Sofia and Lucinda The First: Twice Upon A Princess
Notes: this is a story which Blossom2014 and I have worked on together, and is set in an alternate universe. This story is not connected to my other stories. The idea in this story is that Sofia and Lucinda were sisters since they were children. Please be aware that this story starts off with a dark undertone. Please also be aware that while this story has many elements from "Sofia The First: Once Upon A Princess", this story also has some differences that takes it in a different direction. The character of Madeline (from Blossom's stories) also appears in this story, and is used with permission from Blossom. We hope you enjoy this story.
In the beginning
In an alternate universe, it was morning in the woods near the Village of Dunwitty. However, not all was quiet. A man, a woman, and a seven-year-old girl were running for their lives. The man was a warlock, and the woman and girl were witches.
"Run, Lucinda! Run!" the man shouted at the girl.
As the man, the woman, and the girl ran, a witch on a broom flew up, and cut them off. The witch on the broom was Neila, a very evil witch who was very powerful.
"You three think you can escape me?!" Neila shouted. "I'll teach you three what happens to those who defy me!".
The man and the woman stepped in front of the girl as they raised their wands. At the same time, Neila raised her wand and fired a massive burst of magical energy at the man, the woman, and the girl. The three then fell backward onto the ground. Neila looked at the three as she perched on her broom. It was obvious to Neila that the three were dead. Satisfied with her revenge, Neila flew off.
Unknown to Neila, two people from Dunwitty had witnessed what had happened from a distance - the village shoemaker, Miranda, and her seven-year-old daughter, Sofia. As soon as Neila had disappeared from sight, Miranda and Sofia ran over to where the three were laying.
"Mom?" Sofia asked, frightened. "Are they ... dead?".
"I don't know, Sofia" Miranda responded. "Stay here".
Miranda then took a closer look, and it appeared the three were indeed dead. Suddenly, Miranda heard a light moaning from the girl.
"Oh my gosh, Mom!" Sofia exclaimed. "She's alive!".
"Help me with her, Sofia" Miranda said as she went for the girl.
Miranda and Sofia managed to pick up the unconscious girl. As Sofia held onto the girl, Miranda checked the man and the woman, but unfortunately, they were dead.
"Lets get her back to the shop, Sofia" Miranda said as they gently carried the girl out of the woods.
A few hours later, back at Miranda's shoe making shop, which doubled as Miranda and Sofia's home, the girl started to slowly come around.
"It's alright, sweetheart" Miranda assured the girl as Sofia held the girl's hand. "Your safe".
The girl suddenly sprang up. "Mama! Papa!" the girl shouted out.
"I'm so very sorry, sweetheart" Miranda gently started. "I'm afraid they didn't make it".
"Their ... dead?" the girl asked, frightened.
"I'm afraid so" Miranda sadly answered.
The girl started crying in grief as Miranda and Sofia held her. After a while, the girl had cried herself out. "I'm alone now" the girl sadly said. "Mama and Papa were the only family I had. My grandparents are gone - thanks to Neila".
"I'm so sorry" Miranda sadly said as she hugged the girl. "I'm Miranda, and this is my daughter, Sofia. What's your name?".
"Lucinda ..." the girl started. "Lucinda Magwin. I'm a ... witch".
"It's nice to meet you, Lucinda" Miranda smiled. "I only wish it were under better circumstances. Lay back and get some sleep - you need to build back your strength".
Lucinda laid back down and soon went to sleep. Miranda then turned to Sofia.
"Sofia, sweetheart" Miranda started. "Lucinda has nobody now. I realize this may be asking a lot, but I think we should make her part of our family".
"I think so too" Sofia smiled. "I promise you, Mom, that I'll be the best sister to her that I can".
A year later
"It's time to go, you two" Miranda smiled at an eight-year-old Sofia, and an eight-year-old Lucinda.
"Yes, Mom" Sofia and Lucinda smiled.
