Hi everyone! Right up front, I should apologize, because this isn't exactly an actual chapter. But, I feel like you all deserve an explanation for this random hiatus (and that's all it is, I promise I am working on things!) since you've stuck with LNO this far. Basically, I'm really heavily involved with the drama program at my school, and our stage manager recently had to resign because of personal reasons. For those unfamiliar with the world of theater, the stage manager makes sure we actually have props, sets, lighting, and sometimes sound effects based on the show. Since this was very short-notice and we have a production coming up in November, all of the veteran drama kids have been called in to help with construction for the set until a new one can be hired (and where I live, we aren't exactly crawling with them, so God - or should I say Madoka? - only knows how long that's going to take). I'm helping with the set for around two hours, 2-3 nights a week, so by the time I get home most nights, any writing I may want to do often does not happen. So, until our play is over in mid-November, I'm afraid I have to declare an official hiatus. Once that date has passed, I'll get the new chapter up as soon as humanly possible! I did manage to start on it before all of this came up though, so I figure the least I can do is post a couple of excerpts from the long-anticipated Homura POV:

Timeline estimate: 96. As usual, although it is inconvenient for my Soul Gem, writing while my powers affect my surroundings is the safest way to avoid Kyubey discovering this journal. This timeline began like every other, however, anomalies quickly began appearing in alarming numbers. 1) The return of Kyoko Sakura. While this alone is not the most uncommon occurrence, never has it happened two timelines in a row. At first, I assumed this was the result of Madoka's wish in the previous timeline. However, it seems to be reaching much further than Kazamino.

2) The appearance of the nine magical girls referring to themselves as the Sailor Guardians. Unlike the anomaly timeline of Oriko Mikuni and Kirika Kure, these girls truly seem to be a type of magical girl completely different from that of ours. Kyubey has confirmed they are not present on any contract record, although when it did convince their leader, a girl by the name of Usagi Tsukino, to contract, a similar change seemed to have affected them as well. KEEP UNDER CLOSE SURVEILLANCE.

"Shut up!" she shouted. "I know I've screwed up everything since I made that stupid contract! It's all my fault that Mami almost got killed and Madoka's brother -"

A chill ran through Homura at this. "What about Madoka's brother?"

"It doesn't matter now!" Sayaka sobbed, looking up. "You can't fix it, he's gone! I got careless and let the labyrinth close on him!"

Even the very night air went quiet. Homura's eyes widened as the weight of what Sayaka was saying hit her. "Tell me everything. What happened?"

"I didn't come here looking for you!" Sayaka said with venom in her voice. "I wanted to ask Mami-san for advice! She's not like you, the only person you care about is yourself!"

I'm afraid that's all for now, don't want to spoil the really good bits just yet! But aside from the Homura-Sayaka interactions (which are extremely fun to write, by the way), I can also promise a scene for my fellow HaruMichi shippers, as well as Kyubey beginning to move in on the other Senshi. An estimate I'm willing to say is fairly solid for when I can get the next chapter out is probably around the third week of November. Until then, please hang in there! Thank you so much for your continued support!