And this is what HTTYD is doing with my life, I'm doin' a crozzover for it
anyway, have a good read!
Harry Potter and the Dragon Tournament
A How to train your dragon and Harry Potter (book four) crossover
Chapter 1
Vikings and Wizards
Berk was a small isle located on the Meridian of Misery, at twelve days north of Hopeless, and a few degrees south of Freezing to Death. It was a little village situated at the lowest part of the isle, for a better access to water. A little bit upper on the mountains, the ground were mostly covered by large forests, untouched yet by the villagers. The people who lived there had been there for seven generations, which was a lot of taking for them, but every buildings were new in the town. The most noticeable things in this place was the fishing, hunting and – of course – the charming view of the sunsets. Though, the biggest problem they used to have was the pest. See, in most places, people had mice or mosquitoes, but they had dragons. Naturally, normal people would have left immediately at the sight of those vile creatures.
But not them.
These people were Vikings. They always had stubbornness issues. So for seven long generations, they had been fighting the dragons who always stole their food. Until a boy named Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the III joined the party. A great name, but it wasn't the worst. Their parents believed that a hideous name would frighten off gnomes and trolls. Who knew if it was true? It seemed that these people would forget that their charming demeanor could do the trick.
But back to the boy, Hiccup was different from the others… See, every Vikings were similar in a way, buffy arms and tall, able to fight off dragons singlehandedly, the Viking way, in short!
Though it wasn't the case of poor Hiccup. The boy was skinny and weak, could barely hold an axe without sweating. The villagers didn't really appreciate him for his clumsiness and to worsen his fate, he was destined to be the heir of the tribe, the next leader. Of course, that was the trouble of being the single son of Stoick the Vast, chief of the tribe. Stories said that when he was a little baby, he popped a dragon's head clean off its shoulders. Did Hiccup believed him?
Yes he did.
So, being such an outcast to the rest of the village, the little boy wanted to make his mark. He tried and tried, until the realisation hit him: he had to kill a Night Fury. The most deadly dragon ever known among the Vikings. Though after a few events, he ended up befriending the fearful creature, to the point of even naming him Toothless. Great sense of naming, but it made sense since the dragon was most of the time without his teeth out of his gum. And the mark he had been striving to make? He made it, being the first Viking to ever fly on a dragon. Luckily for him, he was able to open up the villagers' eyes about the true colors of the creatures – they were technically pets for him – but at a great price. The boy lost his left leg after a dreadful fight with a monstrosity they named the Red Death. Regardless to that – due to the help of Gobber, the blacksmith – he got a prosthetic and after four years of walking and running around the village, he got used to having a fake leg. And thus, his mark was the beginning of a new era of peace between the Vikings and the dragons.
Hiccup sighed as he stared at the sea, his back resting on Toothless. He was bored and out of ideas at that moment, and it was killing him! Today was a nothing-to-do day, but it was painfully dull. He had passed time with his friends, passed time at the blacksmith with his sarcastic tongued teacher, Gobber, and flew most of the afternoon with his dragon but now he had nothing to do. Maybe he could pass time with Astrid?
Just the name made him crack a smile. It was no secret that they both liked each other. Even though she was a more brutal type of person than him, she had a sweet side too.
''Yo, Hiccup!'' called a voice behind him. The said teenager looked behind him and saw the twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut, Fishleg, Snotlout and Astrid coming closer to him. ''We were about to do a fire camp, wanna join?'' asked Astrid. The teen grinned and got up, the familiar metal squeaking coming out of Hiccup's prosthetic, and walked with the others toward the edge of the forest. It became a routine for them to go pass time there when they had free time after a long day was passed with their dragon. After a while, it became a habit of theirs and so they all had their own little chore to do before settling down.
Astrid and Hiccup would go search for food and drinks – mostly fish, chicken and beverages – while Snoutlout, Ruffnut and Tuffnut would go fetch wood deeper inside the forest and Fishleg would stay at the emplacement with the dragons, keeping an eye on their stuff. Most of the time, Snotlout would be alone in the almost dark forest, stressing over every small suspicious sound around him, thinking it might be a wolf or a bear about to kill him, but poor him! The mischievous twins were the origin of all the cracking and growling the boy heard. Of course, their messing around would stop when the siblings would start arguing about who grabbed first a piece of wood and obviously a fist fight was sure to ensure. After a while, they all gathered around the camp and started enjoying their time among friends, telling jokes and counting stories and legend. Before they even knew it, night time was there and their reserve of wood was getting thinner with each hour. At a certain point, Hiccup saw Astrid stifling a yawn and he took it as a cue point that maybe it was getting pretty late. The others confirmed his proposal of calling it a day and started to pack up, but it stopped abruptly when a pair of wings kept hitting the one legged boy's face.
