My 2nd fanfic, decided to do it on this lovely movie :D. I honestly am hoping that in the real movie these two get along :3 Just like the other one (that I a positive barely of you read) if I get good reviews I'll continue! Ty for reading and please please PLEASE leave a review

Chapter 1: Blu and Roberto

It's been a couple of days since Blu and his family traveled to the Amazon, and, to their surprise, being reunited with Jewel's side of the family. Jewel, being the center of attention of it all, loved being with everyone and catching up, and the kids had no problem at all with staying there. However, everything wasn't the same for Blu. For one thing, Jewel's father hates his guts, and the same with almost everyone. The fact that Blu lived with humans really doesn't have a good impression on the anti-human clan of macaws. However, the worse part of it all was Jewel's ex-boyfriend, Roberto. He was perfect! Amazing voice, looks, wingspan, you name it, he had it. Blu was fully aware of the fact that Jewel and Roberto were just friends, but he just couldn't stand him at all. At times, Blu feels bad for the fact that Roberto has never INTENTIONALLY made him angry, and yet, in a way, it angered him more, for if he can make Blu jealous without even trying; imagine if he WAS trying.

To be honest, Blu hated it here. Everyone thinks he is a freak, and when he isn't coping with being ignored by everyone, he has to deal with Eduardo's hate against him, and after all that he STILL has to suffer the immense jealousy Roberto stirs up in him. However, even though he honestly despised the Amazon with a fire that can burn as hot as the sun, he would never leave. Everyone loved it here, especially Jewel. His kids also loved it here as well, and he just couldn't hurt them by leaving. As a mate and a father, he can do at least that much for them. As much as he tried to hide it, Jewel and everyone eventually caught on. Jewel continued asking Blu about it, but he just replied with "Everything's good" and, by this time, Jewel had gotten tired of it. Even his kids weren't fond of his father's anger. Jewel knew talking with her father is a lost cause; the only thing that would grab his attention would be if Blu died or left the Amazon or her going back with Roberto or- Roberto! Jewel already knew how jealous Blu was, so maybe if she can try to fix them together he wouldn't be so mad. "Blu can use a guy friend" Jewel thought, someone of his OWN kind (they were the only ones until now). While Blu was flying with Bia, Jewel took the advantage and flew over to Roberto's nest. "Hi Roberto" Jewel greeted. Roberto turned around and smiled cheerfully

"What up, blue bird?"

"I have a LITTLE favor to ask."

"Aaaaaand what might that be?"

"It's with Blu, see-"


"What? You didn't even let me finish!"

" Fine. Continue."

"I was going to ask if you can hang out with Blu, be-"



"Jewel, he hates me."

"No he doesn't! He just hates your good looks and voice and strength-"

"So, in basic terms, me."

"Look Roberto, he is mad depressed here, I feel bad. Ever since he got here he has been angry, I want to at least settle the conflict between you two."

"I think that the Eduardo and Blu conflict should be fixed up first."

"You know how he won't listen to me!"

Roberto stopped. She was right there; talking to Eduardo is like talking to a brick wall. Literally. I mean, in a way, he felt bad for the poor guy. It's not like he WANTED to be domesticated (Jewel filled him in on Blu a while back) and all the negativity he's been receiving from everyone must be hard to cope through. Roberto looked at Jewel, her teal eyes shining with hope. She really cared about him, didn't she? Roberto started to feel sorry for Blu. He knew how it felt to be ignored and alone. What would it hurt? Roberto looked at Jewel and smiled. "All right, I'll help him. Your lucky me and you are BFF's" Roberto said, smirking. "You promise?" Jewel said. "Promise" Roberto comfirmed. Jewel filled with joy "Ooooh, thank you thank you thank you!" she said as she kissed his cheek, and as she was leaving she said "Don't tell Blu I told you!" Roberto replied "I promise I won't!"

