Disclaimer: I am a little fuzzy on a few things it has been a while since I was able to watch LWD so I'm not sure if they specify what age Casey was when her dad left.
I am also tweaking their ages when they first meet to 17 (Senior year). This was inspired by Paramore's "The Only Exception". I own NOTHING.
First Fic, reviews are more than welcome!


It was impossible to forget that night; I was seven and my parents were having the worst fight I have ever heard.
Harsh names were slung, glass was breaking and then the unmistakable sound of the front door opening and then slamming shut.
I could hear my mother crying but I was too afraid to go to her, I was supposed to have been asleep for hours and I didn't want her to be upset with me.
I crept out of my bed and ran to my window in time to see my father hastily throw a suit case in his back seat.
With a huff he turned to look back at our home and seen me in the window; his face fell and he shook his head.
He climbed in to his car and drove away. He never came home and from then on the only time I seen my father was on my birthday or the odd holiday.

For ten years I lived believing that love was never real. Sure, I would go on a date here and there just to escape from the loneliness I had created.
I never allowed myself to open up due to my fear. And I never wanted to feel the way my mother felt that night; betrayed, unworthy and heart-broken.
I threw myself into my studies and busied myself with extracurricular activities. But there were times that school couldn't help stifle my screaming heart, and that's when I would accept a boy's invitation on a date. I would will myself to have fun but I think deep down all of the boys I have ever dated knew that my heart wasn't in it. I don't remember when it was that I had decided to never fall in love, but I was doing a damn good job of it up until now. Up until I met Him.


I woke up with the sun in my eyes and looked around my room. My new room. My mother's job moved us here and I hate it.
I had to leave my school and my friends. And on top of that my mother has already met someone after only living here for three days, his name was George and he has three children. I have never met him or his kids, I have always been conveniently busy or had too much homework.
Lizzie has met George but has said that she wasn't ready to meet his kids yet. I haven't even bothered to ask what his children's names are.

I let out a sigh and decided to go down stairs. My mother and Lizzie were unpacking the kitchen, well, rather, Lizzie was unpacking the kitchen and my mother helped while she got ready for her date with George. My mother looked at me and at her watch and then smiled at me. "That was a very long nap. I thought you might have been out for the night." Before I could say anything she spoke again. "Listen, I'm going to be leaving here in about twenty minutes if I gave you some money would you take your sister out to eat?" Lizzie's face light up "I seen a little diner down the street today, can we go Casey?" I could never refuse her when she got so excited over little things. "Sure," I said taking the money from my mother's hand. She danced around the living room putting her shoes on and getting her purse. I watched her for a few minutes. She was so happy, she had only known this George for two weeks and she was turning into a giddy school girl. I missed seeing my mother this happy. I can only hope that this George is a good guy, I can't stand to see my mother cry.

She sees me looking at her and blushes. "What?" she asks. "Nothing," I let out a small chuckle. "What time will you be home?" "No later than mid-night, George has an early case tomorrow." She walked over to Lizzie and gave her and hug and kissed the top of her head, she walked over to me and did the same. "Lizzie please listen to your sister tonight. And no fighting." And with that she smiles and walks out the door. I walk over to where Lizzie is and sit on the counter next to her and playfully bump her with my shoulder. "Why don't you go put on something cute and we'll go wherever you want to eat. Sound good?" Lizzie smiles and runs up stairs.

It's very hard not to treat her like a child, she is fourteen now but I still see her as this small thing who had to be told that Daddy wasn't coming home anymore. To see her crying for him every night broke my heart and made me hate my father. My stomach makes a noise as I slide off of the counter, if Lizzie is going to dress up I might as well too. A lot of our stuff hasn't arrived from our old apartment yet so I'm missing most of my clothes. I dig through a box and find my black skinny jeans and a turquoise v neck tank top, I look through my jewelry box and find my necklace that my mother got me and Lizzie for Christmas last year, a sterling silver chain with a snowflake the size of a dime. I brush my hair and go down stairs and wait for Lizzie. I stifle a giggle when I see that she has chosen to wear almost the same thing. Her tank top is purple but the pants and the necklace are the same. "Oh," She blushes and turns around to go back upstairs "No Lizzie, I think it's cute," I say getting her to walk back down. "Ready?" I ask grabbing the keys off the counter.

We pull into the lot of the little diner that Lizzie suggested and go inside. It's the kind of place where you order your food and then go sit down and they bring it to you. A rich man's fast food place if you will. There are a lot of young people here, a few people look at us when we enter but quickly lose interest in us and go back to their food. I go to the counter and a woman in her fifties takes our order. As I am paying I hear the door behind me open but don't bother to look at it. Then I notice that the place has gone deadly quiet and every girl in the room, including those who have dates with them have their eyes glued to the door. This piques my interest so I turn around. As I turn I almost bump into someone. I was about to tell the person off before my eyes focused and I seen him. He had a slight smile on his face, his hair was messy and he had on a leather jacket. "Sorry," He said with a voice like velvet. I could feel my cheeks start to burn with blush, I turned my face away from his that was only inches away from mine "It's alright," I say taking a step back. His smile gets a little bigger, his puts his hand out. "Derek Venturi," he says raising his eyebrow slightly. I take his hand, "Casey," How long we stand there with my hand in his I don't know, Lizzie clears her throat. I drop my hand "Sorry, this is my sister Lizzie." Lizzie gives a small "Hi," Derek smiles at her. His face brightens up as an idea hits him, "Would you ladies care to sit with me?"

Sorry this was so short I just wanted to get this out there. This is my first fanfic so please please review!