Infringement, none what so ever, not even if I try really hard. No profit, not even a little bitty tiny teeny cent.

I borrow with care.

Thank you all for waiting, this should make up for it. It's a longgggggggggg one.

Please take note of the warning later on.




Eyelids flicker.


Nose twitches.


Sounds, somewhere far away, repeating. Hazy mind shifting to identify.

Pitter-patter, pitter-patter. Dink-dink-dink. Pitter.

Identification is found as mind and body shift from slumber to awakening. Rain, it is raining. She listens to the steady rhythm, impacts of drops on glass, roof tiles. Another sound whispers beneath her ear, deeper.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

A smile lazily forms. This sound she has only recently come to know, crave, Jane's heartbeat. She moves her head just a fraction, rubbing, a soft brush of cotton warmth of body heat against her cheek. Her smile grows. She inhales slowly, letting the nasal receptors take their time on this scent. Hers, salt, sand, body lotion, mixing with musk, perfume, all Jane's. There is a slight darker one, alcohol. Oh, yes, the scotch.

Night's memories spring to life and with it the memories of everything. She waits for the ache to begin, one that has been with her upon awakening for the last four months. But it is quiet not even stirring, instead there is calm, light, joy. She deliberately forces, focusing, not holding anything back, pushing the memory of that night in the car. The days afterwards, everything leading to here this moment. It stirs, a ripple of pain, betrayal, ache of loss. But it has no hold, not when she can hear the steady beat beneath. Not when she can hear the rain and it doesn't bring destruction. The wind is lashing against the boarding, yet it holds no power of a tornado. The waves are crashing on rocks, yet there is no tsunami of wake. The tempest is calm, it has run its course of shattering. As if heeding her the mistress of the storms. The rain slows, tapering to nothing more than occasional droplets. The wind dies to hushed breeze, murmuring its retreat. Now she holds the staff of Prospero, life is a restoration of new beginnings.

Her hands curls into Jane's shirt, fisting. She still hasn't opened her eyes, sight withheld. She wants the other senses to have their turn. Sound... Heartbeats, air in lungs beneath. Sea, hush of wind, the chorus of the morning. Touch... She flexes her fingers, curving into an arch, flattening till each fingertip feels the brush of fabric, warmth. She traces circles. tiny circles. She stretches her body, moulding herself closer to the curves of Jane, skin singing with the touch.

Smell... Another long inhale of this, this new mixture of joint scents, a perfume fit for Kings. Taste... She bites her bottom lip, moving her head left where she can feel Jane's arm resting. Her tongue extends, the tip touches a wisp of fine hair then the first meeting of warmth of skin, Jane tastes of the sea. Giggling, she ducks her head back down, embarrassed at doing such a thing.

Sight... Now, now she wants to see, needs too. She lets her eyes open slowly, blinking in the light, focus expanding. She looks up through eyelashes, across the flatness of Jane's stomach, upward over peaks of breasts. Upward until she has to lift her head too see higher. She has to blink to understand what she is seeing. A laugh locks in her throat. There is no Jane's face, it is completely covered in black hair. She bites her lips together, sealing the seam of them with her teeth. The laugh rattling in her chest. Need increasing to be let free, as she watches each time Jane breathes out, hair is blown upward, black confetti held until the inhale draws it down. She can hear it now, a 'zzzzzzzz' low like a buzz of a hive, interrupted with the cutest little snort she has ever heard. The times she has shared a bed with Jane she has never heard this. She knows it is the relaxation of the airways due to alcohol. A louder snort and smacking of lips sends black air airborne in a flurry. It has her pressing her face fast into Jane's body to muffle the sound of laughter.

She keeps watching the show. Knowing Jane would be mortified, embarrassed. This is so precious, this, this secret place only she is given access too. Jane's body shifts, muscles tensing. She waits, watching as Jane shifts from slumber. Another smack of lips, a larger inhale. She dodges, as an arm raises going to the covered face, clawing at hair.

''Waff the hell?''

Her mouth quirks in amusement. Watching as Jane tries to get the hair off her face. Finally Jane gives up.

She keeps her voice low. ''Good morning, Jane.''

Breathing stops.

She waits.

Breathing continues. ''Maur?''

A shiver runs down her spine. Jane's voice is the lowest note she has ever heard. ''Were you expecting someone else?''

Jane's hand moves down, searching until she finds her. Hand fumbling across the top of her head, her face. She has to hold her breath on laughter as a finger pokes her eye. She grabs it. ''I assure you it is me and I quite like my eyes intact.'' She lets the pulled hand go.

Jane wipes at her own hair again. ''God... Something died in my mouth.''

''I would imagine the taste is rather unpleasant considering the amount of scotch you consumed.''

''Huh? Scotch?''

Anxiety peaks, she lifts up. ''You do remember last night?'' When no answer comes, she sits back fully. ''Jane?''

''Yes... Yes, I remember. Just shhhhhh. I'm trying not to throw up the dead thing.''

Heart rate returns to normal, she eases back down. ''Small even breaths and continue too swallow. Your saliva will help neutralize the acid being over produced.'' She follows her own advice as her stomach responds to the sudden anxiety.

Jane grunts.

Minutes pass, her stomach calms. She honestly doesn't know what she would have done if Jane hadn't remembered.


She looks up. ''Yes?''

''You know I love you.''

The smile is instant. ''I am aware.''

''Good, because if you don't get your elbow out of my bladder, I swear to god I'm gonna do something that might make you question it.''

Her eyes widen, shifting off and plastered to the back of the couch in a second. ''I'm sorry.''

Black hair is finally pushed back and two bloodshot eyes open. Which are immediately slammed shut. ''I'm dying.''

As she opens her mouth to rebut that claim, a palm is placed firmly over it, with amazing accuracy for someone with their eyes closed.

''No... No, Google. No. Just no.''

Her lips are trembling with the need to laugh. She gently takes Jane's wrist, lowering. Holding hands, a simple thing that has become to mean so much. Long fingers curve around hers. Bloodshot eyes open again, blinking focus until they are squinting down. Even though she can see the pain of a hangover, she is given the most beautiful tentative smile. Her lips curve in response.

''We keep waking up on couches. Maur.''

She chuckles ''We do.''

Jane exhales, tilting her head back. ''I had a dream. Weird as heck... Talking elves in kilts, a Greek guy holding up a card saying, 'just say no' with apple pie in his mouth. I hit a home run and the elves put a sack over my head.''

She snorts loudly.

Jane looks down. ''That's cute.''

Her eyes come up. ''Yours was cuter.''

''Huh... Oh god, I was snoring?''

''Only a little. It wasn't annoying. It was actually very...'' She bites her lip.


She nods. Chuckling as Jane lets out a groan, pulling her hand free to cover her own face.

''Shoot me now.''

''I would rather not.''

''Spoil sport.''

This laughter comes so easily. ''Your dream was a combination of last nights conversation and the fact your hair was across your face while you slept, causing the feeling of a sack.''

''Thank you, Freud.'' Eyes peek down at her. ''As much as I like this therapy bonding moment. I really need to use the bathroom.''

''Oh, of course.'' She shifts to get up, Jane's fingertips on her arm make her pause.

''Before you start questioning, analysing and any other word ending in ing. I remember last night, every word. Okay?''

She didn't know she needed the words until now. ''Yes. '' She steps over Jane.

Jane wobbles, groaning as she gets up. Hand going to her head. ''Holy... Okay. Ow.''

The urge to reach out, has her cupping hands tightly together. ''Can you make it upstairs? Or do you need me to assist you?''

''You just want to feel me up again?''

It splutters a mixture of heat and indignation. ''I so did not! You were incapable of walking. I was simply helping you.''

A hand waves in her face. ''Owwww. No loud, loud bad. My head is killing me.''

She steps aside, letting Jane move slowly ahead, following. ''Dehydration... You need to drink at least two litres of water and take an anti-inflammatory before your headache and disorientation dispel.''

''Pee first. Nothing going in until it's out.''

She follows closely as they climb the stairs, hands hovering, ready to catch. Reaching the top, she's suddenly nervous about leaving. ''I... I'm going to shower and dress. Are you sure you are going to be okay?''

Jane stares, eyebrow rising. ''I think I can handle peeing.''

She gives a stern look. ''You know what I meant. Leave the door unlocked, especially if you shower. The sudden water change of temperature can cause a blood pressure decrease. Call out if you feel dizzy or unwell. I will come and help you.''

''You're going to come help me? In. The. Shower. What help are you offering?''

Her mind shifts so fast she's blinded; Water on skin, hands, skin, wet. The blush is encompassing. ''Oh... I... No.. I. '' Wet... wet, Jane. She clamps her mouth shut. Distress forming, hyperventilation starting.

''Stop, stop. I'm joking. You're gonna burst a blood vessel.'' Jane steps closer. ''Jesus, breathe, Maur, breathe.''

She slows her breathing, jaw relaxing. Naked images fading. Her body is throbbing.

''Okay, there?''

She nods, control returning. She has never had such an overpowering rush of arousal before. It's still lava in her veins.


She looks up prepared for the laughter, teasing. But instead she finds serious brown eyes.

''Kinda weird? This... '' Jane's hand motions between them.

She nods. Saliva returning enough to speak. ''I am not used to you teasing me sexually. I am unsure how to respond.''

''You can respond anyway you want too. Including telling me to stop.''

''I would never tell you to stop. But are you really ready for me to say what I am thinking when you say things like you just did?''

It must show in her eyes, her want, need, lust. Because Jane's eyes widen. ''Um. I... Wow, okay. I get it.'' Jane's complete blush, is wonderful to watch.

She smirks. ''Exactly... I know we both want this. But now I don't know where the boundaries are?''

''We don't have to have boundaries. Maur. Just us, remember. Neither of us is going to do something the other is not ready for. I guess I just wanted to say things before, tease I mean, its been locked in my head... and I'm kinda freaking myself out I do it so easily without even thinking. But I don't want to freak you out with it. I'm surprising myself here. I've never really teased someone. I mean I have... You know what I'm shutting up.''

It eases the panic, seeing Jane just as flustered. She relaxes. ''I understand what you're saying. I just don't want to do or say something that...''

''That freaks me out, I leave?''

A whisper of failure tolls. ''I'm sorry.''

Jane sighs. ''I'm not going to leave. I'm gonna keep saying it and proving it until you get it. But until then, you can say anything and you know what... We are thinking wayyyyyyyyy too much about this... Let's just let it happen. Can't we just do that?''

She has to remember she is not alone in this. To doubt it so quickly is the failure. ''It will take me a while to adapt. But yes...'' Her head tilts. ''What are we?''

Jane's double take is comical. ''Huh? What are we, what?''

''Are we dating? A couple? Together? Partners?''

Jane rubs her temples. ''What happened to not having labels?''

She shrugs. ''I just don't know what we are. I believe it would help me to know?''

''Fine... We are all of the above.''

''We are dating?''

Exasperated Jane nods. ''Yes.''

''I don't remember being asked?'' She looks shyly up.

Jane frowns. ''How come you're not the one asking me?''

''You once said that if you were gay, you would be the guy.''

Jane blinks. ''Holy cow, Maur, you got a tape recorder in there.''

''Recall memory... Do I need to repeat the situation and how it arose and the conversation that followed?''

''No... God. Fine... Fine. Should I be sending a formal request to your father to court you?''

Her whole insides giggle at the use of the word 'court.' especially coming from Jane. ''A simple request to me will suffice.''

Taking a long suffering sigh, Jane steps closer. ''Maura, would you be my all of the above?''

