I'm so sorry for not updating this for so long. I'm back however, and determined to finish this story as soon as possible! So stay tuned!
Timeskip: 1 week later, classroom
It has been a while since Eren noticed any sign of life from his Ipod. Truth to be told, he was starting to get worried. He even started to doubt his own sanity; what if his mind made this all up? He immediately dismissed his doubts, since he was pretty sure meeting the ''Genie'' of his Ipod wasn't his imagination.
Timeskip: 16.30 PM , Home
Eren sighed. Perhaps Levi never returned to the Ipod, and simply ran away. It was quite probable since Levi did materialise. He looked at the handwritten memo Levi left for him, telling him to clean his room. The Genie did seem quite grumpy, like an old man. Eren chuckled at the thought.
His slanted eyes opened slowly, a bright light penetrating his eyelids.
''I'm back in here..again'' Levi whispered. He had thought that he had finally escaped the electric prison he was stuck in, but for some reason, some force returned him back in. Like always, he was able to look through the cracked screen, watching the outside world. He suddenly saw a big pair of curious eyes look at the screen. He recognised the boy, it was the little brat that cowered in fear after he had materialised.
''Genie, are you still alive?'' he heard Eren speak. Levi sighed deeply.
''Genie? Is this kid serious?'' he grumpily cussed at the new nickname he received. Though, he couldn't deny that the brat did comfort him a bit, he was amusing.
Timeskip: 11.30 PM , in bed
Eren couldn't really sleep. He wanted to know wether Levi was alright, and why he didn't receive any response. He didn't know when he grew slightly attached to the Genie in his Ipod, but he considered him as his grumpy yet mysterious friend.
''Good night, Genie'' Eren smiled softly.
Right when he was about to close his eyes, the screen started to flicker. Eren's eyes grew wide out of excitement; Levi was still in there.
His smile grew by the second as he stood up, nearly tripping as he turned on the light in his room. He jumped back onto his futon, towering over the Ipod, flashing a great smile.
''I'm glad that you are still here, Levi''
Levi stared at Eren's smiling face. He looked away slightly, feeling some sort of embarrassment as the brat kept staring at the screen. He knew Eren wasn't able to see through the screen, but it still felt slightly awkward. Perhaps because the smile Eren showed, was proof of his innocence. He looked like a kid who just entered a theme park.
''Why is this kid so happy, for fuck's sake'' He growled.
Eren felt his heart skip a beat when the Ipod started to slide through the home pages. Levi stopped at ''Memo'' and pressed it. Slowly but surely, words started to appear.
''Wipe that smile off your face, brat''
Eren squinted his eyes, his smile turning upside down.
''Stupid genie'' he murmured as he crossed his arms. He knew Levi was grumpy, but he never thought he would be to this extent.
Three more words appeared which made Eren smile once more;
''Go to sleep''
''You nag like a mom, first I have to clean my room, and now I have to go to sleep?'' Eren laughed. The Ipod screen flickered, as if it was showing his annoyance.
''Fine fine, I'm going, good night Levi'' Eren smiled as he layed the Ipod on the nightstand, turning off the light.
Levi was surprised. Typing in the memo's wasn't draining his energy as much as before. He was starting to get used to it. When he first woke up in the Mp3-player, he felt weak. He would faint after sending a few commands to the machine.
Levi could constantly hear a loud ticking noise, refraining him from focusing on his thoughts. He still wondered where the sound came from. There was still so much he didn't know. More importantly; how did he even end up in here?
He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a certain annoying noise repeating itself.
''...If I hear any more of this brat's snoring, I will fucking kill him'' He hissed.
Timeskip: Next day, morning
''Eren, breakfast is ready!'' Mikasa called from downstairs.
''I'm coming!'' Eren shouted back, hopping off the stairs. There was something he was meaning to ask Mikasa. He had to know where she had received the Ipod from. If he did that, he could be able to find a way out for Levi. He still didn't understand how Levi was able to appear in in front of him like that. There was probably something that triggered it, but Eren couldn't put his finger on it just yet.
''Sis, I've wanted to ask you something'' Eren said as he slowly ate his toast.
''Don't talk with your mouth full, but what is it?'' She smiled at him as she smeared butter on her own toast.
''Well, a friend of mine, really liked my Ipod you see? And he wanted to know where you've bought it'' Eren said with an innocent smile. He had thought up an excuse last night, to make it sound natural.
''Hmm, well, I bought it at the second hand shop in the city, I still have the address for you'' she took a bite from her toast. Eren smiled and thanked her.
''I'll be gone in the evening, I have the evening-shift today'' She said as she wrote down the address on a small piece of paper.
''Alright, I'll put your dinner in the fridge'' He said as his eyes looked at the address.
After he finished his breakfast, Eren rushed up the stairs, feeling excited to tell Levi the news. He might be able to help Levi out.
Levi rose a brow when he heard someone approaching the Ipod. He squinted his eyes slightly when he saw Eren's excited face loom over the screen. Bracing himself for the idiot's rambling.
''Guess what Genieman, I might be able to help you out!'' Eren said with a proud smile.
Levi scowled at the nickname.
''I've asked my sister to tell me from where she has bought the Ipod, and now I've gotten the address! We might be able to find out who your previous owner was!'' Eren's eyes showing a glint of excitement.
Levi had to admit, the kid was not half bad.