Disclaimer: Victorious and it's characters dont' belong to me.

Author's Note:

This is my first fic and it's a Jade-centric kind of story. There will be romance and drama, but also good times.

I introduce some OCs: Gaby a new student at HA, Tyler her brother and Ashley Gaby's ex.

I hate reading Cat as a dumb girl so here she won't be, maybe sweet, but also smart. Robbie does not exist in this story, sorry.

Also, I'll be changing from 3rd person narrative to 1st according the feelings of the chapter and the needs of the story. I hope you enjoy having a more personal inside when reading from the POV of the characters.

So, welcome to this story and if you give it a chance and get pass chapter five —to get to know the new characters—, I assure you, you will fall in love with it.

Rated M for language, mention of drugs and more adult themes in later chapters.

Side Note: I've been revising all chapters for grammar and spelling, also unifying Point of View of the characters. Therefore if you are reading this for the first time, you might encounter some inconsistency from the firsts chapters to the lasts, but it won't change at all the story content, so no worries.

Third Person Omniscient

Three months in the future

She just couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Beck? Are you serious? I don't have a crush on Gaby."

"Jade, you have to face it. Every time we are together you get really nervous, you don't know where to put your hands, you start having little heart attacks."

Great, he makes fun of me, she thought listening to her ex pointing out her latest behavior towards the new girl.

"That's because I HATE her! How can you seriously say I have a crush on her, I'm not gay Beck," she turned her back at him and bit her lip, he is somehow right; after all, she was very gay for Gaby.

I've been so careless, she thought.

"Oh, you hate her," Beck pointed out sarcastically.

"Yes!" Jade screamed as if she could convince him.

"Sure, because you always look with puppy eyes to the people you hate," he insisted. "And how about at the party, when you saw her arriving in that red dress? Your jaw dropped to the ground just like the rest of us that where there. You couldn't take your eyes of her," his giggles got the best of her.

"Stop!" She yelled, she just wasn't ready to accept it, why couldn't he leave it alone.

"Jade, we have been broken up for two months now, we are friends, I'm just trying to help you realize that it's okay and you should try and approach her if you like her," Beck turned her over with his hand on her shoulder.

"She is straight Beck," his ex whispered. "Besides, I might have a thing for her, but I'm NOT gay!" she finished raising her voice.

Maybe I shouldn't have said that.

"You never really know, if she takes all your crap maybe it's because she likes you too, and what is so wrong about being gay Jade?" He said a bit upset and she knew she shouldn't have said it.

Jade turned to him with the most worried face. She didn't want anything to change, to be different now, to… come out. He should know how hard all of that was for her.

"We are friends, in fact you are my best friend, I'll always support you and love you, no matter what you decide, but I must ask you to please stop pushing Gaby away, she is not stupid. You are just going to get to the point of no return one day and regret everything," he just hugged her, kissed her cheek and walked through her front door to his car.

Jade started to panic once he was gone.

I need to start changing or I would never… be... her girlfriend? What's wrong with me? I just want to-, she shook her head. No, Stop! Stop, thinking, just STOP! Gaby would never like me, ever! I've been horrible to her lately, even more that I was when Tori arrived at Hollywood Arts.

Tori had become her friend after a while. She had realized she was no longer jealous of her for looking at her boyfriend like he was the most dreamy guy on earth and after that, when Beck and her decided to brake it off, she didn't mind them getting together and dating.

Jade knew she had to stop fighting her feelings for Gaby, but she couldn't accept it yet. She needed time to think about everything, to stop pushing Gaby away and start trying to be more than friends with her. But how? She was never the romantic type. Tori was always the one that helped her with that stuff with Beck.

Ugh, I should call her and ask her what to do. On second thought NO. I'm not ready to explain why I want to be more than friends with Gaby. I just can't handle anyone other than Beck knowing I'm gay, she thought.

—Enough! I need to sleep. Put my mind at ease and relax.

Back at Tori's house, Beck parked his car and approached the door to be welcomed by his girlfriend who let him in right away, all his friends were there waiting for him.

"So, did you talk to her?" Andre asked.

"Yes, but she is not ready to admit yet, well… sort of," Beck said as he sat down. "She whispered that Gaby was straight and that she had a thing for her, but she clearly said a couple of times she was 'NOT' gay," Beck said quoting with his fingers. "She actually had the nerve to say that she behaves that way because she hates her."

"Does she really think we haven't noticed?" Tori said passing some Doritos to the guys and sitting next to Beck. "I mean, you remember when she used to torture me right? Jade doesn't hate Gaby."

"Also, she stares at her like she just wants to eat her alive and not in a bad way if you know what I mean," Andre mentioned gesturing at Beck who just nodded with a smile while Tori rolled her eyes up.

"We should tell her Gaby is gay, maybe then she could just do nice romantic things to impress her like any other human being?" Tori added.

"We can't, it's not a secret to tell. Besides, Gaby was going to tell her until Jade starting treating her like shit and pushing her away," Beck said.

"I think she is just battling with herself right now, maybe we should give her some time," Cat said. "Jade can be very stubborn and if we pressure her too much she might explode."

"I don't think that she will do anything right now, at least I hope she changes her attitude. I've know Gaby since we were kids, she will draw the line and it won't be subtle," Beck concluded, putting an arm on Tori's shoulders.

The group of friends continued to talk about the numerous times they had caught Jade looking at their new friend and how they felt it was totally mutual for the rest of the night.

