Author's Note.

Hi guys! Before I can start uploading a new story, I want to say a couple of things before I start making the new story.

So here I am doing another fanfic. I know I'm new to all of this but the only fanfic story I did so far was "Hope". If you've guys read my first fanfic story, I'm sure you'll probably like this one.

God, It's been two...well...,three months since I've joined in, I haven't uploaded a new story. I wanted to, but I was so busy that I'm so far behind on everything that I wanted to get done with; homework, chores, and shit like that. Plus was lazy and tired. So umm...yeah.

Anyway, I'm making the sequel from my last story I did since December. And so like I said you'll probably like this story. It's another One piece story with Sanji x Zoro. But this time, it's the daughter's story. If you remember my latest story that Sanji named his daughter Kazuki, then you'll know who I'm talking about.

Kazuki means hope. But instead of calling her name in japanese, we'll just call her Hope, cause it's shorter that way.

Anyway, for the summary of this story is about Hope, who is turning six on her birthday. But not only it's about her birthday, she's also thinking about who's her real daddy (She has Sanji, but he's more like a mom, so she calls him mama. Cause Sanji was the one who gave birth to her).

I'm gonna stop there. You'll have to wait until I upload the story and then you'll find out what happens next. Bye!