As I stated before, I haven't given up on this fanfiction, but updates are spaced very far apart, even more so now that exams are coming up. So now I have started working on the next chapter, chapter 9! This might or might not get better from here on. I cant promise anything, but I can say that I swear I wont kill any characters. Or maybe I will. To be honest I haven't decided yet. Well, just continue reading. Here's a bit of Nepeta.

/!/ Also, I have changed the writing style for this one as I find it a lot easier than writing in the previous style. I hope it doesn't come as a bother to you!/

~Start~ Nepeta POV

What am I going to do now? Kanaya's gone, and Rose as well pretty much. They were like family to me, they practically were my family. We're just not blood-related. But I have no-where to go now. Kanaya and Rose had always let me stay with them, since I was kid. That's was 8 years ago! I ran away from home and they took me in. My parents never even looked for me, they just didn't care. Back then I was incredibly depressed, and it hurt worse when no one ever looked for me. I mean, I got over most of it, eventually, but it took a few years. Why? Why does this happen to me? My old best friend was the only one who was ever there for me before Kanaya and Rose, and it hurt me to leave him behind. I miss him terribly. Wiping at my eyes, I dry the tears that were falling from my cheeks. Why is it that i'm not hurt? A few bumps and scratches? A cut? Why is that all I got? Why couldn't I have lost a limb, or something? Why couldn't I have been the one to die? Nothing will compensate for Kanaya. At least Rose is alive, but she will never be the same again.

Standing up, I walk over to the vending machine, checking my pockets for coins or a note. Nothing. I didn't think so. I'm so thirsty, my throat is parched and it hurts from crying. I go up to the nurse in the front office and ask where I can get a free glass of water. She points to one of those little water machine things that have the plastic white cups and it reminds me of the dentist. I finish the water and chuck the cup in the trash. I feel like sleeping, or maybe watching a bit of TV, anything to take my mind off what has happened. I go to the lobby, there's no one in there and the TV is turned on, the volume on it is low. I lie down on one of the soft reds velvet couches, curling up and blankly staring at the TV screen. I try to concentrate on the screen itself, one of the nurses come over and offer me a blanket. I curl up and try to sleep. I think of all my favorite things to get me to fall asleep, but it doesn't work very well. It takes a while but eventually I drift into a light sleep.

~Dave POV*~

A bunch of patients came in recently, apparently as group. Some sort of accident. I just got assigned check up duty, they're being released tomorrow, I think. This is the third time this week I've come into the hospital and been mistaken as a doctor. It's because my brother works here. How he even became I doctor I have no clue. He has no skill except sword work. I should know, I have first hand experience. I used to think I looked up to him, but then I got to High School and realized just how much of a good brother he wasn't. It's easier living with him now that I'm older. I can go out places without him, it's easier to avoid him and his damned puppets. I sometimes wonder why Child Services never came and took me from him, it was so clear he shouldn't be looking after Children.

Picking up my schedule, I check to see who my supposed next patient is. I just go with the flow now, pretending to be my brother is a lot more fun than having to go and get my brain checked. really it's my mental health, but it sounds cooler in my head saying 'gotta go get my brain checked'. I hate not being able to think normally, do things like a normal person, but at least I can get some enjoyment out of hospital trips. I go to the storeroom located next to the main office, and I grab a doctors coat from the stand. I check my schedule to see where I'm supposed to go. Ah, this shouldn't be too hard, it's really is just checking up on them. Sighing, I head off in the direction of their ward.

I take a deep breath and gently open the door, quickly taking in the sight before me. Everyone looks very upset, but I suppose they would be after what happened to them. I quickly walk to the bed to check up on the patients. They look fine, but probably emotionally unstable; they did just lose their friend after all. Or friends? Who knows. I at least better not try to sound insensitive. I cant say I fully know what it's like to lose someone like this, I did lose someone, but I was too young to remember it so it wasn't really ever 'painful' just a little sad to think I could have grown up a bit different.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Strider, and I shall be your stand in doctor for Dr. Strider." I internally facepalm. Wow, way to fuck it up douche-bag, now they're REALLY going to think I'm an insensitive prick! Good going, idiot. I'm the worst.

"Sorry... I mean, I'm just kinda, you know, filling in for my brother, you see..." Now I look like fucking idiot! What am I doing to myself!? "Damn it, I suck at this I'm so sorry, I'll get out of your way."

I turn around and make a beeline for the door before a hand stops me. It's the boy with blue eyes who was beside the bed. "Y-yeah?" Great! I stuttered! Now I feel like a fool.

"Are you ok? You dont look so good." The boy asks quietly.

He's asking ME if I'm ok? I'm supposed to be the doctor! Sort of... "I-I'm fine! It's all good! My report says you can go. When you want." I wasn't sure if that was correct or not but it will have to do.

"We have nowhere to go now. Where would we go? All of us? We cant go home." The boy says, I could hear the pain in his voice.

"You have nowhere to go? Surely you have a nice home, or something? Parents? Anyone?" I say.

