I saw that there was a Tumblr prompt for 'beautiful words'. And everyone knows that the most beautiful words in the English language are 'cellar door'. And even though the cellar door is nearly irrelevant to the story, it gave me an excuse to write some fluff-smut since my other story is getting goddamn depressing to write. So here it is.

Disclaimer: The Walking Dead does not belong to me in any way, shape, or form.

A/N: Edited to make a minor change that I can't believe I'm dumb enough NOT to have done in the first place. :P

It was supposed to have been a simple run out to pick up some formula and diapers for Judith. Last week, they'd made a run to a little town west of the prison. After they were full up and headed home, they'd driven past a day care and made note of it so they could come back later.

So today, Daryl decided to make the run for baby supplies and insisted Carol be his backup. He found her in the library, figuring out the kitchen and laundry work rotations. Leaning on the door frame, he watched her for a while. He liked watching her when she didn't know he was doing it and took every opportunity to do so, though those opportunities were far more limited now that the prison population had grown so much.

She had one hand at her head as she worked, fingers combing through her silver hair and tugging on the curls at the back of her neck. There was a little line between her eyebrows as she concentrated, and her nose would sometimes scrunch up when she didn't like the way something worked out. Occasionally she grumbled to herself or sucked on her lower lip, giving him an excuse to focus on her mouth. Whenever he caught a glimpse of her tongue flicking out to wet her lip, his dick would twitch in response. He knew it was a little pervy and it made him feel a bit guilty watching her like that, but he liked it. And hell, the pervy part was kinda what made it so hot. She'd probably kick his ass if she ever caught him. He thought that was kinda hot, too.

Before he got too into watching her, he knocked at the door frame. She glanced up and smiled when she saw him, waving him over.

"Hey," he said. "What'cha doin'?"

She rolled her eyes and sighed dramatically. "I'm trying to rearrange the schedules for the next couple weeks. Honey fell hauling water yesterday and sprained her knee. Dr. S. says she can't be on her feet for a while."

Daryl eyed her suspiciously. "Honey?"

"Honey McCarty. From Decatur?"

"They's someone here actually named Honey?" He fought to keep his face under control. "What else? We got a Barbie and a FiFi, too?"

She gave him a withering look. "Be nice. Anyway, what'd you need? Please tell me you're here to rescue me from the never ending scheduling tedium."

"Actually, yeah, I guess. Wanted to know if you wanna go on a run today."

"Me? Really?"

"Gotta day care to hit up for stuff for Asskicker – should be quick. Thought you might wanna get outta here for a bit," he said, ending it almost as a question.

She broke into a grin that lit up her face and set his insides humming. She flipped the pencil she'd been using over her shoulder, letting it clatter to the floor.

"Gawd, yes!" She jumped up from her chair and gave him a peck on the cheek, leaving his skin tingling. "My hero!"

She swept out of the library, calling out over her shoulder, "I'm going to get someone to take my shift in the kitchen then grab some stuff. Anything in particular I need?"

He firmly told his body to settle the hell down and followed her out the door. "Naw. Just bring your weapons. I got the rest. Meet you in the courtyard!"

"'Kay!" Her voice floated back to him from around at least one corner from where she'd run ahead. He smiled to himself at her enthusiasm, looking forward to the trip.

He would have liked to take the bike. About the only thing he missed about that miserable fucking winter after they were run off the Greene farm was riding every day with Carol sitting snug behind him on the bike. Even though they didn't always get along then, the bike always felt lonely when she wasn't there with him. Sometimes he wished he had balls enough to just up and kiss her or something, but since he didn't (Merle was always right, goddammit), he took what he could get. But since this was a supply run, he couldn't justify taking the bike since they needed to be able to bring back everything they could find. So he prepped the smaller pickup – the older one with the bench seat.

He watched her come barreling out of C-Block, pack in hand, knife and pistol at her belt. She beamed at him as she threw her pack in the back and climbed into the truck. She was fucking gorgeous when she smiled like that, eyes sparkling at him like he was something fucking special. Those smiles were treasures, and he filed this one away with all the others she'd ever flashed his way, to be taken out and savored when he was alone on late night watches.

They rolled the truck down to the gates and waved at Sasha and Tyreese on their way through. The town they were headed for wasn't far – maybe half an hour's drive or so. Daryl settled in to driving, keeping a close eye on the road to avoid walkers, wrecks, and crumbling asphalt. Carol was surprisingly quiet, but she watched the scenery roll past with shining eyes and a soft smile, clearly enjoying getting out of the prison for a bit.

