I Never Dreamed

By: AMCM74

Chapter 46

Aiko watched her parents talking to each other. The stood on the other side of the kitchen as she sat eating her cereal. It seemed cereal had always been the extent of their combined cooking abilities. Aiko had been tempted to jump up and make herself a real breakfast, but then her parents would realize she knew how to cook. She looked down at her baby self in the bouncer.

"You know, by the time I am done with them your life is going to way cooler then mine." Aiko told the baby who just stared at her. "Yup, trust me. Things are going to be way better without two really bratty brothers running around." Aiko looked thoughtful "I should feel bad about this, but I don't. They deserve it for stuffing me in the time machine to begin with. Not to mention destroying my science project, ransacking my room repeatedly, and picking on me. You probably already know this, but you are a genius. Yes, everyone says it. That is why Vegeta says I make such a strong fighter, I am five steps ahead of everyone." She looked across the room "Except Mom and Dad."

"I can't believe she is going to turn out so badly." Pan bit her finger and looked up at Trunks with worried eyes. "I know she seems to have Vegeta's personality already, but she seems much worse, if that is possible."

Trunks slides a quick glance over at his daughters present and future. "She seems to like herself a lot. Look at her talk to baby Aiko." Trunks couldn't believe this. She was totally giving him an attitude that he had not sensed from her before. Maybe. Trunks watched Aiko talking with the baby in shushed tones. "Aiko what are you doing."

"Talking to myself." She sat up straight. As she did something fell from her pocket and rolled across the floor. She jumped out of her chair and went after it. The capsule rolled over and Trunks put his foot on it.

"What is this?" He watched his daughter frown. He leaned over and picked it up "Number 2342?"

"But that is a sports bike." Pan looked over Aiko. "Do you ride motorcycles."

Aiko tried to grab the capsule from her dad. "Not my bike!"

Trunks rubbed the capsule between his fingers. "So our little Aiko has a flaw in her armor."

Aiko watched her dad open the back door and toss the ignited pod into the yard. There was a puff of smoke and a shiny black bike sat there. It was obviously not just a bike. It had been modified to the extreme.

"Trunks is that a racing bike?" Pan asked. When he didn't answer she looked at Aiko. "Is that a racing bike?"

"Only when I am on it, Grammy B and I built it." Aiko watched as Trunks walked over and opened the pack on the side. "Hey, that's mine."

Trunks pulled out a few papers and pictures and stared at them. Holding a report card he smiled "Straight A student? Very good Aiko." Aiko frowned as he flipped through the pictures "But I don't think I like the idea of you hanging around with all these guys."

"That happens to be a family reunion picture. Those are my…" Aiko started then stopped. She really didn't want them to know about her brothers. Her cousin was in the picture as well, but the big factor were the two standing on either side of her. "Ex husbands?" It was a really lame answer. She knew that, but it was better then telling them who they really were.

"Family reunion." Pan walked over and looked over Trunks forearm. "Sweet Dende, look Trunks, that boy almost looks exactly like Grandpa Goku."

Aiko crossed her arms. "I refuse to answer any questions without talking to my lawyers first. Can I have my one phone call to Uncle Mark now? If any one can get me the best lawyer he can."

Trunks glared at his daughter "UNCLE MARK! You had better be joking me girl."

"You want me to call him godfather Mark?" Aiko looked confused.

"I hate that man!" Trunks told Aiko.

Aiko looked even more surprised and confused, since the first time since her arrival "Not like Uncle Mark? Are you sure?"

Pan stepped between Aiko and Trunks. "Yes, we are sure. Uncle Mark." She smiled sweetly "As in married to Aunt Bra, uncle?

Aiko blinked "She is not dating him yet, is she?" Trunks groaned. "Would it help you to know that they will eventually have a kid too, Dad?" Aiko watched Trunks grab his head.

"Don't tell me that! Sweet Dende, don't tell me that!" Trunks turned to a smiling Pan. "I know your pretty happy about it, aren't you!"

Pan tried to look all innocent and looked back at the pictures. "Who are these boys with you?"

"Don't ask." Aiko shook her head.

Trunks looked over at the bike. "You did a good job on the bike."

Aiko was about to answer when Bulma walked in "Oh hi. Aiko I got the time machine fixed! You can leave whenever you want."

