This is new fic from me and some of you may see this too hard to read. It is rated M because there is sexual abuse as beating, rape.

But it also contains allot of sexual content..

Thanks to Arial for going it over for me.

Her girls. They were monsters especially when it came to shopping. Really. She was lucky to have Roy with them. The boor man was already having hard time carrying her girls bags, even she was having few of their bags. Well, she rarely had time to take her girls shopping these days and she rarely had the heart to say no to them. She had money and her girls had their own. So why not let them enjoy of all that. Oh, she enjoyed it too, to see her girls happy faces. They were about to get in one of Cassidy's favorite bookstore when a dark and cheep clothed man ran past her and took her bag. On his way he bushed two women on to the ground. The other woman yelled!

"for god's sake, Andy! Get him!" The dark haired woman behind them took off after the man. Ten minutes later she came back with Miranda's bag.

Mean while the two women got up and yelled their mother. Miranda's surprise was mild.

"Mrs. Ravitz." She greeted the woman.

"Well, hello Miranda! Nice to see you." They air kissed. Miranda had never liked the woman. She had those sharp gray eyes with evil glint in them. Black hair which she always kept in tight bun. She was tall and sophisticated nothing like her spoiled little brats. Yes. They were odd pair. Mr. And Mrs. Ravitz.

"Darlings, are you alright? Where is that dreadful girl?" She scanned the streets looking for this girl.

Andy. Really, why does this girl have a boy's name. The girl got back. In her hands she had Miranda's bag. Before the girl gave her bag back she was questioned by the two little brats where was the man who had bushed them down.

"I'm sorry, he got away."

"Oh, you are so going to..." Before the brat had her words out Mrs. Ravitz shut her down by nudging her. "Oh, shut it."

Saved by Mrs. She handed the bag to Miranda.

"Here, Mrs. Priestly." She didn't look at the woman.

"Thank you, what do I owe you?"

"Nothing, Mrs. It was my pleasure to be able to help." The girl glanced at the three women. She was submissive to them. Never looking at them in their eyes. "Even a little."

"Well, Miranda. It was nice to see you. I would like to invite you for tea tonight. It was her fault that the man got away and at least I could offer you a nice cup of tea." Mrs. Ravitz said annoyed with the girl.

"That is unnecessary."

"I insist. Six o'clock." Mrs. Ravitz said and took off with her girls and that 'Andy' person. Miranda had a feeling she had seen that girl some where else. She felt familiar. Those brown eyes and those plump lips were familiar. And her voice too. Before she went in to the bookstore leaving Roy to deal with the cops and their bags. She heard Mrs. Ravitz scalding the girl. "Andrea, you are an idiot. Stupid little girl! If you weren't so pitiful I would tose you out!" and then the woman hit the girl. Andrea's nose started to bleed.

Andrea. Was the girl the Andrea who had lived with them few summers? Stepping in side the bookstore the twins had their hands full of books. Oh, lord. Roy would need to get the car here.

Ten minutes later she arrived Ravitz's mansion. The maid opened up the door and welcomed her in. She hated their mansion but she couldn't deny their invitations, maybe Mrs. Ravitz could make her husband give Miranda little more on her monthly budget. Miranda hated ass kissing but sometimes it worked in her favor. This might be it. Air kisses were changed again and they were seated on the lounge. The house was hideous, but Miranda lied again telling them she liked it. Too colorful for her taste. Tacky and old fashioned. Sipping bad tea she looked over the walls which were filled with photos of her hostess children. Andrea came in informing them that the girls were back and were joining them in a minute. Miranda noticed the read marks on her neck and hands which the girl hid soon as she noticed Miranda's eyes on her.

"Good, you may go finish your work."

"Yes, Mrs." Andrea left them. Miranda noticed her clothes were handmade and they were like a glove to the girl. Well, at least she had a good tailer and fabrics to use. Their chat was boring and she nodded and smiled in right places and made a comment or two in right places. But she couldn't stop thinking about Andrea. When she was about to leave she noticed the girl cleaning the kitchen on her knees. Her hands were blood red and she could see the girls pain. She had said goodbye to the Ravitz's and could always tell that she got lost if they saw her somewhere else than out of their house.

"Andrea." She called the girl who startled by her name. She got closer to the girl who got up in haste. "your hands are almost bleeding." She took those bloodied hands in hers. "look at me." the girl hesitate for a second. "please." Finally the girl looked at her.

"Mrs. Priestly. You should not be in here." Andrea yet again avoided her eyes.

"I know, but I have to know.. have we met before?"

"Please, Mrs. Priestly, You have to go." Andrea's voice broke down.

"Darling, I am not going before you tell me have we met before."

Taking a deep breath the girl answered. "Miranda, please. You have to go. You make things harder for me if you stay."

Andrea had used her first name. They had met before. The girl was the Andrea who had came to her life oh so young.

"Thank you, we will talk later." With those words Miranda left the mansion. She had no idea what happened to Andy after that.

Soon the door closed, Mrs. Ravitz pushed a button from the remote which made Andy yell from the pain and grasp her collar. Her nose started to bleed again and soon she was on her knees. And she could feel Mr. Ravitz cane on her back and sides. They denied everything from her. She didn't know why they hated her so much and she really didn't care any more... twelve years she has been living with them and she has always been their slave. From the first day she moved in with them.