Authors note: So this is a new thing I'm trying out with little scenes from each episode of season 9 up till episode 14. If you haven't watched the episodes there are some minor spoilers. There will be more focus of Emily and JJ's relationship then the cases. The basics in this is similar to one of my one shots, Emily and JJ got married at the end of season 7 and Emily left the BAU for another job in DC.


As I get back to Quantico I meet Reid waiting by the elevator. We don't say anything as we wait. When we get up to the BAU floor he finally asks if I had plans for these rare days off.

"We were on our way to Ocean City when I got the text. I took me two weeks, two weeks Spencer! Two weeks to convince Emily that the girls would be okay without us for two days. I even got her mum to watch the girls for us" I let out with a frustrated sigh. And he starts rambling on about some physics thing and something about a Prius. He knows I won't care but either he is being a bit clueless like he has a habit of being or he is trying to distract me. Definitely points for effort.

Why does it seem like so many of these monsters seem to have a thing for blondes?

We are headed out to Arizona and I send Emily a quick text to let her know before we board the jet. When we are done with the debriefing she called me so I can say goodnight to the girls and I miss them so much and I only just left them mere hours ago.

She even let me to talk to Max and even though she doesn't talk yet with her only being two months old but she made some kind of gurgling noise when she heard my voice and it just warms my heart.

The next day we're talking about the possibility of Hotch leaving the team. I get it, with what we do for a living, the long days, working on cases for days nonstop, it's hard. I know for me it's gotten harder since I got married and we had the kids so I get it. Why not ride a desk job so you can go home at five every day. Reid seems to think that he lost his chance to have kids when he lost Maeve. We see a police officer getting an impromptu visit from her son and my thoughts go to back to my family at home. They are never too far away. My brief thoughts are interrupted as Reid has an epiphany and scurries inside and I'm left to follow. Barely an hour later we have a solid lead on a unsub and go out to make the arrest. We didn't find him at his home and he left us no choice but to chase after him, ending with me and Morgan almost getting t-boned and I think my heart stopped there for a second.

"Hey baby, how are my girls doing?"

"Which one? The tired one, the cranky one or the frustrated wife?" she says with a slight chuckle that ends with a big sigh.

"I'm not quite sure what to say to that. What's wrong honey?" I ask her in a gentle voice.

"They keep riling each other up. I think they are conspiring against me. Either that or they are just missing you, I know I am."

"I miss you baby, we just wrapped the case up we should be headed to the airstrip soon and I will be in your arms tonight when we go to sleep" I tell her smiling like a fool.

"Can't wait babe, see you night. I love you" she tells me sweetly.

"Love you too babe" I tell her as I hang up the phone and head to the waiting SUV.


My happiness of heading home didn't last long as Hotch got the call that we got the wrong guy. Turns out the unsub has a twin, what are the odds? We're back on the case and we figure that the easiest way to find him his through their mother.

"Headed out to train station, wish me luck babe" I type to Emily on our way out.

What I get in reply makes me laugh out loud, it's a cheesy photo of Emily doing thumbs up whilst trying to make the baby do the same and our two year old grinning broadly and giving me two thumbs up too. Pictures like that definitely make my day brighter.

The case gets messier by the second when instead of one twin trying to frame the other they start working together and the mum choosing one son over the other. It ends with one twin killed by the other and the mum in custody. Some families are just beyond repair. I sent a text to Emily telling her mommy's coming home as we board the jet and I sleep almost the whole flight, the last couple days of work catching up with me.

I make it home in time to put Alexa to bed, something I don't get to do nearly often enough.

It took some time to get her to sleep, the excitement of me being home to tuck her in made her stay awake longer then she usually would.

I'm still a bit tired from the last couple of days and after a late dinner with my lovely wife we crawl into bed.

"So I was thinking, how about we start working on conceiving some good twins for the world?" I tell her in a playful voice as I turn to my side and swing my leg over Emily straddling her.

"Oh you thought so did you?" She says as she lets out a chuckle and starts to run her hands down my bare thighs. I merely nod as my eyes close as her hands wanders from my thighs to the small of my back. My breath catches in my throat as her hands continue their journey to my front to gently cup my breasts. She slowly sits up and presses her lips against mine only separating for a few moments as she pulls my t-shirt off and hers soon follows. I hold on to her shoulder as my other hand clasps her neck as we start to move against each other and soon everything else is forgotten.


The office is buzzing and we can all tell something big is happening.

"Nothing is wrong Em, it's just work. Yeah I love you too, I'll call you as soon as I can" I hang up the phone as Reid asks what's going on and I tell him what little I know, that we are leaving, now. As we all grab our bags and head for the door Hotch tells us we're headed for Dallas which had a spree shooting that just occurred and we head off in a rush.

When we get there me and Morgan are soon sent to a nearby prison to talk to a white supremacy leader who is of interest to the investigation.

He was a good actor, claiming to no longer have those kind of opinions but we could see the hatred in his eyes as Morgan and I took to the tactic to provoke his true feelings by holding hands for him to see. As we left the prison with no new information I texted Emily about our prison visit and it took her a whole minute before she called me.

"What do you mean you held hands with Morgan?" She asks me in an eerily calm voice.

It might have been a bad idea to not give her all the info and try to make a joke of it.

I cringe and give the phone to Morgan.

