Here we go...I hit a small writer's block back at Apartment Mayhem, and so on, so on...I just felt I wanted to do this story some more justice, or maybe, a good enough ending. This is expected to be a really short extra, very short infact, and to keep my soul alive.

That being said...I don't think I missed a review worth

Let's begin!

Failure: Locked.

Made men.

It was a rainy day in Academy City.

The everyday regular student quickly look for a place to sit it out or find a store to buy an umbrella.

"Really...Today's such a bad day. The weather forecast stated it would be sunny the entire day..."-Saten Ruiko sighed.

"There's really nothing we can do. Shirai-san said she was going out to find Misaka-san, but she hasn't returned yet."-Uiharu Kazari takes a spoon-full of strawberry icecream.

The two are sitting inside of a family restaurant, with a window view outside.

A rainy, even stormy night like this...

"Well, I just hope it clears up soon...I don't thin-!?"-Uiharu choked.

"? Uiharu? Are you okay? Did you get a brainfreeze or something?"

The Judment member slowly raised her index finger and pointed outside to the raining street through the window.

Saten followed that finger and saw...

An albino.

His statue were small, thin, and he seems crippled, with a cane needed just to walk.

You could say he was...exotic.

Either way, he was looking right at them. It was to far to know for sure, but it was the general direction.

Both Saten and Uiharu didn't know how to respond. Saten was completely missing the needed information while Uiharu got some rather bad ones.


He stepped forward.


He slowly got inside the restaurant.

The pair of middle school girl followed his form as he walked towards them.






He passed them.

"Get up, hero."-Accelerator sighed.-"It's stupid to be cleaning up after you."

"..."-A normal highschool boy sitting on a table next to the pair looked up.

Apparently he was having lunch.

"They're waiting."

"...I...I see."-Kamijou Touma stood up.

"Then get going."

"..."-Kamijou proceeded to walked pass the albino boy.

Then he stopped midway.

"Accelerator."-He called.

"What do you want, hero?"

"This could be the last time we meet, so I'm sorry that I failed your expectation. I'm no longer a hero."



"Just go. Find your peace."

"Will I really find it? Would this be peace?"

"I'm sure you will make the right decision at the right time."

That was all.

The spiky haired highschool boy continued his footsteps.

The image of the boy's back as he leaves the restaurant and down the rainy road gives off the feeling of a person traveling down a path of no return.

"Is that...Kamijou-kun?"-Saten recalled the name.

It wouldn't have been wrong for Kamijou to say it was for revenge.

He sometimes disgusted himself that he felt that need for blood.

Othinus points out he was a hero for his actions.

But...if he was after revenge...would he be a hero?

There was no way to bring back the happiness that was once there.

If you has to say it, Kamijou Touma is becoming a fallen hero.

A clear example was Fiama of the Right.

Even after the man started WW3, used Index, killing innocent lives and push them into the darkness of war, the boy let him live. For him to see how wide the world really is.


This time...

Kamijou didn't have a real solid reason.

He just wanted revenge.

All for the life of a girl that he cared for.

As such, he didn't rely on anyone's help for this. If it goes down to personal matters, he can't let others be involved.

He made his way...



To Windowless Building.

Index looked at the boy's form from afar as he slowly walked towards them.

Even though Kamijou outright stated he would go alone, some still stood there.

They all had said their goodbyes before.

They had thought of stopping him.

But all understand this feeling.

All human have this feeling.

"Touma."-Index faces the highschool boy.




"Touma...find yourself."

That line struck Kamijou's heart.

From the first...he lost his memories. He followed his heart and became a hero.

But he lost his way and got stuck in the same darkness that he had saved so many people out of.

Nothing good comes from this.

Some may rejoice at the fact that a villian would face justice today, and his grand schemes will be stopped.

Yet to a normal highschool boy...that makes him a villian just as much.

So why is he setting foot here?

Shouldn't he remain being a hero?

"Touma, you might think it's not enough, but it's more than enough for Index."-The nun embraced him.-"Don't lose yourself Touma. I can't stop you, but please...bring back my Touma!"



Kamijou couldn't tell.

Was it the rain?



Was it his tears?

What had he become?