Aiko placed her hands on her hip and sighed. "I want to stay here. At least my homework isn't due for another seventeen years."

Bra who walked in right after her mother shook her head "Oh no you don't you little terror. There is no way you are staying here. Dende knows what damage you will reek in our time."

"You know I would curse kids like me on you if I don't already know yours are worse then me." Aiko turned her back on Bra.

Bra jolted and looked at Aiko "I have a kid? When? How? With who?"

Aiko looked like a cat with a canary "In the future, you tell me how, because frankly I have no idea, and that is for me to know and you to find out."

Bra reached out and grabbed Aiko's hair "Tell me now, you little brat, I wanna know!"

"Never!" Aiko cried and started throwing her fists. Bulma, Pan, and Trunks jumped in trying to break the catfight up.

Trunks pulled his daughter away from his sister. Bulma held one of Bra's arms and Pan the other. Bra still tried to pull away from them. Aiko stepped behind her father and taunted, "Ohh lookie! Pictures of your kid, and oooh ooh and here is a picture of Uncle..." Aiko ripped the picture "Wouldn't you like to know?" At that the baby version of Aiko started to laugh mixing with the sound of the future version

"Let me kill her please let me kill her!" Bra cried

Aiko stood by the time machine. Her parents stood not far away from her. In a few moments she would be with them again, and yet it would be years before they saw her as she was. Aiko looked at her infant-self held so lovingly in her mother's arms. Her father stood with his hand on her mothers shoulder watching as Aiko and Her grandmother prepped the time machine for it's return trip. In Aiko's lifetime she had learned many things that other children never knew. That there was a galaxy of beings in the stars, that there was another world beyond this one, and the most important one of all that her parents loved her. There had never passed a day in her life she didn't not feel a part of the love her parents shared.

She walked over to her parents. "Mom. Dad. I love you very much." Aiko hugged her mother and father in turn. "I have to go now, but there is one thing I want to tell you before I leave. Even if you ruin my life by having more children that will certainly make my life a living hell I will always love you." She looked up at her shocked parents "Don't get me wrong I will never love you as much as I love grandpa Vegeta, But do I love you too. No matter what I say."

Pan laughed and Trunks muttered a "Gee thanks."

Aiko ran to the time machine and climbed in after hugging her grandmother goodbye. As she flicked a few switched she yelled to Bra "Tell Uncle Mark he is the coolest guy in the whole world!"

Bra snapped her head in Aiko's direction "What!"

It was t late Aiko was gone in a flash back to her own time and her family. Bra looked at Trunks who frowned at her "Did you hear what she said?"

"No" Trunks frowned at his sister.

"Bulma looked confused "I think she said Uncle Mark? She doesn't have an Uncle Mark."

Bra brightened up "Not yet, but let me see what I can do about that."

Trunks ran his hand over his face as Pan lifted to tip toes to kiss his cheek. "Seems you and Devero are going to have to make peace eventually."

Trunks shook his head "I don't think that is possible."

Pan walked over and handed baby Aiko to her grandmother "Bulma she is getting sleepy could you set her down for me?"

"Sure I can, Sweet little thing that she is" Bulma talked to the baby who glared up at her and gave a disgusted snort. "Ooohhh looks she acts so much like Vegeta AWWWAWWAA!"

Trunks looked down at Pan as Bulma walked off leaving the tow of them alone. "Because I am going to cure you of your jealousy for Devero once and for all."

"Really and how are you going to do that?" Trunks crossed his arms and watched his wife's face turn serious.

"I am going to tell you that I love you, Not Devero, not anyone else. Just you forever." The she leaned over to his and placed her hand on his shoulder dragging his head down so she could whisper in his ear. "Then I am going to" She began to whisper quietly into his ear. Trunks' grim face began to brighten into a sorted smile. She pulled away and waited for his reaction.

"Really and when are you willing to do that?" Trunks placed his hands on her waist and pulled her near.

"Whenever, however, and where ever you want." Pan lifted one of her eyebrows up.

Trunks just laughed "I never dreamed that you would threaten to kick the shit out of me if I ever doubted your love again!" He kissed her lips in held her close. "I can think of other things you can do to reassure me."

Pan rolled her eyes and let out an exasperated sigh "You never stop!"

"Lucky you, Pan! Lucky you!"