A/N: Hello everyone! It has been exactly one year since "An Unsaintly Switch" came to an end and as promised, the sequel is finally here. This fanfic is a little different from the original, but there will still be just as much drama and a few twists and turns to keep you all in suspense. So, fifteen years have passed since the conclusion of the previous story. How much has changed since then? Well, read on to find out.

Oh yeah, there is one more thing. For this fanfic, I will be taking requests so to speak. A lot has happened in the fifteen year time skip and I am willing to post a one-shot that happened during the time skip if requested. For example, if you want to know how Molly came into this world, request it. If you want to know what happened between Collin and Kimberly during the time skip, request it. Are you interested in any other characters like Jason and Trini, request it. Just leave the one-shot question/request in your review and I will be sure to get the one-shot posted in my other half of this fanfic: "Between the Fifteen."

Disclaimer: I do not own the Power Rangers series or any of the show's characters. However, I do own all made-up characters and places featured in this story. As of right now, the plot is completely owned by me; but future elements of this story will be inspired by other sources. So please, NO STEALING!


"Good morning citizens of Angel Grove. I am Kristen Black here with a special edition of the Angel Grove Report. Fifteen years ago, a woman by the name of Katherine Hillard, formerly Katherine Ignalis, was arrested for being involved in the kidnapping of a young infant named Neveah Ignalis. Fifteen years have passed since that fateful day and on this very day, a huge event is occurring. After being treated for a severe case of depression and insanity, Katherine had the opportunity to attend a parole hearing. After heavy debate and another psychological examination, Katherine was relieved of her twenty year sentence five years early. She will be released from Alcatraz later on this morning and she will begin living her life amongst the common folk once again. What this reporter wants to know is whether or not Katherine has truly recovered from her old ways and can society trust her enough to live amongst them. I am Kristen Black, signing off of the morning report."

Katherine took a sigh of relief as she folded up the gray, wool blanket that had kept her warm for many nights in her cell. She laid it neatly at the foot of her bed before slowly lowering herself on the worn, blue mattress. Her cellmate Linda peered down at her from the top bunk and smiled.

"You must be so happy to finally be getting out of here." Linda said with as her smile softened. Katherine looked up at her with tears of joy in her eyes.

"I can't believe that this is actually happening." She said as she laughed through her tears. "I am finally going to be leaving this place."

"So, what do you plan on doing when you get out of here?"

Katherine's smile fell slightly as she stood and walked over to the cracked mirror hanging above the sink. She reached out and touched the cracked glass as she stared at her reflection. She was no longer a young, vibrant twenty-three-year-old woman looking for love and big dreams. Now, she had short blonde hair that reached her shoulders, a few wrinkles here and there, and wide eyes that held wisdom and fear gained from her time spent behind bars. Katherine was now thirty-eight and she felt like she had already lived most of her life. With a heavy sigh, she turned around to face her bunkmate.

"Linda, I have no idea what I am going to do when I leave these stone walls. I mean, they have been my home for the past fifteen years. I have grown up a lot in this stone prison and I have seen and learned things that the rest of the world just wouldn't understand. I have dreamed of being free for so long and now that the dream is finally becoming a reality…I don't know what to make of it."

Linda climbed down from her bunk and walked over to her friend. She placed a hand on her shoulder and shrugged.

"Where do you plan on going?"

Katherine smiled, clearly showing that she knew the answer to at least one of Linda's questions. "I'm going home."

"Hey mom, have you seen my gym bag?" a seventeen-year-old Jacob called out to his mother from the bottom of the steps. The sound of shuffling could be heard followed by the slam of a door. Kimberly appeared at the top of the steps with a green duffle bag in her hands. She reached over the railing and dropped the bag with a smile as her son dove, catching it in the nick of time.

"Jacob, maybe if your room wasn't so dirty, you would be able to find things once in a while." Kimberly said with an amused sigh.

Jacob stuck his tongue out playfully before heading into the kitchen. Kimberly smiled at her son before tightening her pink robe and heading down the steps. She leaned against the kitchen door frame and smiled at the sight of Jacob scrambling to butter two pieces of toast. Two girls with brunette hair were sitting at the table chatting away while eating bowls of Cheerios. The older of the two girls caught sight of Kimberly and smiled before standing from the table to give her a hug.

"Morning mom." She said as she buried her face in Kimberly's robe.