"She wants to talk to you" I tell him seriously as I put it on speakerphone and I watch him swallow and take the phone.

"Listen to me Morgan, I know my wife is beyond gorgeous and sexy as hell but keep your paws to yourself, do you hear me?" He lets out a breath as he hears as that she isn't really angry. I burst out laughing at Morgan almost starting to sweat when he thought he was going to suffer the wrath of Emily Prentiss.

"I will talk to you later babe, kiss the girls from me" I tell her after Morgan says that he only likes me as a sister and chuckles at my wife's craziness.

The case was solved but my mind was somewhere else. Emily called earlier to tell me Max ran a fever so high she was worried and was taking her to the hospital. I know my wife worries and she is fiercely protective especially when it comes to our children but she wouldn't go to the hospital unless it was absolutely necessary. I wanted to get on the first flight home but Emily assured me that I needed to help the team close the case and I would be home soon enough and she would call me as soon as she knew more.

I don't know why I didn't tell Spence what I was worried about but with my thoughts being with my little girl and what he said about secrecy made me think of the secrets I have to keep from the team every day but at least there's someone I can talk to about it.

I pushed every single speed limit driving home from the airstrip even though Emily was home again with the baby I was still worried sick. I hurry inside and quickly get my jacket and shoes of and jog upstairs. But I still make time to stick my head into Alexa's room to check she was asleep before I go to our bedroom. I know she would not want to leave Max out of her sight. And I was right, there first thing I see as I step into the room was Emily half lying on her side of the bed with our little one lying on her chest. Her eyes snapped up to meet mine and she gives me a small smile. She looks really worried. I don't care about getting out of my work clothes just yet as I gently climb in to bed.

"How is she doing?" I ask as my hand goes out to stroke her little head that's covered in brown locks.

"She still has a slight fever but not as bad as it was. The doctor said it was just a bug and to make sure her fever doesn't spike again, but if it does to bring her back in. They also gave her something for the fever" I just nod as I gently kiss the little one's head before I raise my head to give Emily a long kiss.

"You made the right call in taking her to the hospital, I would have too." I tell her as I softly stroke Max's back who isn't paying much attention, she just continues to sleep.

"Why don't you get ready for bed honey? There's some food left from dinner if you are hungry?" Emily asks me.

"No I'm good right here, where I belong".


It was such an lovely day so since I woke up early, even before Emily and the kids I decided to go for a run before work. Cruz joined me towards the end of my run. I keep telling him he can't just show up like that, I don't like the secrecy. I don't want to keep hiding this from the team but it's not like I have a choice.

When I get back I peek into our bedroom and Emily is still asleep sprawled out in the middle of the bed which isn't surprising since she was the one who went up and got Max in the middle of the night as she cried for a good hour. I strip out of my jogging clothes and step into the shower and somehow a few minutes later when two arms slip around my waist I'm not surprised in the slightest. My hands claps hers as I tug her front tightly against my back.

She starts to kiss my neck which always makes my heart race. Moments like these, where we just can't keep our hands of each other, makes it a bit hard to believe that we have been together coming up to six years, the honeymoon period never stopped for us. Even with my crazy work hours we still make time to be together and no one has ever made me feel so satisfied, in every way possible as Emily does.

My back arches as those amazing hands of hers finds my breasts and start massaging them. With her front still pressed against my back she moves us towards the wall in front of us and I brace my forearms against the cold tiles. She kisses me everywhere she can reach as I hear her breathing pick up as she breathes against my ear. Without any hesitation her hand slips between my legs and she slips into my wet heat and I can't help but to push my hips into her hand. Her other arm goes around my waist to keep as close to her body as possible.

"Oh my god, Emily" I moan out into the room. My hips start moving faster and faster against her hand as she rubs herself against my ass till I can't take it anymore and I come hard and my moans of pleasure echoes of the bathroom walls as Emily gasps in my ear and follow me over the edge moments later. When I'm able to stand on my own again I turn in her arms and give her a big smile, clasping my hands around her neck.

"Good morning to me" I tell her before I push my lips against hers and give her a deep kiss to show my gratitude of the amazing morning surprise I just got.

"Good morning indeed" she tells me as she claims my lips once more.

We caught a case in Baltimore which is just an hour away by car so I will be able to sleep in my own bed tonight next to my wife which instantly makes this day look better.

That is until our new section chief steps in and it's Cruz, I cannot believe he didn't tell me.

He knows about the case we were being debriefed on and with it being so close he decides to join us. I try to keep calm but I feel the anger building in me and try to think about how amazing my morning started out.

Everyone leaves to get ready till we are the only two left in the room and he tells me he just found out after we met in the morning but I don't say a word as I just shake my head and I turn to leave.

After only a couple of hours on the case we have the unsub in custody and both victims alive. I'm waiting for the elevator when he walks up to me. I tell him that I had to lie to my colleagues all day, that I couldn't tell them, yeah I know him. I get that we can't tell them and he reminds me that the case can stay open for years and I remind him it's already been three. Someone high up made sure Cruz got transferred to section chief, the question is who and why. He asks if we're good and I tell him yes. Then he tries to be funny and asks if I want to meet up for a run in the morning but I just tell him I'm going to make breakfast for my girls. Rossi comes up to us and presses the call button for the elevator, yeah it probably comes faster if you actually push the call button.