She takes moment. Jane's eyes narrowing the longer it stretches. She smiles her sweetest smile. ''Can I think about it?''

The shocked look is instant and so worth it. ''Well, excuse me. Miss prissy.'' Jane turns away, huffing.

She has to step quickly, catching Jane's arm. ''Yes. Yes. I'm sorry... I'm sorry. I just couldn't help it.''

A finger is wagged in her face. ''You have spent far to long around me. You wouldn't have joked like that four years ago.''

She grins, pleased. ''You're right I wouldn't have. One of the reasons I love you is for all the things you have taught me.''

''Wow. Okay, I hope I never get used to you saying that... I love you too.''

She grins. She hopes she never gets used to it either. Her breath catches as Jane invades her space.


She swallows. ''Yes.''

''Are we having a moment outside the bathroom?''

She rolls her eyes. ''Yes, and we will have lots of them which you no doubt will also spoil.''

''Now would I?'' A batting of eyelashes, does nothing to make Jane look innocent.

''I'd expect nothing less from you.''

''I aim to please... Now we've got the teasing, dating out the way. Can I go pee?''

She scoffs. ''You say such romantic things.''

''Yeah, ain't you lucky... See you downstairs.'' Jane enters, her head pokes out. ''Hey, Maur.''

She looks back.

''You want to go out today into Marathon? Spend the day together doing touristy things?''

Together. Her smiles beams. ''Are you sure you're feeling up to it?''

''Feeling better already... Sooo? Quick, Maur, I reallllly need tooooo peeeeeeeeeeee.''

Laughing, she nods. ''Yes.''

''Cool. It's a date.''

The bathroom door clicks shut. She's going on a date with Jane. Smiling, she enters her bedroom, leaving the door ajar. Moving towards the bathroom as she undresses. She freezes, eyes widening, turning on the spot, moving quickly to the dresser, opening the drawers. A finger going to her chin. ''What do people wear for touristy things?''


Smoothing down the knee length green dress she chose. She turns to look over her shoulder at herself in the mirror. Pleased with her reflection, the tailored lines are perfect for her figure. The pattern of small leafs light and dark in the textile give the garment a look of Damask shading. She turns fully to face. The neckline isn't too daring, but it isn't' hiding her natural attributes either, exposing a generous curve of bosom. She bites her thumb, now unsure if she is misreading the title of date. Maybe Jane meant it as an appointment of just spending the day together, not as a romantic rendezvous? She growls, she has to stop this over thinking. The garment is suitable for either. She steps away, slipping on silver gladiator sandals with an inch wedge heel, needing the height against Jane's taller form. Bending to tie up each lace, criss crossing up her lower calves. Once done, she stands. taking a last look in the mirror. Tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Lastly checking her lightly applied make-up. Satisfied, she lifts the cream cotton jacket off the back of the chair, carefully folding it over her arm. Securing her bag strap over her shoulder. Taking a deep breath, nerves still leaving butterflies in her stomach, one more deep breath and she opens the door and heads downstairs.

Jane's back is to her, sitting on the kitchen stool. She lets her eyes take in the white blouse and black jeans, hair loose, free. Her step falters, suddenly feeling overdressed. Just as she is about to go back upstairs and completely change. Jane's head turns and looks over her shoulder, dark eyes track from her feet all the way up to the blush she is now sporting.

Jane fully turns, grinning. ''Wow.''

''I... I can change.''

Jane frowns. ''Why the heck would you want to change? You look... you look great.''

She fiddles with the strap on her bag. ''I wasn't sure what to wear. Should I have picked something more casual?''

Jane is shaking her head, eyes looking her up and down slowly. A gaze she can feel.

Jane slowly walks towards her. ''Are you comfortable?''

Even with the inch heels she has to tilt her head slightly to look up into Jane's face. ''Excuse me?''

Jane's hand motions up and down. ''In that dress, those shoes? Are you comfortable?''


''So don't change. I feel like I'm under dressed, but I didn't bring a lot with me. Who am I kidding, even if I'd brought my whole wardrobe I'd still feel it around you.''

She lets her gaze take in Jane's apparel. White shirt, very lose fitting, the style has touch of pirate. A peek of a yellow vest beneath, leaving the curve of breasts like two sunrises in the dawn. Black tight jeans, down to black striped sandals. She smiles. ''I think you look gorgeous.''

Jane looks down, blush already starting. ''You... You look beautiful, Maur. Really beautiful.''

It is rare compliments take her breath away. The difference is, this is Jane and she never says anything she does not mean. ''Thank you.''

Jane takes a step closer. ''I brushed my teeth.''

She blinks, thrown both by Jane sudden proximity and change of subject. It takes more than a moment for her brain to catch up to the words and their meaning. She smiles shyly. ''You did?''

''A huh. Did an extra minute too.''

''Well, for extra oral hygiene I think you should be rewarded.''

''You do.''

''I do.'' She takes a step closer. Tilting her head, eyes never leaving Jane's. The meeting of lips makes her heart flutter. It's sweet, unhurried, a good morning. Jane breaks the kiss first and she has to control herself not to chase for more.

Jane clears her throat. ''I'm... I'm gonna remember to add minutes from now on. Dentists should let people know they can get that if they brush more often.''

She grins. ''I'm sure it would decrease the teeth cavity rate.'' Jane laughs and she will never get used to watching, or hearing it.

''Do you want to have breakfast here? Or get something when we get to Marathon? I Googled, it's about twenty minutes away.''

''Breakfast out would be wonderful.''

''Out it is.'' Jane lifts her jacket. ''…. they said it might rain. So just in case.''

She falls into step as they head for the door. ''Who said?''


She laughs. ''Should I be worried you're seeking advice elsewhere?''

Jane holds the door open for her, following as they step outside. She locks it. They both walk to the car.

''If you hadn't taken hours to dress I wouldn't have had to.''

She unlocks the car. Moving to the drivers side. Watching as Jane opens the passenger side, bending to get in.

''I did not take hours. I have you know this was the quickest I have ever taken to prepare for a date. On occasions it has taken me longer to undress, depending on the fastenings. They can be quite complex.'' She hears a thud of skull meeting metal. She ducks down quickly, looking into the car. Finding Jane with a flustered look, holding her head. She bites her lip. ''Are you okay?''

''Fine... fine. Just... never mind.''

She has to look away to hide amusement. She takes extra time to place her jacket in the back seat, before schooling her features and getting into the car. Securing the seatbelt, waiting till Jane is in and has done the same. She starts the car.

''So where are you taking me?''

She startles, looking across. '''This was your idea.''

''It is. But I haven't a clue where to go or what to see.''

''Google didn't help?'' She pulls the car out, driving along the dirt road.

''I prefer the interactive real life version. Besides you've been there before and I'm sure you already have ideas.''

She laughs. ''I may have. There are a few places I'd like you to see.''

''No museums.''

Her lips thin. Rethinking the itinerary she had quickly planned. ''Not even if I think you'd find it interesting?''

''Maybe. Breakfast first. I need fuel if you're going to walk me ragged.''

''Of course.'' She presses the gate activation, waiting until it's open before driving through.

''Gotta get presents.''

''There are some wonderful shops for souvenirs.'' She looks up at the rear view, making sure the gate closes behind them.

''Funny ones.''

''Funny ones?''

''Yeah, you know like, 'my friend went to the keys and all I got was this lousy t-shirt'. They hate it, but laugh.''

''Oh... I'm not sure if any of the shops I know have those... The market on Kirkland may have...'' She glances across, confused. ''... Why would you buy a present for someone if you know they aren't going to like it?''

''Because it's funny as hell.''

''Hmm.'' Sometimes she really doesn't understand humour at all, especially Jane's.

''Don't worry Maur, you can make it up to them and buy them something amazing.''

''Thank you.'' She turns off the highway heading into the city.

''Wow, that is pretty.''

She lets her gaze shift to the skyline of buildings against the backdrop of the ocean. ''It is. It was settled originally in the eighteen nineties. The census of that time showed fourteen people in occupation. The architecture is a mixture of early nineteenth and later twentieth. It was only incorporated in nineteen-ninety-nine to city status.''

''A huh.'

''The name Marathon actually came from the workers who laid the rails for the Florida East coast railway company. Referring to the day and night non stop work. Calling it a marathon task... The railway station was called Marathon because of it... The city name followed.''

''A huh.''

She looks across to find Jane grinning, eyes dancing. She blushes, looking back at the road.

''See, that's why I prefer the real Google... Don't even have to press search. Totally instant information.''

Still blushing, she laughs.


Having parked the car near enough to only take a five minute walk. They moved towards the café she knew served a breakfast suitable for her and Jane. She spent most of the time watching Jane, her new thing to watch. Like in her work Jane looked at everything full focus, eyes taking in detail. Jane's emotions were plain, honest. They moved through the café, out to the open deck at the back, which offered an amazing view of the bay. She took her seat, resisting the urge to wipe it clean with one of the anti bacterial wipes she always kept. She was getting better at not doing that. She lifted the menu, pleased they still had her favourite.

''When was the last time you were here?''

''Five years ago. Just before I took the job in Boston. I'd finished moving everything to the house and needed a break before starting work.''

''Has it changed much?''

''There are a few shops and building that weren't here before. But it still is mostly the same.''

''Were you... Did you come on your own?''

Her eyes jerk up from reading. Focusing entirely on Jane, the way her thumb is picking at the corner of the plastic of the menu, eyes firmly fixed on the writing but so not reading. She is not used to Jane showing all the signs of vulnerability or nervousness. ''I was alone, Jane. You're the only person I've brought to Crawl key, or here.''

Tentative dark eyes lift. A smile forming. ''I like I'm the only one.''

''Me too...'' She closes the menu. Folding her hands. ''You know I don't have many friends and as too lovers, I never wanted to share this place with any of them. I don't often include people into my private world... So stop worrying you are just another slice on my bed post.''

Jane snorts. ''Notch, another notch on your bed post.''

''You're not.'' There is something in Jane's eyes, a storm of emotion. ''Is that what you think this is? I brought you here to bed you?' She is little insulted.

''What!? No, of course not. I didn't have the right to ask. I mean, your past is your past.''

She frowns. There is definitely something going on she has missed. ''You can ask me anything and curiosity is totally understandable... In fact talking about sexually partners in today's world of transmitted diseases is quite prudent.''

Jane spits drink back into her glass, coughing. ''I... I wasn't asking that... Christ. I just liked the idea I was only one you brought here.''

''And you have your answer. As to my health. I am clean of anything sexually related.'' She sips her juice, waiting.

Jane shakes her head. ''Good to know. And I'm you know, the same.''

She should feel amusement at the blush spreading across Jane's face, the flustering. But she doesn't. Because there is something still there. ''You obviously have something on your mind? '' She waits, but Jane gives her a smile that isn't quite real.

Jane lifts her menu again. ''It's fine, glad we got that sorted... I know what I want. Are you ready to order?''

It isn't fine. Whatever this is, it will have to wait. She signals for the waitress.

Breakfast arrives and neither wait, eating. She sips her tropical juice, turning to look out over the bay. Jane through the breakfast had been unusually quiet and she wonders what is going on in that mind of hers. She knows if she waits, Jane will eventually speak. She's not worried, she should be, knowing Jane's way with things it could be anything. The ease they have between them is more than before. A line has been crossed, but the unknown is exciting instead of terrifying. The temptation to take this faster, to move into the stage of lovers quickly, is making everything hypersensitive. A look, a laugh, a touch from Jane, builds her want to a level she has never experienced. It is more, they are more. She smiles, sipping.