Kimberly planted a soft kiss on the girl's forehead before smoothing back her curly, brown hair. "Good morning Neveah."

"Mom, you're picking me up for gymnastics lesson later, right?" the other girl squeaked from her place at the table.

"Yes Molly, I'm still getting you." Kimberly reassured her youngest child before heading over to take a seat beside her. "Hey Jake, can you pass me a bowl and spoon."

Jacob sighed before digging through the cupboards to grab the requested items. He placed a glass bowl and spoon on the table before running back to finish making his breakfast. Neveah went back to her seat and smiled at her older brother.

"My, aren't we in a hurry this morning?" Neveah said with a playful smile. Kimberly raised an eyebrow as she looked between the two teenagers.

"You know something Jake? You do seem like you're in a bit of a hurry. The bus doesn't come for ten more minutes."

"Oh, didn't I tell you?" Jacob said as he took a giant, crunchy bite out of his toast. "I'm getting a ride from Kegan and Daniel today. I'm sure my little sister can handle being on the bus alone."

Neveah waved her hand as she finished off her cereal. "I am fifteen years old Jacob. I can totally handle being on the bus by myself."

Kimberly smiled at her children as she continued to eat. "So Jacob, is the reason you are riding with Tanya and Adam's boys this morning because of this Aria girl I've been hearing so much about?"

Jacob dropped his toast onto the counter, surprised by his mother's question. He looked over his shoulder towards his sisters.

"Alright, which one of you blabbed?" he demanded as he held up a warning finger.

Molly held her hands up in defense. "Hey, don't look at me. I'm still in junior high school. There aren't any girls named Aria around that I know of."

Neveah twisted a lock of hair around on her finger as she began whistling. "Sorry bro, I couldn't help it."

Jacob sighed as he picked up his toast and headed to toss away his leftovers. "Yes mom, I am going to see Aria before first period today. So there you have it."

Kimberly smirked before giving Molly a quick high-five. Just then, the doorbell rang. Molly hopped up from the table and ran down the front hall to let in their visitor. She returned a moment later with Jason and Trini's daughter Samara right behind her.

"Morning Auntie Kim." Samara said with a small wave while Molly began to gather her things.

"You're just in time." Kimberly said with a smile. "You guys be sure to pay attention in class today. I don't want to receive another phone call about uncontrollable talking today."

Molly rolled her eyes before slinging her backpack over her shoulder. She walked over to her mom and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before heading out of the house with Samara. As soon as the front door slammed shut, Neveah stood from the table to clear off hers and Molly's emptied bowls. After dumping them in the sink, she left to gather her own items for school.

Kimberly watched her oldest children finish getting ready and hugged them both as they jetted out the front door for school. With a satisfied smile, she dumped her own cereal bowl into the sink before heading upstairs to her bedroom. She paused in the doorway and smiled at the sight of her still sleeping husband lying on the bed in a mess of blankets, snoring softly. She quietly crept over to the bed before climbing back in and draping an arm over his bare chest. After pressing a kiss to his shoulder, she nuzzled her head against his back and slowly allowed sleep to overcome her once more.

Katherine took a deep breath as she smoothed out the wrinkles in the old t-shirt she had been given. She then stood patiently by the gate of her cell and waited for the patrolling officer to stop. The officer, Thelma, stopped at Katherine's cage and sighed before punching in a code on the keypad beside the cell. The door slowly slid open and Katherine could barely contain her excitement as she was led away from the prisoner holding area.

Several of the inmates spotted the blonde and smiled, a few of them calling after her with wishes of good luck as she made her way to the front desk. After being forced to sign several papers, Katherine was led to the front door of the prison.

"Well Katherine, it looks like this is the end of your sentence." Thelma said with a sigh. "I don't ever want to see you back in here again. Enjoy your freedom, and whatever you do, don't take it for granted."

Katherine smiled at Thelma before taking a deep breath and facing the doors. She held her head high as she strolled through the sliding doors and stepped out into the blinding sunlight of the afternoon. She lifted her arm to shield her face from the oncoming sun rays as she stepped onto the front sidewalk. Laughter spilled from her mouth as she twirled around like a small child in a field of dandelions. The warm, autumn breeze felt nice on her sticky skin and the fresh air did her lungs some good. She was finally free and she couldn't help but to feel so young and rejuvenated.