The three left Miranda's shoe making shop, and walked down the street. Miranda was wearing a white blouse and a lavender skirt. Sofia was wearing a blue jumper with a light blue top, while Lucinda was wearing a blue dress. The three of them were on their way to Enchancia Castle - King Roland the Second needed a new pair of royal slippers.
Sofia and Lucinda were excited to visit the castle. Inside the castle, Miranda placed a slipper on the king's foot. It was a perfect fit, as were they. Roland and Miranda soon fell in love, and what should have been a storybook ending was actually a storybook beginning.
Roland and Miranda were married. During the honeymoon, Sofia and Lucinda stayed with their friend Ruby, and Ruby's mother, Helen. The day soon came when Roland and Miranda returned from their honeymoon.
At Miranda's shoe making shop, Sofia and Lucinda were in the upstairs bedroom packing up some last minute items.
"Sofia, Lucinda" Miranda called. "It's time to go - the carriage is here".
Lucinda grabbed a suitcase, while Sofia carefully removed from the wall a drawing of her, Miranda, and Lucinda standing together. Sofia and Lucinda then emerged from the front door of the shop. Miranda was standing there in a lovely pink gown. Sofia and Lucinda climbed aboard the carriage, followed by Miranda. The carriage then started moving down the street, followed by a wagon carrying Miranda, Sofia, and Lucinda's belongings.
As people lined the street to watch Miranda, Sofia, and Lucinda ride off to the castle, Ruby and her friend, Jade, raced up.
"Good luck, you two" Ruby smiled at Sofia and Lucinda.
"Don't forget about us" Jade called out with a smile.
Sofia and Lucinda waved at Ruby and Jade as the carriage moved on.
From a distance, Clover, Mia, Robin, and Whatnaught were eating from a wooden box of leftover food when they spotted the carriage with Miranda, Sofia, and Lucinda. The four animals quickly made their way to where the carriage was. Clover and Whatnaught jumped onto the wagon carrying Miranda, Sofia, and Lucinda's belongings, while Robin and Mia flew nearby.
As the carriage carrying Miranda, Sofia, and Lucinda approached the castle, Sofia and Lucinda looked up.
"Mom!" Sofia exclaimed, excited.
"We're almost there!" Lucinda exclaimed, also excited.
"I wonder what our room will look like?" Sofia thought out loud.
"Sofia, Lucinda" Miranda started with a smile. "Now that we're living in the castle, you'll each have your own room".
"Yes!" the three exclaimed in glee.
The carriage entered the castle courtyard. In the courtyard, trumpets sounded as the crowd cheered. Inside the carriage, Sofia and Lucinda waved to the crowd. Soon, the coach arrived at the steps to the castle. Miranda, Sofia, and Lucinda then stepped down from the carriage. Standing at the top of the steps was King Roland, Baileywick, Cedric, a fourteen-year-old Amber, and and a fourteen-year-old James. Another girl was also standing there - Madeline, who was the eight-year-old sister of Amber and James.
Baileywick was holding a large dark blue pillow which held two tiaras. Two doves took one tiara, while two other doves took the other tiara. The four doves then flew toward Sofia and Lucinda. Sofia was wearing a purple gown, while Lucinda was wearing a blue gown. The doves gently placed the tiaras on Sofia and Lucinda's heads as the crowd cheered.
Miranda led Sofia and Lucinda up the steps, while everybody at the top of the steps looked on.
"Looks like someone isn't the fairest in the land anymore" James whispered to Amber in a playful way. Amber gave James a drop dead look. Behind Amber and James, Madeline couldn't help but chuckle at James' remark.
"I hope you'll make your new sisters feel welcomed" Roland said to Amber, James, and Madeline.
"Of course, Father" Amber answered in a fake way.
"King Roland the Second" Miranda greeted Roland.
"Queen Miranda" Roland greeted back as Sofia and Lucinda looked on, happy to witness the touching scene.
