Disclaimer: I do not own any Spyro franchise characters. They are owned by Activision. I only own my own OCs.
If you don't like my story, then just don't read it.
(Although I posted this on a Monday, I will be updating every Thursday.)
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Alec was working on a new model of his portal. It was different than the older model. The last model was a large archway with many runic symbols on it.
The runic Symbols on the old design were just for aesthetics. They had no use other than making the portal look more ancient and magical.
And there was a slot in the side to insert the spirit gem that was used as the power source.
Alec looked down to his wrist-mounted monitor. On the screen was an image of the blueprints for this new portal, which were based off of one of his other designs.
If you feel like you're having a sudden case of deja-vu, don't worry. A similar case like this has happened about three years ago.
X ~ 2 Years 10 Months Ago ~ X
Alec was working on his newest invention. It was different than his other inventions though. This was some sort of archway with many runic symbols on it. There was a slot in the side for what was probably the power source.
Alec looked down to his wrist, where he wore a type of strap that held a small monitor about as wide as a playing card. On the screen was an image of blueprints for the structure he was building.
X ~ End Flashback ~ X
Yeah...this isn't the first portal I've built. But if you know me, you already know that.
Alec was making a few final adjustments to the new portal. This new design appeared to be just a pad on the floor that was six inches thick and eighteen inches in diameter and looked like it could've been a transporter pad from one of the Star Trek shows. After one final adjustment, the six inch pad split into two three inch pads. The pads were held by two seven foot extendible poles, one of which having a computer panel on it.
"Is it ready for a test run?" Trisha, who was watching Alec work, asked.
"My new portal still needs a power source," Alec pointed out, "But that I can get from the Dragon Realms. Since this is the portable portal, this will be the one I'll leave in the Dragon Realms if it works. But remember, give me twenty-four hours. If I'm not back by then, I'll have to rely on you to lock onto my signal, activate the first portal, and bring me back."
Alec and Trisha looked at the first portal...it was the original portal.
The first portal is just that. First implies the original, the prototype. But I did add a few new tweaks to it.
X ~ 2 Years 3 Months Ago ~ X
"So, Trisha, how did you get to Silver Lake?" Pat asked, "And how did you know we'd be there?"
"Simple. I followed you," Trisha said, "When you were attaching the UV light to the hood of the car, I got in the back seat of the car."
"In other words, you stowed away?" Alec asked.
"Well, if you want to get technical," Trisha said jokingly.
"If you knew me, you'd know I always want to do things technical," Alec said.
"Hey...what's this?" Pat asked as she saw a hard black flake on the couch, "Is it one of Cynder's scales?"
Alec examined the flake for a moment, "I think it is," Alec said, "I guess she left something behind for me to study."
"Study?" Trisha asked.
"Yeah," Alec replied, "Maybe studying one of her scales would help me figure out how to perfect my portal.
X~ ~ ~ ~ ~X
After several days of studying, Alec came to a conclusion that surprised him...a rare occurrence, "I can't believe it!" Alec exclaimed after looking at the scale through a custom designed microscope, "This scale has no quantum signature!"
"And what's that supposed to mean?" Pat asked.
"Think of it like this," Alec said as he put a drop of his blood under the microscope, "First is the level that we see, which would be seen as red liquid." Then Alec zooms in to show the blood cells, "Then you see things at the cellular level, where you see the red cells in a clear liquid." Alec zooms in again, "Then you see things at a molecular level, where you see the atoms and molecules that make up even the cells." He zooms in again, showing smaller particles, "Then you see the quantum level, where the quantum particles are. Quantum particles are basically like the atoms that make up atoms. One form of quantum particles are photons, the particles that make up light and color. Quantum particles also make up the force that is gravity. Quantum particles are, for lack of a better term, the DNA of a universe."
Alec then put the scale back on the microscope, "Cynder's scale has the physical," Alec said, as he progressively zoomed in like he did with the blood, "It has the cellular. It has the molecular. But when it comes to the quantum, the particles are the same quantum particles that make up the energy of the portal's vortex. The portal couldn't recreate the quantum structure from the Dragon Realms, and it was incapable of building off of the quantum structure of the Human Realm."
"The Human Realm?" Pat asked.
"I figured it's easier to give a name to this world when referring to the Dragon Realms," Alec said, "But because the vortex couldn't use either quantum structures, it had to make it's own makeshift quantum structure for Cynder. And for me when I was in the Dragon Realms."
"So long story short, the energy drain had to do with having to put an extreme amount of energy into creating a makeshift quantum signature for anyone and anything that goes through," Pat said, extremely simplifying the explanation, "But then why isn't there an energy drain for your RC camera?"