Suddenly, the sound of an engine could be heard approaching off in the distance. Katherine raised her arm to shield her eyes once again as she squinted to see who was coming. A smile spread across her face at the sight of a motorcycle speeding towards her, the rider wearing a helmet and a plaid, red shirt. The rider braked right beside her before cutting off the engine and climbing off the bike. As soon as he removed his helmet, Katherine smiled and leaped into his arms.

Rocky picked Katherine up and spun her around, the sound of her laughter soothing his worries in an instant. Once her feet were back on the ground, Katherine threw her arms around him and held him close to her as her body began to shake with sobs. Rocky was content with just holding her as they stood there on the front walk. Finally, he pulled away and studied her face intently for a moment before gently placing his hand to her cheek to wipe away her fallen tears.

"I'm free." She managed to choke out. The words made him smile as he leaned in and took her lips captive.

This kiss was hot, sending fire through Katherine's frail form, and she craved more. It had been so long since she had been able to touch someone in such an intimate way. The visits he had managed to squeeze into his busy schedule were nice, but touching his hand with a thick wall of cold glass in between them just wasn't the same. Rocky's skin was smooth to the touch, yet it held its own distinct roughness. Katherine grinned into the kiss as she pushed her body against him and Rocky allowed his arms to wrap around her securely as he continued to devour her lips. Finally, the need to breathe came to mind and the two of them pulled apart, gasping for air. Rocky released a low chuckle and Katherine smiled up at him, her tears finally gone.

"I have waited fifteen long years to do that." He admitted before pressing his lips to her forehead.

Katherine smiled as she reached her hand up to tousle his hair. "You didn't have to wait, you know?"

Rocky sighed. "I know Katherine, but I told you back then and I guess I will tell you again…I love you and nothing is ever going to change that. Not even father time. Now, what do you say we head back to Angel Grove?"

Katherine paused as she let the town's name settle into her mind. Angel Grove…it had been fifteen years since she was dragged from that place to this cold, dark prison. She wasn't sure if going back there was the right idea, but she had no other options. Her mother had passed away eight years ago, much to her dismay, and none of her other family members were willing to speak to her after the incident with the kidnapping.

Somehow, Rocky managed to sense Katherine's uneasiness and he rested a hand on her shoulder.

"Kat, everything is going to be alright. Sure, things are going to be hard for you at first, but they will get better, I promise. I am going to be by your side every step of the way, helping you get back on your feet. Now, what do you say we go home?"

Katherine smiled at her boyfriend before tugging him towards his motorcycle. "Lead the way."

Rocky lifted his helmet onto her head and took his seat while Katherine climbed onto the back and wrapped her arms securely around his torso. Rocky then started his bike and revved the engine a few times before speeding away from Alcatraz and all of its dark memories.

Kimberly opened her eyes slowly and groaned as the sunlight from the drawn curtains glared upon her eyes. She squeezed her eyelids shut and rolled over to face the other side of the room where the window wasn't located. With a sigh, she allowed her eyes to open and adjust to the change in light. After three minutes of lying in bed, the brunette sat up and stretched her arms above her head with a loud yawn. Her eyes traveled to the digital alarm clock at her bedside as she scratched the back of her head.

"Nine-thirty." She said with a sigh before sliding out of the bed and heading over to her bathroom. She looked at her reflection in the mirror and grunted in disgust. She couldn't stand how she looked in the morning even though her husband claimed she looked even more beautiful than she did at any other point during the day. With a shrug, Kimberly headed for the shower and pulled the stopper up to start the hot water. She then undressed herself before sliding behind the curtain and into the fountain of steam.

As she ran her shampoo through her hair, Kimberly began to hum a familiar tune that seemed to lift her spirits. Soon, she her mouth was open and she was swaying to her own beat as she sang to the steamy walls around her.

Birds flyin' high, you know how I feel. Sun in the sky, you know how I feel. Breeze driftin' on by, you know how I feel. It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life for me. Yeah, it's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life for me, oh…And I'm feeling good…

Kimberly finished rinsing out her hair and cleansing her skin before shutting off the tap and hopping out of the shower. She reached for the towel rack and quickly wrapped herself in a fluffy, green bath towel before heading back into her bedroom. The cool air from an open window blew across her wet skin like a whisper and she shivered before hurrying over to her armoire to find something to wear. As she pushed around the various shirts in the large dresser, the bedroom door closed with a gentle thud. Kimberly paused her search briefly as a smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. She could hear someone walk across the room and stop right behind her. They were so close she could literally feel their breath on the back of her neck, causing her hair to stand on end. She ignored the visitor and resumed looking for an outfit.