Despite the quiet, it felt like no time at all had passed before they rolled to a stop in front of the day care. There was nothing moving on the street, living or dead. He outlined the way he wanted to do the sweep.

"We'll go in together – guns are a last resort, but don't be afraid to use it if you gotta. Stay at my back and watch our six until we get in. We'll clear the whole place, then load up. Hopefully we'll be in and out real quick. You good?"

She nodded, hand on her knife, face serious.

He left the truck first and went to the passenger side, then she slipped out to join him. They grabbed the empty packs from the back and made their way to the door of the day care, weapons out and ready. They moved back to back, close enough that their bodies touched. He frowned a little bit as they crept forward, wondering if this had been such a great idea after all. Her warmth at his back was distracting – he'd have to be careful to stay focused on the job.

The front door was slightly ajar, which was probably not good. He pushed it open carefully and flicked on his flashlight. They moved inside the building slowly, closing the door behind them. Moving room to room, they cleared the building. There were two walkers in the main room, but they were old ones, easily taken out, and another in the kitchen. Once they were sure there weren't any others and no open doors in the back to let in surprises, they grabbed their packs and started rummaging, throwing in anything they thought they could use. Formula and diapers were the first priority, but they also found bottles, nipples, clothes, teething gel, wipes, rash ointment, and toys. As each pack was filled, they left it by the front door. When they had all they could carry, they hefted the bags and got ready to return to the truck.

Daryl stepped out the door first, noting that there were several walkers now drifting around the pickup, apparently drawn by the sound of the engine when they'd first arrived. He beckoned Carol to follow him, pointing out the danger ahead, and reminding her to keep an eye behind them. They crept forward, Daryl gradually clearing out the threat, one bolt at a time. He felt a poke in his low back and turned his head enough to see Carol pointing back to a couple of walkers stumbling around from behind the day care. They were far enough back that he decided to ignore them and keep moving toward their vehicle. When the last walker was down and the last bolt retrieved, they threw their bounty into the back of the truck and jumped into the cab.

Carol turned to him and smiled after they turned around and headed back toward home.

"Thanks for asking me to come along today. I really needed the break," she said.

He tipped a half smile her way and nodded, warmth spreading in his chest. It had been more for his own benefit than for hers, but he wouldn't point that out.

A few miles down the road, they rounded a sharp corner around a hill. Daryl swore and slammed on the brakes. He heard Carol suck in a breath as she white-knuckled the Jesus handle above the door and put a hand on the dash to brace herself. There was a herd wandering on the road – maybe fifty or so walkers about a quarter mile up ahead. He slapped the truck in reverse and backed up until they were hidden from view behind the hill. The engine wavered as he drove it back, making him glare at the dash.

Once they were out of sight, he stopped, leaving the motor running.

"Should be a map in the glove box," he said, pointing. "See if we can't find another route."

She dug around until she found it, unfolding it and putting it on the seat between them. She pointed to the small town they had just left and raised her eyebrows at him questioningly. He nodded, so she let her finger trail across the lines on the map, looking for an alternative. She frowned and shook her head.

"This is the only direct way. We could go back, but we'll have to circle around at least 30 miles out of our way or more."

He pointed at the shortest of the alternate routes. "That one's blocked. Semi jack knifed and turned over. And that one's got a bridge down. That leaves us at least 50 miles added to the trip."

She frowned at that and said, "Maybe we can wait them out? They weren't here an hour ago. Maybe they'll be gone soon. Seems like a waste of gas to go around if we can avoid it."

He nodded, chewing his lip. Putting the truck in gear, he eased it forward. "Let's take a look and see if they's goin' anywhere."

They leaned forward in their seats, trying to get a look as the truck rolled around the corner. Just as the herd came into view, he stopped them again. The herd as a whole wasn't leaving the road, and unfortunately, some of the ones closest to them had heard them approach the first time and were already moving curiously in their direction.

"Shit. Suppose we can try just driving through them, but I dunno how that'll work out." He popped the truck back into reverse and eased back again.

The engine wavered again and the dash lights dimmed.

"Ah, fuck."

Then the engine quit entirely and they rolled quietly to a stop. He tried to start it again, but there was nothing.

"Goddammit!" he shouted, pounding his palms on the steering wheel. He turned to Carol, who was looking wide-eyed at him. "We gotta get the fuck outta here. Grab what you can – survival supplies and weapons first. We come back for Asskicker's stuff later."

