So guys, as you may or may not know... I have taken on the story Skydoesdragon from the author GoldenOwl. I have not completely adopted it and s/he will be helping me with the story if I get stuck. Soooooo here are the chapters that s/he has already written and then I'll go from there.

Chapter 1


I do not own Team crafted and the idea for this story comes from riversongpond (go check him/her out!)


Sky, Ty (deadlox) and Jerome (ASF Jerome) were discussing how to defeat the Squid Army when...

Third Person POV

"For once will you take your headset off and listen to me Ty!" Sky said almost in a yelling tone.

"Oh, I'll take my headset off, only if you take your glasses off."

"Yeah, I haven't seen your eyes in like forever, I don't even remember the color!" Jerome said in a laughing tone.

"Yeah, what color are you eyes sky?" Ty said trying to grab Sky glasses

"They" Sky said lunging away.

"I need proof, just let me tak-" Ty got cut off while trying to take the glasses again.

"NO! Leave my glasses alone!"

Ty then start chasing Sky around the room and tries to take his glasses off. Sky and Ty then stop after five minutes of chasing.

"You can never get my glasses" Sky said sticking his tongue out, but he pulls it back in when he realizes what he just did.

"Sky, w-what's wrong with you tongue, it lo-looked lizard like" Jerome said studdering.

"Nothing is wrong with my tongue. You guys are just hallucinating" Sky laughed nervously.

"Sky, I know what I saw. You can tell us anything" Ty said with Jerome nodding with him. Sky then backs up shaking his head and runs out into the hallway.

"SKY WAIT! I'M SORRY!" Ty yelled as Sky went running.

Sky's POV

I started crying and I don't care that my glasses fell beside me right now. All I could think about is what they would think of me if they knew the real truth.

"I had so many chances to tell them. Why didn't I? It would have been easier that way instead of this." I said to myself.

"What haven't you told us?" Ty said sneaking up behind me. I jumped and wiped my face still looking down.

"Don't sneak up on me!" I said almost yelling.

"I'm sorry, but what haven't you told us?"

"I have told you everything already"

"No, we haven't seen your eyes and you tongue before..." Ty said trailing off "It can't be that bad"

"Oh yes it can."

"Come on buddy, its not like you're a mob or something that could get us hurt" Jerome said lifting my head. He then saw my eyes and jumped back. I hurried and put my glasses back on.

"What's up with your ey-eyes dude?" Ty said.

"Nothing is wrong with them! Don't look at me like I'm some freak!" I said nervously.

"Bu-But they were like...cats..." Jerome said surprised.

"Judging on how you tongue and eyes're not entirely human...are you?" Ty said slowly.

"Y-Yes" I said stuttering at the fact that they may figure out my secret.

"What are yo-" Jerome was about to ask something when Ty cut him off.

"Does it have something to do with your amulet?" Ty said.

"Y-Yes, but don't even think of touching it"

"Too late" Ty then broke the chain of my amulet.

"Ty! How could yooou AAG" I said clutching my stomach. I knew they would see the real me thanks to Ty, I then began to change. My skin started turning into golden scales, and I grew and changed, which ripped my clothes. A tail grew and wings were coming out of my back. The last to change was my face, my nose turned into a snout and my fingernails turned into claws. My mouth now had sharp teeth and my hair turned into spikes going down my back and tail. Both Ty and Jerome backed away from me, they looked terrified.

"What did I just do..." Ty said trailing off, shocked of what he just did.

"I think you just turned Sky into a dragon" Jerome said still staring at me.

"Please don't hurt us!" Ty begs.

I was hurt by my friends words, but I also wanted to get even. My pointed ears now laid flat on my head, I then walked over and picked up Ty by the back of his shirt and set him down next to Jerome. Jerome was on the floor in a ball of fear. I then came around my friends and laid around them, waiting for them to realize that I wasn't going to hurt them. At the same time the fear from my friends helped me get even with them.

Third Person POV

Jerome then opens his eyes a little to see that the dragon was around him and Ty. Sky had his head on his claws and looked like he was sleeping.

"Sk-Sky?" Jerome ask nervously. Sky then opens his eyes and looks up at Jerome.

"Can you speak..." Ty said getting up. The golden dragon shook his head as to say no.

"Oh, I guess yes and no questions then...Is this why you wore the amulet?" Jerome asks to confirm his thoughts. Sky then nodded his head.

"Come on Jerome, why else would he wear the amulet?" Ty said sarcastically. Jerome and Ty then fight about it. Sky laughs, but yawns and starts to go to sleep as the two friends fight.