Slowly, a sigh filled the room and a pair of muscular arms wrapped around Kimberly's waist, pressing the now damp towel against her skin. Kimberly smiled as her visitor pressed their lips to her neck slowly before pulling away and repeating the action on her bare shoulders. Swiftly, their lips moved to a sensitive spot behind Kimberly's ear and she felt her legs turn to jelly as she stumbled forward, but the strong arms held on to her tight, not desiring for her to fall.

"Well, someone's energetic this morning." She said as she looked over her shoulder towards her husband.

Tommy smiled back at his wife of fourteen years before snaking his arms around her waist and pulling her into a kiss. Kimberly sighed as Tommy's lips moved against hers tenderly in a slow, even rhythm. Kimberly moved her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her, causing him to moan into the kiss. Slowly, they pulled away and Kimberly smiled before giving him a quick peck on the nose.

"So Mr. Commander in Chief, aren't you supposed to be at work today?" Kimberly questioned him as he rested his head on hers.

Tommy smiled before placing gentle kisses into her hair. "I actually had a little vacation time saved up and I thought we could spend the day together since you don't have a gymnastics meet tonight."

"Well handsome, that does sound like a fun idea, but in case you've forgotten, we have our children to think about."

"It's already taken care of." Tommy declared with a proud smile. "It is a Friday after all. Jacob is going over to Tanya and Adam's tonight and it's Collin's weekend to have Neveah, so she'll be over there with him and Hope. I even did the liberty of calling Jason and asking him and Trini to keep Molly."

Kimberly raised an eyebrow. "You must really want us to be alone today. What's going on?"

"Nothing is going on Kim, I promise. It's just that I've been busy at work with the recent rise in crime rates and you have been so busy training your gymnastics team. In between our jobs and looking after the kids, we haven't had too much time together other than when we are collapsing into bed at night."

Kimberly smirked, a seductive look in her eyes, as she punched him playfully. "Hey now, I was pretty happy with how we collapsed last night."

Tommy smiled before kissing her forehead again. "Anyways, I was thinking we could head over to Rocky's diner for lunch and head to an afternoon matinee down at the theater. What do you think?"

"I would be honored to go with you." Kimberly said with a smile before untangling herself out of his arms. "Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to get dressed."

"Please Kim, take your time." Tommy said with a smile. He is answered by Kimberly throwing the towel over his head.

Rocky and Katherine strolled into the diner hand-in-hand as he led her over to the bar stools. Katherine climbed onto the stool and sighed in comfort as the smell of freshly grilled hamburger patties and deep fried onion rings filled her nostrils. Rocky couldn't help but to chuckle at the sound of her growling stomach.

"It sounds like someone's hungry." He said before poking her stomach teasingly.

Katherine nodded her head eagerly before resting her elbows on the counter top. "Do you have any idea how long it has been since I've had a decent meal? All of the things they say about prison food is one-hundred percent true Rocky, you had better believe it. I swear that some internal damage was done to my body after fifteen years of eating that slop."

The humor of the conversation quickly fades as the sound of whispers reach Katherine's ears. She sat upright on the bar stool and looked over her shoulder towards a group of friends seated at the table. She could hear the words "baby" and "kidnapper" coming from their mouths. With a sigh she turned around and rested her chin in the palm of her hand.

"I'm really sorry about all of this Katherine." Rocky said as he placed a hand on her shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Maybe we should have headed straight for the apartment."

Katherine shook her head in response. "No Rocky, everything is fine. Believe me, I am used to having people judge and talk about me behind my back without any knowledge of the true story. It is something that I had to put up with back in Alcatraz and it is something I'm going to have to deal with for the rest of my life. I can handle it, don't worry."

Rocky smiled at Katherine. He truly was amazed at how tough she seemed to be. Prison had definitely changed her. That much he could tell. With a sigh, he leaned against the counter and pulled an order pad out from his pocket.

"So, what can I get for you?" he asked casually, with a goofy smile on his face.

Katherine giggled before putting her hand to her chin in thought. "Well, let's see…I'll take a double-bacon cheese burger, a chili cheese fry, and a large chocolate milkshake."