''What's that smirk for?''

She ducks her head, eyes shifting to Jane. ''I am just enjoying this.''

''Yeah, it's great here.''

She doesn't ask. But it's there again, the tempest of thoughts in Jane. She sees the moment Jane pushes whatever it is away. She nearly does ask, secrets between them have only caused rifts. She makes up her mind to not let it. ''Have you finished breakfast? I have somewhere I would like to take you.''

Jane's curiosity is instant, banishing whatever dark thoughts she was having. ''Where?''

She smiles. ''I'm not telling you.''

Jane whines. ''I hate surprises.''

''I know. Ready?''

Jane finishes her coffee, standing. ''Let's get it over with.''

She places her sunglasses on, getting her bag and jacket. ''It's not a museum.''

''Thank god for small mercies.''

She pays, shooting Jane a look when she goes for her wallet. ''My turn.'' Jane for once gives in.

When they walk to the car. Silence is between them, she expects teasing, questions, but Jane is quiet with her thoughts. It is starting to worry her now, whispers of it in her subconscious. She focuses instead on what she has planned, hoping it will clear Jane's dark mood.

The drive takes fifteen minutes. She pulls into the forecourt of the blue building, turning the engine off. Waiting.

Jane's face is alight when she turns to look at her. ''The turtle hospital.''

She nods. ''I first came here when I was thirteen, mother brought me. They were having a fund-raising for a new wing. Mother knows, Dr Stafford, he was one of the original investors and creator of this. He wanted to a place which had full medical availability to the sea turtles who needed it. A group of marine biologists managed to start this place...'' She nods to the building. ''I wanted to share it with you, because it means a lot to me. It's the first thing I ever gave money to. I mean my own money. All the causes I gave money to before had been associated with the Isles foundation trust. Paid out from a fund I received from my grand parents when I was twenty one. This, this was my money, money I earned... The work they do here is amazing... I wanted to give something back. People like my parents, others who live here are damaging the environment, pollution, boating. With that aside, what we did to the turtles in the past...'' she takes a breath. ''I know you will think it is stupid. But the way we treated these beautiful creatures really does make me nauseous. This place shows me we can give back for the cruelty, not be forgive for it, but to make a difference now. It has saved thousands of turtles, without it I would be quite sure the sea turtle would now be on the endangered species list. Without them it would effect the whole food chain, impacting on all sea life.'' She looks down. ''It's important to know we can still make a difference. I can... even if it means I only give money.''

Jane's hand comes into view, covering hers.

''I don't think it's stupid. It's a good thing they did... You did.''

She wipes at her eyes, wishing she didn't cry so easily. ''Thank you.''


She looks up, before she can say anything hands hold her face and she is kissed deeply, passionately, to the point she doesn't remember her own name. When Jane pulls away, this time she does chase, pulling Jane back. Kissing her with all the love she has. Breathless she breaks it. ''What... What was that for? Not that I'm complaining.''

''I love your heart, your generosity. How much you give. It... I'm not like that. I wouldn't have even thought about turtles until I met you. I've never met anyone like you.''

She smooths back Jane's hair. ''I've never met anyone like you. I really wasn't prepared at all for you in my life. You have turned it upside down.'' She means it as a good thing, but Jane's smile falls.

''I know I did. Not all of it has been good, knowing me.''

''Is that what you've been thinking about all morning?'' She knows she shouldn't push it. But now things are making sense. Jane broods.

''Can't hide much from you can I?''

''You never really have been able to. Not once I got to know you. Tell me what's wrong?''

''Later. I promise. Just stupid stuff.''

''Are you sure? We can go somewhere else. See the turtles another day?''

Jane smile is real this time. ''I'm sure. I wanna see the turtles.''

Her gaze is searching. But Jane as always won't do anything she doesn't want to. With slight disappointment, she nods. ''The turtles.''

She gets out of the car. She waits until Jane is out, locking it. She starts in surprise as Jane offers out her hand. Her eyes go to the hand, to Jane's face, down to the hand again.

''You look like I offered you a dead fish.''

Surprise is evident. ''You want to hold my hand in public?''

''Sure. That's what couples do isn't it? Unless you don't want too?''

She quickly steps forward, taking the hand, curling fingers around, thumbs in perfect position. ''I'm sorry. You just surprised me.''

Jane grins. ''They're probably will be places back home I'll be nervous doing it. Not so sure in the precinct is wise, to much fodder for the idiots. Around ma, '' She pauses. ''I think around ma, we'll have to tone it down with the things like this until she get used to it. Anyway, here we can do what we like and I want to hold your hand. And now I'm sounding like a Beatles record.''

''What type of beetle? The aborigine brown beetle rubs its hind legs together in a scratching sound, which would be likened to a guitar D cord.'' She bits her lip as they head towards the main doors.

''Ha. Ha. Not getting me on that one, I know you know who I mean. You brought their 50th anniversary CD. Played like a zillion times in the morgue.''

She grins, her eyes going from their joined hands back up to Jane's face. She's dancing inside, the Beatles song repeating in her mind. What Jane didn't know about this, was ever time she played it she thought of Jane, her hands. She licks her lips, it needs out. Her voice is low, tentative spoken, not sung, a hum of lyrics. ''Oh yeah I, tell you something, I think you'll understand...''

Jane's stumble is instant, eyes widening, shooting to her.

She resists the urge to hide, continuing, voice getting stronger. ''…when I, say that something, I wanna hold your hand, I wanna hold your hand.''

Jane's eyes dart around, nervously. But whatever darkness left has disappeared, browns changing to an amber burn as they lock onto her. It catches her breath.

She uses their joined hands, to pull Jane closer. She has never in her entire life done anything like this, totally unprofessional, putting herself in a place of ridicule, embarrassment. This is the Maura Isles who rode a horse naked because she believed in a cause. This cause, Jane, gives her back that part of herself, one she'd forgotten existed. She doesn't care she is doing it in a middle of forecourt for all to see, she is running free. Nervousness makes her tremble. Her voice is low, only for Jane. ''Oh please say to me, let me be your man...''

Jane's eyebrows hike, mouth spreading into a grin.

''…and please say to me, you'll let me hold your hand, let me hold your hand... I wanna hold your hand... and when I touch you, I feel happy, inside,'' She wiggles, giggling with it. ''….. it such a feeling that my love, I can't hide, I can't hide... I can't hide.'' She steps a pace back, letting her eyes rake over Jane's body, gaze coming up to lock. Eyebrow lifting, getting bolder. ''Yeah you... got that something, I think you'll understand... when I say that something, I wanna hold your.. hmmmmmffffff.''

There is nothing but heat, lips, body to body, hands, no air. Lyrics disappear lost in the intensity. Jane, all Jane. A hum escapes as mouths open, their music now; Lennon and McCartney having nothing on this melody they are creating. She's pulled flush to sinew and bone, soft flesh. She feels her bag drop and she honestly doesn't give a damn. Eyes slam shut as fingers scratch at the back of her neck, hairs standing to attention, along with other parts. Her hands go around Jane, fingers digging into her back, gripping, pulling. The response is instant as Jane groans into the kiss, sound travelling down her throat and vibrating on her own vocal cords. She is lost in this, blood singing, heart the strum of bass.

A clearing of a throat has her eyes fluttering open, catching Jane's opening, dazed, iris's pin pricks. The kiss breaking, both breathing heavily. She swallows, licking her lips. A clearing of a throat sounds again, louder. Still locked in the embrace. she turns her head. She calls on all her years of professionalism. A small smile fixed. ''Hello, Dr Samways.''

''Dr Isles. Nice to see you again.'' His amused eyes dart to Jane.

Taking a breath, she steps away, loath to do so, letting her hands trail the length of Jane's arms before breaking their touch. ''This is Jane Rizzoli, My... my partner.'' She catches Jane's startle out of the corner of her eye. She smiles again. ''Dr Samways. I'm sorry if we have kept you waiting?''

Jane's scoff, has her eyes returning to her. Jane's hand is running through her hair, embarrassment creeping over the flush of arousal. On an exhale and a chuckle of nerves, Jane bends, lifting the bag, handing it over. ''Dropped this.'' Now the smirk is magnificent.

She takes it, her breathing uneven, body awake. Her smile stretches. ''Thank you.''

''If you two are ready? The boat is about to leave.''

The words filter in, her gaze snapping from Jane to him. Remembering what she had arranged. ''Oh... Yes.'' Shyly she looks back at Jane, extending her hand, wiggling her fingers. ''Wanna hold my hand?''

Jane's laugh clears the last of the embarrassment. She steps forward, taking her hand in a squeeze. ''Who are you and what have you done with Doctor Isles?''

Shoulders give a little shimmy. ''She is on vacation, as am I. Come on. We don't want to miss this.''

Dr Samways leads the way. They fall into step following into the main building.

''Miss what?'' Jane pulls them to a stop, eyes narrowing. ''What have you done?''

She ducks her head. ''I simply made an enquiry. It turned out the enquiry was made at a perfect time.''

''When did you do all this scheming? You didn't even know I wanted to come into Marathon till this morning.''

She starts them walking again. She likes having this kind of secret. ''When I was dressing, I made a call.''

''You're getting sneaky... I'm gonna confiscate that damn phone.''

She laughs. She doesn't get to say anything else as Jane suddenly stops, jerking her back. The one draw back of holding Jane's hand she is discovering, is this. Even driving Jane doesn't give advance warnings of stopping. Her body flushes. Driving. The word holds a whole new connotation after that kiss outside... Her thoughts snap back as Jane tugs her hand again.

''Wow. Hey Maur, look.''

Her gaze lingers on Jane's face, the joy there. Before moving to where Jane is looking. Seeing the twelve large blue circular pens, turtles swimming in four of the them. ''It's where they keep the turtles in isolation.''

''Their own private pool. Those guys are bigger than Bass.''

Dr Samways answers, pausing by one of the pens. ''A mature turtle can reach up to well over five hundred pounds.''

''Holy shit, really?''

He laughs nodding. ''Yeah, really, takes four of us to move one. Some can be five feet long.''

''Damn. I didn't know they could be as small as Maura.''

She startles. Slapping at Jane's arm. ''Hey. You know very well I am five foot seven. In heels I am the same as you.''

Jane's chuckle is deep throaty. ''No hitting, Maur. I have witnesses.''

He grins. ''I assure you I didn't see a thing, Dr Isles.''

She smirks at Jane.

''Fine... whatever.'' Jane turns back to look closer into a pen. ''What's wrong with it?''

''Timmy was found with a laceration on his back left fin, more than likely from a boat. They float on the surface to sun themselves, actually fall asleep. By the time they register a boat is coming, their dive is to slow and they get hurt. Tim, was lucky his is only minor. All turtles brought in, we hold them in these pens under full observation. It helps us care for the weaker ones, without stressing them to much. Also keeping them away from others until we find out why they are ill. A turtle coming in with a wound from a boat accident might still hold a virus.'' He nods to the equipment on swing arms. ''We can scan them in the pens and take blood work.''

''Dr Samways has an active part in treating and writing published papers on various turtle related medical conditions.''

Jane gives her a look. ''You're just sucking up to him because he took your side.''

She flushes.

He laughs. ''As much as I'd like to show you the new equipment, Dr Isles. The boat is waiting. '' He opens the exit door, holding it open for them to pass through.

''How long you been here?'' Jane is still looking back towards the pens as the door closes.

''Ten years... I started here when I was doing an intern ship at the local hospital. Helping out with the cleaning and stuff. Took an interest in the turtles, which took over more than my medical work.''