I mean, look at these kids. They look around my age! They look like kids who enjoy life! Or, did enjoy it? What does he mean they have nowhere to go now? Maybe I should talk with him? Perhaps he needs to talk some stuff out. No way! I cant talk to a stranger! Not for long periods of time, anyway. Did I fuck up by asking him that? I hope not.

"I mean, I cant go back now, Karkat here was on his way to his relatives, I'm going with him. We live hours from here. I dont know the other's stories, but all I can say is that w-with... Kanaya and Rose...gone, we dont have any way of getting away from here. The vehicle is wrecked. Our money, our belongings...where we sleep- everything is gone! What can we go back to? There's nothing." The boy says, he was starting to tear up a little, I could see he was fighting to hold back.

Sighing, I decide to sit down and talk to him, he looked like he really needed to talk. I walk across the room and grab a spare fold up chair from beside the wardrobe. I walk back and place the chair beside the boy, at the same time I realize I hadn't asked for his name. Taking a breath to calm my nerves, I decide to continue on with the conversation.

"What's your name?" I ask quietly. Best to start off slow, I guess.

"John." He gives a short reply, waiting for my next question.

A sudden thought crosses my mind, but I push it to the side; I dont feel like asking that question just yet, soon though. "So were you guys all travelling together?" Yeah, that sounds like a safer question to ask.

"Yeah, I suppose. We all kinda either met up along the way, or just already knew each other I guess. Karkat and I met each other first. He turned up at my home and... well I guess I let him stay. We decided to go on a uh, road-trip. I guess we didn't think it through very well though." John explains.

I decide to ask the question now, I figured it would be a good time. It's a lot sooner than I had planned. " Did you guys runaway?"

John freezes for a second before awkwardly rubbing the side of his neck, "Was it that obvious, huh?" He says, trying to sound joking but coming off more as nervous.

"Kinda, in a way. Don't worry, I wont rat you out. You probably had your reasons." I have a little plan in my mind now. Better not get my hopes up.

"If you dont mind me asking, how did you become a doctor at such a young age?" John asks, he sounds generally curious. I feel like I'd better give him the truth.

"I um, I'm not a doctor. My brother is the doctor here, not me. I often get mistaken for him whenever I come in here though. It's happened so many times I just go with the flow now." I explain it to him, deciding to leave out the fact that I'm actually a patient here.

"Oh. Well ok then. So what's your name?" John asks.

"The name's Strider. Dave Strider." I say to him. Great. I fucked up again; more jokes at a time like this? Someone needs to shoot me.

"Nice reference..." John actually looks a little impressed, maybe that wasn't so bad after all.

"Thanks..." Oh great, I can feel an awkward silence coming up.

Thankfully, John was the one to break the silence. " So if you're not a doctor but your brother is, then why are you here?"

Fuck; He just had to ask that question. Can we go back to that awkward silence now? Please? ANYTHING but this conversation, please. I am in no way ready to talk about this with a stranger! No less someone I was pretending to be the doctor of!

"Oh yeah I'm a patient here. I get discounts on my visits though, since my brother's one of our leading doctors here." Wow. I'm such a blabbermouth. I shouldn't talk so much, now they're going to think I'm even more annoying than before.

"You're a patient here? What are you in here for?" Fuck, now he asks that? Freaking nosy kid should mind his own business.

"Just some, you know, things to do with my brain and shit." I just swore in front of a patient, I hope they dont take offense to this. Maybe it's time to set my silly plan into motion, see if I can get him to take the bait.

"You know, I kind of envy you. I wish I had the guts to run away from my shitty brother. He wont miss me. Maybe I should do it, do you think I could do it? Run away, I mean?" I ask him and await his reply.

"What would your parents think?" John says.

Ah, he's giving me a scalding look. Like he can say anything. "I dont have parents. I only have my brother, and he's an asshole. I used to think I looked up to him, but as I got older I realized that I was afraid of him, not idolizing him. He's abusive, and most likely the reasons for my 'brain problems' or whatever." At least I didn't lie.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry." He looks worried about me, I probably shouldn't have said anything.

"No, no, it's fine. It's just... I'd give anything to get out of there! I mean, not only is hell to live there, but we have all these really cool things that we have literally never used. Like for example down in the garage we have this huge like, caravan thing. I dont know exactly what it is, because I'm not allowed near it, but like, bro always messes around with it, checking fuel, stuff like that. We never actually taken it for a test drive though. I wish that one day we could." I hope he takes the bait, I just need his answer and that's it!

"Well...why dont you come with us?" John replies.

"Really? I can do that?" I replied super eagerly I hope he didn't notice that's what I wanted! I cant believe my silly little plan actually worked!

"Well yeah sure. I mean we dont have a vehicle now, so is it ok if we use yours?" John asks.

"Yeah sure." I sound so eager.

"How many people does it hold?" John asks.

"I think it can hold, like, 4 or 5? Including me." I think that's it, more or less.

"It's not enough, but some of us will probably sleep together to make room. So it should be fine." John says.

"How many people are with you?" I have to ask, I know they lost two members of their group, and some of his friends are in this room, is this not all of them?

"Well there is 5 of us, if we include you, that's 6. But it should be fine because I'll probably share with Karkat." John explains, glancing down at the boy in the bed.

