Elsa POV

A loud knock on the door jolts us awake. Lights of pale sunlight stream through our window; it must be almost early afternoon. Anna and I slowly lift our heads, our eyes assessing the status of the other as we evaluate each other's faces. Before we can speak, however, the door opens and in walks Kristoff, flecks of snow still dusted in his thick, golden locks and his eyes bright with excitement.

"There you are," he says, his features positively beaming. "Where the heck is my welcome wagon? When does the Kristoff-worship begin?"

In response to his question, Anna falls into a violent bout of coughing and I sit trembling with my arms around her, assisting her as she catches her breath. Kristoff's stupid grin slowly falters from his face and is replaced with an expression of both concern and exasperation as he takes in our appearance: flushed pale faces, sweaty disheveled hair, bright fevered eyes. . .

Kristoff lets out a heavy sigh and pinches the bride of his nose with his fingers, shaking his head in amusement. "Figures," he says with a chuckle. "Alright, alright. Let's have Dr. Kristoff take a look at you, shall we?"


I have to say, this story has been very fun for me to write. I really have enjoyed shaping the relationship between the two sisters. I'm thinking about writing all of Frozen and the events leading up to the movie all from Elsa's point of view. What do you guys think? Thanks again for all of your support!



Elsa POV

"Well, your majesty, it would appear as if you have contracted your sister's illness."

Dr. Johan sits beside the bed, frowning at the thermometer he has just slipped out from under my tongue. I turn my head and let out a string of rough coughs in response. He fixes me a stern, but sympathetic smile.

"I understand that as sisters you like to share things, but this is definitely something I would have advised," he teases.

Anna lets out a soft moan beside me. "Elsa, I'm so sorry," she whispers. I catch the reflection of the moonlight filtering through our window on the light sheen of sweat on her face. She sits shivering violently, her arms clutched around her stomach. The deep creases in her face betray her pain and discomfort.

"Don't be. It's not your fault," I say, intending to smile reassuringly at her, but only end up lurching forward, my body riding a vicious bout of coughing.

A warm hand rests upon my shoulder as I catch my breath. At first I think it is Anna, but as I nervously glance up, I realize that the comforting weight of a human palm belongs to Johan. I blush slightly, not expecting such a considerate gesture, nor the tender glimmer in his amber eyes.

"I wish there was more I could do to help," he murmurs in a soft voice. "But unfortunately, you two will just have to ride this one out. But at least you have each other."

I catch Anna's eye and we exchange a fond smile. It is then that I notice the dark circles under Anna's eyes and how visibly she is shaking. "Dr. Johan, would you be so kind as to take another look at my sister, please?"

Johan flashes his teeth in another charming grin. "It would be an honor."

The fact that Anna doesn't protest when Johan shifts his attention over to her indicates to me that she really isn't feeling well. She stares with unfocused cobalt eyes as he checks her vital signs and verifies the extent of her fever.

"You still beat your sister, Princess," he says, fixing her a crooked, coy smile. "103.2 degrees to her 101.9."

I frown, alarmed by this turn of events. "103.2? That's higher than this morning, isn't it?" Fear triggers my chakra to release some of my contained, swirling energy within and a light snowfall flurries around the room in a silent, sweeping manner.

"Yes, it is. But there's nothing to be alarmed about," Johan assures me, brushing off the fresh powder from his shoulder. "A human body temperature is always at its highest at night. While your sister has a very high fever, I wouldn't consider it dangerous until it reaches about 104, which hopefully we shouldn't have to address as an issue."

I nod, though anxiety still churns deep within my gut as I stare at my little sister. Johan rests his hand comfortingly on my shoulder again and holds my gaze, leaving me captivated by his molten amber eyes and the sincerity that warms his features. "You don't need to worry, your majesty, everything is going to be fine. You should be focusing on taking care of yourself as well as your sister." He suddenly adopts a very serious expression as his eyes penetrate into my soul. "Arendelle needs its queen and princess to be healthy, but most of all, I want you to feel strong and confident, because you two are capable of so many great things, especially when you're together." His eyes glance up for a heartbeat at the frost that has threatened to consolidate on the ceiling above us. "Elsa, I assure you, there is nothing to fear."