"Well, there is a slight energy drain. But it's too miniscule to make a difference," Alec said, "inanimate objects have less complex structures and don't have to go through the cellular level or sustain a conscious mind."
"So how does this help you figure out how to figure out what to do?" Pat asked.
"Well, it doesn't," Alec admitted, "I have to figure out a way to let our quantum structure to pass through."
X ~ End Flashback ~ X
"I have a question," Trisha said, "You said to your mom that you knew what the problem was. But you told me that you only thought you knew...two months later. How can you know something, and then only think you know that same thing later?"
"Well, I was asleep. Then you woke me up," Alec said, "So when I said that to you, I was only half awake."
X ~ 2 Years 1 Month Ago ~ X
Alec was on his computer trying to think of how to perfect his portal and fix the energy drain problem. He had a list of several different designs with several different ways of working and several different power sources. After all of this thinking, Alec had fallen asleep in front of his computer.
Alec jumped up at hearing Trisha's voice, "Still trying to perfect the portal are you?" Trisha asked.
"More or less," Alec said groggily, "I think I've figured out the problem of why the original design took up so much energy."
"But, knowing the problem isn't the same as knowing the solution," Alec sighed, "I need to figure out how to fix the energy drain problem."
"Maybe you should just watch some Star Trek for an inspiration," Trisha suggested.
"I don't think you realize how serious this..." Alec paused for a moment when Trisha's words did bring up an idea. He realized that he had to find a way to convert matter into energy and then back again, "Forget what I was just saying! Thanks to you, I think I have an idea!"
Alec then started typing up plans on how to convert matter into energy.
X~ ~ ~ ~ ~X
Alec had been spending weeks on how to convert matter into energy. Trisha was there the entire time. She felt confident from knowing that she had helped him out twice already. The first being how to use both cameras to activate the portal.
A gurgling sound came from Trisha's stomach, "Do you mind if I get something to eat?" Trisha asked.
"Sure," Alec said, "Actually, I could use some lunch myself."
They both made a couple of sandwiches and had some lunch, "I just don't know what to do," Alec sighed.
"Have you ever wondered how the body converts food into energy?" Trisha asked.
"I guess...when I was little," Alec said. Then his eyes widened, "And you just gave me another idea!" Alec finished his lunch as fast as he could, then went back to the project.
Trisha was feeling even more confident knowing that she just added a third piece of advice to her list, "So what are you doing?"
"I'm basically gonna use the science of how the body converts food, which is matter, into energy," Alec explained, "I hope this will work! And thanks for another idea!"
X ~ End Flashback ~ X
"Because it was my ideas that gave you your ideas, in a way, I built your new portals," Trisha said.
"Well first of all, I'm the one who put in the work," Alec pointed out, "And that lunch was technically just an accident. But I do believe you do have a fair share of the claim on my new portals, since I wouldn't have come up with my ideas if it weren't for you."
It's true. I gave Trisha partial control over my portals because she does have a fair claim to their creation.
X ~ 1 Year 8 Months Ago ~ X
"I did it!" Alec exclaimed through the house, "I've successfully managed to convert matter into energy and then back again!"
"Does this mean you've perfected the portal?" Pat asked.
"Well, not quite," Alec said, "I still have to integrate it into the portal system. But I've already reconfigured the portal to run on a car battery. So that's a start."
X ~ End Flashback ~ X
It took me a while to reconfigure the system. But I managed to perfect my portal, including having a tracker system so that someone from the outside can bring us back automatically if necessary. But to make it even better, I made a second portal, this one being the portable Star Trek transporter design.
"So, can we start the test yet?" Pat asked.
"Yes," Alec answered, "But remember, this is only a test."
"BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP" Trisha said before talking as if saying what someone else has said, "This has been a test of the Emergence Broadcast System."
"Funny," Alec said with a lack of emotion, making Trisha and Pat wonder if he was being serious or if he was being sarcastic. Then he pointed to Trisha, "Okay, activate the portal."
"Activating portal," Trisha said in a mechanical voice, "Portal activated."
"And remember, give me twenty-four hours before you decide to pull me back," Alec said. Then he walked through the vortex, which seemed to have an extra swirl of energy in it.
When I went through the portal, I remembered that sensation well. The feeling of being pulled inside out and sucked through a straw. But there was something else...a sensation of feeling separated from my body. It was a strange sensation, but not unpleasant. For a moment, I felt like I was everywhere at once.
And then I was back in my physical body...the real thing.
My explanation for quantum particles is just my own idea. I have no idea if there is any scientific truth to what I said (though I have seen a show that talked about the quantum theory). But my concept is purely intended to be for plot convenience. That...and I technically stole it from Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Please R&R.