A thought occurs to me and I feel compelled to ask, "What's your relationship like with him? I hope it's not too personal, you dont have to answer."

"Well... I'm not really sure. It's romantic I suppose. I like him, but... I don't know if I'm in love yet. I'm still kinda grasping the fact that I actually like a boy." John's gone red in the face now.

"Hey... John?" A voice from across the room, I forgot there was other people in here.

"Yeah?" John replies.

"I hope you dont take this the wrong way, but Gamzee and I would like to perhaps not go with you guys. Uh, it's not that we dont want to be with you, but we were really close to Rose and Kanaya so... if it's ok, then we would like some time alone." I feel bad now because I didn't take into consideration the other's feelings. Does this make me a bad person?

"Oh! No, no I completely understand, it's fine. I'm sorry Tavros, for not really thinking about your feelings." John apologizes quickly.

"Ask Nep how she feels about all this. I think she'll go with you guys. She lived on the road, with them. She has nowhere now. Take her with you guys." The boy beside Tavros speaks up.

"I'd better do that, Gamzee. I think I'll go ask her now, please take care of Karkat for me, I'll be back soon." John says hurriedly, jumping up out of his seat and running to the door.

I look around the room before jumping up out of my seat and rushing after John. We ran down the hallway for a few minutes, looking for this Nep girl or something. We eventually made it to the lobby, where John walks up to the front desk. The receptionist, Aranea, I think her name was, looks up and asks John what he wants.

"Have you seen a kinda thin girl with short black hair wandering around? She's about my height and has freckles all over her face, with green eyes?" John asks, looking hopeful. There is no way Aranea will be able to tell John where thi-

"She's just over there on the couch, I think she might be asleep." Aranea says, a smile on her face.

"Thank you." John says and walks briskly over to the sleeping girl.

Well maybe she did know where the girl was. "That her?" I ask John as I walk around the side of the couch to get a good look at the sleeping form.

"Yeah..." John replies quietly.

John kneels down in front of the couch and gently taps the girl on the shoulders, her eyes slide open. She looks really out of it, I dont think she's coping so well with what's happened to her.

"...John?" She says quietly, finally sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

"Nepeta? Would you like to come with Karkat, Dave and I? Gamzee told me that you dont have anywhere to go now, if it's true please come with us. You can stay with us." John explains in a calm tone, he's good at this. He could be a counselor if he tried.

"Well I dont want to go out on the road again, but... I have to. It's either stay here and die and or leave and live. That's what Rose told me. So I'll go with you. Plus, there's nothing for me here, why should I stay?" Nepeta says, her eyes look sad, I can tell.

John slowly pulls Nepeta into a hug, letting her hang her head on his shoulder. "We'll leave first thing tomorrow morning. Gamzee and Tavros wish to stay here. Ah, also- this is Dave, he'll be coming with us."

Nepeta looks up at me, and I give her a small smile in return. She looks so sad and it's making me upset to see someone so cute look like this. I reach my hand forward as an introduction sort of thing, hoping she'll shake my hand and not leave me hanging like some friend-zoned fool.

Luckily she does reach forward and shake my hand in greeting. "Hello." I say. I cant believe that is the only thing that came out of my mouth.

"Hi..." She replies.

"Dave what time does your brother get off work? Or go to work?" John asks me.

"He normally starts around 9-10, finished around 7-8." I tell him, I see what he's planning, but I've already thought ahead on how to steal the transport we'll need.

"Do you think you can get the vehicle? Pick us up around 9?" John asks.

"Yeah, sure." I reply. I'll have to some some cash from bro, but I doubt he'll notice it's gone. He'll be too busy polishing his swords and watching anime. He'll notice his prized vehicle is gone, but I doubt he'll ring the police because he doesn't want them to see how shitty a parenting job he'd been doing.

John thanks me one last time and I decide to head home for the day, it seems I've got a lot of packing to do. Extra, since I dont think John or Nepeta seem to have any changes of clothes. I'm a little scared, but excited at the same time. I cant wait to see what lies ahead!

End chapter 9


Anyway, I apologize for this being almost an entire year late, I promise I'd been working on it, but it's been really slow progress. About a week after I uploaded chapter 8, I started writing this chapter, and I got to the first paragraph of Dave's Point of View, and then stopped. I lost interest, I didn't even really ship JohnKat anymore. I like the ship still, but Davekat, JohnDave, and so many other things took place. I started new series, I got into old ones, old ones I was already into started updating again and basically I had a lot going on anyway. The only times I had to write this was spare times in class, and even then I only worked on my GrimmUlqui AU. But now I'm out of school and have time to do so much more writing! I'm working on a novel or two, both are very gay. One is about gay space pilots, the other is about high security prisoners and their plans to escape this jail. It's full of sex. Not recommended for little kiddies!

I hope you all enjoyed this update, dont expect a new chapter anytime soon after this, as I am currently working on some, uh, 'better' projects. Plus I have work, and more work, and then more work.

But dont give up on this story! I haven't!

/BTW Kylo Ren is a God and can he please Force choke me, I'd like that thanks/