They jumped out of the truck, grabbing their basic packs and all weapons, including the truck's tire iron. He grabbed her sleeve and tugged, leading her into the woods just as the first of the walkers came into view around the corner.

Pausing only to make sure she stayed with him, Daryl moved through the woods at a ground-eating lope. There were anywhere from a few to way-too-fucking-many walkers following them, and he didn't dare stop long enough to find out which. They needed to find shelter, and they needed it fast. He was used to running around in the woods, but Carol wasn't. They had to find something before she ran out of gas.

He caught a glimpse of something through the trees and changed direction. They burst into a partly overgrown clearing. A small farm had been there, but from the looks of the farmhouse, it had been abandoned long before the Turn. He ran around the side, looking for the door, dragging Carol along behind him.

"Fucking shit, shit-fuckity FUCK!" As soon as he rounded the corner it was clear they were in trouble. There wasn't a building here anymore, so much as a collection of collapsed walls.

He threw a glance toward the trees they'd come from. Though he couldn't see them, he could hear walkers coming their way. Carol grabbed his wrist and pointed to the crumbled farmhouse wall. Between heaving breaths, she gasped out, "Cellar door!"

Right in that moment, those were the most beautiful words he'd ever heard. They ran for the entrance – a little wooden double door jutting at a flat angle from the side of the house. Daryl grabbed the handles and pulled. Thankfully, the doors opened, swinging stiffly up and out, revealing the creaky looking steps leading downward. He all but shoved Carol down the steps and followed immediately after, digging in his pack for his flashlight. He pulled the doors closed and shoved the crossbar into its brackets to lock them in, hoping like hell that it would hold.

He brought his crossbow to his shoulder, backing up to stand next to Carol, waiting to see if the walkers would find them. They stood in tense silence for several minutes, listening carefully for any sounds coming from outside and trying not to gasp for breath. They could hear a few shuffling steps and some groaning, but it seemed the walkers had lost them. At least, nothing threw itself scratching and biting on the cellar door.

Eventually they relaxed a little, though they kept silent. Who knew how many walkers might be wandering nearby? Carol sheathed her knife and dropped her pack to the ground. She plunked herself next to it and fished out a water bottle. She offered it to him first with eyebrows raised, then opened it and took a drink when he shook his head. Daryl put his pack next to hers but slung his crossbow over his shoulder in its place. Flashlight in hand, he prowled the little room. It was decent sized for a root cellar, but the ceiling beams were low enough he felt like crouching even though it was technically high enough he didn't have to. Hooks lined the beams at the back of the room, though nothing hung there now. There were shelves lining almost the entire room, a few jars and bottles still scattered here and there. One section was divided into cubbyholes, some of them still filled. A sturdy table was near the back, holding a variety of beat up jars and lids, baskets, burlap, and twine. A couple of wooden fruit crates were stacked next to it. Just inside the door on a hook, there was a desiccated garlic braid. He was pretty sure if he touched it, it would disintegrate.

Finishing his short tour, he pulled his crossbow from his shoulder and sat next to Carol on the earthen floor, pleased to note it was cool but not damp. He took the water bottle this time and took a swig. Safe for the moment, they sat, leaning against the fruit crates and listening for the faint shuffles and moans above them.

"You gonna be OK in here?" he whispered, concerned at how she would fare in the small, underground space.

She shrugged. "It'll be all right. Not my favorite, but it's not tiny and the door's right there, so I'm good."

Daryl leaned his head back against the stack of crates and tipped it to the side enough to look at her in the glow from the flashlight. He sighed. This really wasn't how he'd meant the day to turn out. He'd just wanted to spend some time with Carol and give her a chance to get out of the prison for a while, and now they were stuck in a hole hiding from walkers. Well done, genius.

"Sorry 'bout this. Didn't expect things to be goin' sideways."

She looked up from where she'd been picking at a loose thread on her sleeve and smiled a little. "Not how I would have chosen for it to go, but it's not so bad."

He huffed. "Could certainly be better than bein' stuck in a hole in the ground."

"True," she conceded, "but at least I'm stuck with you."

Daryl's mouth went suddenly dry. He had no idea what to say to that. Clearing his throat, he pulled out the first thing his brain latched onto. "Hell of a first date."

He clamped his mouth shut and felt his face burn with embarrassment. Of anything he could have said, why the fuck did he say that?

But his self-flagellation was interrupted by a burst of laughter from her. She clapped her hands over her mouth to stifle the sound, but her eyes were dancing as she looked at him over her fingers. When she had control over her giggles, she dropped her hands away, still smiling wickedly.