''People hospital?'' Jane's eyes are taking in everything around.

She has always been fascinated at how quickly Jane makes friends and puts others at ease. She watches their interaction now with a slight sadness she has never been able to do so.

''Yes. I switched my degree from paediatrics to marine biology with a second degree in veterinary science. Much to the annoyance of my parents.''

Jane laughs. ''I bet. Turtles don't tend to pay much.''

He grins. ''No. But now they tell everyone I'm a turtle doctor... This way.'' He turns left out of the building down a ramp.

She's reading one of the medical reports on the wall, when a pull sends her sideways as Jane tugs.

''Come on. Come on. Read later... No idea what is waiting for us, but I wanna see it.''

She laughs as she's tugged along. Dr Samways moves ahead, amusement evident in his eyes.

Jane's voice is an awed whisper. ''You sang to me.''

She blushes. ''I did.''

''In a forecourt.''

''I did.''

''I loved it. Scared the hell out of me for two seconds, thought we'd slipped into an episode of Glee. Rizzoli and isles the musical.''

She glances left, taking in the broad smile. ''The musical show Frankie watches, that you constantly tease him about?''

Jane nods. ''Yep. He says he doesn't watch it for the music, just the girls. Which is bull, I caught him dancing with Joe to; 'You're the one that I want.' Joe wouldn't go near him for a week. ''

She laughs at the image that brings. Eyes checking where Dr Samways is, comfortable with the distance he is ahead, her gaze shifts to Jane again. ''It seems being in love with you. My mind has other ideas about behaving in a way becoming of an Isles. I'm even surprising myself.''

''Nah. Nothing to do with being an Isles. I can see Constance doing a really mean Beyonce. Especially if I get that elf scotch into her.''

Her laugher echoes loudly off the tiled walls of the corridor. So much so, Samways pauses looking back. She bites on the laugh. Jane gives him a little wave. He shakes his head, turning to continue ahead.

Jane squeezes her hand, grinning. ''I want to kiss you again. But I think he's gotten enough of a free show and I don't want to startle the turtles.''

She hiccups a breath, arousal instant. ''Jane.'' It's a warning.


Jane turns, but she gentle pulls her back. ''No, don't be sorry. It's just I want you so much right now it wouldn't take very much for me to tell Dr Samways we have to leave. But what I have planned, I so want you to see. But believe me when I say, I am sorely tempted to leave, now.''

Jane inhales sharply. Swallow visible. ''Wow. Okay. I ... Jesus, Maur.''

She is suddenly unsure if she's read this right. ''Should I be the one now apologizing? Didn't you say I should respond with what is on my mind?''

''Yes, and no. No apologizing...'' Jane's laugh is seriously nervous. ''I don't think I'm ready for this side of you.''

She caresses her thumb across the back of Jane's hand. ''I don't bite unless asked.''

Jane's mouth falls open, closing on a splutter. ''Maura!''

She giggles. ''I'm kidding.'' She shrugs. ''Mostly.'' Teasing Jane is now on the top of the list of new things to do. ''Jane.''


Amused beyond belief. ''Would it help you to think of baseball?''

Dark eyes narrow. ''Careful Dr Isles, when I get over the shock of you turning into Mati Hari. Paybacks.''

''Are you calling me a seductress?'' She lowers her voice to a sexual timber.

Jane's eyes widen, darting down the corridor then back. ''Maura.''

She steps closer, empowered with what she can do. ''Would you like me to seduce you, Jane?'' Hands flap in her face, making her burst out laughing.

''Stop that. Holy hell, what was in your breakfast?''

Still laughing, she gives a look of apology. ''I'm happy, I'm happy with you. After all the dark, the pain, almost losing you. This fun, I've never had fun with someone as much as I do you. I'm alight inside. I don't want to stop this part of me any more.''

Jane steps closer, mouth open to speak. A clearing of throat interrupts them again. Jane laughs, looking over. ''Sorry, we're on our way.''

Sighing, she falls into step with Jane. As they pass Dr Samways, she smiles politely. ''You really should get that looked at before it develops into a trachea infection.''

Jane snorts.

He grins. ''I'll get right onto that. Just go down to the pier, Dr Rosa will meet you.'' Still laughing, he turns with a wave. ''Enjoy your day.''

She sees the twenty foot boat waiting at the pier. Smiling a greeting as two step forward to meet them. ''I'm Maura, this is Jane. Thank you so much for doing this.''

''I'm Dr Rosa and this is Dr Senna. You can call us, Tracey and Dave. It's our pleasure. If you're ready?''

''I'm not sure what I'm ready for?'' Jane follows.

Tracey smiles, stepping up into the boat. ''I heard it was a surprise.'' Offering a hand down to Jane. ''Put your foot on the ledge and up you go.''

She frowns, looking at the side of the boat and step, to her dress. In hindsight she really should have thought of this.

''Need a hand there, Dr Isles?''

She lifts her chin, ignoring Jane. Moving to the side of the boat, shimmying a little to draw up her dress above the knee. Taking Tracey's hand to help her up, lifting her leg to place a foot on the ledge. Her eyes come up to find Jane's head tilted, gaze firmly fixed on her now exposed thigh. Jane's eyes shift. She raises an eyebrow. Jane coughs, looking away. Grinning, she steps the last step up and over. Smoothing down her dress when she reaches the safety of the deck.

''Thank you. Tracey.''

''No problem.''

Both she and Jane jump as Tracey lets out a yell worthy of a sea captain right from behind them.

''Good to go, Keith. All on board.''

She looks at Jane in amusement, noticing Jane's hand had gone to where her gun should be.

Jane shrugs. ''What? She scared the crap out of me.''

Laughing, she takes Jane's hand. ''Over here.''

She walks them towards where a large four foot crate is at the stern. Tracey and Dave kneeling by it. She doesn't watch where their going, her eyes are firmly fixed on Jane's face. The moment Jane realises what is in the crate, is like watching a child at Christmas getting the present they always wanted.

She lets go of Jane's hand as Jane kneels next to the crate, her hand reaching out, then stopping, looking to Tracey.

Tracey nods. ''You can touch him, just keep behind his head.''

Jane's fingers trace patterns on the shell. ''It's so beautiful.'' She looks up. ''Maur.''

She kneels immediately, Jane's expression nearly bringing tears. ''He is beautiful.'' She lets her own fingers trace.

Jane caresses the turtle again. ''Hey there, fella.'' Jane pauses, head tilting. ''Is his fin plastic?''

Tracey grins. ''It's a poly compound... His names Bruno. He was found three months ago tangled in a net. Deep cuts over his fins, all infected. We had to amputate part of his left one. The prosthesis is experimental, but over the last three months we've been rehabilitating him, getting him used to it. Today he goes home.''

Jane's blink looks like it's in slow motion, face turning to her. ''You brought me to watch him go free.''

She nods, emotion building a lump. ''Yes.'' She can see the same thing in Jane. Eyes bleeding the emotion of this, what it means. Above all else she has always known Jane's heart is a fragile thing, hidden behind the strength of courage and walls built. But she sees Jane's heart right now, eyes misty with the emotion she is feeling.

The turtle's head comes up suddenly snapping. Jane jumps back so fast she ends up on her butt. Jane's laughter makes her want to grab and kiss, catch the joy in her lungs. Instead laughing, she grabs Jane's hand, squeezing, pulling her back up. ''You okay?''

''What's with things wanting to bite me today.''

She grins. Keeping to herself her opinion on that.

Tracey gets up. ''Right, if you two are ready?''

Both look up, speaking at the same time. ''Ready for what?''

Tracey grins. ''You are now officially turtle lifters. I need to run through a few things with you.''

She's pretty sure both Jane and her eyes widen beyond humanly possible.

Jane stares down at the turtle. ''Holy shit.''

She couldn't have said it better herself. She stands, swaying slightly with the movement of the boat on the waves. Jane is rubbing her hands on her jeans, attention fixed on Tracey. They both listen as Tracey runs through how to lift, where to hold and how too move as a team towards the floating platform, which is now visible with the stern door open.

Dave comes over, kneeling. Fixing a small device to wires looped through the shell. Ones she hadn't noticed before. ''Tracker?''

He looks up. ''Yes. We try to track all our turtles. Helps with research, especially if we get one with a virus. Helps us know where to look for problems and what might be causing them.'' He checks the signal on the small pad. ''Perfect. Bruno here is one of the new ones, he's fixed with a camera as well.'' He holds up the pad.

She laughs, when she sees her legs and Jane's. ''I read in the last newsletter you were trying this. It's quite fascinating''

Jane looks. ''That's so cool. So you can see where he goes all the time?''

''At the moment, it only has a hundred mile range within this bay. But we're hoping for full satellite connection soon. Then have a live feed on our website. A lot of our sponsor have adopted a turtle, it would be great for them to be able to log in and find out where it is.''

''It doesn't bother him having that on his back?'' Jane is looking into the tiny camera.

''Not really. It's small enough for it not to snag on anything.'' He stands. Nodding to Tracey. ''Good to go.''

Tracy comes over, smiling. ''Right ladies.''

She feels the boat stop and the engine cut. She steps to the side, allowing Dave to move to the turtles hind quarters. Jane already in place showing the same concentration she always does.

Tracey nods. ''Positions.''

She steps forward like all of them, bending, hands going to under the flipper, until she can feel shell. Jane mirrors the action.

Tracey looks to each of them. ''Set?''




''One, two, three. Lift.''

They all lift. The weight surprises her and she has to readjust.

''Turn and forward. Go.''

All four shuffle around until they are clear to step out to the floating pad. Moving until they're all on it.

Tracy smiles. ''Okay, one, two, three, down.''

They all bend their knees, lowering, placing Bruno down.


They all do so, stepping back into the boat.

Dave closes the stern door. She moves quickly to see, Jane at her side. She feels Jane's fingers touch her hand, then take it. Both of their attention fixed on the turtle. Finally with a slight surge of front flippers, Bruno shifts off the platform and is in the sea. Their hands tighten on each others. Watching as Bruno finally is free and dives, disappearing from view. Feeling the boat start again and the distance growing from where Bruno is. But she still looks for any sign.


She blinks sea spray from her eyes, not entirely sure they are not tears. Turning to look at Jane.

''Thank you. Thank you for sharing this. It's... it's just amazing... You're amazing.''

She smiles. ''I'm so glad you were here with me to see it.''

''Hey, You two.''

They both turn their heads at the same time. A click of a camera as they do. Tracey grins. ''Give me your email address and I'll send the pictures of Bruno and this one.''

She smiles, stepping away from Jane. Reaching into her bag, lifting out a card, handing it over. ''I would love those pictures. Thank you, Tracey and please thank your whole team for allowing us here to witness this.''

Tracey takes the card, tucking it into her pocket. ''Maura, for what you've given to this place. I'd let you ride on one. So you're more than welcome.''

Embarrassed she laughs. ''Thank you.'' She feels Jane at her back, she looks over her shoulder. Not sure of the expression on her face. ''What?''

''Could someone really ride on one?''

Shaking her head, she leans on the siding. ''Underwater you can hold on to them, and they will pull you. But it can stress them and a snap or hit from their fins will cause damage, even a broken limb. So no, I would not advise riding on one.''

Jane rests next to her. ''Damn. I wanted to tell Korsak I rode a turtle.''

She chuckles. Eyes shifting to see the pier come into view around the point. ''You can still make him envious of your vacation... You can buy funny presents.''