As Roland and Miranda walked off, Sofia and Lucinda walked up to Amber, James, and Madeline.
"Good morning" Lucinda greeted.
"Good morrow" James greeted back with a smile.
"Prince James, Princess Amber, Princess Madeline" Sofia smiled. "Lucinda and I are so happy to be your sisters".
"... stepsisters" Amber corrected, coldly.
"Amber, retract your claws" Madeline playfully said. Madeline then looked at Sofia and Lucinda, and extended her hand. "Welcome to the family" Madeline smiled.
"Huh!" Amber exclaimed under her breath, annoyed at Madeline for being nice to Sofia and Lucinda.
At that point, Miranda walked up and looked at Amber, James, and Madeline. "I know there aren't many fairy tales about kind and loving stepmothers. I hope to change that". Miranda then handed each a patch she had sewn.
"It's our family crest" James said, impressed.
"That's right, James" Miranda smiled. "Because that is what this is all about - becoming a new family".
Roland then walked up, and looked at Sofia and Lucinda. "Sofia, Lucinda, welcome to the family" Roland smiled.
"All hail Queen Miranda, Princess Sofia, and Princess Lucinda!" Baileywick announced.
The crowd cheered.
Cedric stepped forward, pointed his wand at the sky, and said "Grow Ye, Flora". Suddenly, rose petals started gently falling from the sky.
"Ooh!" Sofia exclaimed, amazed. "Rose petals".
"Impressive" Lucinda said, amazed.
"That's Cedric, our royal sorcerer" Roland said to Miranda, Sofia, and Lucinda. "He comes from a long line of royal sorcerers, and we're quite proud of him".
Roland, Miranda, Sofia, Lucinda, Amber, James, and Madeline walked into the castle. As they walked down the main hall, Sofia and Lucinda started curtsying to the staff that lined the hall.
"We don't have to curtsy unless they're royalty" Amber pointed out to Sofia and Lucinda.
"It's going to take us a while to get the hang of things around here" Sofia said.
"Just follow my lead and the two of you will be fine" Amber responded.
"Great!" Sofia smiled as she and Lucinda walked out in front of Amber.
"I lead, and you follow" Amber said to Sofia and Lucinda, annoyed.
"... following" Sofia and Lucinda said, not wanting to cause trouble.
As Amber walked away from Sofia and Lucinda, Madeline walked up behind them.
"Don't let Amber get to you" Madeline smiled at Sofia and Lucinda. "She doesn't like me either. You two stick with me - I'll make sure you get the hang of things around here. We'll take it one step at a time".
Sofia and Lucinda smiled at Madeline in gratitude.
As everybody walked into the dining room, Sofia and Lucinda stopped when they saw some activity in the area where the thrones were located.
"Careful, mate" a man said to another man. "Those are the thrones for the two new princesses".
"Wow!" Sofia and Lucinda exclaimed as the thrones were sat down.
At that point, Cedric bumped into Sofia and Lucinda.
"Oh! We're sorry!" Lucinda apologized to Cedric.
"We shouldn't have been standing here" Sofia added.
"No harm done" Cedric smiled.
As Sofia, Lucinda, and Cedric were talking, Constable Miles walked up.
"Mr. Cedric" Miles started. "The elves are at it again. Could you see if you can get them under control?"
"Of course" Cedric responded. "I'll get right on it". Cedric then turned to Sofia and Lucinda. "Duty calls" Cedric smiled. "See the two of you later".
As Cedric and Miles walked off, Baileywick approached Sofia and Lucinda.
"I am Baileywick, the castle steward" Baileywick introduced himself. "It is my responsibility to make sure everything in the castle is where it should be, when it should be, and the two of you should be in the dining room, thirty seconds ago".
"Sorry about that" Sofia apologized.
"Going now" Lucinda said as she and Sofia quickly walked toward the dining room.