Author's Note: Welcome to my newest mulit-fic about my favorite TV couple ever (an opinion, just an opinion). If you've read Whispers and Screams you would know that I really like too write unhappy things. Well, this story is much happier than Whispers and Screams, although it will have its ups and downs (because I just love those too much). Same as before, this story will be updated every day/every other day, only difference is chapters are much shorter than Whispers and Screams chapters. I will shut up now and let you read. Enjoy!

They had a sort of agreement. They could talk, they could hang out, and they could be near each other, in the same house, and be normal around each other. But no touching. Not even a hug or brushing by each other near the moms.

The moms thought they needed to detox, get each other out of their system. It didn't work because neither could forget how happy they were for those few weeks they were sneaking around, lying to adults, just for those few moments where they could act like a modern day Romeo and Juliet.

You couldn't say that it was harder for one than the other. Both pined for the other but the degrees at which they showed it varied. Brandon was obvious whenever Callie was in the room. He would make an effort to talk to her about something, anything that happened and Callie welcomed it anytime.

The only time Callie made it apparent was when Brandon had that short stint with Talya. It was like Brandon was when Wyatt was brought up back when he was dating Callie. Callie would darken and no one would notice except the moms. Stef worried that things with the two of them were weird now that they would be brother and sister, but when she saw them later, doing homework and teasing each other, her concerns disappeared. Until she realized he had just broken up with Talya.

When Callie and Brandon went out to a movie or a concert, or even to a party together, they allowed themselves to be more open with their feelings. Callie would lean into Brandon; he would throw his arms across her shoulders, because no one was paying attention to them. There would be other teenagers hooking up and drinking and dancing, but they confined themselves to a corner, always talking, close enough so that they can hear each other over the din of their oblivious classmates, who could only hope to have a connection like theirs.

From a stranger's view, they were just two people in love. They talked about what would happen if they just left and became different people, where no one knew how forbidden their love was. But neither knew they couldn't leave. It would only cause more problems for both parties.

They never drove home anymore. They would walk home from school, taking detours to go to the park or get a bite to eat. Moms assumed they were with other people, but it was always just the two of them. Their favorite spot was a bench across the street from the beach. Sometimes, they would run to the ocean like they would jump in, but instead they just stood at the shoreline staring at the waves.

They knew what they were doing wasn't helping. They were still in love and just seeing each other everyday made it increasingly real to them. But neither could imagine how miserable they would be if they didn't allow themselves these few moments of intimacy.

Problems arose when the adoption was only a week away. They were walking home from a movie when Callie decided to sit at their favorite spot. She started crying suddenly.

"Callie, what is it? What's wrong?" He put his hand on her back but she jumped away from his touch. She started pacing in front of him as he sat watching her. She was shaking her head trying to figure out why she was happy one moment with Brandon and then sobbing at their spot. But then she realized that was it. They had a spot. They had those moments. Their connection was stronger than ever and it was about to become a lot more complicated when they were brother and sister.

"We can't keep doing this! We're one week away from being family!"

"Callie we're not doing anything. We agreed we could make this work."

"What we're doing is pretending. We can't pretend forever."

"We don't need forever. We just need to wait until we're 18. By then we'll be across the country, in college." He took her hands and she sat down next to him. "We can't give up."

"Moms will figure it out. They thought us dating when we weren't even in the house together was wrong."

"What are we doing wrong? Going to a concert as friends?"

"We both know what's underlying these 'hang outs'."

"There's always something underlying us. Ever since you came into my life, every interaction between us has been like this. And it always will be." Brandon smiled when she rested her head in the crook of his neck. "I love you."

"I love you, too." She wanted to kiss him so badly. Instead, she just squeezed his hand. "This isn't easy."

"Sometimes you have to work for what is right."

Next Chapter: Lena and Stef confront to Brandon and Callie