"So is this some screwed up, post-apocalyptic version of parking? Was that the equivalent of 'running out of gas'?" She eyed him suspiciously. "You didn't set the car trouble up on purpose, did you? 'Cuz you should know I don't usually put out on the first date."

He'd thought his face was burning before, but now his whole body was on fire in his mortification. "No! Shit, no! Jesus, truck's old! It's the fuckin' alternator or voltage regulator – I dunno, something electrical. I wouldn't...I'd never-"

"Daryl, I'm just teasing!" She put a hand on his arm to calm him, but it did no such thing.

He flinched out from under her touch and turned to face her directly. "I would never, ever deliberately put you in danger."

Her grin faded. "I know that. I didn't really think you did – I was just giving you a hard time. I'm sorry."

He looked away and nodded. "Sorry."

They sat in silence for a while, leaving Daryl feeling awkward. He chewed the inside of his cheek. He'd overreacted. This whole day he'd gone out of his way to get some time alone with Carol. So when she suggested he'd sabotaged the car to get some time alone with her...well, it struck a nerve. A nerve directly attached to his guilty conscience, he supposed.

"Haven't heard anything from upstairs in a while," she offered softly, changing the subject.

"We should hang tight for another hour at least. Give 'em plenty of time to wander off." He paused, deciding whether he would accept the change of subject or not.

Fuck it.

"Look...I know you were teasin'. I just- This whole trip was just so I could get some time with you, but I sure as hell didn't fuck with the truck." He chanced a glance over to her. "It's just, I ain't seen you in a while. Not really. I miss you."

Her eyes were wide and dark in the dim light. "You do?"

He shrugged one shoulder and nodded.

She smiled softly. "I miss you, too. There's just too damn many people at the prison these days. Can't get a thought to myself anymore."

After a moment, she inched closer to him and leaned her shoulder against his. He felt her warmth seeping through the sleeve of her shirt. It spread through him, waking up nerve endings everywhere in his body.

"I'm glad you brought me along today. I know this isn't exactly how you planned things, but it doesn't matter. It's nice."

"Yeah." Eloquence wasn't his thing today.

They were quiet for a bit, but this time it was a comfortable silence. Daryl always appreciated that she didn't pressure him to fill every damn second with chatter or pester him with questions. It was OK just to be together.

She tipped her head to rest it on his shoulder, and his heart beat a little faster.


"Not really," she replied. He could hear the smile in her voice, even though he couldn't see her face. "You're just comfy."

Shit fire. Why was it that every time Carol got close to him, he got nervous and sweaty as a horndog teenager? The fluttering in his belly pissed him off. He knew he should take advantage of the opening she'd given him and make a move, but Merle's voice in his head constantly reminded him what a pansy he was, and that he'd never measure up when it came to the ladies. He really wished Merle would shut up.

Fuck it. Here goes nothin'.

The butterflies in his gut were methed up or something, judging by the wild increase in flutters as he shifted his weight enough to free his arm and wrap it around her shoulders, pulling her in close to his side. Heat crept up his neck and his heart pounded while he waited to see what would happen next.

But all she did was turn and tuck herself closer under his arm, nestling her head in the hollow of his shoulder. She hummed a little sigh as she settled in. Her hand came to rest on his ribs, and he wondered if she could feel his heart racing. After a moment had passed and nothing bad had happened, he relaxed a little bit, letting his thumb stroke her shoulder. He closed his eyes and just enjoyed the incredible feel of her against him. He tried to memorize every detail – the warm smell of her, the rise and fall of her chest against him, and the tingling of every square inch of skin making contact with her. He brought his other hand to his chest to curl his fingers around hers. She gave them a squeeze.

He realized his head had been dipping lower and lower toward her when her hair tickled his nose. He smoothed her hair down, then rested his cheek against the top of her head. She smelled amazing – not perfumy or flowery like women always did before the Turn. She just smelled like Carol. Nothing else was quite the same.



"This is nice," she said.

"Still comfy then?"

"Yeah. I like it." Her voice was thick and sleepy, and it went straight to his groin. She liked this.

"Maybe we should do it more often, then," he said, testing the waters. "Assuming we ever get two seconds to ourselves back home."

He felt more than heard her laugh. She lifted her head, turning her big blue eyes on him, the look on her face stopping his heart outright.

"What exactly are we doing?"

"Got no idea. I'm wingin' it."

She laughed again. He loved her laugh. He loved to see her smile.