Present Day

Another morning of skipping school, a young seventeen year old was at her house's kitchen preparing a sandwich and taking to her mother who was running late.

"Gaby, Are you sure you want to change schools?" She asked as she came and went getting everything ready to leave.

"Yes, now that Ash is gone I just don't want to stay at that school alone."

She hated her current school, she had always been openly gay and that had its consequences.

Ashley, Beck and her had been friends since before pre-K but when Beck left for Hollywood Arts, they kind of grew apart and then Ashley and her started dating and the whole school began spreading all kind of rumors about the couple. It just became unbearable.

Ashley moved to San Diego about a month ago and they had been trying to make it work. Long distance sucked, it was too much pressure but they knew they couldn't bear not having each other in their lives.

"Mom look, I've been talking to Beck again and I think that it will be a good idea, after all, I just need a change of scenario and this school can help me with my College application since I want to study cinematography," Gaby said very surely, she just wanted to leave her old school as fast as she could.

"Okay baby. I'll talk to your dad and we can find out about the enrollment," her mom showed up looking for her car keys.

"I already did that and delivered my audition piece. I submitted the short film I did last summer, all I have to do is to expect the call from the school to see if I made it and then-"

Her mother looked up at her and stared for a second, you could tell she is very proud.

"What did you expect? I'm seventeen, I know that if I want something I have to go get it," Gaby said as she sipped her mourning coffee.

"In that case I wish you the best of luck honey, I'm sure you'll get in. Your Dad and I will support you in any decision you make," The woman took her purse and said goodbye as she walked out the door.

Three weeks later

It was Tuesday morning and Gaby had been messaging Beck to see if he had found out about her audition for the school.

She once again begged her mom to stay home. She'd had enough of dealing with the weasels at school and the awful teachers she had, the rumors, the fights, the pranks, the name-calling and no one doing anything. She hated having to tell her parents to go to school to deal with that. She was a teenager, not a kid; she could handle it by herself.

«I'm on the principal's office right now. Let me talk to her and I'll text you right back,» Beck messaged.


She couldn't wait anymore. If they accepted her, she would be out of that hellhole in less than a week. Surely it wasn't going to be easy in Hollywood Arts, but anything would be better than staying there.

The blond was growing impatient, Beck hadn't message her in over an hour.

How long can a question take?

«Okay, guess what! You are in! Congrats Gaby! I can't wait to have you at school,» He finally texted back.

«Are you sure? You were killing me with the silence,» she replied.

«Yes, I had to leave it for later, the principal was in a meeting discussing your audition tape and they wouldn't let me in. But it is confirmed. She said she would be calling your parents this afternoon.»

«Thank you love! I've missed you. I can't wait to be at school with you again,» she texted back and headed to the shower. She wanted to get on the road before 10AM, in order to arrive early to San Diego and come back.

That afternoon the principal called her parents and let them know that everything was settled and they have already spoken with the old school, since she sent all required documents to Hollywood Arts already. If there was something she was good at, was that she covered all sides of a problem. She was never a "do things later" type of girl.

It was great, in eight days I would be at a new school, new start. I was excited.

Monday came and Beck had offered to give her a ride, even though she had a car, he just wanted to introduce her to his school and his friends.

He was so happy, he had told her great things about everything, ever since they got back in touch about five weeks ago.

"Hello, beautiful!" Beck was at the door of her house looking great; amazingly hot even, with his hair in a ponytail and that careless poise. She was gay, not blind.

"Hey Jerk!" She giggled.

"Oh I see, the very wholehearted welcome you always had for me, still love that one, hmm?" He laughed.

"Yep! So, how excited are you about having me at your school?" Gaby said as she jumped in the car.

"Well, I'm very glad that we can be friends again, honestly, I've missed you. I wish that things would've been different and we hadn't lost touch," Beck said with a bitter smile as he started the car.

"Yeah, I know. Anyway, so your girlfriend, does she know you have an old friend coming to school with you now?" She said as she saw his face just go pale. "You haven't told her about me hmm?" Gaby laughed loudly.

"She is a bit... well, I... I just think that it will be better if I introduce you with everyone else present," he said nervously.

"That will be interesting then, I hope that we can be friends, I mean, if she is your girl it must be because she is special and after all you have told me, I can't wait to meet her," the blond said trying to ease the mood.

"Special! That's a good word for Jade. We'll see how it goes. Anyway, don't worry to much, the rest of the guys are very happy and welcoming, I'm sure they'll love you right away," Beck said, pulling into the parking lot.

"Beck?" The girl asked a bit unsure. "I need to ask you a personal favor and I need you to really, really respect it," she got serious, what she was about to implore was really important to her, specially in this school.

"Anything Gaby," Beck said looking worried.

"Please don't tell anyone I'm gay," she said dropping her head down for a moment. "I'm not embarrassed, I just don't want a repeat of our old school. I want to go here and not be miserable for once, enjoy High School and go to College… also, about my dad, I would like to keep that under wraps if it is okay," Gaby looked back at him once more.

"It's okay Gaby, I won't say a word. You know you can trust me on that. Not even to my shadow. Remember?" Beck smiled.

"A promise is a promise and we'll seal it with a kiss," they said at unison and laughed a little, it was a saying they had with Ashley, back when they were kids. They kissed each other a lot with that excuse.

Gaby leaned in and kissed his cheek saying, "Thanks!" They both got out of the car and entered school.

Author's Note:

I know this story is complete but, how about a simple ":)" or a ":(", to show me if you liked it or not. Everything is welcomed, good luck and until the next chapter.