An endless desert meets an endless ocean.

Dry winds blow swiftly over a golden blanket of sand. Deep blue water moves rythmically back and forth. A sun that will never cease to burn hangs against the explosion of turquoise and white, overlooking it all.

Where sand and water collide sits a drell, gazing out at the sea, silently breathing the desert air. Waves climb up the shore and wash against his feet, sending cool sensations through his naked body. He closes his eyes and inhales, tasting ocean and desert in one single breath.

Out at sea, not too far from shore, there is a sudden movement in the water. He notices immediatedly, but remains calm. The waves ripple, and the armor clad body of a warrior-angel emerges. The drell's round, black eyes widen. His lips part.

The angel wades towards him, shedding a piece of her blood soaked armor with every step until she's wearing nothing but her helmet. With flickering eyes he watches in silence as she approaches, hundreds of crystal clear memories hitting him all at once.

With great effort she staggers up the shore, her legs failing only a few feet in front of him, and she falls to her knees. With trembling hands the drell reaches out, and removes the angels helmet.


Her entire face is soaked, but he can still make out the tears streaming down her cheeks, and he realises he has never seen her cry before. She brushes her wet bangs out of her face and looks straight at him.


She collapses, falling forward and into his embrace. He holds her in his arms. She clings to his body. He buries his face in her hair. She sobs against his chest. He kisses her head. Finally, he speaks.

"I didn't think you'd come so soon."

She looks up at him. "I didn't either."

An endless desert meets an endless ocean. Dry winds blow swiftly over a golden blanket of sand. Deep blue water moves rythmically back and forth. A sun that will never cease to burn hangs against the explosion of turquoise and white, overlooking it all.

She wriggles out of his grasp, drying her eyes as she takes her place next to him. He turns his head and looks at her.

"Siha." he says, his voice trembling. "Will you spend eternity here, with me?"

She leans in close, puts both arms around his chest, closes her eyes and lets her head rest against his shoulder.

"Yes Thane, I will," she whispers. "I'll never leave."