Carefully, he brought his hand up and brushed his fingertips along her cheek, hoping she wouldn't notice how shaky he was. But when his fingers touched her skin, she pulled in a breath and closed her eyes, leaning into his touch, clearly unconcerned with his nerves.

He cleared his throat, aiming for steady and sure. "Since we ain't ever gonna get time at home, maybe we oughta take advantage of bein' stuck in here."

She opened her eyes again, and the heat behind them brought his already interested cock to full attention. "Maybe we should. Will you kiss me?"

He swallowed hard. What had he got himself in for? His heart was thumping so hard again he thought he might have a heart attack. But what the hell, right? He slipped his hand to the back of her neck. This was it. She wanted him to kiss her. Why the fuck would she want to be kissed by a dirty damn hillbilly like him? Aw, shut up, Merle. Come on, idiot. Don't fuck this up. Don't fuck this up.

He touched his lips gently to hers, a small sample kiss to see if she'd push him away and run screaming for the hills. Her mouth was soft and sweet against his. Carefully, he reached out to taste her with his tongue. She made a little noise that set his insides on fire and she leaned into him, tipping her head back and parting her lips to let him in. He explored her mouth, licking and teasing her, but cautiously – holding himself back just a bit. He pulled away a little, checking her reaction, making sure this was still OK.

As he eased back, she leaned forward with her eyes closed, chasing his mouth. When she didn't find him where she expected, she opened her eyes with a worried little frown. Her cheeks were pink and she was taking quick, sharp breaths. The hand on his chest gripped his vest and dragged him back toward her. Her eyes stayed on his mouth, and she made a little whimpering sound.

"Don't stop," she said, her voice wavering just a little.

Suddenly he realized she actually wanted him. Maybe even as much as he wanted her. It was a bit of a shock, but it gave him enough confidence to kick Merle's voice to the curb and put his full attention into this.

He moved his arm from her shoulder to her waist and shifted her so she sat straddling him, freeing their hands to explore. He groaned as the movement caused her to rub up against his dick. Holy Christ, he didn't know if he could handle having her on his lap like that – and this was with all their damn clothes on. He didn't know how far this was going to go, but he hoped like hell he could hang on for the whole thing.

She combed her fingers into his hair and attacked his mouth with hers, kissing and licking him. Sucking his lower lip into her mouth. Biting at him. All the while she was rocking against him in a way that would make him blush if his blood wasn't already pooled elsewhere. Jesus, he couldn't even think. All he could do was hold on tight and try to give as good as he got.

His hands roamed her body, mapping and memorizing every curve, every plane. She was slim and angular, but soft in all the right places. He gripped her thighs, her ass. Sliding his hands under the edge of her shirt, he skimmed his fingers along the skin of her belly, making her groan at the contact. He pushed higher until he cupped her breasts through her bra, squeezing and kneading. They were glorious breasts – he didn't need to see them to know that. His thumbs rubbed over the nipples that were pushing against the material covering them. She let out a little cry and released his mouth, throwing her head back and pushing her chest into his hands. Grabbing the hem of her shirt, she stripped it off like it was on fire. He tucked his thumbs into the bra cups, folding the fabric under and baring her nipples to him. She was beautiful and he wanted nothing more than to taste her. He wrapped an arm around her, pulling her roughly to him and putting his mouth to her. He sucked and pulled at her nipple with his tongue and worked the other one with his fingers. She pressed herself into him, whimpering and panting.

"Yes, that! Like that! Please yes, like that!"

It was difficult enough keeping control of himself with her writhing against him, but her moaned pleas were nearly too much. Her hands had found his hair again, and he let her guide him where she wanted him. He worked one side with his mouth and tongue, then the other, with her squirming against him and bossing him around.

"Oh, yes, more! Mmm, harder. More! That's so good!"

He snaked a hand down between them and loosened her belt. He worked the button of her pants until it finally came open, then let the zipper down. She jerked hard against him when he trailed the tips of his fingers low across her belly, just under the top edge of her underwear. She groaned deeply, and he felt it in her chest.

"Yes, touch me! Please, Daryl, I want you to."

He slid his hand underneath the layers she wore, only to find she was absolutely drenched. As his fingers slid against her, she dropped her head to his shoulder and moaned.

"Jesus! You're so wet!" He was stunned that he could make her that way. His cock surged, making sure he knew he didn't have much time left.

"Please, Daryl!"

