another wave of dizziness hit him. They walked back to the living room, Gintoki letting himself guided by Hijikata again. He didn't dare open his eyes because of the dizziness, and each step was painfully jostling him. He sat down on the couch while Hijikata opened the door to his bedroom. He heard shuffling noises as Hijikata took out his futon. He heard steps approaching.

"Try to sleep if you can." Hijikata said. He headed for the exit now, he wanted to be out of here as soon as possible.

"Wait." Gintoki remained seated, his head buried in his hands, but his voice was a little stronger now.

"Why did you come here? Did Shinpachi send you?" he asked.

Hijikata thought about the answer for a long moment.

"No, I just happened to come here by chance." He said. It was a straight and honest answer.

Gintoki stifled a laugh. He regretted it, because it hurt.

"What kind of reasoning is that?" he inquiried, he honestly had no idea what was Hijikata doing in his house.

Hijikata wanted to have a smoke right then. He thought he might get out of the situation without being confronted and forced to explain himself. Gintoki was in a slightly better shape, at least his nausea was taken care of now.

"I guess that will be have to enough. I will explain when you get better." Hijikata cringed inwardly. Why was he saying thaaaat? Why did he embarrass himself just now?

"Oh, Oogushi-kun. I think I feel better now. So, uh. "Gin took a deep breath." Care to explain now?"

Hijikata felt an urge to run away now. Why was he here actually? How did the events turn out like this?

"I missed you today." Out of the blue he blurted this out. He didn't want to answer at all yet the words just slipped out of his mouth.

"…" Gintoki didn't react at all.

"I think I'm leaving now, okay" Hijikata said, forcing out the words from his mouth with great effort. This was most embarassing, he was sure this was not only his worst day off, it was his worst day ever.


A single word, that sounded somewhere between order and request, made him freeze in his steps.

Gintoki didn't look at him, he had enough troubles with his migraine.

"Thanks for helping me before. I think this is my worst day ever." he said. " I wanted to go to the onsen today, but here I am stuck with the worst headache."

Hijikata felt a pang of guilt. He was so busy worrying about his own personal misery, that he almost forgot how sick the other was. Gintoki didn't react to his embarassing confession earlier, and that was a surprisingly good sign.

"Want me to buy you medicine?" He asked.

"No, I don't want you to go away. You're somehow not as noisy as the kids."

It was Hijikata's turn to be stunned.

"Why would you want me to stay?"

"I imagined that we would coincidentally meet at the onsen. I was ready to beat you to a pulp like I did last time, but then I was stuck with this migraine. And then later when I'm lying amidst my suffering, you accidentally 'drop by' and help me puke. I want you to stay because…" he trailed off.

"I missed you too." he said finally.

"There's no logic at all!" Hijikata said, a little too loud. Gintoki's ears hurt from the noise.




Great silence followed. It lasted for long minutes.

"So what now?" Hijikata asked. Hijikata took a seat so they were sitting opposite of each other, Gintoki still had his face buried in his hand. Hijikata was on the other couch, but he was clearly uncomfortable and his posture was rigid.

"Come here." Gintoki patted the sofa with one of his hands while the other covered his face still.

"Eh?" Hijikata was confused. What did the other want to achieve, he had no idea. He just hoped it wasn't anything nasty, but it was improbable considering the condition the other was in.

Gintoki didn't ask again, just patted the seat once more, beckoning him. Reluctantly, the officer stood and slowly made his way to sit down next to the suffering silverhaired samurai. He sat down with a heavy sigh next to the other, keeping a safe distance of course.

Another long minute of silence passed.

Then Gintoki slowly raised his head, a clear sign that his pain eased a little. He mumbled something incoherently.

Hijikata furrowed his brows, trying to make out his words.


"I said, I'm so embarassed." Gintoki tried again, now managing to speak more clearly.

Hijikata didn't know how he was supposed to react.

"I sent the kids aways so they wouldn't see me so vulnerable. Yet you came here and witnessed it, now I feel so wretched." Gin explained. He didn't hold his head now, he just stared ahead in front of him.

"It happens." Hijikata silently screamed inside, this was so awkward!

Gintoki slowly turned his gaze toward him, and their eyes met. The direct eye-contact was so sudden that Hijikata blinked once in surprise. Gintoki's red orbs were still clouded over with the mist of pain, but there was something else in his gaze that made Hijikata's breath catch in his throat. He resembled a child once again, innocent and hurt.

"I'm glad you were here though." The Yorozuya said with sincerety.

"… sure."

Hijikata was astonished when Gintoki inched a little closer and leaned against him. It was an innocent move, as if he was merely seeking warmth.