''Get it off me!'' He yelled in surprise. To his great displeasure, it took longer than planned to take away of him whatever attacked, and he was slightly blaming the twins who took pleasure to see people getting hurt in some ridiculous way. When the flapping of the wings stopped, Hiccup glared in annoyance at whatever creature who decided that it was such a good idea to jump in his face and he was surprised to see that it was an owl. Why would an owl act like this? The bird struggled furiously through Fishleg's grip and landed on Hiccup's shoulder. ''What the…''
''It got something on its leg,'' stated Ruffnut as she and her twin tried to hide a snicker at the ridiculous sight. The bird's beak was nibbling Hiccup hairs in a rather intense way. With a bit of struggle – and bites from the owl – the teen was finally able to grab whatever was on the animal's leg. To his surprise it was a piece of paper, well, technically a letter. The teenager squinted into the dark as he tried to read the back of the envelop. From what he could see, the text was neatly written in emerald ink.
Mr. Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the III
Near the Raven Forest
''Ruff, Tuff, did any of you do that?'' asked Hiccup as he showed them the letter in his hand, a glint of annoyance in his green eyes. The twins furiously shook to head, a frown on their faces.
''As much as we'd like to do stuff like that…''
''We never trained an owl for doing this.''
''We'll that's weird…'' Fishleg mumbled as he glared at the piece of paper in the teen's hand. The one legged boy opened the letter and as he kept reading, confusion was more and more evident on his face.
Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore
(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,
Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)
Dear Mr. Haddok,
We have heard about your talent with the dragons. We would like to know if you would be interested into helping us for the Triwizard Tournament as one of the tasks requires people who have a way with them. We'd be infinitely grateful if you could accept this offer.
We await the return of this owl no longer than 31 July.
Yours sincerely,
Minerva Mcgonagall
Deputy Headmistress
Ps: In the morning, the headmaster will pay you a visit, for clarifying the context.
Hiccup folded the paper neatly and stared at the dying fire without saying anything. 'What in the name of Thor did I just read?' he wondered, disturbed. 'Wizards don't exist…' he shook his head. Who had the stupid idea of sending a bad prank? He put the letter into a small pouch tied to his belt and shrugged it off, but the owl thought differently. It started to nibble even more at his hair, turning them into a huge mess before flying of above the teens' heads, letting out a screech and fly away into the dark sky. The teenagers stood there in silence, eyes glued to where they last saw the bird. Well that was definitely different from their usual routine. After exchanging a few words about why the owl would have acted like it did and what was the actual meaning of the letter, all parted away, going to their own houses.
The one legged boy though as he walked towards his home with Toothless, he couldn't help but muse about wizards. He remembered that when he was little, he used to heard kids telling stories about these people who could cast spells with a stick – a wand some would say – and fight evil with magic, but those were just tell tales. Nothing like this could be true right?
Or maybe…
He shook his head, great now he was wondering about the credibility of some fairy tales. When he arrived at his wooden little house, Toothless started to growl slightly, glaring angrily at the window.
''Are you serious?'' he snapped when he saw the owl ruffling its feathers, the claws gripping strongly the wood of his house. Hiccup gestured his arms above his head in a poor attempt to scare away the bird, but only got a look of disapproval from it. Great. The teenager grumbled and his fellow dragon growled at the obnoxious animal. He sighed in defeat. Not even a dragon would make the owl go away! ''Fine, if you insist,'' he mumbled as he entered his house, followed by Toothless. He was welcomed with the familiar sight of his father sitting on his favourite chair in front of the fireplace. He closed softly the door, in hope of not bringing his dad out of his strain of thoughts but to no avail, he took notice of the one legged boy. ''Hi, dad,'' he greeted.
''Son,'' Stoick replied, ''you came back late.''
''I was at the fire camp with the others, like usual,'' Hiccup explained with a shrug. He bit the inside of his cheeks and wondered if he should be mentioning the letter he just received, but wouldn't Stoick the Vast think of him as crazy for worrying about such a trivial matter?
To hell with it
''You know… something happened back there.'' started the teenager. His father stared at his son with curiosity all over his eyes. ''It sounds ridiculous but...'' Stoick grinned lightly at that, a lot of thing his son did was ridiculous, but it had its charm in a way. ''An owl gave me a letter,'' Hiccup finished as he took out the said letter out of his pouch. The chief's eyes widen at the mention of owl.
Could they have tried to contact the Vikings?
''What was in it?'' the man asked as he stood up from his seat.
''Er – it's says that, uh, they know about my 'talent' with dragons and they're asking for help. There's also a mention of wizards, but that's absurd, they don't exist.''
Oh, so they did.
Stoick the Vast let out a sigh, he knew that one day he had to pass the knowledge about them to his son, though he didn't think it would have been that soon.
''Sit down, son, I've got to explain to you a few things.'' Hiccup sat down on a nearby chair while his father settled down on his with a heavy gleam on his face. They stayed in perfect silence – only the soft crackling of the flames was heard inside their house – and then the man cleared his throat. ''Hiccup… Wizards do exist.'' He deadpanned. The heir of the clan let out a small chuckle but quickly stopped when he saw the glare he got from his father.
''You are not joking…'' he said after a moment of hesitation. His father nodded silently, ''but if they existed, we would have seen them!'' he retorted.
