"Give me all your money...", the females voice cold and stern comes from behind the young couple walking alone.

The two turn simultaneously and quickly realize what is happening. Two assailants, wearing black hoodies and masks covering most of their faces holding knives, both very slender one significantly taller than the other stand behind them. The two froze.

The second assailant calls out, "did you not hear her? Give us your fucking money." His voice is desperate and has a slight accent. He steps towards the couple, and pushes his knife closer to them.

"E-Eric, I'm scared", the young girl, no older than 17 years old, screams as she slides behind her boyfriend.

"If you don't hurry the fuck up, we're gonna make you wish.."

"Okay, okay", the boyfriend finally says in a calm voice, darting his eyes between the icy blue eyes and the dark brown eyes of his attackers. "You can have our money, just let's not do anything hasty."

He's trying to keep the situation calm.

The female attacker smirks under her mask, almost sure the man can see it when his eyes widen, right before he goes flying back from the impact of her punch. "The fuck are you to tell us what to do", she lets out a laugh. Smiling even harder as the boy scrambles to his knees holding his face, a chill permeating around the point of impact, unsure if he should fight, run, or just comply and hope. "Your money or Red gets it next."

"ARIEL", Eric calls out as the thug of a man grabs his prey holding a knife to her throat. He, now smirking through his mask as well, lets out a chuckle. "Please...", eyes welling with tears as he pulls out his wallet , "...take It, just don't hurt Ariel."

Fucking pathetic.

The shorter of the attackers kicks him in the face, his wallet goes flying along with some blood shooting out of his nose. Hearing sirens in the distance, they knew it was time to go. The girl thug elegantly walks over, picks up the wallet, and leans in close, whispering to the beaten and broken man, "be happy we didn't have more time to play with you." A chill runs through his spine as her cold breath glances against his ear. "AL, time to go!", she calls back to the other thug, who was having a little too much fun holding the, now sobbing, 17 year old girl close.

"Aww, the fucking cops always ruin it right when it gets to the best part", and he throws the girl at her boyfriend still bleeding in the street. The two run off laughing, the female clutching their prize in her hand. When they were far enough away from the action, they sneak into a alley way and pulled off the masks. The female let a tight blonde braid fall to her shoulder, over her porcelain white skin, and the man revealed his dirty, disheveled black hair and middle eastern skin. Still laughing very hard, "did you see that bitch of a man who could barely keep his feet from leaving that slut there?", a pet name he used for all girls outside of the few he ran with, out of respect or fear no one knew. His voice grew filthy, "It was so nice having someone so sweet and innocent..."

Ugh, now comes the fucking creepy part.

She quickly cut it off, "before you go into detail about what went on in that twisted fucking skull of yours, AL", making a point to show her irritation at what he was about to say. "Let's take a look at who our victim du jour was", she lightly mocks.

Al wincing at her tone, "aww Elsa, you always want to get to your favorite part..."

She shoots him a cold stare, but this was always her favorite part, looking through the personal belongings of others gave her a thrill. She controlled their money, their credit cards, and everything they were stupid enough to leave in their wallet or purses. The power she feels when this happens is intoxicating to her. Like a kid with a new toy she rips open the wallet tossing the money aside to Al, who scrambled to gather it all.

That's right take all your fucking money, I don't even care this feeling of control is all I need.

She starts tearing through all the cards in the wallet, grabbing the license glancing at the name 'Eric' once more before pocketing it for later. She finds a fishing license, a yachting permit, some credit cards, and a few pictures.


She starts looking through the pictures, one is of the boy holding a fish, one of him and a dog out on the beach, and the last one is what Elsa was looking for, the thrill she wanted. It shows the two they had just attacked sitting at a dinner table. She was reliving what just happened, the rush that her mugging and beating of that young boy had done for her. Tantalizing images of his blood reeling across her mind, the look of fear when they first turned around, everything...

"ELS", Al screaming finally snapped her out of it. He was holding some cash in his hand offering Elsa her cut. "This fucker must have been loaded, had almost five hundred in his wallet. Wanna go trade his cards in to my boy for some weed before this fucker has time to deactivate them?"

Elsa sneers at the thought of this, she doesn't hates the drugs. She hates anyone her partner deals with.

They are all just as big of scumbags as he is.

"Yea, fine, but I'm not smoking there. That place is a shit hole and after ripping off 'Prince Eric', I'm feeling fancy."

The boy laughing again, "where are you going then cause I'm staying there", turning to Elsa shoving her. "Going home to YOUR shit hole? Maybe trying to share with your friend Kristoff and that princess slut of a si...",

SLAM, before he could finish his sentence Elsa pinned him against the wall by his shirt with her hand cocked back ready to strike. "Please finish that sentence... I'm in my happy place, we just had a good score, I got to kick the crap out of some pussy wannabe marine, and now you want to fucking drag me back to reality. So go on Aladdin, give me a reason to make tonight just that much better." She was cold, calm, and terrifying. The more said, the more the air ran cold and the more her hand began to glow an icy blue.

The boy now frantically apologizing, "Els, I'm sorry please don't hit me, please I'm just a gutter trash street rat. I don't mean it like that, please." The fear in his eyes and voice was enough to Elsa to know she got her point across, but just in case. CRASH! Aladdin screams as her blue fist smashes into the wall right next to his head sending sharp long icicles just barely missing his face out in all directions. She releases his shirt and he slides down the wall, staring up at Elsa, who looks back with anger and contempt.

"Lets go get the pot, and you stay with your fucking friend, Gazeem. Both of you sicken me, you two deserve each other." She turns and walks out of the alley leaving Aladdin to pull himself together.