"Yeah. I'll...I'll definitely bring him back!"-Kamijou said.

With that, Index let go.

Today, Kamijou would whether be made villian...

...or he would be made men.

"Idiot."-Misaka Mikoto stopped him.


"I...I really don't understand you, don't I?"

"Why would you ask me?"-Kamijou stepped pass her.

Mikoto made no attempt at stopping him.

She doesn't have the rights to.

"Boss."-Hamazura Shiage called. Apparently he had just arrived.


"Boss, I know we had this conversation before...but...we're waiting for you boss!"

"...Thank you. I'll try my best, I will return!"

"...But what comes after that?"

"..."-It silenced Kamijou.

"Like I said. We're waiting for you."

"...You're right. We've had this conversation before."-Kamijou smiled thinly.

"Right. Now you take care boss!"

Kamijou inhaled deeply.

There would be no more interuption.

No one had anything left to say.

They, including Kamijou himself, can only hoped the boy would find the hero that is lost.

With that...

With that...



Kamijou Touma right arm exploded.


Everyone but Index painfully looked away.

But compared, Index has the most pained expression.

You could say that Kamijou Touma made a deal with the devil.

With the dragon and the power within.

From that point, chaos proceeded.

Aleister Crowley felt the tremor.

It was truly his bad luck that the boy had to come knocking the day his plans comes to frution.

Perhaps Laura Stuart might have noticed it, but she can't do anything just yet. However, a confrontation with Imagine Breaker and Invisible Thing sounds bad.

Really bad.

Errors started showing on the screen, indicating the beast coming through the building defenses and wreacking havoc.

And...before you know it...

The wall collapsed.

Aleister turned his head to look at the figure.

He saw a heavy distorted form of a boy.

There seems to be invisible dragon wings on his back, with only blood giving it's outline.

And the dragon's head had been shown to Aleister quite a few times now.

Coming out from the boy's arm, it roared at the man inside the tube.

Kamijou's entire form is covered in somesort of static. An unknown horror without a proper form. The Invisible Thing. It soon covered the entire wide room.

"I see you gained some control, Kamijou Touma. To be having both the Dragon King and Invisible Thing coming out to help you."

"..."-The boy gave no response. However, he seems clearly awake, unlike all of his previous times.

"I well do you know yourself?"-The being that is Aleister appeared before Kamijou. With a position that cannot be bound by the universe number, Aleister can exist in many places at once.

Let the fight begins.

It was fair to say Kamijou couldn't hold himself very well at the face of a being like Aleister. But at least, he could hold himself. Barely.

But "barely" had been the way Kamijou survived all this time. He bet it all and "barely" made it out alive with some stupid plan that alters from the situation at hand.

He wasn't sure how long it has been, but it was a very long time for a fight.

It was a battle filled with blood, sweat, emotion and determination.

And, during that time, a boy finally clears his mind and figure out what he would do.

But it was only from one side. high as Aleister is...he still get impatient.

"I have grown tired of dealing with the changes you make to my plan, Kamijou Touma. Let it ends here."

With that said, some sort of insane pressure was pushed down to Kamijou's body. It crushes the Dragon King and Invisible Thing down, forcing them back. The pressure keeps rising up.

If it was a normal human, they would be crush then explode inside out.

But somehow, even then, the Imagine Breaker, namely the boy's right hand, grows back. It was slowly losing the fight, but it gives the boy more time.

Right now, Kamijou Touma is once again, no more than a normal highschool boy. The only thing keeping him from being completely crush is Imagine Breaker, and it won't hold forever.


Kamijou tries to stand up, but the pressure keeps on.

He pulled his entire body strength to get to his feet.

He raised his right hand.

Yet Aleister just knocked him down.



That's it.




He couldn't get up.

His skull are being crush from every direction.

His vision is fading into darkness...






...From the darkness, a voice called out, like a whisper covered in a breath.

"Don't give up!"

Kamijou's eyes went wide open.

"I...I heard Othinus..."

It was for sure.

Even if he is blacking out from the pressure, he was sure of that gentle voice.

The voice that whispered into his ears through the Phases.


'I heard Othinus for sure!'

Even with that insane pressure, he looked up to see Aleister's face.