3 hours had passed since Jewel talked to him. Roberto saw Blu sitting on a branch by the lake; the moon was full and high in the sky. Roberto was thankful; he can use the classic "complementing the weather in order to spark up conversation" cliché. He flew over to him, and Blu quickly took notice. You got to be kidding me Blu thought as he witnessed the cerulean bird fly over to him. "Hi, Blu" Roberto greeted, in which Blu replied with a simple "Sup." Roberto looked in the sky and back at Blu. "Nice weather we're having, huh?" Roberto said. Blu looked at him with a sarcastic smirk "Is that your BEST way to make conversation?" Roberto, looking at Blu with a defeated face, said "Jewel told me to help cheer you up, since she isn't convincing Eduardo anytime soon." Blu sighed. "I don't know why she can't mind her own business" Blu remarked. Roberto looked irritated. "Well gee, you have been a slouch ever since you got here and ignored all her attempts to try to help, so she doesn't exactly have anymore choices." Blu thought about that. I guess she has been trying to approach me about it Blu thought. Roberto put his wing around Blu and said "Bro, listen, Jewel cares about your opinion on all this just as much as she does her kids. You know that if you say the word she will go back to Rio, and"

"That's exactly my point! If I tell her, she is going to want to go back. Then she'll be sad, the kids will be sad. I don't want to do that to her."

"Well you can't just hide your anger, you know. It is just going to hurt her even more, the fact that you can't tell her. She is your mate, Blu, and you have to talk with her about these things."

"Look, I honestly don't want to talk about thi-"

Roberto held his wing, and looked at him with a serious glare.

"Well too bad, Blu, not everything is going to be your way! You're going to have to open up sometime, unless you WANT your mate to feel worried."

Dude, you just don't understand-"

"Don't understand what?"

"How it feels! To be…useless and weak. Ever since I became Jewel's mate I have always been the one on the shallow end. She always has to protect me from the most stupid things. I'm a coward. The reason why I am so sad is the fact that Eduardo has a reason to be unimpressed. I am a domesticated, weak, and awkward good-for-nothing mate. I…don't…deserve her."

Roberto just stared with a shock look in his eyes. Was he about to cry? Did Blu really think that little of himself? Oh great, I just made things worse Roberto thought in his head.

"Look…Blu…Ugh. Dude, you are her MATE. It doesn't matter who is stronger, because in the end you work TOGETHER. I mean, dude! You saved her life, and she LOVES you! It doesn't matter if you don't deserve her; better yet, it doesn't matter if you THINK you don't deserve her! Look dude, you have to stop feeling so low about yourself. Stop thinking that all because I'm the Fabio of the clan that you are that much less to Jewel. I know that no one likes you here because you're…different, but hey! You got Jewel, the kids, and I hope me as well. I don't want us to be enemies, especially for something so idiotic like this! Come on, man, cheer up, be happy. It doesn't matter what anyone thinks, because at the end of it Jewel, Tiago, Carla, and Bia will ALWAYS be there for you. That's the perk of being a mate and a father."

Roberto was actually shocked at what he just said. Huh, I'm good :D he happily thought. Blu looked up at him, and a smile slowly started to show on his beak. "…Umm…thanks, Roberto." Roberto looked at him "No problem. Now, can we PLEASE be friends, so Jewel won't kill me for failing her?" he said sarcastically, which made Blu snicker. "All right, I'll make sure she knows. And…yeah, we can be friends." Roberto smiled, and let out his wing, in which Blu shook it. "Again, thanks for the help. I guess you aren't such a bad guy after all. And sorry for giving you a nasty attitude, it was definitely not cool." Blu apologized. Roberto smiled "No worries, man! Anyway, I'm hitting the hay, my dad isn't exactly in his prime youth. I have to preen him before he goes to sleep…yuck" Roberto made a disgusted noise as he quivered, which made Blu laugh. "Well, I hope you have a good preening." He said sarcastically. "Thanks…Roberto. Have a nice night!"

"You too, man!" Roberto said as Blu flew off to his family's hollow.

Blu was actually happy. It felt good to have someone to talk to. He's actually relieved that he and Roberto's conflict settled. Now that's one less problem he has to worry about. His lovely mate was happy, his kids were happy, and, although it took a while, he was FINALLY happy. It might be a good life after all, here in the Amazon.

And that concludes the first chapter! If you read everything, PLEASE right a review. I only want to get better and I honestly hope you guys enjoyed it!