Author ~ Halo Son

Rating ~ PG

Disclaimer ~ How many times must I say I don't own Lord of the Rings?! The characters Trelan, Raniean, Celboril and Moranuen are made up characters belonging to Cassia and Sio and they gave me permission to use them in my story, so DO NOT steal them!

Author's Note ~ A story I came up with while brainstorming, I doubt there's much else to say expect this story takes place before FOTR. Oh yes and also I'm changing a little bit in the history by saying that Aragorn's mother and father both died in an orc attack.

Summary ~ What began as a pleasant stroll for Elladan, Elrohir, Aragorn and Legolas turns into a storm of an argument between the man and the elf prince. In the aftermath, Aragorn goes missing and Legolas doesn't seem to care. Elladan and Elrohir leave to find Aragorn and sort out this mess, but some sinister dangers await the elven twins and their human brother and in the end, they're fate may lay in the hands of the elf prince who is no where in sight.

Well well well, all good things must come to an end as you know. That's right, this is the last chapter. However, so as not to confuse you, please read the following notes:

~ Sequel is on the way! Remember I said this story is the first in a trilogy, so any unanswered question from this story will be answered in the following two stories, so dun panic!

~ The rating of the next two stories WILL go up, for reasons you'll find out in the next story.

~ The reason this story is short is because it's main purpose is to set the scene for the darker events to come, the next two stories WILL be longer, promise!

Okay that's all I have to say. I hope you've all enjoyed this story and will R&R the next two stories to come! Anyway, enough of my blabbering ^-^ on with the last part!

The Lord Of The Rings

Falling Into Silence

Epilogue-The End…Or The Beginning?

Legolas tilted his head so his eyes could see the stars.

Earendil was shinning brightly that night, though it brought no comfort to the sorrowful elf.

Estel was gone, having fallen into the enormous chasm with Neron.

There was nothing that the elf prince could've done, but his mind berated him, no matter what logic said.

It had all happened so quickly. Like a flash of lightning, he was there one second and the next he was tumbling over the edge, plunging to his death.

Shifting slightly on the tree branch he sat on, Legolas brought his legs up against his chest and let his head rest on top of his knees, his long hair flowing across his shoulders and moving in the slight night breeze.

But they never found his body.

After Legolas and Raniean had returned to Rivendell with Elrohir, the elf prince, Trelan and Raniean had swiftly returned to the bottom of the ravine and had taken a look around, expecting to find the bodies of the two men that fell.

But they only found one of them, Neron.

They had searched long and hard, but they never did find Aragorn.

Confusion and unanswered questions filled Legolas' mind and grief filled his heart.

No matter what anyone had said to him, he constantly felt a crushing guilt, not just for what had happened to Aragorn.

Elladan had suffered from his physical injuries and Elrohir suffered both physical and mental injuries.

However, no one knew exactly what Elrohir had suffered, for he would not speak, at all. It wasn't that Elrohir wouldn't speak, it was that he couldn't speak. The trauma of what had passed between him and the demon was so vile that it had rendered him into silence.

Lord Elrond had told him and Elladan that in his own time, Elrohir would most likely start talking again, but for now they would have to wait from the elf to come around slowly.

But no words of ease could pacify Legolas or Elladan, and both elves could see in Elrond's eyes that the elf lord himself felt some despair.

Legolas then sighed deeply to himself and looked up at the stars once more.

Then, a slight sound on the ground made the elf prince turn his attention.

He saw Elrohir silently walk past his position above and stop just in front of the tree, staring up at the stars and waning moon. Legolas effortlessly leapt down from the tree and walked next to Elrohir, his eyes glimmered with concern.


As expected, silence.

"Elrohir? Are you…alright?"

'Stupid question.' Legolas berated himself.

Elrohir slowly turned his head to look at Legolas. His eyes were filled with an incessant anguish and the elf prince didn't have to look in his eyes to know why; he just knew.

When Elrohir turned his eyes back at the stars, particularly Earendil, Legolas distinguished a line of silver liquid coming from the eyes of the suffering elf twin.

A suppressed choke escaped Elrohir's throat and his face contorted in agony as the tears of torment gushed down the fair face.

Legolas breathed heavily and swallowed hard. He clenched his fists in frustration; he wanted to comfort Elrohir, but he wasn't sure how. Words of comfort would do little good for him, yet he couldn't just allow Elrohir to suffer in silence like this.

They had all suffered too much already.

Taking a step forward, Legolas enveloped Elrohir in a warming hug and brought the younger twin's head forward so it rested on his shoulder.

The elf prince felt Elrohir flinch in surprise so he whispered some elvish words to soothe the twin and he smiled when he felt the twin begin to relax in his grasp.

Then words seemed to drift into the elf prince's head and without taking proper time to go over them, they rolled from his tongue.

"Elrohir, it will be alright." He spoke softly, running his fingers through the long black hair of his elf companion. "Do not lose estel nin mellon. I cannot imagine what happened to you, but we will help you overcome it."

Elrohir lifted his head to look into Legolas' eyes and the elf prince smiled, "You are stronger Elrohir, it cannot and will not haunt you forever."

Legolas then looked at Earendil, "I believe Estel is out there somewhere Elrohir." He looked back into the confused elven eyes. "Somehow, I believe he is alive, somewhere and I will find him and bring him home. That I promise you Elrohir; I promise to you, to Elladan, Lord Elrond, but most of all to myself."

Elrohir gazed in awe at the elf prince standing before him. He seemed so strong, so valiant in the pale moonlight. Elrohir felt a new strength flowing into his body and he couldn't help but let a small smile form on his lips.

Silently he thanked Legolas with a nod of his head, a new hope filling both within him and the elf prince.

Legolas smiled back and rested a hand on Elrohir's shoulder.

Yes, there were many confusing thoughts in Legolas' mind and lots of unanswered questions, but no matter what he wouldn't give up on this new hope that Estel was alive.

And he never did.



Darkness Haunting

The second story in the trilogy and squeal to 'Falling Into Silence'. It is exactly a year since the fall of Neron and the supposed 'death' of Aragorn. However during that time, Legolas has never given up the possibility that Aragorn may still be alive and has endlessly searched for him, without success. Then one night in Rivendell, Elladan is wounded and almost killed and it looks as though it was intentional. When Legolas begins to investigate, he discovers, much to his horror, that the evil responsible is from the depths of Mordor itself and a familiar darkness has a new and deadly weapon in its clutches, a weapon that Legolas could never bring himself to destroy.