Hi guys! Sorry this isn't an update like everyone would hope and I know it's been a while but we are already coming to an end to another year and so much has happened. Many highs and many lows for all of us but we've made it through another year and should continue to prepare ourselves for 2018, and hope it might be better for all of us, and as cheesy as I'm sounding now with all of this I really do hope for the best for all us for this upcoming year.

I also want to say how grateful I am for having all you wonderful readers whether you've been following me since my first story or from one of my latest I appreciate all the love and excitement placed here into finding out what's next for these stories. Thank you all for the support all of this makes it possible for me to continue my stories even when I start to lose any passion or have a writer's block it's nice to know there are those who wait patiently for the next chapter. So let's wrap this year up well and have a wonderful 2018 with new chapters and maybe new stories!

Also this poll has been on the account for a while even though I haven't mention anything, but yeah I have a poll for future x reader stories with a full out plot or maybe one-shots/imagines. So this poll will be up for a month the character with the most votes would win of course and then another poll will be place to either write a full out story or just one-shots/imagines were you could request for these.

Now then here's a list of stories I've written so far in both of my writing accounts


-Amulet Momomiya: Shugo Chara x Tokyo Mew mew Crossover

-A new life: Shugo chara story

-Chat stole my heart: Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat noir story

-Missing Amu: Shugo Chara x Teen Titans story

-New Adventures await in Paris: (English and Spanish ver): Shugo chara and Miraculous story

- Save me Wait wizards?: Mamotte Lollipop story

-Shugo Chara Gender bender: shugo chara story (obviously cx)

-Shugo Chara: Amuto one-shot (only thing completed cx)


-Amulet Momomiya: Shugo Chara x Tokyo Mew mew Crossover

-A new life: Shugo chara story

-Chat stole my heart: Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat noir story

-Missing Amu: Shugo Chara x Teen Titans story

-New Adventures await in Paris: (English and Spanish ver): Shugo chara and Miraculous story

- Save me Wait wizards?: Mamotte Lollipop story

-Shugo Chara Gender bender: shugo chara story (obviously cx)

-Shugo Chara: Amuto one-shot (only thing completed cx)

-Tom Holland/Peter Parker imagines

-Jack Frost imagines

-My hero (Tom Holland story)

-Portals (Tom Holland/ Peter Parker story)