"Thank you." Gintoki said. The Shinsengumi officer couldn't decide what he meant by that. One silver clump of hair tickled his face as the other's head lay heavy on his shoulder.

"Is it your day off?" Gin asked, seeing the lack of uniform.


"Have you been to the onsen?" he asked.

"Yes…" Hijikata admitted.

"You lucky bastard. I wanted to go there too."

Hijikata laughed a little.

"Guess I won this round by default."

Gintoki sniggered a little.

"Congrats, that's what I call fair play." He said sarcastically. He was getting better, or so it seemed.

"Want me to describe how wonderful it was?"

"I'll pass, thanks." Gintoki said with a smile.

"Feeling better now?" Hijikata asked.

"Mhm." He felt movement that implied Gintoki's nod.

"You should get some sleep." 'And I should get the hell out of here.' Hijikata thought.

"Probably. Ne, Hijikata-kun, did you get a massage too?"

"Of course. That's the best service at that place, I'd be a fool to skip that."


"Oi, what's with the dumb questions?"

"Gin-san wants a massage too." The words had a whining undertone, and Hijikata got more annoyed each passing second.

"What are you, a cat? Forget it" He wanted to get up. From the first moment he stepped inside, he regretted it.

"Ah sorry." Gintoki lifted his head from Hijikata's shoulder, and scooted back to his previous sitting position, lowering his gaze once again.

Hijikata expected more whining and pleading, but the other's abrupt leave was unanticipated.

"Guess my hopes were too high." Gintoki said, massaging his temples furiously once more.

Hijikata had a slight guilt at the sight.

"Oi. Hurting again?"

"Ah it never goes away, damn headache." the other was obviously suffering once again. Hijikata had a suspicion that it was an act, but he remembered the previous events and the state he found him in when he arrived and that inital thought was chased away quickly. Gintoki's migraine persisted, and the silver haired man's pain strengthened once again.

"Thank you for everything, Hijikata." Gintoki said, as he slowly and unsteadily stood and headed for his bedroom. Hijikata followed close by to make sure the other didn't falter. He observed the sick man as he lay down in his bed, and clumsily covered himself with his blanket.

Hijikata didn't leave. Seems like today was not the day of sane decisions, but he stood there in the doorway and kept staring at Gintoki's restless from. This went on for more than ten minutes. Gintoki twisted and turned, never once noticing the form in the doorway watching him. He was uncomfortable, the blanket was too heavy and it was suffocating him. When he discarded it, he was cold because of the thin film of sweat cooling on his skin. He should have changed into his pajama clothes but right now the sheer thought of getting up was worsening the pain beneath his eyelids.

He sat up, face buried in one palm while he used his other hand for support.

"You should try to drink some water. Throwing up causes dehydration and it will only worsen the ache."

Gintoki froze at the sentence. He thought the other had left long ago. Momentarily overwhelmed, he glanced at Hijikata between his fingers. He was embarassed once again. He felt defenceless and helpless, and to know that his sworn rival witnessed it didn't help him at all. 'Okay, not a sworn rival at all… I kind of like him.' he thought on a side note, as a glass of water was handed to him by said man. He gulped down the refreshing cool substance thirstily.

"You didn't leave." He said, his voice was croaked a little. Maybe there was some truth in Hijikata's statement about dehydration.

"No shit Sherlock. I can't leave you here like this." with that he disappeared for a moment, returning with a warm towel.

Hijikata approached him, and sat down in close proximity.

"Where does it hurt the most?" he asked. Gintoki didn't speak, but sluggishly pointed at his temple.

"Lie down." Gintoki didn't. He stared at Hijikata suspiciously.

"I will give you your damn massage." Hijikata said, glancing away as a small blush creeped upon his cheek.

Gintoki couldn't believe his ears. He thought it was the migraine tricking him, that seemed to be a more believable scenario. But Hijikata touched his shoulders, and slowly eased him into his lap.

Gintoki kept his eyes open. He looked at the ceiling, which was suddenly eclipsed by the Demon Vice-Commander's face. It was unbelievable, especially when said person had a soft, caring expression instead of the usual menacing frown.

"Close your eyes." Gintoki did so, and waited for the world to end.

It ended in a gentle, warm caress on his forehead.

[A/N: Ah. I wrote this in one go, with the intention to improve my English and have my so badly missed fixation of HijixGin. I hope you liked it. I might continue this sometime. I never once wrote anything like this before as in all my stories they were in an established relationship. Also some of the symptoms mentioned above were referenced of my own migraines. Please review!]