I blink in surprise. Why the sudden drop in formality? Did he think it would help capture the sincerity behind his words? Or perhaps did he maybe lose respect after realizing how terrified I was of reverting back to being the monster that I had always feared I would be? But no, just by studying Johan's face, I know he means every word.

"Thank you," Anna says in a slightly exasperated voice, her tone underscored with amusement. "She needed to hear it from somebody other than me, but it's true, Elsa. You should have more confidence in yourself, there's nothing to be afraid of anymore."

I glance back and forth between the two of them and then offer a demure smile. "It really means a lot to hear you say that," I whisper to no one in particular.

Suddenly Anna pulls me into a tight hug and I close my eyes, burying my face in the crook of her neck. I can feel her pulse drum against my lips and I smile, touched by the simple gesture.

"I may just be your physician, but you two can call upon me anytime," says Johan, pushing himself into a stand.

"Your help doesn't go unappreciated," says Anna. "C'mere, you. You can be apart of this too."

I shift my head ever so slightly and watch as Johan hesitates, then grins broadly at us and wraps his muscular arms around us both. I feel comforted by the touch of them both and I sigh unconsciously in content. After a few long seconds, Johan stands up and gives a small bow.

"I'll be sure to check on you tomorrow, your highnesses. Rest well." His gaze lingers on mine for just a heartbeat longer and then he is gone.

"I like him," Anna says at last. "He wasn't afraid to speak his mind, even when he didn't completely believe it to be his place. You can't help but respect a guy like that."

"Yeah. . ." I say slowly, my eyes still on the spot where he had just been seconds before. A fierce burning sensation in my sinuses arrest me from my trance and I pitch forward in a mighty sneeze, which only triggers another light blanket of snow to be conjured up.

"Bless you," says Anna, though she seems distracted. "Hey, you know, when all is said and done and we're not sick anymore, we should invite him over for dinner as a token of our appreciation."

Anna's eyes dance with mischief and I narrow my own playfully at her. "I don't like what that tone was insinuating,"

"Oh, but secretly you do."

We giggle like teenagers and wrap our arms around one another, compensating for lost time and a missing childhood. Beneath my palms, her skin is burning and clammy to the touch and her incessant quivering only concerns me more so, but I can't help but feel grateful for being given this opportunity to spend quality time with my sister without having to work around a hectic schedule of managing trade circulations between kingdoms, signing endless pieces of parchment, and countless meetings with the members of the committee. And perhaps this small journey of ours has even catalyzed a possible chance occurrence for us to experience in the future.

A loud knock on the door jolts us awake. Lights of pale sunlight stream through our window; it must be almost early afternoon. Anna and I slowly lift our heads, our eyes assessing the status of the other as we evaluate each other's faces. Before we can speak, however, the door opens and in walks Kristoff, flecks of snow still dusted in his thick, golden locks and his eyes bright with excitement.

"There you are," he says, his features positively beaming. "Where the heck is my welcome wagon? When does the Kristoff-worship begin?"

In response to his question, Anna falls into a violent bout of coughing and I sit trembling with my arms around her, assisting her as she catches her breath. Kristoff's stupid grin slowly falters from his face and is replaced with an expression of both concern and exasperation as he takes in our appearance: flushed pale faces, sweaty disheveled hair, bright fevered eyes. . .

Kristoff lets out a heavy sigh and pinches the bride of his nose with his fingers, shaking his head in amusement. "Figures," he says with a chuckle. "Alright, alright. Let's have Dr. Kristoff take a look at you, shall we?"


I hope that this helped wrap things up a little nicer for those of you who wanted a little more elaboration and closure by providing some prospects of something new. I tried to end it so that the rest could be left up to the imagination of the reader, but without being too vague. It's all about how you interpret it, right? I hope you enjoyed this story and I'm always open to requests! Thanks again for reading and reviewing!