A/N: We've reached the end of the story! Thank you so much to everyone who reviewed. I really appreciate all of them. :) Here is the last chapter for all you naughty minded lot who wanted the Gelphie hot stuff to happen. ;) I hope you enjoy it! It's the longest one I've ever written.


It took Galinda time and a lot of fighting with herself. It was the ultimate sinful act, the final reputation destroyer...

...but one destroyed reputation could lead to the build-up of a better one, could it not? After all, Galinda hardly wished to be viewed as her old self anymore. The baseless opinions of peers she would never meet again after graduation seemed distant and worthless. Only her beautiful Elphie's opinion mattered, and Galinda knew which version of herself her girlfriend preferred.

It took a few weeks to gel, but one day, all of a sudden, it made sense, and stopped appearing bad or wrong; and so Galinda was finally able to give herself completely and for the right reasons. She realised, as soon as she started to make love to her girlfriend, that her escapade with Fiyero had been misguided. This was right – really right and not the right she'd thought back then. This time she didn't have to try and yet it was already perfect.

The act was a beautiful slow dance of bodies pressed together and offerings of gentle affections: sweet trails of tiny kisses which left lingering tingles of desire; the stroke of a finger across a wanting breast, causing it to stand to attention; goose pimples on skin and soft, hot sighs blown into the crook of the neck. Each act given ample time to play out, but nothing whatsoever measured.

There was no space for Galinda to wonder how she thought she could have been with Fiyero – he evaded her thoughts completely, lost to the sight of sweaty, dazzling jade, midnight silk tresses and dark chocolate irises which gazed at her like the world would end without her. There were no mocking voices in the back of her mind telling her she was evil or hated for her behaviour, but blissful silence broken only by soft moans when one of them could not contain their love for the other. Galinda would later reflect that such a pure and loving act couldn't possibly be wrong, but right now there was no right or wrong; just the ripple of her silk sheets as the two girls' bodies squirmed beneath, taking turns to dominate and submit, voicing their desires and exploring possibilities.

The touch of her Elphie's skin was nothing like those rough men her old girl friends dated: it was the cleanest, softest skin in existence, more so than Galinda's own. There was not a hint of sickness present, or contagion, or uncleanliness, but smooth limbs with no blemishes save for a single faint line across her lower belly. What it was, Galinda was certain to find out later, but now she kissed the blemish and moved further south to complete her goal.

She fumbled uncertainly but it didn't matter. Her Elphie didn't know any more than she did about how these things ought to work. She acted on instinct, adjusting her movements on Elphie's direction, eventually settling into a rhythm that seemed to please her girlfriend. She felt the warm wetness of her Elphie's folds, an odd but pleasant sensation, and caught sight of a small nub beginning to poke out from under a hood. Galinda looked with fascination at the swollen area and felt a surge of excitement. Her fingers brushed against it and her Elphie succumbed to a loud moan.

Galinda traced the area carefully, taking in the slippery sensation of the milky white substance on her fingers, the presence of dark hair that covered the area, and the sweet, mild scent as Galinda drew her face near. The whole time, her eyes did not leave her Elphie's, whose head gave the tiniest nod of consent as her thighs parted further. With a surge of bravery, Galinda slipped one finger inside and experienced the slick walls of the indoors, saturated with the milk of Elphie's desire. She slowly stroked the walls, grinning when her Elphie was unable to restrain herself from crying out.

Her lips were near, and she hesitated as she wondered if she dared to taste it. The fingers of her free hand continued to rub the swollen clit. Galinda had tasted her Elphie's mouth, but now she wanted to taste her in a more special and intimate way. She lowered her face with anticipation and allowed the clit to enter her mouth, then wrapped her tongue around and sucked it.

Her Elphie gave a guttural cry.

The girl Galinda had dreamed of – the very one who had hated her on their first meeting – crying in a way that could only mean total and utter adoration. The girl she had struggled with her feelings for, fantasised about, fought with herself to be with, giving Galinda everything of herself, despite the world giving nothing to her.

She sucked harder. Continued stroking the walls. Added a second finger.

More cries.

I'll give you everything, she thought as her hot breath wafted over Elphie's vagina. Galinda licked her lips, savouring the sweet taste, and then resumed her activity, synchronising her movements with her girlfriend's bucking hips. Everything.

And everything she finally gave. It had started with one or two things: firstly, an acknowledgement that her feelings for the green girl were not hatred; then, a tentative admission of friendship, and finally, a confession of love as Galinda stopped denying her feelings and took charge of them instead. She offered not only her affections, but the great effort it took for her to break free of the phoney barriers that surrounded her mentality and blocked out her true self. In giving herself, she forfeited everything she used to be, and found that she was glad to be rid of it. And now, she gave her entire soul as she pumped her fingers harder and drew her Elphie closer to her first climax, the first amalgamation of their bodies through lovemaking.

She could hear the wild growl of her Elphie's normally smooth voice as her slim, green back arched. Hands found their way into Galinda's messy mane, forcing her face closer. There was barely space to breathe – she panted short gasps whenever she could, all the while continuing her crusade.

Then Galinda felt a contortion of inside muscles around her fingers. There was not a second of doubt, not one questioning thought: she knew, from the sudden influx of rhythmic spasms and Elphie's loud screams, that she had achieved in her girlfriend the thing which she was now certain she had not achieved with Fiyero.

The thing she wanted to experience for herself.

She didn't have time to voice her desire, but didn't need to because just as soon as her Elphie's climax was over, the green girl heaved herself upright. Her introverted poise was lost to wild scrambling around as the girls frantically repositioned themselves. The sheet became victim to hard kicks and shuffles, and slid onto the floor, forgotten. Galinda flung herself backwards onto the mattress, spread herself like a starfish and raised her head to look at her hot, green lover.

'Get on with it!' she screeched, and her Elphie complied with a hard kiss on her lips, begging the girl to allow entry into her mouth. Galinda slackened her jaw eagerly and wrapped her lips around the tongue, hungrily engaging it in a passionate fight. Her manicured nails scraped Elphie's back as Galinda dragged her so close that their breasts brushed against each other. Green fingers traced Galinda's sides, reaping an involuntary shiver from the blonde.

All of a sudden, there was a hand beneath her where there had previously been thin air, grappling at her nether regions, eliciting a surprised gasp as Galinda's body rapidly heated in response. She broke the kiss in a heavy pant, screwing up her eyes as Elphie's lips trailed down her body, soon converging with the hand, the two together bringing an astounding force of excitement. Galinda might have been floating on a greater plane of existence where her only notions were the sight of her girlfriend working her divine magic, and an untainted stupor which rapidly built up to a tipping point.

When the moment came, she screamed her frenzied outpour, hands grabbing the mattress and body parts, torso and hips thrashing riotously, eyes squeezed shut, almost crying. Rippling contortions seized her insides, flooding her system in a way she could never have fathomed.

Then, she collapsed dead on the mattress, panting heavily, and locked eyes with her girlfriend. Took in that green face with eyes so filled with love and sexuality. Stared at the beautiful body which had given her so much pleasure.

'I love you,' she said.

Of this, she had no doubts whatsoever.