
What the fuck? The son of Hephaestus thought as he watched his kids running around after a bulldog. While he was a dog person himself (Those furry energetic balls of slobber and fun are pretty awesome!), he was more concerned with the fact that the dog had no collar. What if it had rabies? He did not need that kind of incident.

"Where's Frank?" Leo muttered to himself. I told him to watch them for me.

Then suddenly, he heard his name being called and footsteps running rapidly towards him. "LEO!" Team Leo yelled and pounced on him. He fell with a thud as they fell on top of each other by their unofficial defined order to not hurt themselves: Percy, then Jason, Nico, and Hazel at the top.

"Hey guys," Leo grunted from the combined weight. "Let's get up before I suffocate."

"Sorry, Leo!" They grinned as they finally got off. As soon as Leo was able to get back on his feet, he heard the dog bark before he was slammed yet again. When he opened his eyes, he saw the face of the slobbery creature baring his teeth, growling.

"Uhhh, hey there doggo," the boy tried to calmly appease it. "Want a treat? I got dog snacks."

"Frank, stop it! You're scaring Leo!" Hazel lightly scolded. Wait...Frank?

Frank gave him one more glare and jumped off his chest before turning back to human form while Leo laughed at how he hadn't figured it out before.

"Shut up, Valdez," the son of Mars scowled.

"I can't!" Leo curled on the floor, tears threatening to fall. "YOU were the dog. HAHAHA I didn't even think about it! I was wondering where you were HAHAHA!" Frank rolled his eyes but helped Leo up.

"Just be happy I didn't want to bite you because I rather not know the taste of motor oil and ash."

"Glad I roll in it every day then. Wish monsters thought like you, Franny," Leo joked as Frank's cheeks went red at the dumb nickname his frenemy had given him.

"Can you not call me that?!" The kids laughed at the son of Ares' distress.

"Franny is a cute name," Hazel helpfully commented, trying to make Frank feel better. Meanwhile, the rest of the boys were trying to not bust out laughing.

"Thanks, Hazel," he muttered as he tried to recollect himself. "Anyway, before I was rudely forced into babysitting duty, I had just gotten word that the Hunters of Artemis will be coming to our camp today."

"WHAT?!" The kids exclaimed, looking at each other for a moment before bombarding poor ole Frank with questions. Leo thought it was funny to see him overwhelmed with all the youthful energy the kids had, especially considering they were demigods. Leo would like to see someone else try to do his job like he did. Not that he bragged about it or anything but he felt a sense of accomplishment to know the Hunters had a lot more trouble with them than he did and he was just one Leo.

"Okay, everyone. Settle down. You're gonna give Frank a heart attack." The son of Hephaestus told the rattled children.


The hunters are coming back?! Percy thought to himself. Unlike his teammates that were excitedly jumping up and down, he was only slightly thrilled at the idea but he remembered the scene he had caused when the hunters were last here and it was so embarrassing thinking about it. He wasn't sure if he was scared of being made fun of or something but he wasn't ready to see Phoebe just yet.

Hopefully, everyone had forgotten the whole him hugging the Team Leo Hater…


"My sister's coming back, guys!" Jason cheered then stopped immediately and gasped. "I need to get her a welcome present!"

Hazel gasped as well, "YOU'RE RIGHT WE NEED TO GO TO THE MALL AND GET HER THE ONE DIRECTION ALBUM!" Leo didn't have the heart to tell them that the boy band had broken up a while ago and they were now making their own singles.

"Hey, how about you guys make her something instead!" He suggested hoping to not have to repeat any crazy shenanigans from their previous trips to the mall.

"That sounds so much better than an icky boy band store," Nico wrinkled his nose in distaste.

"You're icky!" Jason quickly shot back. Uh oh, Leo thought, knowing this would lead down a bad path.

"PAINT!" He suddenly shouted, which got the kids' attention. "You know… to make pictures! And uh… pipe cleaners and beads and whatever else we can find at the arts and crafts store!"

"The idea of making things and getting messy made Team Leo excited and hurried to the little store not too far from the actual mall that Leo tried so hard to avoid these days, hauling him along to buy the much needed material.


The eight-year-old looked at the blank piece of paper and blue crayon in his hand, wondering what he was supposed to draw. Looking beside him, he saw Jason also wasn't sure of what to make either. His face was concentrating on the whiter paper in front of him with a green crayon in hand.

"Jase, I'm stumped," the green-eyed boy sighed.

Yeah me too," Jason dropped the crayon on the bed they were sitting on and got off to look at the art supply they had bought on the floor. "There must be something here."

Percy noticed that Hazel was already happily drawing a portrait of their best adventure with the Hunters. The one where Team Leo decided to ride the wolves around like horses and caused havoc the first day of traveling with the Hunters. That was a good memory.

"What if we each draw the best moment we had with them?" Percy asked. "Hazel's got the right idea! That way we can all laugh about everything that happened. We never got to tell the others of our adventures."