He slipped his fingers up and down the length of her slick folds, making her twitch and shiver. Then he pushed two fingers inside her, moving in and out, letting his thumb find her clit. Her moans were rising in pitch and she was rolling her head side to side on his shoulder. She wasn't shy about telling him what she wanted, and he thought it was fucking hot.

"Yes, there! There! Faster! God, Daryl, I need you!"

She pulled away from him suddenly, flushed and panting, and dragged him to his feet. She kissed him hard while she fumbled open his belt with shaking hands. She pushed his clothes out of the way and took firm hold of him, making him gasp and stutter. She stroked the painfully hard length of him with her palm before pushing her own pants down just below her ass. Sucking and biting at his lip and tongue, she grabbed the armholes of his leather vest and pulled him back until they bumped up against the heavy table.

"I need you, Daryl. I need you inside me, right now!"

She turned then, leaning onto the dusty table, shoving the junk there off onto the floor, and pressing her ass back against him.

"Please, Daryl! Fuck me!"

His cock had never been harder in his life, and he was pretty sure his brain had melted. For a second, he couldn't move, eyes locked on her incredible ass.

"Please! Do it hard!"

Quickly, he pushed all the random bits of clothes they were still wearing out of the way and gave himself a tug. He put one hand on her hip and the other squeezed her cheek before sliding down to trail his fingertips through her wetness. She moaned his name, and his cock jumped eagerly.

"Daryl, pleeease!"

He guided himself to her entrance and she whimpered as he drove in all at once. She was so hot and tight around him, he was sure he would lose it right then. He put one hand on the table and the fingers of the other dug into her hip as he started to move, pushing into her hard and fast. Reaching around, he found her clit with his fingertips, and she shuddered.

"God, yes! So good! God, right there! That's it, don't stop! Don't stop!"

He bit down on the back of her neck, and sucked hard, making her gasp.

"Oh, God, yes! I'm- I'm-" She broke off with a wail as her body tensed and shuddered under him. He drove into her with another few hard strokes to take him crashing over the edge with her. He groaned into her neck as his cock pulsed deep inside her.

Once he was sure he wasn't going to black out, he kissed her neck where he'd bitten her and pulled out, turning to sit back against the table next to her. As he tucked himself back into his pants, she pushed herself up a bit and peeked over at him, breathing hard through swollen, parted lips. He smiled and reached over to smooth her hair where it had gotten spiky with sweat.

With a hand around her arm, he pulled her over to stand in front of him. He planted a quick kiss on her mouth, then carefully tugged her underwear and cargo pants back up over her gorgeous ass, zipping, buttoning, and buckling everything into place, then giving her butt a familiar squeeze. He hooked one finger into the bra strap that had slipped off her shoulder and dragged it back into place. When he slipped his fingers into her bra cups to straighten them out and tuck her back in, she shivered, but didn't pull away. When she was mostly reassembled, minus the shirt that was on the floor somewhere, he put his hands on her hips and pulled her to him, sliding his arms around her, and burying his nose in her neck.

She hugged him back, snuggling into his arms and humming her contentment.

"So," he said, "still comfy?"

Her giggles warmed him. "Yeah. We should definitely do that more often."

He pinched her butt and she squealed, giggles becoming laughter.

After a while, she was quiet again. Eventually she pulled out of his embrace. She put her hands on his cheeks and looked at him. The look she gave him was intense. He was fully clothed, but it felt like she could see through clothes, skin, muscle, and bone, straight into his soul. Everywhere she touched him, his skin tingled.

She spread her fingers on his face, curling them around the back of his neck to pull him in for a kiss. This one wasn't careful, nor was it aggressive. It simply said 'mine'. Without a word, she claimed him as her own, and he knew it was true. He was hers as surely as he breathed.

Smiling, she stepped away to retrieve her shirt and dust it off.

"So you think it's safe to try for the truck yet?" she asked.

"Hell, if there were any walkers within five miles, they'd'a been on the door by now with you howlin' like that."

"Shut up! I'm pretty sure that was your fault." She threw her shirt at his face, but grinned as she did it. He ducked to the side and the shirt fluttered to the floor again. She scooped it up with a sigh and dusted it off again before putting it on.

"Not my fault. You said you didn't put out on the first date. Clearly a lie."

She leveled a death glare at him that singed his short 'n' curlies.

He held up his hands defensively. "Jus' sayin'!"

He picked up her pack and held it out to her. After she snatched it away from him while giving him the evil eye, he picked up his crossbow and shouldered his own pack. He reached for the crossbar that locked the cellar door.

"C'mon. Let's get Asskicker's shit and go home!"