"Wow, sounds like someone is pigging out tonight." Rocky said with a chuckle before giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'll be right back."

Katherine nodded before folding her hands neatly on the counter top. She had only been sitting there for five minutes when a familiar voice called out to her.

"Oh my God, Katherine? Is that you?"

A smile spread across the blonde's face as she looked up to face the owner of the voice. Tanya was standing right in front of her dressed formally, her hair straightened and framing her face perfectly.

"Tanya, it is so good to be seeing you again." Katherine said with a soft smile.

Tanya looked at her hesitantly for a moment before smiling. She walked around the counter and gave Katherine a hug, which was returned graciously.

"I just saw the news this morning." Tanya said as she broke the hug. "I can't believe you were released five years early. How are you feeling?"

Katherine shrugged as she ran a hand through her messy hair. "To be honest, I feel worn out and old. I mean, I sat in a prison cell for fifteen long years and believe me, it wasn't easy. Thankfully, I'm out now and Rocky is taking really good care of me."

"That boy." Tanya said with a shake of her head. "He is a good man Katherine, and don't you forget it. I can't think of anyone who would spend fifteen years of their life waiting on someone to get out of prison."

"Yeah, I know." Katherine said shyly. "Anyways, how have you been? We have to catch up on each other's lives and make up for lost time."

Tanya smiled before taking a seat on the bar stool beside her. "Well, Adam and I moved back to Angel Grove about six years ago. Adam was rehired at the police station and I was a stay-at-home mom for a while until Rocky asked me to be assistant manager. I don't have to skate around anymore since I'm basically in charge when Rocky isn't around."

"It sounds like things are going pretty well for you. Oh, what about your kids? How are Kegan and Daniel?"

Tanya sighed. "They will be eighteen in two months and they will be out of my hair. I can't wait for them to go, but I want them to stay at the same time. Anyways, their leaving will give me more time to focus on my daughter, Lisa."

Katherine gasped as a smile spread across her face. "You have a daughter?"

Tanya nodded. "She's fifteen. As it turned out, I had gotten pregnant right around the time that you…well, you know."

Katherine nodded understandingly. "It's okay. I can't wait to meet her."

"Trust me, you will be meeting her. Katherine, I want to let you know that in spite of everything that happened back then, I don't hold a grudge or any form of anger towards you. You had suffered a terrible loss and the pain of that loss clouded your judgment and you did some things that I know you aren't proud of. Just know that I am always going to be here for you, me and Rocky both."

"Thank you Tanya. That makes me feel a whole lot better, knowing that I at least have two people I can rely on."

Tanya gave Katherine's hand a gentle squeeze before standing. "Well, I had better get back to work. I'll call you later."

Katherine waved as Tanya ducked back into the kitchen. Rocky emerged a few seconds later carrying a plate of food and a chocolate milkshake. Katherine could feel her mouth watering as he set the plate down in front of her.

"Order up." He said with a smile before taking a seat next to her. Katherine licked her lips before digging into her first meal. Rocky watched her in amusement as she continued to eat, only pausing to take a sip from her milkshake. In less than seven minutes, Katherine had managed to empty her shake glass and clear her entire plate. With a sigh, she pushed the plate away and grabbed a napkin to dab away at the spare crumbs.

"So, how was your first meal outside of the slammer?" Rocky asked, amusement in his voice.

Kathrine smiled in embarrassment as she placed the napkin down on the counter top. "It was lovely, thank you."

Just then, the door swung open and an all too familiar laugh floated through Katherine's ears. Rocky stiffened beside her, and Katherine turned to see why. The other customers in the restaurant seemed to fade away as Katherine and Rocky stared at the two people walking through the door.

Tommy and Kimberly stopped dead in their tracks at the sight of Katherine sitting at the bar with Rocky. Kimberly appeared to have stopped breathing momentarily and Tommy had to place his hand on the small of her back to encourage her to take a deep breath.

Katherine cleared her throat before sitting upright in her seat. She figured it would be up to her to clear the air.

"Hello Kimberly. How are you?"

A/N: And so ends the first chapter of this sequel. Go ahead and leave me a review to let me know what you thought of this chapter. Also, if you have any one-shot ideas that take place within the fifteen year time skip, post those in your reviews too. See you at the next update.