Nico, who also seemed to be having trouble with ideas, sat up from the bed he and Hazel were occupying. "I can't think of anything though."

"After all the crazy things we did," Jason interjected. "You can't think of something? There's so much to choose from!"

"That's the problem!" Nico defended himself, "I don't know what to pick." He crossed his arms over his chest and did that brooding in the corner thing that made it look like he was radiating a black aura.

"Well my favorite thing that happened was when we rode on the wolves like horses!" Hazel finally spoke, taking her attention from her drawing. "That was the funnest thing ever."

"Funnest isn't a word," her brother told her.

"Yes it is."

"No it's not."

"Yes it is!"

Before the Hades children got into an argument, Percy decided to share one of his favorite moments while being in the Hunters' care. "Hey do you guys remember when we accidentally hit Artemis with our water and lightning? She was so mad!" Everyone busted out laughing.

"Oh I remembered that," Jason added. "Her hair was all frizzy and singed."

"She seriously wanted to kill you guys,"Nico said through his bursts of giggling, trying to contain it.

"Oh I know what I'm gonna draw about!" the blond suddenly sat up. "It's when we taught Thalia to fly!"

"That's a good one." Percy nodded.

"wE ALMOST DIED!?" Nico reminded them.

"True, but I've beaten the manticore before."

"You were knocked out…"

"Nico, stop spoiling the mood." Percy pouted. While it was true that they were in a dangerous situation at the time, seeing Thalia fly to save Jason from that fall off the cliff was amazing.

"Just saying that we should pick something more happy." Said the most emo one of the group, Percy thought.

"Okay, but Jason and Thalia had a moment so he gets to use the life threatening memory."

"Fiiine." the five year old gave in. "Well I'm gonna draw the time when we managed to take down all the Hunters, including Artemis."

"Why don't you draw about the time Percy drenched you in water because you didn't want to get in the lake?" Jason suggested. "That was pretty good."

"Shut up, Grace." Nico muttered as he got drawing. Hazel smiled at her brother but continued with her work.

The son of Jupiter turned to Percy. "Guess this works, huh? For a present?"

"Yeah," Percy agreed as he grabbed a blue crayon and got to work on his masterpiece.


He watched them remember their moments with Thalia and the Hunters of Artemis. Leo wasn't TOO offended that they weren't paying attention to him but he did have to finish the newest demigod cell upgrade prototype to show his cabin. From the tidbits of conversation that he heard, Leo figured that the Hunters were happy to have gotten rid of them, although they also had good moments. It was almost time for Dinner and almost the time for the Hunters to arrive. Leo hoped that Team Leo would control themselves enough to not blow the place up considering how excited they were acting. But guess we'll see now won't we? Leo smiled to himself, imagining all the chaotic possibilities.


She couldn't believe that they were still children. Thalia had figured that they would be back to themselves once she came back to visit. It had been explained why they hadn't aged yet and although Thalia didn't really understand Leo's reasoning, seeing Jason so happy as an 8 year old made her almost cry. She never got to see him grow and laugh and play. He deserved it.

"Look, Thalia!" Jason shoved a piece of paper, slightly wrinkled from him folding on to it so tightly. "This is you saving me from falling off the cliff. It's when you flew! That's my happiest moment."

She could tell the misshapen circles and rectangles were supposed to be her and Jason. The black and yellow squiggles on top of their heads made that clear. On the far corner, he had drawn another weird rectangle with Xs for eyes and she could only assume was the manticore defeated.

"I love it," Thalia said. "It looks great Jason. Thank you." She hugged him tightly, trying hard not to cry.

"I'm glad you're back," he whispered in her ear. She buried his face in his narrow neck to hide it and hugged him a little tighter. She had another chance given to her. She was not wasting it.


After the brother/sister moment the Grace kids had, the other children of the big three finally broke the moment, not being able to hold it in any longer and jumped Thalia as well. They showed her their presents for her and she laughed with them, also remembering the funny moments.

"You're taking good care of them, you know?" Thalia finally spoke to him as she helped him lay them in their beds, having zapped all the energy out of themselves and everyone around them.

"Thanks," Leo responded, laying the blanket on top of the already asleep four year old. "Do you think it's weird? That I wanted this?"

"Oh yeah, definitely." She said without hesitation.

"Oh…"Leo didn't expect such a fast response. "Well then."

"I mean, you are weird in general," the Hunter of Artemis clarified, "But I think I kind of get it. A little."

Leo smiled.

A/N: Well, Hello there. I haven't written for a long time and truthfully thought I never would come back but here I am. I had a weird spontaneous moment and I just started typing. Haven't been in the Percy Jackson Fandom in so long and honestly after a major character death in the series, thought Id give them some more attention because I'm sad as fuck it happened ;-; I'm kiond of into BNHA but I don't know if I'll write anything for that fandom. Maybe I'll update other things. Who knows. Maybe my creative mind isn't done yet! Hope you're all safe!

~Melissa L.