Jane grins. ''Oh yes. Before that, can we go look at the turtle pens again?''

She pulls hair from her eyes. ''Of course.''

With the boat now stopped. Handshakes are exchanged and goodbyes. She moves to the boats side, finding Jane on the deck below waiting. She takes the offered hand, not even bothering to lift an eyebrow when Jane checks out her legs. She squeaks as her shoe slips on the wet edge, falling. Jane grabs her, she's suspended, held. Hands a death grip on Jane's shoulders. She laughs. ''Sorry.''

Jane doesn't say anything and there is no amusement. The intensity in dark eyes looking up at her, stills everything around. They are stormy, just like at breakfast. ''Jane?''

''I don't deserve you... I don't... But I sure as hell am not giving you up. That might make me selfish, knowing you could do better than me. But I don't care.''

Her hands grip tighter. ''You're wrong. I will never find anyone who is better for me than you are.''

Jane lets her down. ''Might take me a while to believe it.''

''I'm not going anywhere, so I'll make sure to inform you again any time you need to hear it. But trust your eyes. Jane. Just look at how happy I am. Have you seen me ever like this?''

Black locks shake. ''No... Not even with ...''

She sighs. ''Ian?''


''I was a very different person with him. I never would have sang to him in a public place. He as you would say, called the shots... I waited, I waited for each time he would return... I put him in a place where I didn't think about it, because it hurt too much. I did nothing to change it. I never fought for him.'' Vulnerable eyes fix on her. ''I have never fought to keep someone before. I let them go, or made them go. Believing the whole time I was the failure... Doesn't that tell you how much I want this? Us to work, be together? Want you?'' She takes Jane's hand. ''Trust the evidence, detective.''

A small smile starts on Jane's lips. Fingers play with hers. ''Kinda sexy when you call me that.''

She smiles. ''I find you extremely sexy when you are doing your detective work. Your focus, assertiveness. The way you look for truth above all else. But what makes it even more sexy, is the feminine side you hide beneath the badge and gun. You know my feelings on bone structure and muscle tone, Jane. I find all of you beyond exquisite.'' She grins, repeating the words from long ago. ''Being in love with you makes me feel like I am on a substance.''

Jane exhales, a cough chuckle caught. ''Narcissism.''

''No. Now I know the difference... Love.''

''I wish I was good at words. When I try to say stuff, it sounds like mushy crap.''

''You don't need to use words.'' She cups Jane's cheek. ''I have always seen it in your eyes.''

Blushing, biting her lip, Jane straightens as if a weight has lifted. ''I hope so.''

The kiss she gives is nothing more than what some would consider a peck, but it validates the words just spoken, like a seal on wax. Taking Jane's hand, they head towards the turtle hospital again.


She sips the ice tea, trying not to wrinkle her nose at the fact it's in a polystyrene cup. Dr Samways had kindly made it for her. She sips again, but has to give up, the synthetic taste making her tongue dry. She's waiting for Jane. She turns looking back towards the hospital. Wondering why Jane had shooed her away? Jane was definitely up to something. She crosses her legs, eyes going to the beach and sea. Fingers playing with the ring on her hand. She is happy. It's such a strange feeling to be a constant within. Usually something would make her happy, a piece of clothing she'd found. Shoes. Art. Take pleasure from them, the work, the completed thing. Pleasure from sex, the moment of orgasm. But she's never had happiness for no reason other than feelings of love. She wonders if this is how it is supposed to be, what she has missed all her life. This is so fragile, could be broken so easily, lost. Her fingers worry the ring. To lose Jane now, when she knows how this feels, nothing would mend her. She would drift, become worse than the queen of the dead, because now it won't be memories of what ifs and betrayal that plagued. It would be the sweet loss of love, of Jane.

''Why are you sitting there looking like someone stole your turtle.''

She smiles, not turning around. Taking a breath to rid herself of the dark thoughts. ''Because I was banished out here on my own.''

''Awwwwww. Poor thing.''

She laughs, looking up as Jane steps in front of her. Eyes dropping to the large bag. ''You brought presents... '' Eyes dart up. ''Why wasn't I allowed to buy presents?''

Jane laughs, moving next to her, sitting. ''Because I didn't want you around when I talked to Dr Samways.''

''Why did you need to talk to him?''

''Evidence in the abuse case against you.''

She laughs, narrowing her eyes. ''What have you been up to?''

Jane bats her eyelashes. ''You're not the only one who can be sneaky.''

She tries to peek into the bag, but Jane pulls it away. She huffs.

''Close your eyes.''

She gives a wary look.

''What? Now you don't trust me?''

''I'm not sure. You have that certain look in your eyes. One I have learned to be cautious with.''

Jane rolls said eyes. ''If you don't close your eyes, you won't get what I got for you.'' Jane's smile is sweet, but her eyes are devilment.

She debates if it is worth the risk. Jane shakes the bag at her. Trying not to smile, she closes her eyes.

''Hands out.''

She opens one eye.

Jane laughs. ''No peeking. Hands out.''

She closes the eye, putting hands out, palm up. There is a rustling. She feels something placed on her hands.

''Kay. Open.''

She blinks them open, looking down. A small box with the turtle hospital logo.

''Well, open it. You're not going to guess it. Believe me.''

She careful opens one end, taking out the packaging inside. Unfolding, revealing a bundle of wires and a small black cone object. Frowning, she looks at Jane in question.

Dark eyes are sparkling. Jane slides along the bench, closer. Taking it from her hands. ''I know you worry about Bass. I mean when he's sick or you have to spend longer at work. Especially when you have to go on those conference things for days.''

Her eyes drop to present as Jane unravels it.

''It's like the one on Bruno.''

Her eyes jump up. Breathing catching.

''It's' not as high Tec as Bruno's. Only low resolution sends about three shots a minute. Dr Samways said you can use the Wi-Fi relay in your house. So you just need to put it on Bass. Then when you want to know what he's up to or worried, you dial into your network and it will show you on your phone.''

She can't speak. Her mouth opens, but it's a void. Tears are instant.

''Holy, Maur. Don't cry.''

She fumbles for Jane's hand. Shaking her head, but still there are no words for this. All she can do is pull Jane to her, burying her face into Jane's neck.

''Hey, it's okay. I didn't mean to make you cry.''

Her eyes flutter shut. Just holding as tightly as she can. Feeling Jane rubbing her back. It pours from her, this. She holds tighter. Finally under control enough she pulls away. Searching in her bag for a tissue. She can feel the concern in waves coming off Jane. She takes a breath, blowing her nose. Taking another breath before finally looking up. ''Thank you. I love it. You... '' She has to swallow. ''I love you... Thank you.''

''I really didn't mean to make you cry.''

''I know... But this... '' She lifts the camera. ''This is the most beautiful thing anyone has ever given me.''

''It's just a camera.''

''You know it's more than that. Please don't belittle it. You know what Bass means to me.'' She gives a teary smile. ''You give to me so easily, Jane. You pretend like you don't care. You have given me so many things you don't know how much each one means to me.''

''Gold fleck chocolate. That was the first thing, I really brought for you. Not counting coffees and lunches.''

''No. That was an apology for being an ass.''

''Hey... Okay, yeah. I was. But Garrett was just ew... double ew and a killer. So triple ew.''

She laughs at Jane's mock shiver. ''It still wasn't the first thing you gave me.''

''Okay then, first gift... Fudge clusters.''

''They were a re gift and only because you didn't want them.''

Jane frowns. ''The book I brought you on Indian carpets?''

She smirks. ''No. It wasn't an object.''

''Huh? Oh god, you're not talking about things like peace of mind or the gift of laughter.''

She ducks her head on the laugh this time. Jane's face looks like she has stepped in something quite unpleasant. ''No.'' The laugh trickles off. She places the camera careful into her bag. Touching it fondly, before turning back to Jane. Holding out her hands, palms up. ''Give me your hands.'' Even though Jane is giving her an unsure look, she places her hands on top of hers. She smiles. ''Take them back.''

''Is this some kind of weird south American palm thank you for the camera ceremony?''

''No... Now give me your hands.'' This time Jane takes a second, but complies, laying her hands back over hers. ''Okay, now take them back.''

Jane scoffs. ''Maur, if your trying to play patty cake you got some basics wrong.''

She chuckles. ''Hands.'' She wiggles her fingers.

With a long suffering sigh Jane places her hands back on top. Just as Jane goes to take them back anticipating her telling her too. She closes her fingers around them and holds. ''You know for a detective sometimes you can be extremely clueless.''

Jane's eyes jump to hers. She sees the moment something clicks. Watching as Jane looks down at their joined hands.

Jane's voice is raspy, low. ''My hands.''

''I had been working with you for three months. You had not long come back from sick leave.'' She feels Jane's fingers flex. ''We were only really just getting to know each other away from work. I knew what had happened to you, it was hard for me not too. Do you remember the Vendon Case?''

Jane nods.

''It was winter, and we got called out at 4 am. I didn't anticipate how icy it would be and I totally chose the wrong footwear. When I got out of the car, I slipped.''

Jane's laugh is dry, caught. ''You didn't just slip Maur, you landed right on your ass, legs up. I think you flashed Frost, he wouldn't look at you for days,''

She laughs, blushing. ''You came running over, slipping and sliding the whole way and you offered out both hands to help me up. Both hands, Jane, both. You didn't even think about it. I'd seen how you hid them, shied away when anyone touching them, including your mother. No one, but no one touched them. Yet you offered both to me.. I know you didn't have time to think about it and I know it did hit you later when you were talking to Korsak. But that was your first gift, Jane. Your trust that I wouldn't hurt you.''

Jane clears her throat, emotion heavy. ''Knew it was going to be touchy feely stuff.''

A sniff makes her duck her head to look up at Jane's down turned face. ''Are you crying?''

''No...'' Another sniff louder. ''Maybe.''

She pulls Jane into a hug. ''Oh darling.'' She nearly chokes as the endearment falls from her lips. She feels Jane freeze, drawing back with her eyes like saucers. ''I'm sorry. I'm not sure where that came from.'' She pauses. ''Why are you staring at me like that? I won't use it again.''

''You can call me anything but that.'' Jane wipes at her eyes.

She frowns. ''Do you have something against that particular endearment?'' A little whisper stirs in her mind.

Jane shifts. ''Don't like it.''

There is another tug at the back of her mind. Suddenly it clears, the relevance appearing. She has to put her hand over her mouth. ''Oh.''

Jane's eyes widen. ''No. no. no. I swear if you do I will dump you in that ocean in that fancy dress.''

''Oh... I ….. get it. I get why you don't... Oh.'' It's a jumping bean in her chest.

''Maura.'' It's a low growl of warning.

She can't keep this in. She giggles with it. ''Oh my darling Clementine.''

Jane groans covering her face. ''I hate my mother.''

She's still giggling, enjoying this. But her smile falls. She can imagine Jane has been embarrassed and ridiculed her whole life because of this. Knowing what that feels like has her moving closer. She pulls Jane's hands gently away from her face.

''If you start singing it, I'll drown you.''

''I'm sorry. I'm sorry for laughing at you.'' She smooths Jane's hair back. There is no laughter, no teasing, she puts all her feelings into these words. ''My darling Clementine.''

Jane blinks, breath catching. ''Okay, that, that sounds different.''

''It should, I mean it. But I won't call you it again.''

Jane sniffs. ''It's kinda funny though. I mean I know why people laugh. It's not so bad when you say it. …...Just, just don't say it around my family. Tommy would bust a gut.''

She smiles. ''I would never intentionally embarrass you.''

