A/N: I put chapters 2 and 3 together just because chapter 2 seemed too short. So if you're confused as to why it still says chapter 7, it's because I've compacted them together and slightly edited previous chapters. But don't worry, this is still a brand new chapter and is well worth the wait!

Passing Days

Chapter 7:

"Oh my god you guys, your house is gorgeous!" Spencer exclaimed. This was her first time seeing the new purchase and Hanna was also still amazed by how beautiful the property was after oogling it hours before Spencer arrived. This Saturday has been a whirlwind for the couple; having to pick up Hanna this morning and catching up on all the latest gossip that was currently happening in their lives was exhausting enough, and the smaller blonde could really talk. Then having Spencer arrive a few hours later to add to the on-going catch up conversation made the morning overbearing. For Alison, the weekend had barely started and she was already stressing out about the surprises she had for her fiancée's birthday bash hoping that all the plans would work out perfectly; but despite the stress it was totally worth seeing the smile on the girls face when she was happy.

"Thanks Spence, you know I have a thing for French doors" Alison pointed to the living room that had an amazing view of the beach. "I see that" Spencer let out a chuckle, she knew that the blonde would have it no other way; the girl was obsessed with anything that was associated with France or Paris.

"Okay, now that were all here," Emily cut in "I wanted to introduce you to the newest member of our family." Emily went into the den where she had placed their new puppy temporarily. Spencer and Hanna immediately looked at each other with shock. They didn't think the couple would start having a family so soon, and they for sure thought Ali would have forbid any kids before they got married. Hanna began to think of the worst and thought Emily was going to show them an ultrasound picture. Thankfully enough though, the two were about to be proven wrong.

"I'd like you to meet our new son" Emily came out carrying the Shiba Inu puppy in her arms like a small baby. She smiled at her friends as if the animal was really her and Ali's newborn; she was proud of her choice and it didn't matter to her that he was just a pet. In Emily's mind, this was her child for now.

Spencer and Hanna's facial expression turned from worry to relief then to pure excitement in a matter of seconds, "AWW OH MY GOSH EM HE'S SO CUTE!" Hanna immediately went up to the pair and started petting the puppy showering him with love like any new Aunt should.

"Ali got him for me yesterday, best birthday present ever." Emily smiled lovingly at her blonde "Love you babe."

Alison smiled back in response "Wow you sure do know how to spoil your girl don't ya?" Spencer teased. "Of course," She replied "Plus you know she's been having that baby fever lately. I hoped this would cure it" Ali whispered.

The rest of the afternoon was filled with more stories about their daily lives and relaxing in the hot tub outside on the deck, and since it was still early March the weather was a little chilly. It had been a while since the girls had seen each other and they all had a lot to catch up on. But there was one person missing. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it!" Hanna yelled, she jumped out of the hot tub and ran for the door. When she opened it she let out an excited shriek "ARIA! Finally you show up!" She hugged her friend, not caring she was still wet from the water and Aria not minding either since she had also missed her friend.

Aria laughed out of happiness "Sorry! I was caught up in traffic coming from LA, there was a huge accident on the way here."

The other girls also ran up to hug the petite brunette and were very much excited to see her. "I see you guys have started without me!" Aria teased.

"Oh well come join us then" Spencer then proceeded to pick the girl up and drag her to the hot tub while trying to mock throw her in the water and was laughing hysterically while doing it.

"AH! SPENCER YOU PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT! EEK!" Aria, well aware that she was in her day time clothes, started to retaliate back by trying to overpower the taller brunette but of course ultimately failed. "I mean it!"

Spencer finally let her go and laughed; finding this as the perfect opportunity to seize while the girl had her guard down, Aria pushed her into the cold infinity pool next to the tub. Spencer shrieked out of surprise and made a huge splash, "HAHA pay backs a bitch!" Aria yelled.

"You better get in this water immediately or I'll really throw you in!" Spencer started to come out the water while Aria ran quickly to the bedroom to change into her bikini knowing full well the tall brunette was serious.

"You guys haven't changed one bit" Emily smiled, she loved her friends and was grateful that after all these years of their friendship they all remained the same with each other. It was something that Emily truly cherished.

Alison had planned the night out perfectly for Emily's birthday bash; the girls knew exactly what the plan was but the blonde wanted to let the whole thing to be a surprise for her fiancée. Granted she knew that they were going out somewhere nice because Ali had bought her a brand new outfit with shoes and everything as a third birthday present. She left the present that was wrapped perfectly on her bed while everyone was getting ready for tonight's events. She was surprised, again, lavishing her lover with kisses and loving how her princess charming was treating her like a princess. And of course the dress was Versace and her heels were Louis Vuitton, only the best for her princess Ali thought.

The first stop was at the new trendy restaurant in Santa Monica where all of Emily's friends, co-workers, and family members would be waiting for her to arrive. She had booked the entire place out to make room for their party, however she didn't account for the paparazzi that showed up forgetting that most of Emily's co-workers/ friends were celebrities.

"Uh Babe, why are there photographers here?" Emily asked, she was confused to why there was such a fuss at the entrance of the restaurant. The only time she had to deal with paparazzi was when she was hanging out with her celebrity friends.

"Because they know how gorgeous you look tonight and want to take tons of pictures of you" Alison smiled at her while slowly pulling over the white Mercedes up to the entrance. This made Emily blush.

"Ew stop. Your cuteness is sickening" Hanna interjected from the back seat, "Thank god they already provided security to escort us." Once the girls got out of the car, they were immediately surrounded by the escorts while being bombarded by fast speed flashes and loud photographers.

"Is it true you and Miley had fling?"

"Who are these girls with you Emily?"

"What happened between you and Drake?"

"Looking good Em!"

"Why was Justin kicked out of your last club promotion?"

The girls hastily made their way inside the building, then finally settled down once the atmosphere changed to a much calmer state. The girls were shocked to say the least about the amount of press that showed up. Sure they saw pictures of their best friend circle around in the tabloids but she was never really a headliner because she wasn't a real celebrity herself. And Emily played it off as if hanging around her celebrity friends wasn't a big deal, the thought never occurred to them that she could be an associated celebrity. But it was still exciting to have a small taste in fame to say the least.

The host was ready to take them back to where everyone was waiting while Emily contemplated what was happening in her head. There shouldn't be any paparazzi waiting for her to arrive because she wasn't with anyone, and it usually isn't that many of them unless they were all put together in a room like a charity auction or a…

"SURPRISE!" Everyone yelled and interrupted her thoughts as soon as she walked in. The brunette gave a shocked expression and was suddenly thrown in a state of astonishment. She put her hand over her mouth in disbelief, "Oh my god" she whispered.

"Happy official Birthday baby" Alison kissed the temple of the brunette's head while giving her hand a firm squeeze as they were interlocking fingers. Loving the reaction she was looking for, the blonde smiled proudly. Alison DiLaurentis you are one smooth mother fucker she thought to herself.