Please ignore my grammar mistakes and enjoy

Previous Chapter: But what startled him now, was the voice of someone screaming in rage, a male voice but he knows this voice, oh shit it was Akashi, he had to go and see what the problem is.



Kagami Taiga didn't know how he found Akashi's room, maybe because he followed the source of his angry scream, or maybe because there are a lot of maids that's were crowded outside a room, as if they were afraid of something, and were whispering in a hushed tone, he was tall, but because his vision was blocked, he had to stand on his toes, to get a better sight.

He sighed, and he didn't realized that the maids stopped whispering and turned their heads towards him, however, when he realized that he was being stared at, he blushed and said " Excuse me" and with that the maids scattered away, and now he was alone, hearing Akashi's as he broke his things, the door was slightly open, he peaked his head slowly, afraid for his body to be smashed, like this glass, that was flying towards him, he blinked and shrieked as he removed his peaked head at the last moment, he sighed as he leaned his back on the door.

After he screamed everything was silent, he wondered why, and his interest increased as he lifted his back and started to open the door, only to find Akashi was glaring at him with those creepy mismatched eye's, he gulped. But he forgot about his nervousness when he spotted a cut on Akashi's left cheek, his eye's widened, he needed to fix that! after all, it's a blood.

" Akashi! there's a blood on your cheek, come here we need to fix that!"

He was about to grab his hand only to be slapped away, and Akashi didn't move an inch from where he was standing, kagami had realized that Akashi was very furious, and he doesn't know the reason... " Akashi, is there something wrong?" He asked, and he was scared for his life, " Who let you in, Taiga" Kagami winced as he heard his name being uttered in full of seriousness, he backed away, but clearly not enough " Taiga" His name was said in an angry whisper... " I I let myself in...you were, you were screaming! S So I had to something, you are not okay!" However he was shocked, as he saw a scissor was coming towards him too fast, he moved himself to the left too fast that he fell hard on his butt, he gasped, and fearfully looked up at Akashi, who tried to stab him again, by using his scissor, he clenched his fists.

Kagami's heart beats were beating too loud, he was very angry at himself to feel this scared, he stood up, and didn't realized as Akashi was back to his senses, and was shocked to say another word, he couldn't speak at all, fearing that his voice would crack, he couldn't injur his pride more than this, he watched as kagami looked at him with those eye's, they were dull and lifeless, he shook his head slightly, he bit his lip, frustration was overwhelming him, but It was too late as he saw Kagami was leaving his room, he stretched his hand as he was about to grab his wrist only to realize that it was too late.


Kagami was lost inside this mansion to say the least, he escaped from Akashi to leave him with his own pride, everything in the mansion was too clean, he touched a painting that he couldn't recognize, a naked person that was colored and covered the private parts of it's body, it was a female, as he touched it, there was no dust and everything looked classical, he wondered from room to a room.

First he found himself in a piano room, then tennis room, volleyball room, violin and finally he found himself in a basketball room, he hesitated, he knows from where this fear came from, he knows that he can control his thoughts, but it was with a price, it was also a battle that he can't win by his own, the memories resurfaced too soon... as he clutched his head, his fists were grabbing the two sides of his hair too furiously, he fears for his own sanity, he knows that he started to hallucinate, the moment he started to hear the echoes of that man... to hear again his words before when Aomine showed up and saved him.

" You think you can play basketball after this... ' He was pinned on the floor and the man was looming over him, he pounded his head hard, and he cried out'stop!'...You think they will be playing with you again?! 'Another pound, another shout'... you think they will touch the ball after you touched it!' Another pound, another shout, and without him noticing blood was leaking behind his head, the man laughed and sneered' ... You think you can be their equal?"

And that's when he realized as he fell on his knees, panting hard as if he ran a Marathon, that he is afraid to touch Basketball again? NO! he shook his hard and stood up on his wobbling legs, then moved forward, there was a ball there, he bent down and grabbed it, and in instant he let go of it as if it burned his hand, he was still panting and gulped as sweat started to form on his forehead, this time he can touch it and shoot it in the ring! with a new determination he took a stance and gritted his teeth, however, he didn't notice as his hands were shaking when he shot the ball, that's why it didn't get in the ring.

He stood frozen and gasped. He can't play Basketball like he used to, he can't be useful anymore! he knows that they will leave him if they found out, at least for this week he can't play, but what about practice? should he even stay?


Akashi knows that what he did was wrong, so when Taiga had left, and when he realized that he should apologize, he went after him, he searched everywhere! yet he couldn't find him, but where he could possibly be? his eye's widened as the realization dawned him, why he couldn't think of this? to search the sport rooms! it took of his excellent stamina five minutes to reach, he opened door after door, until he heard a thud, and he ran like a crazy, his steps were halted in a quick sudden, as he watched Kagami, and realized that they have a very big problem, he vowed to himself silently to help him at whatever cost, after all he owns him an apology.


A/N YO! What's up, sorry for the late update guys!, as you can see this chapter is describing exactly the summary of this story, as to why Kagami will grow apart, and took a different path we will reach that part in later chapters *wink* anyway, I hope it cleared some confusion, the next chapter: the rest of the GOM will be visiting Kagami in the mansion!. I hope that you enjoyed! Thanks for anyone who is reading this story*sigh* I don't think there is anyone, anyway please review! thank you again.