Jane exhales. ''I feel like I'm on a roller coaster with you. My emotions are all over the place.'' tears are wiped away again.

''Do you like roller coasters?''

Jane's grin is beaming. ''Oh yeah.''

She leans forward meeting Jane half way, lips just a brush of touch. She opens her mouth for more. When a very audible clearing of throat has both of them laughing into the kiss.

Jane looks over her shoulder. ''You do know I normally carry a gun.''

She chuckles, looking passed Jane to see Dr Samways with eyes wide. ''Dr Samways. Hello again.''

''Dr Isles. I'm sorry to um... interrupt again. Especially now I know I'm risking life and limb.''

Jane bursts out laughing. ''You're safe. I'm on vacation.''

She smiles, attention shifting back to him. ''What can I do for you?''

He moves forward, hand extended with an envelope. ''I'm glad I did catch you. Dr Rosa asked me to give this to you both if you were still here.''

She takes the envelope, curious. Opening, taking out the contents. ''Oh.'' In her hand is the picture taken by Tracey. Catching both she and Jane turning to the camera. The look in her eyes she has never seen before, colours of gold, green but a ring around them. But it's her face that glows. Their heads are together, both laughing.

''Oh, wow.'' Jane shifts closer to look.

She nods, agreeing with that sentiment. This, they are beautiful together, light and dark. The eternal symbol of ying and yang, balance. She swallows, smiling up. ''Please thank Tracey for this.''

''Maur, Is that... is that Bruno?''

She adjusts her gaze to the picture. Where Jane's finger points. Finding the turtle small in the distance. Her smile widens. ''It is. He must have surfaced for air.''

''There's another picture in there.'' Dr Samways nods to the envelope.

She passes their picture over to Jane. Her eyes pausing at the wonderment on Jane's face as she looks at the photograph of them together. Taking out the other photograph, caught between wanting to watch Jane and the new image in her hands. Laughing as she realises what it is of. It's a shot of the stern of the boat, both of their figures clearly visible.

''It's from Bruno's cam as you were leaving. As soon as Dr Rosa saw it, she sent the file to me and asked if I'd print it up.''

''He was saying goodbye.'' Her fingers trace over the picture. ''Thank you. All of you. Today has been wonderful.'' She holds the photograph to her chest.

He smiles, turning, waving. ''My pleasure.''

Her eyes close on this feeling. All of it, the day, the night, the months behind her. She never thought they would be together in this. A light touch to her face, has her eyes flickering open. Jane is staring at her with such emotion, it has her heart stuttering.


''Yes.'' Her whole body comes to attention. It is always been in the way Jane speaks her name. This is new, a new sound of letters, a hum, rumbling. Making every hair on her body stand up.

''Can we go back to the beach house?''

'I thought you wanted to get funny presents?' Her throat is dry. Not believing what she thinks she is seeing, hearing. Hoping it's true.

''We can do that another day... I... I want to be alone with you. No more people with strep throat interrupting.''

It's strange laughing when arousal is burning her raw. She takes the photograph back from Jane, placing both back into the envelope. Adding it to her bag, next to the camera. Needing a moment to even out her breathing. Jane is already standing waiting for her, hand out. She stands, taking the hand.

Jane's eyes are cobalt. She can feel the trembling in her held hand. With a gentle tug, they start walking towards the car. No matter what comes next, she isn't afraid of it. Because from now on, they were in this together.


/Please Note. Below is now M rated. Do not read if you are under age or you are offended. You have been warned, so don't go telling me off. If you wish you can leave the story as above. They are together. Continue at your own risk.\


She has always savoured anticipation, the thrill of sex. The chemicals released, their infusion. Nothing has prepared her for this, her whole body is vibrating, every movement of fabric on skin is becoming a sweet agony. The car journey, both were quiet. Touches tentative, looks explosive. Twice she had to remember she was supposed to be concentrating on the road and not the look Jane was giving. She did not want to get this wrong, misread. If Jane was not ready for this, they would crumble. She wanted it, wanted Jane so much. But she'd wait, go at Jane's pace.

She parked outside the beach house. Breathing already unsteady. Turning off the engine, eyes fixed on her hands in her lap.


She doesn't want to look, to see the change. Jane withdrawing now they are here. She expects it. So when fingers caress her chin, a firm touch lifting her head and turning it. She is totally unprepared for the look of want still in Jane's eyes.

Jane swallows, voice hoarse. ''I need to know you want this?''

Her breath hiccups.

''I know, I mean I know you want me. But, I just left Casey and we're just together and I don't want to go too fast again.''

She swallows. Concentration split between Jane's words and the touch feathering across her cheek.

Jane's smile is a simple truth of acceptance. ''I've spent so long wanting you. Lying to myself what it really was, scared of it. Of you. I'm not scared any more.''

Air sucks in on a hiss, as a thumb is wiped hard across her bottom lip. Blood throbbing as it infuses.

''So long. Maura. I don't want to wait to show you how I feel. But If you say wait. I will.''

She grips Jane's wrist like a vice. Holding, terrified Jane will move away. Jane is waiting, waiting for her. This is another difference, Jane waiting. No one ever waited for her. She is wanted... She surges forward, lips searching until they find what they need. A kiss of yes, of more, of now. Hands fumble, fabric gripped. Body twisting, reaching for contact. She draws back from it, control holding, the rest of her screaming. Blinking in a blur of vision. Jane needs words, Jane has always needed her words. ''Yes... Yes, I want this.''

Another kiss follows, a slow promise. Jane turns. getting out of car. She has to focus to get the keys, her bag. hands trembling. The door opens, she looks up, smiling. Taking Jane's hand to help step out, her legs are weak. Even this simple contact of hands is igniting.

They walk to the house, heated looks, hands joined. She is sure the smiles they are giving each other would make grown men cry. She had dared to think once that if they had ever gotten to this point, the scenario that played, both of them would have been drunk, a night of regret, of hurried fumbling sex, of secrets, no words, no promises, nothing but lust. One she would have little memory of, but one that would have destroyed their friendship beyond repair.

Never in a thousand wishful thoughts did she see she would be the one who is awed, nervous. Jane is leading them into the house, towards the stairs, no hurry, as if they were following in footprints of a thousand times before. She never envisioned Jane as the one in control. Yet it doesn't scare her, it is arousing in ways she never knew. With others she would have named every single thing that was happening to her during this arousal, all clinical terms of her bodies response. But now her science has no voice, her body is speaking a new language and Jane is the rosette stone about to decipher it all.

They climb the stairs, each step an anticipation, a note on a scale, crescendo rising.

Jane opens the bedroom door, smiling back at her, hands still firmly held. She follows. She will always follow... They stop, face to face, eyes locked. There are no words, no music. Yet she can hear the words of Shakespeare, Keats, Byron. The notes of Mozart, Beethoven, Bach. Her eyelids flutter as fingertips trace from her hand up her arm. Another hand comes up, thumb caressing her cheek.

Jane steps closer until there is nothing between them but heat. ''Maur.''

She has to swallow to speak. ''Yes.''

''I want you so badly it hurts.''

The world drops at her feet, along with her heart. ''Oh god.''

Her whole body comes alive as Jane lips meet hers. Warm, wet, moving, seeking. The kiss is consuming. She reaches, hands going into raven hair, fingers rooting themselves, a tether to stop her floating away. She moans, as tongues touch, tips connecting sending her into a spin. Hands move to her waist, she can feel each finger as they press and she is jerked forward flush to Jane. Mouths part as gulps of air are taken. She presses closer, bodies meeting, fitting together. She moans loud as lips trace along her neck, turning her face away to give excess. Her stomach tightens as Jane's hands move to her backside, kneading, pulling her tighter, her hips buck with the force. Her legs grow weak as teeth bite the lope of her ear and Jane's breath whispers. She pulls Jane's head away, mouth needing this taste again. Biting, sucking, tongue plunging, licking. Her moans now mix with Jane's.

She's moving, Jane leading them backwards, locked in the kiss. Stopping as they reach the edge of the bed, their kiss breaks. Both gasping air, lungs heaving, arousal evident in both of them. Jane's eyes are so dark almost reflecting the night. For the first time she sees nervousness in the smile offered. She cups Jane's face, thumb wiping across swollen lips, mirroring Jane's action in the car, feeling a kiss chase.

She steps back, three steps, slow, eyes never leaving, turning. Looking over her shoulder back at Jane. ''Unzip me.''

Jane's face clears, grin expanding. She can see the same memory of this request dawning. She turns her head away. Waiting, her body is weeping with the anticipation, a waterfall. Suddenly Jane is molten heat against her back. The gasp that exhales comes from her core.

Hands sweep her hair from her neck. A mouth is placed on her skin, words spoken into pores. ''The first time you asked me to do that, I wanted to do this.''

Arms come around her, hands locking across her stomach, pulling her sharply back. She shudders as a kiss open mouthed is placed on her neck.

''And this.''

She groans low, air trapped on the vowels. As wetness of tongue traces the line of her pulse. When teeth bite down, her hands come up and cover Jane's. Fingers entwining. Jane's voice is a growl on her skin.

''You had no idea what you did to me back then. How crazy you made me... Make me.''

The assault on her neck continues, but it's Jane's words, voice, breath, that is making her shake. Hips are rolled against her and she nearly caves to the need to turn around and take Jane right then and there. ''Jane.'' Is an escape of air.

''I wanted you then, but god, not like I want you now.''

Another roll of Jane's hips, has her grinding back. Everything is an assault. She should have known, should have known the passion hidden within Jane. She grinds back again, rewarded with an exhale of heat on her neck. The friction is unbearably, not enough, she needs more. She tries to turn.

Jane's arm lock across her. ''No... Not yet.''

A flush of wetness makes her squirm. She releases one hand, moving her arm upwards, until she reaches Jane's neck, curving her hand behind it, pulling her down, closer. Bowing her body upward. ''Jane.''

When a hand covers her breast, nipple caressed, she nearly screams with the need for more. She turns her head, neck straining with the position. Jane answers the call and their mouths meet. She is stretched, every muscle taunt. She has to break away for air, moaning as her nipple is pulled to peak. All she can do is breathe, mind lost, knowledge gone. She feels Jane's mouth pause on her neck, the heat a different texture. She blinks, reality of where jane has stopped stuttering the arousal, the scar. She draws a little forward turning until she see Jane's eyes. hating the look in them and where they are fixed. She nudges Jane's chin with her nose, until eyes come up to hers.

Her voice is steel. ''Don't. He has no place here. None. He will never touch us again.'' Before Jane can say anything she pulls Jane's head down, mouth sealing everything. Kissing with a passion that burns them both. Lips part and she feels a nod. Relief flows, mixing with the growing arousal.

She feels fingers move across her shoulder to the apex of her neck. Her head drops forward, breath hitching as she feels the fastener being slowly lowered. Cold air touches skin, but only for a second before warm breath takes over, lips sweeping. Her eyes close on the feeling of fingertips chasing the lowering of the zip. Jane's other hand leaves her stomach, touching the whole time to move to her back. When scarred palms meet her exposed back, she stumbles a step. Slowly Jane pushes the dress open. She moves her arms to allow the sleeves to fall free. With another pull the dress is at her feet. Her heart is thumping so hard, she is sure she will pass out.

''Turn around.''

She turns slowly, forcing herself to control the need to rush this. Jane's eyes raking over her near naked body makes everything flush scarlet.

''God, you're beautiful.'' Jane steps close again. Hand out, fingers twitching, pausing a breath away from her.

She smiles. ''Jane.''

