Soul Eater: Life After

This story is a Soul Eater sequel that begins at the end of the manga. In this story Soul Eater Evans and Maka Albarn have an interesting love story as we explore what could have happened after the manga ended and they grew into adults. Prepare yourselves for action, romance, and adventure.

Edited 10/31/14

Chapter 0

When we last left off in the manga, Maka had just screamed 'This is Soul Resonance!' into the air like an idiot but now we are going to zoom back in on her and the enormous party that celebrated the end of the Kishin War.

"Tch, Maka you're so not cool…" Soul sighed as he grabbed his Meister and twirled her into a kiss. Maka stared wide-eyed in surprise but enjoyed the kiss, nonetheless. Soul then broke it before looking at his Meister with a half crooked smile while her face overflowed with redness, an immense blush overtaking her face. "Haha, you look like a tomato," Soul smirked.

"Sh-Shut up Soul!" Maka snapped, still dazed by the kiss.

"Well they are enjoying themselves, aren't they Black*Star?" said Tsubaki gazing at her Meister with a grin.

"Hell yeah! GOOD JOB SOUL!" Black*Star shouted at Soul while putting out a gigantic thumbs up. Soul sighed returning the thumbs up with a grin as he held Maka with one arm around her waist.

"Well it's about time they finally did that eh, Liz? Patty?" Kid sighed, hands in his pockets, as he glanced over to where Soul and Maka embraced. He cracked a grin and then floated over talk to some of their other friends.

"Kid?" the twin gun weapons said in unison, concerned by their Meister's strange tone. They glided over with him to see their other friends and dismissed his strange tone after seeing him laugh and converse, easily.

"Haa…" Stein sighed as he watched Maka and Soul cuddle, Kid wear his Shinigami cloak, and Black*Star stand, arms crossed, watching over everyone with the look of a god.

"What's wrong Stein, dear?" Marie asked, worriedly, at his sigh.

"When did they all grow up?" Stein sighed, closing his eyes and tilting his head backward to stare up at the sky. "It feels like just yesterday they were inexperienced and pitifully weak and I could easily scare them with threat of dissection… but now they have blown us out of the water and become amazing people."

"Yes…and the next generation may be even better," said Marie as she clutched her stomach.

"Yeah…" Stein smirked as he grinned at Marie and held her free hand in his.

I hope you guys like this intro chapter and I will be posting up more as I get time. Although it wasn't very long please review and tell me what you think so far and how is my writing style. Thanks :D