SR: *awkwardly looks around* uhhh... Hi... I'm so sorry for not updating in FOREVER! Please forgive me! *puppy eyes* pwease

Canine: No

Cece: I forgive you!

SR: Awwwww, Cece, you're so sweet! Unlike sombody *cough Canine cough*




the dragon/Velvet: lol!

PantherFlint: I totally get what you're saying, I'm not downhearted, thank you so much for the advice. It's been a long time so I hope this is a bit better! ;)

Guest: The next chapter is now :)

snowfire: thank you so much! I'm glade you like it! Yes, Astrid should be. I have seen HTTYD2 so I know about all that stuff, but I wanted to do something a little different with Hiccup and his love life

anonomous: lol! Here's the next chapter :)

Chapter 35- Luna?
Hiccup's POV

I watch as the Berserker ship leaves with Canine, Ceceus, Shadow, and Sapphire. I look down at the book that Ceceus handed me. The title read 'The Book of Prophecies'.

I look up at everyone, they were all depressed especially Cami and Astrid. The four girls have gotten close ever since the two 14 year olds arrived.

"Don't worry, we'll get them back" I say, "but first, let's see what they wanted us to read." I open the large book and quickly find the bookmarked page and start to read.

"Two girls with the names of C,
Who ride on Night and Death,
Night has the eyes of jewels and Death the eyes of gold.
The two girls control unimaginable powers,
One of songs,
One of elements,
They are unstoppable,
But have one weakness,
The Necklaces of the Strong.
If the necklace that remain on Berserker Island are placed on the girls,
Then it will drain their powers,
Whoever puts the necklaces on the girls will have have powers beyond their imagination,
But in their greatest time of need,
A young dragoness will help them,
These girls are the dragon chosen ones."

"That makes no sense" Tuffnut says.

"They ride on Night and Death, Night Fury and a Death Fury, get it?" Astrid tries to explain.

"Nope" Ruffnut says.

"Oh gods, Dagur must have found the Necklaces of the Strong! Hiccup we have to help them, and soon!" Camicaze exclaims.

"But how? Dagur has Viking law on his side, there's nothing we can do" Fishlegs says.

"My dad said that the law was one of the few Viking laws that we follow. Maybe there's one on our side. Fishlegs, is there a book of viking laws?" I ask.

"Ummm... YES! There is one actually" he replies.

"Ok, we'll stop to get Luna then go to the library" I say.

We stop at my house to search for her. I checked every room about three times but I couldn't find her anywhere! We all get on our dragons and fly to my dad.

"Dad, have you seen Luna?" I ask.

"No, I thought she was with you" my father replies.

"Wait. Do you think she might be the young dragoness in the prophecy?" Cami says.

"If she is... That means Dagur might have her!" I shout. "To the library!"

Ceceus' POV

After we annoyed Dagur, there was nothing else to do but sit and wait. So that's what we did, Canine and I slept.

I wake up to someone hitting my back. I groan, I couldn't say anything with this gag around my mouth.

The hitting continues, then I realize it's Sapphire hitting me with her paw.

'Cece, Luna's on the boat' Sapphire says.

My eyes widen and I look towards some barrels and see a little head poking out of the top of a barrel.

I kick Canine to wake her up, and it works after a few good kicks to her leg.

"Mhut mo yom mant?" she tries to speak.

I roll my eyes to the direction to where Luna was hiding. Canine gets the hint and looks, her eyes widen in shock.

Sapphire's POV

After Ceceus woke Canine up, I try to get Luna to hide by us. "Luna, baby girl, come here. You'll be safe here, I'll protect you" I coax.

She slowly crawls out of her hiding spot. Luna suddenly dashes for cover under Shadow, who just stood there, shocked.

"Daddy?" she asks.

Shadow suddenly freaks out, "uh... No, no... I'm not your daddy" he says.

I giggle, "That's Uncle Shadow."

"Unca Sadow?" Luna asks.

"Uhh, yeah... Go to Auntie Sapphire" Shadow says.

"Autie Sappher?" Luna asks.

I giggle, "yes, I'm Auntie Sapphire, come here, Luna." She runs over and cuddles against my leg.

"I'll call you Sappher from now on" Shadow says. I roll my eyes.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'S BACK ON BERSERKER ISLAND?!" I hear Dagur shout. I hear him come closer and closer. I quickly tuck Luna under my wing to hider her as Dagur gets closer. He stops right in front of Canine and Ceceus. "It seems we left our surprise for you at my home. Oh well, I'm sure you can wait" Dagur says. Canine and Ceceus look at each other in confusion as Dagur walks away.


We finally get to Berserker Islan. As soon as the ship docked, the Berserkers drag us to their Dragon Arena and throw us in cells again. Canine and Ceceus were in the same cell with arm and leg shackles chained to the stone wall. Shadow, Luna and I were in cells across the arena. Shadow and I were in separate cells, but I still had Luna with me.

I look over and see Dagur holding two items behind his back inside of Canine and Ceceus' cell. Ceceus suddenly shouts at Dagur, then Canine join her.

Dagur then held Canine against the rough wall, puts something on her and she falls to the ground. He does the same to Ceceus, then she falls to the ground as well. Dagur walks away and I see Canine and Ceceus claw at something around their neck, trying to get it off.

Ceceus' POV

Once we get to Berserker Island, we're thrown into cells right away. The Berserkers untie our ropes and chain us to the wall.

Big mistake.

Caninehsas the power of the elements; Earth, Water, Air, and Fire.

I hear the cell door creak open. We look up and see Dagur walk in with his hands behind his back.

"I hate you" I mumble.

"What?" he asks.

"I HATE YOU!" I shout.

"ME TOO, YOU SON OF A GUN!" Canine shouts with me.

Dagur suddenly pins Canine to the wall, puts something around her neck, and let her go. Canine falls to the ground looking up at me weakly. Dagur turns around and does the same to me. I fall to the ground next to Canine. I lift the item up to see what it was. It was a huge sapphire jewel rimed with silver, Canine's was just like mine but with an amethyst jewel. The chain it was connected to tightens around our necks, but not enough to choke us, just enough so we couldn't take the necklace off.

Our eyes widen and we look at each other. It was the Necklaces of the Strong. We quickly try to remove the necklaces as Dagur leaves our cell.

No matter what we tried the necklaces wouldn't come off. I would feel the power draining from inside of myself.

I look down at my hand then at Canine, our skin turned a sickly pale, almost white color. The color made our veins more visible on the surface of our skin.

We need help... Or else we're doomed.

~Sapphire Roz