Jane's eyes flick up from her chest. The smile is shy, but the fire in dark eyes is an inferno of want.

She reaches, taking Jane's hand. Laying it on her heart. ''Touch me.'' Instead of the touch she anticipates, she is suddenly spinning as Jane picks her up and turns a circle to the bed. The laugh bursts from her as she is lowered. Falling back to rest on her elbows across the mattress. Her eyes widen as Jane kneels by the bed, lifting her leg. Hands going to the laces, fingers just a touch on her calf, but each part of her jolts with it. She has to bite her lip as Jane's eyes narrow, focused on the laces. Fingers trying to pick at the knots.

''Jesus, Christ. Maur, did you use sailor knots?''

The bed bounces with her laughter. Shifting to sit up to help. Only to have her hands slapped away.

''No... no. I can do it. Just lay there and look sexy.''

The laugh barks from her. She has never laughed while caught so deeply in arousal, each laugh heightens her need. She giggles, resting back. The giggle tails off as Jane finally gets the laces undone. Both sandals dropping to the floor. Slowly Jane's eyes come up to her. She swallows nothing, there is no saliva left. Hands move up her right calf, thumb a circle of movement as it moves higher. When it stops on the scar there, her eyes jump to Jane's. Seeing the sorry, the pain of it. ''Jane.''

Jane ignores her call, head moving down, thumb running the length of the scar. Before lips replace it.

It touches her so deeply. She reaches, hand running gently through black hair. ''I'm here.''

Jane nods, swallowing, emotion rippling in her breathing. Jane smiles, turning, kneeling up. Body now between feet. Scarred hands move to her hips, gently holding. Then suddenly she's sliding with a pull across the bed, knees bracketing Jane's thigh on the stop. Their eyes are locked, she doesn't know how much time passes until she sits up slowly, bringing her face level. ''Jane.''


Her hands move slowly up Jane's body travelling curves. Smiling at the hitch in breathing. ''You have far too many clothes on.''

A smile twitches. ''Do I?''

''Most definitely.'' She keeps her eyes on Jane's, starting to undo each button on the white shirt. Until all are open, she pushes fabric over broad shoulders. Jane moves removing it, throwing it somewhere out of view. Jane is watching her, waiting. Smiling, she nibbles along Jane's jaw line. Her hand touching gently across a taunt stomach, which flexes muscle. It makes her mouth water again. Fingers now chasing the hem of the vest top. Feeling Jane tense, she stops, drawing back to look into Jane's eyes. Eyes which show uncertainty. She knows why. ''I love you.''

Eyes flicker fire.

''I love all of you, Jane.''

Jane's hand covers hers, moving it up under the vest. She presses her lips to Jane's, kissing soft feathers of touch. Tongues this time dancing, open mouthed a slow tango. Sighs are exhales. She lets her fingers explore the firm stomach, fingers brushing over the scar. Kissing deeply as she touches, all the memories surfacing, the pain, the panic of nearly losing Jane. Feeling Jane's muscles tense, caressing until the tension leaves, kissing promises into her mouth. Tracing fingers around to the curve of hip bone, the dip of waist, thumb taking in the warmth. The kiss breaks.

They just stare at each other, smiles growing. Jane moves back, hands gripping the bottom of the vest and pulling upward. Her eyes are now locked on the expense of skin and curves of breasts in black bra before her. She licks her lips, inhaling. Jane's scent stronger with this heat between them. Jane reaches behind to undo her bra. Her breath holds, stuttering, as fabric is gone and she is left with nothing but olive skin, dark nipples erect on small breasts. She doesn't even know she's reaching until her palm covers a hard peak. Jane's splutter for air, makes her insides twist into knots. She can't not do this. Her lips lower, taking a dusky nipple into her mouth. A hand in her hair tightening makes her shudder. She sucks gently, moaning as the peak grows harder on her tongue. She can taste salt, Jane. A moan vibrates and she isn't sure who's it is.

She feels the world tilt, the touch of cool blanket now on her back. She lets her hands roam free, nails scratching. Jane draws up. She chases the nipple but it goes out of reach, a pout forms. She feels hands going between her and the mattress, she lifts up knowing where fingers are aiming. Feeling the clasp release and soon she is exposed to the air. Jane is hovering above, eyes raking talons of gaze across her body, settling on her breasts. Even though there is no touch her nipples raise. There is no time to prepare before a hot wet mouth is engulfing her left one. She arches, a hum travelling through. The pull of teeth has her gripping harder onto Jane's back. When a bite is added, her whole body jerks, her toes curling with it. Hands going now into wild hair, clawing, as suction increases. Mind lost, not knowing whether to pull Jane away or force her closer. Another bite has her tilting her head back on moan of Jane's name.

Jane lowers onto her. The first touch of breasts on breasts, skin on skin, a shock of electricity. Legs fall open as Jane fully rests. The weight a bond to this earth she is flying from. Jane's hand are everywhere, touching, caressing, ripples of touch. Her breathing is ragged, inhales not fast enough to catch up with what her body is experiencing. Just as one part senses touch, the touch is gone.

Jane's mouth lowers to her right breast. She is trapped looking down, watching fiery eyes watching her through damp bangs. She breathes, just tries to breathe. Jane slowly extends her tongue, the tip nearing her nipple. Her breath holds, teeth indenting her lip. Even though she sees Jane lick and take her nipple and breast into her mouth it is still a bolt of lightening, a tug on her soul. She can't keep her eyes open, they flutter closed. Hips surging up for contact, head back on gasps of air. She feels tongue licking upward over the swell of breast, higher, dipping into the sweat she can feel pooling in the dip below her neck. She pushes hips upwards again, feet gaining purchase on the mattress to aid. Groaning as Jane's hips come into contact with her centre. Jane is rocking, every up a push against her, every down a slow delicious slide. The movement building. Mouth opens on her neck, breathing fire. She feels like she has a fever, body shaking with chills, yet perspiration pin pricks her skin, burning, she is burning alive.

A touch of mouth to her lips, has eyes flickering open. They are so close, she can see every fleck of brown in eyes smiling at her. Her arms come up to embrace, pulling Jane tight to her, legs opening wider. Gasping into the kiss as she feels how wet she is, as fabric rubs. Jane draws away, lips swollen, breathless. Moving slowly away crawling down her body. She's confused, slightly panicked. If Jane leaves now she will shoot her! Her panic eases as Jane stands, biting her lip as she undoes her jean buttons, wiggling to ease the tight fabric over her hips, down her legs. Kicking legs free, dipping quickly to undo her sandals.

She swallows, watching small breasts sway. Gaze lowering on a hitched breath. Sitting up, eyes locked on the purple underwear, looking up in surprise.

Jane's laugh is slightly embarrassed. ''What? You expected boy shorts?''

She grins, eyes dipping to really appreciate the low cut lace underwear. ''I've seen your underwear drawer and they were not in it.'' Her smile falters as a thought occurs, one she so did not want right now. As if sensing it, Jane is back on top of her pushing her back, fast. Her thoughts short circuit with the sudden heat and weight. Senses on overload.

Hands are cupping her face. Jane look is understanding. ''I have never worn them before. Only you, Maur. Only you.''

She feels a flush of guilt. ''I...''

Her words are stolen, Jane's mouth is the thief. Movement, that is all she knows, rocking, touching, motion, a set rhythm of skin to skin. She draws her legs up, hooking over Jane's hip, trying to gain more contact, needing it. It's building inside, spreading heat, sparks of fire each time they connect. This isn't enough, more, more. She digs her nails into Jane's back. The kiss desperate now. Jane is just as desperate, pushing harder against her. She has to pull away for air, sucking it into starved lungs.

Jane lifts up. All she can do is breath through the look aimed at her. She isn't sure if there is a question, but Jane is thinking that much she does know. She reaches up, fingers tracing the cleft in Jane's chin, nail trailing through the indent. Jane's body trembles with it. She shifts forward enough to reconnect them. The moan is locked in her chest as Jane's moves down, lips leaving sucks, teeth bites. Lower, trailing licks across the sweat on her stomach, lower. She widens her legs, as Jane shifts back, kneeling.

She lifts her head, looking down. Nearly losing what control she has left when Jane looks up and licks her lips. ''Jane... You, you don't have to.'' Her mind is telling her to shut the hell up.

Jane's answer is a kiss to the inside of her thigh. Thumbs hooking in her panties, drawing them down over. She shudders, lifting up enough for them to be pulled off, the coolness of the air anything but a relief on her heat. She should be embarrassed at how wet her underwear is, but she isn't, not when it is because of this, Jane.

Jane's eyes dip, irises expanding like a telephoto lens.

It makes her wetter. ''Jane... you... '' She can't say it again not when her whole body is crying for this touch.

Jane looks up. ''Can I taste you?''

Her heart actually stops. But she doesn't have time to answer. Breath, tongue, mouth cover her wetness, stealing the yes she wants to yell. Hips rise, as she chokes on a gasp. Head tilted back, hands gripping the bed beneath. It is liquid mercury in her veins, pulsing, spreading. When she is taken into a warm mouth and sucked, her whole body arches like a bow and she groans Jane's name on a curse. Each swipe of tongue, matches the tempo of her hips surging upward. Her body flushes with it, sweat beading as the tempo increases. She is so wet she can hear the sounds of this in the air, smell her own arousal. Jane's mouth is lapping, sucking, taking, drinking. Her head moves from side to side at the intensity, hands fisting the blanket into a death grip. Hips rising higher, breaths nothing more than groans. When fingers and palms trail upward over her stomach, taking her nipples and twisting. She jerks so hard, she feels Jane's nose hit her pubis. She reaches down, tangling hair. Body pushing upward, sliding down, grinding into Jane's mouth. Tip of tongue now harder against her. She doesn't care that she is wanton, wild, bucking out of control. Nipples are twisted again and she honestly sees fireworks. It's there, tight in her stomach, muscles clenching, tight, so tight. A tongue tip pressing inside, has her arching again, legs drawing up until her knees are near her chest. A hand leaves her breast and she forces her eyes open, looking down. The sight of Jane between her legs sends a flood of wetness, seeing Jane's tongue touching her, sliding through her, sends the world into a haze. Tears are leaking, coolness on the heat of her face, a dew running down into her hair. She rocks again, tongue sliding her length, flicking at the rise of hips. Jane's eyes never leaving her. Suddenly she is filled, stretched and the world explodes on the one name that means everything. ''Jane.''

The orgasm sweeps her away, ripples expanding until it consumes in its flames. She is a dying star, super nova in an explosion of light. She rides it, holding it as long as she can before it shudders beyond her reasoning, shattering her into a million pieces. She sucks in air, breathing a cascade. Never, never like this. She is crying. Hand coming to her mouth, trying to catch the parts of her breaking away.

Jane is moving up her body, fast, grabbing her close. ''I got ya, Maur. I got ya. Baby, shhhhhhhhh. I got you.''

The endearment makes her cry harder. Holding onto Jane, legs wrapping, arms tight. Breathing sobs into her neck. ''I... love... you. So much.''

''I love you too.'' Jane kisses start at her eyes, the tears taking them. Across her cheeks, chasing any which escape.

