(Zoro's Pov)

"Sanji Vinsmoke. Will you marry me?" He started to cry and hugged me tightly.

"Yes, I will marry you." He smiled as I slipped the ring on his right hand and kissed him deeply. I start untieing his tie and take off his shirt. We start laying on a bed mat and I get on top of him, kissing him as I unbuckled his belt. "Zoro, let's make another baby," I smirked as he wrapped his arms around my neck.

(Sanji's Pov)

Morning came by, as I woke up, I saw Zoro sleeping next to me with his arm around me. I get up quietly trying not to wake him, but he wraps his arms around me.

"Don't go." I smiled at him.

"I have to make breakfast for everyone, including our daughter." He mumbled tiredly and lets me go.

"Fine." I smiled, get up and get dressed. I head to the kitchen and make everyone breakfast and make Hope's favorite breakfast meal. Chocolate chip waffle with strawberries, making a heart around the waffle and with strawberry syrup. I bring her breakfast to her room and see her with Zoro.

"Morning, sweetpea." Hope yawned and rubbed her eye.

"Hi, mom." She smiled as I handed her breakfast to her. She starts to take a bite of her waffle and smiled happily. I joined them as I kissed Zoro. He wrapped his arms around my waist as I sat on his lap.

"I had fun last night."

"Me too." I smiled and kissed him again. Hope finished her breakfast, lays her head on my lap and falls back asleep.

"She gets her naps from you." I smiled and pets her head softly.

"Do you think she'll be the greatest swordsman?"

"I know she inherits it from you." He smiled and looks down at Hope.

"Do you think it'll work again?" He puts a hand on my stomach.

"I mean, I had Hope. When Chopper said I was able to have both male and female parts so, I'm sure it'll work." I put my hand on his and looked at him. "We'll just have to wait a few days."

"What names are you thinking about for our next child?"

"I was thinking if its another girl, Sora. After my mother."

"And if it's a boy?"

"Hmm... I'm not sure."

"I was thinking about Haru. Meaning sun."

"We'll have to see what the gender will be." We looked at Hope and smiled at her.

(Hope's Pov)

A week has passed by. I was playing on the ship outside with my dolls. Dad was watching me but fell asleep. I went to dad and laid next to him. As I was just about to fall asleep I got startled by a loud bang. It was mom. He ran out of the kitchen and into the bathroom. Was he okay?

"Dad! Wake up!" He woke up quickly.

"What happened?" Everyone came out from what they were doing.

"What was the banging sound?" Uncle Franky asked.

"It's mom! He ran to the bathroom!" Dad got up and ran to the bathroom as well. I followed. Mom was throwing up and coughing. "Mom! Are you okay?!" I started to cry. Aunt Robin picked me up as I looked at mom. Dad went to mom.

"Zoro, I think we did it again." Mom smiled weakly as dad smiled back happily. I was confused. What is happening? Why are they smiling? What did they do? Aunt Nami gasped.

"Sanji-kun! Are you?" Mom and dad smiled at each other then looked back at everyone.

"We're having another baby." Mom said and everyone got excited.

"You're pregnant?!" Mom nodded and I got excited. I hugged my parents and smiled happily.

"Are you excited?"

"Yes!" I started to cry. Mom and dad hugged me as well as everyone.

This was the best birthday presents I ever got. My dad and now, a baby brother or sister! I'm so happy!


I'm thinking about remaking the story about how Sanji and Zoro had Hope as a prequel. Or I could do the second child as the next story. Let me know what you think I should do first in the comments. Enjoy the story!