''They live in secret, in fear of normal people attacking them. Very few of us know about them, otherwise they are mostly known through legends. We met them generations ago, but they became silent fifty years or so ago… until now.'' He gestured the letter his son held in his hand and took it. His son remained silent as he swallowed the new.
So people with magical power existed.
He would like to name this idea silly but he couldn't. After all, dragons did exist, he couldn't deny it. Stoick pinched the bridge of his nose after he read the letter. It was sure that they would get a visit, there was no doubt.
''Do you have any idea what's a Triwizard Tournament?'' Hiccup asked wistfully, hoping to get as much knowledge as possible. Sadly for him, his father shook his head. ''Alright… what else do you know about them?''
''That is pretty much all I got.''
''Oh… okay,'' the one legged boy got up from his seat and stretched. ''I'm calling it a night. G'night dad.'' He climbed the stairs, followed by Toothless and left for his bedroom.
''Goodnight, son.''
Well this was the worst morning Hiccup ever had.
See, normally Toothless would be banging the roof for waking him and then go fly, the good routine – even though at the beginning it was slightly annoying for the boy – but today he wasn't awaken by that. Instead, a strong cracking noise reached his ears and caused him to fall of his bed, followed by three soft knocks on the front door. It definitely wasn't his dragon doing the entire ruckus. He let out a groan as he got up and clumsily put on some clothes – just to say he was wearing something. The knocking was once more heard, though slightly faster this time.
''Coming!'' he said grumpily, the curtain of sleepiness still present in his mind. When he opened the door, he would be lying if he said he wasn't expecting that kind of person to be knocking at his door in the morning at an unholy hour. The man was incredibly old. He was wearing a purple dress and his long white beard was safely secured under the belt he had. His electric blue eyes were staring at Hiccup from behind a pair of round glasses that was resting on his crooked nose. The beard would have given an instant of 'maybe he's a Viking' vibe but the whole rest of the stranger man screamed something else.
''Why hello there young man, would you happen to be Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the III?'' the strange man said in a friendly tone. The boy stopped eyeing the man and nodded silently, still unsure if he should be trusting him or not.
''Uh yeah, that's me. And you are…?''
''Albus Dumbledore,'' he said with a smile, ''I do believe that you received my letter?'' the man asked as he glanced with a glint of humour in his eyes at the owl resting on the window. The one legged boy grimaced at the mention of the owl, but nodded anyway.
''Yeah I did, not the friendliest of all to be honest,'' Hiccup said bitterly. ''The letter said you would help clarify the situation.''
''Ah, yes indeed. Well then shall we?'' The boy let the headmaster enter inside and they sat down near the fire place.
''So,'' the boy clapped his hands before looking more seriously at Dumbledore, ''what's the Triwizard Tournament?''
''It's an event that used to be popular among the wizards schools, for some reasons it stopped but this year we are trying to bring it back. The goal is to accomplish three difficult tasks and win.''
''Why did it stopped?''
''Too many people died during the tournaments.''
''Oh…'' well that wasn't good, ''alright… er – what help do you need with dragons?''
''Well, young man, this year the ministry had decided to bring a unique theme for the tournament and they had chosen the subject of dragons. Each task will have at least one dragon involved and we are in dire need of specialists in this… department.'' Dumbledore explained with a charming smile. ''We can handle ourselves around them but for the time they'll be around the school - Hogwarts, I do fear wizards won't be enough to control them. And this, young man, is where you get into the play; you help us prepare the tasks and take care –and learn – of the dragons.'' Hiccup mused silently, a pensive look in his eyes. It was tempting, the headmaster did mentioned about foreign dragons, which was like a Snoggletog gift for the boy, but at the same time, he didn't knew for how long he'd be gone.
''What's in it for me?'' the heir of the clan asked, ''I don't want to give something without getting paid for it.''
''What would you like to get, my boy?''
''Er…'' Hiccup bit his lips. Damn! He couldn't name something just out of the blue! And he didn't think he was in dire need of something. He would naturally prefer something with benefit, not only for him, but for everyone else of Berk. Oh, now it clicked in his mind, he knew it. ''Well, now that you mention it, our winters are very hard, nine months of snow to be exact, and as you can guess… food is hard to get for us during that time.'' The elderly man nodded in comprehension, waiting for the boy to continue. ''So here's my offer, I help you with the dragons and you'll provide food here for a whole winter.'' Hiccup finished, slightly hoping that his deal would be good enough for the old man. To his surprise, it seemed that it was fair enough. The headmaster grinned at the one legged boy and stood up from the hard chair he was sitting on.
''I do believe he have ourselves a deal, Mister Haddock.''
EeeeeeeY! First chapter is doooone
hell yeaaaaaaaaaaaah
anyway, I know it seems kinda awkward at the beginning for the interaction between the characters, I didn't felt secure enough when i began writing it... but it'll get better soon enough! And expect a new chapter more likely tomorrow afternoon, alright?
Next chapter we'll see what's going on on Harry's side!
blah blah blah, review and fave if yeh liked it blah blah blah
You know the routine guys
See y'all soon