Until finally their mouths join. She can taste herself and the air returns. She kisses deeper needing to take all of this in. She needs Jane, needs her now. She flips them. A squeak from Jane makes her laugh into the kiss. Kissing Jane with everything she is, has. Tongue taking back her essence. She moves her hands down between their bodies, caressing across tight nipples, pausing to squeeze them. Jane's hiccup of breath into her mouth, makes her smile. She slides her body down, keeping connect with Jane's mouth until she can't. Readjusting her leg so she is now kneeling, Jane's left thigh between her legs, meeting her wetness. She jerks with it, over sensitive, she eases a little away. Eyes locked on Jane's wanting to see everything, each tiny reaction to her touch. Her fingers find the lace of underwear and also the wetness. She stretches to reconnect their mouths so she can moan into the kiss. Nipples a flickering touch against each others. Feeling Jane's legs open wider, makes her bite at Jane's bottom lip, trapping it, pulling, releasing on a suck.

''Fuck.'' Jane head falls back.

Her whole body trembles with the curse. Fingers finding their way under the elastic of panties, when they touch molten heat, her head drops on a groan. Jane jerks up into her hand. She shifts closer, until her own core rests on the back on her own hand, pressing down on a sharp hiss. Slowly she moves her fingers in circles around the tight bud throbbing against her fingerprints. Jane surges up on a low moan of her name. She bites her lip, watching everything, eyes trailing over Jane's body, muscles rippling, chest heaving, a sheen of sweat dampen olive skin. Her fingers circle faster. Jane's rock upwards, has her pressing down, grinding into the touch. Her own arousal building again. Body singing with this. Watching, hearing. She changes the tempo of her fingers, sliding up and slowly down. Jane's rumbling groan echoes in the silence of the room. She leans forward, inhaling sharply at the change of angle. One hand on the mattress to hold her weight, taking a nipple into her mouth and teasing with her tongue. Her eyes watching, every twitch of emotion on Jane's face. Her fingers slide upward, circling again as she sucks the nipple deeply into her mouth. This time Jane's moan vibrates through her lips. She moves her fingers lower, watching as Jane's eyes snap open locking on her. Fingers tease the entrance. ''You're so wet.''

Jane's swallow hollows her throat. ''You... you.''

She smiles around the nipple. Fingers teasing again, until Jane's hip buck into her. On a groan she presses two fingers inside, sliding easily, meeting nothing but heat and wetness. Jane's body ripples, arching. She sets the pace, slow, deep, curling her fingers. Eyes closing, rocking into Jane's movements upward. She is blind, and Jane is Braille. her fingers so deep inside are reading, the ridges, the softness, the muscles sucking her deep, fluttering around her fingers. She presses deeper, finding the crease, fingertips brushing, holding, no movement. Muscles clenching around her fingers, pulling.

Her eyes are jealous things, they want to see. They open. Breath stopping, finding Jane's eyes locked on her. She moves again, feeling Jane's thighs quivering. Pushing deeper, harder, the pace increasing. Their hips are moving, the sounds now the slap of flesh of flesh, wetness. She groans as fire spreads through her again. Her head falls back, hair tickling her back, mouth open on a gasp, eyes slamming shut. Riding, grinding, the movement bouncing them. Sweat dripping down her spine at this exertion. She shudders, her stomach sucking in, muscles clenching.

''You're so fucking sexy.''

Her eyes snap open, head coming back. She moves fast, mouth seeking. Jane raises enough so their lips meet. The kiss is lust, want, pure lust. Her arm is burning with the angle now but she doesn't care. Her thumb moves upwards. Jane's hips jerking as it touches the hardness, circling, fingers plunging deeper. Still they kiss, clumsy with the movement. Jane's hands grab her shoulders, nails indenting a prick of pain on her skin. They rock faster. She's near, she breaks the kiss. ''Jane...''

Jane answer is a stutter of breath and then her head goes back, body lifting off the bed, taking her with her. She feels it, all around her fingers, the clench, the hold, strong pulsing, milking her fingers. Jane's cry of her name impacts like needles on her skin. The rush of wet warmth on her hand, has her sobbing a breath. Her body surges, the orgasm ripping her raw for a second time. She groans, grinding down, shuddering her release. She's held at the peak, until Jane's body collapses, spent. Still she feels the aftershocks on her fingers, her own body twinges in response. She falls forward, forehead resting on a heaving chest. Her own lungs gasping with it.

''Oh...oh.'' It's still rippling through her, tingles, sparks, muscles contracting tiny jerks of aftermath at this earthquake. Her fingers are still inside, and she doesn't want to move, to stay. But the angle is killing her wrist.

There is nothing but harsh breathing. The room a silent witness to this beauty. She fades, drifting. Scents of both of them, on every inhale. Listening to the fast heartbeat beneath. She doesn't want to move ever from this place. Breathing evens out. She turns her head, eyes moving upward. Watching a droplet of sweat snake down Jane's neck, has her heart beating fast again. She slowly shifts, withdrawing her fingers. The shudder that goes through Jane, mirrors in her. She flexes her fingers, feeling the wetness. She is so tempted to taste, too know. But when she does taste, drink, it will be from the source. So for now she will just enjoy the feeling on her skin. She moves upward, muscles trembling. Upward until her face is over Jane's.

Jane's eyes are closed tight, mouth slightly open, air still being drawn in gasps. She places a slow gentle kiss over it, catching the breathed air.

Eyes flicker open, dazed, satisfied, full of wonder.

She smiles, smoothing back the sweat ridden hair. ''Hi.''

Jane chuckles, arms coming around her, pulling her closer still, legs entwining. ''Hi yourself.''

She dips for another kiss, lips moving lazily together. Drawing back, mouth echoing the smile. She traces a fingertip across Jane's eyebrow catching a tear of sweat. Loving the feeling of Jane stretched beneath her. Her fingertips move downward until she reaches the bow of lips, which twitch. She grins. ''You are so gorgeous.'' She watches the blush in fascination, the pinkness of it, mixing into the deeper flush of arousal, swirling, creating a new colour across Jane's cheeks. When Jane opens her mouth, she knows it is to protest. So she stops it with a kiss, tongue tasting. Drawing back. ''Don't say it.''

Jane chuckles. ''You don't know what I was going to say.''

''Yes I do. You were going to deny it.'' As she shifts she feels the wetness and sweat between them and for a moment she loses her train of thought.


She raises an eyebrow. ''Okay then, what were you going to say?'' She shivers as fingers trace up her spine.

''I was going to ask why I'm the one with their underwear still on?''

The laugh is instant, a pull of happiness, of fun, of Jane. She is laughing when Jane's mouth closes over hers. Her body jostling with the glee. She wraps Jane into a hug, pulling her closer. ''I love you.'' She feels Jane's grin against her skin.

''I love you too.''

She grins. Easing her grip, shifting to lay her cheek above Jane's heart. A shiver this time is from the cold air. Without even asking, she is shifted, Jane stretching beneath her, then suddenly there is warmth of blanket. She places a kiss on Jane's skin in thanks. Arms come around her, pulling them closer together.

Her body is so alive. But her mind is at peace. She basks in this feeling. Her fingers swirl circles, moving inward on Jane's stomach, muscles ripple beneath. ''Do you know Newton's law of universal gravitation?'' She feels Jane jerk. She looks up, to find Jane staring down at her. She has to bite on the laugh at the look on her face.

''I think your pillow talk needs some work, Maur.''

She laughs, returning her cheek to the warm skin. ''You didn't answer my question.''

Jane huffs. ''If I knew there was going to be test, I would have studied.''

She pinches Jane's side. The jerk has the world moving.

''Hey! Okay no, I don't. All I know is an apple fell on his head.''

She smiles. ''It's actually a myth it fell onto his head. But he did witness an apple falling which lead him to question why.'' Her fingers keep tracing the spiralling circles.

''A huh.''

''Newton's law states, Every particle of matter in the universe attracts every other particle with a force that is directly proportional to the product of the masses of the particles and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.''


She looks up.

''You just blew my mind with amazing sex. Sex that totally rocked my world and at one point I didn't even know my own name. So could you dumb it down for me?''

She hides her face, blushing, laughing. ''It means... '' She has to pause to let the chuckle continue. ''It means, two bodies in the universe are attracted to the pull of the other.'' She looks up, ''…. like the earth and the moon.''

Jane's smile spreads. A hand coming down, to lace through her hair. ''Which am I?''

She expected teasing. She blinks in surprise that Jane got it. ''You... you are the earth.''

''Why do I have to be the over populated one? Why can't I be the nice shiny silvery one that hangs in the night?''

She shifts up, slide of skin on skin that makes them both shudder. Stopping only when she's fully along Jane's length. Face poised above Jane's. ''Because without the earth, the moon would float away, become inert without another body of motion.. It is nothing but a dead rock, it has no life. The light you see isn't even its own, it's a reflection of the sun. The side facing away, out into space, is cold darkness.''

Hands tighten on her waist. ''Maura?''

She shakes her head. ''No. it's okay. But I was the moon, Jane. I only reflected light around me. I didn't understand so many things. I was lifeless in a way. Suspended, hanging in nothing. I didn't fit in. Just like the moon in a lot of ways. I was a dead rock only filled with science, knowledge. No emotions I understood or knew how to emulate.'' She swallows on the emotion in her throat. ''Then I found you... I think I was always meant to find you. Destiny you call it, soul mates, maybe they are just other names used for this between us. Gravitation is another. As soon as you came into my life, I was pulled towards you, circling, drawn. I'm no longer aimlessly floating. I'm caught in you, in your force. I'm so thankful for you... I wish I did believe in gods, so I could thank them. Instead I thank the universe. I love you, Jane... I love you.''

Jane lips are desperate on her mouth. A catch of breath as they kiss. Murmurs of love, promises caught in the air. Then she is pulled, upward a surge of force, captured in arms that hold her so tightly no air is left. Mouths dance. When fingers enter her again, she is pulled downward, two bodies meeting... Gravity.

Knowing nothing will tear them apart again. Because nothing in the universe, is stronger than this.

The End.


Wow. Okay then. Holy shit, as Jane would say. There you have it. Hope you like them apples. Thank you all, every single one of you. The reviewers, readers. The silent lurkers. The pm'ers. This journey started on one shot story of Maura. So it really had to end with her. I have not stopped once on this story, it flowed. When it stuttered it was because I was doing it wrong and I swiftly smacked myself stupid and stopped trying to force and just let my bard take it where it was supposed to. This last chapter was long as you can see. But it had to be this way, j and m move in their own time. It is finished, an end. I am sad, but also I am tired. lol. Now I shall rest. The turtle hospital is real. if you go google it, you can take the interactive tour. I stayed to detail as much as I could. However all the names I used are mine, I changed them to protect the innocent.

Take care all. I thank you all again. Xxxxxx

Oh, just a note, because my bard has a wicked sense of humour. The M rated part of the chapter. The bard wanted to title it, ''The big bang.'' but I locked her in a box until she decided not to. Also you can't sue my bard for any cavities caused by the over production of mushy love sugar. Or refunds on the buckets. If your interested, the love scene was written to the beat of 'sex on fire.' yes I know how cliché. But also to Cheryl Coles, parachute for the more intimate scenes.

Oh, just another note. My bard hates loose ends. So don't be surprised if this story picks up in a series with Jane and Maura back home dealing with Angela, work and the change in relationship. A loose end to the bard is a paper cut and a hang nail all on the same finger. Every time I move it ows and pulls. But I shall take a rest first before throwing myself into such a thing.

Oh, look just another note. Why are you still reading shouldn't you be a sleep by now? Okay, well as you're still here. Thank you. If it has moved you enough, let me know in the pretty box below. Pressing is love... Now shoo, go sleep, or work or... Woah. wait! Did you read this at work!? Holy cow. Shame on you. Heheeheh.

Bye bye for now. Parting is such sweet sorrow... Sniffles.
