I'm terrible. This is the first chapter of my DMMD fic and yeah. That game has really ruined my life. Okay here we go

The Monster at the Back of Your Mind

"I carried you out, you know."

"Out of the fire and the rubble and the destruction. Out of the Oval Tower and down to the friends waiting patiently below.

"Took some strength, I can tell you that. But not as much as I would've thought. You're a little bit of a wimp, Aoba. There's not much strength in your small little body. Comparing you to the friends you've gathered around yourself, you're a shrimp. A runt.

"A weakling.

"'Course I've always known that. That's why you had me. Sure, you can pretend that you're strong enough to take care of yourself, that you're not the weakling you really are. After all, back when we were together, you could punch and kick with the best of them. But that's all you really did. You staggered your opponents, maybe a little. Enough time to let me get to work.

"But that doesn't matter now. What matters is that you're safe and happy in your home, far away from the troubles Toue and his Platinum Jail caused. And that I was the one who lifted you out of the ashes of despair and set your ass on the path home.

"Me! The little monster at the back of your mind. Chewing away at your consciousness, pushing through the barriers of your mind, trying desperately to find a way into your head. I saved you, Aoba. I saved you and your stupid dog and even your pathetic little frat boys. Yep. I did. Shooed them all away from the tower as it was about to collapse and handed you off to them like a little rag doll. They were going to go in after you, simple fools.

"Why, you may ask? Why did I let you go? Why did I give you up to those pathetic friends when I could've kept you to myself and tortured you until you said yes? Well, the answer is simple really.

"I want to destroy you, Aoba.

"Break you into a million tiny pieces and scatter them across this pathetic island. Burn your heart and tear at your mind until you're left with nothing, asking yourself over and over again why you didn't just say yes! And I can't do that by keeping you all to myself. No, no, no, I've got to let you get nice and comfortable in your own life. I need you to settle down and relax. I need you to be at peace with your friends and have a good time for once. I need you to believe its all over. That everything's alright and back to normal.

"That you are finally safe.

"So when I do come for you, you'll be so warm and relaxed that you won't know what's hit you until it's gone. And by the time you figure it out . . . well, let's just say that when you say yes to me - and you will say yes, Aoba, mark my words - we're gonna trade places for a little while and you're going to see how you like watching your life from the passenger's seat. Yes, that will be a great, great day. I'm already looking forward to it.

"So that's why I let you go, Aoba. That's why I need you to sleep peacefully without so much as a wisp of a bad dream to stir your subconscious. That's why I'll always be here, night after night, watching over you. Because I need you rested for my turn in the driver's seat. And man, am I looking forward to having the reigns for a change! I've also been more of a dom and you, Aoba, well you're a natural sub."

Sly Blue grinned, baring his teeth in a harsh smile that glimmered in the soft moonlight filtering in through Aoba's open veranda door. His face was softer, paler in the gentle light, but it still glowed with a strange sharpness that would've made Aoba cringed, had he been awake to see him. His eyes, sharp yellow and glowing, greedily roamed up and down Aoba's sleeping body. They were the eyes of a predator, aiming for the kill. And Aoba, his features gentle in sleep, was as unaware and naive to the danger lurking above him as prey is right before the predator jumps.

"I'm gonna make everyone you've ever loved bleed, Aoba Seragaki." Sly smiled, leaning down to whisper in Aoba's upturned ear. With long gentle fingers, he brushed strands of blue away from Aoba's ear to pour the words directly into his brain so they could fester there. "And all because you refused me. Because you refused yourself."

Sly stood up from his crouching position by the head of Aoba's bed and walked to the veranda, pausing at the window to stare at the sleeping lump of his prey. "You'll see." Sly's smile faded and the sharpness of his yellow eyes dimmed a fraction. "You'll see . . . that I am here for you. That I've always been here for you, and that I will always be here for you."

Sly tipped his head up and the determination was back in his eyes and in the sharpness of his bared teeth. "And by the time I'm finished here, I will be the only one left for you. And you'll see . . . you'll see . . ."

He slid through the moonlight out the veranda door. He shut it quietly behind himself, locking both the moonlight, and his prey, inside.

"You'll see," he muttered one last time before dropping off the balcony to the ground two stories below.

He landed agiley on the cobblestone street and rolled out of sight, melting easily into the shadows he'd come from with his shoulders hunched, hands thrust down in his pockets, and his face turned towards the ruins of the Oval Tower.