Even Aleister heard it.

'Where was it coming from? A ghost? A recording? The remain of her spiritual mana?'s not any of it...where was it from?! Inside my head? Impossible! How...'

"GYAAAAHHHUURAGHHH! ! ! ! !"-The boy's scream from under him stopped him mid thought.

A flash of white covered the entire room.

And when it's clear, Kamijou felt like he can breathe again. That pressure attack was way gone, and so is the other-dimension Aleister.

All that remains is a highschool boy and a shocked being inside the tube of liquid.

"...That...was Imagine Breaker?"-Both Kamijou and Aleister voiced at the same time.

Then, tables turn.

It took a simple action from Kamijou.

He simply charged forward and clenched his right fist.

The shocked expression on Aleister's face didn't show any sign of fading.

Even as that fist struck the tube and break it.

One might ask how Kamijou was able to do it, but he did.

And then...



The fist connected to the face of the greatest magician in history.

Kamijou grabbed the being by the collar of his gown and pulled him out of the tube.

Every fist he threw, Aleister took it with no attempt at protecting himself.

He had failed in his plans.

With that...he no longer cared.

'Just let that boy beat me to death is fine...'

"Don't joke with me."-Kamijou said as if understanding what the being is trying to do.


"I still need you. No. The world still needs you."

Aleister is completely confused. What is the boy talking about?

"You came here for revenge..."

"Yes...I came for revenge."

"Then why did you..."

"But then I cleared my head."


"What would I do next? After overthrowing the General Superintendent and send Academy city and the Science side into chaos, what would I do next?"

"..."-It silenced Aleister.

"I would really be a villian. And I don't want that. So, most of all! Don't think of dying out on me! You've got a lot to make up to!"


"You might have built a grand scheme that's way over my human brain, but there are still results that you can't ignore. Academy City. The world. Even though you failed doesn't mean it's all lost. You still have that side effect. You've still got a city and a world to protect! So don't go out on me!"

"...The world will never understand."


"The world would never understand!"-Aleister shouted.-"We only live in a small garden forged by who knows! And just as we are created, we can be erased!"

"Then protect it!"

"I'm trying to do so in the first place!"

"But not like this! Show yourself to the world, don't manipulate other people! If you do it right, I'm sure you'll succeed!"

"There's no other way!"

"There's always a way!"-Kamijou threw a punch.-"Are you fine with letting them live in your garden instead of someone else?!"

"..."-It was enough to stop the argument.

"I know somewhat about those. But think of what you are trying to protect. Are you really protecting them?! Tell me! Or has people's blood been shed, chaos and havoc wages?! Is it really is the right way?!"


"It's not! So, get back on that General Superintendent's chair and do something!"


"The happiness that you seek...was already there with you this whole time! If you refuses to believe it, then TAKE THIS ILLUSION BREAKING PUNCH!"

A dull noise rang out.

The rain stopped.

Just as it suddenly came, it goes away. The sunlight reflected on the puddles of water on the ground.

It gave people hope.

Index, Misaka, Hamazura and Accelerator waited there.

Soon, people gathered.

Shokuhou Misaki.

Kumokawa Seria.

Tsuchimikado Motoharu.

Last Order.

Misaka 10032, 19090.




They all heard the sound of rubble.

Index stood up and got infront of everyone.

She was dangerously close to the darkness of the Windowless Building.

Yet she was unfazed.

"Get back, Index, it could be..."

"It's Touma. it's definitely would be Touma."

"I'm saying..."

Then ,a human form suddenly collapsed from above into view.

"PAIN! ! ! ITEE! ! FUKOU DA! ! !"-Kamijou Touma wailed out.

"Touma?!"-Index sputtered.

"...Ah? Index? Argh...are you okay? You aren't hurt right?"

"Forget me! What about you yourself!"

"I...I'm f-OWWW! Okay, maybe I'm not fine..."-Kamijou sniffed.

Hamazura and Tsuchimikado easily lend the hero a hand.

With that, Kamijou weakly raised his right hand before being drag by the two blonde guys.

Everyone cheered. Even Accelerator smiled as he clapped his hand ever so lightly.

"Okay, ladies! We have here a lottery to see who's get to visit Kami-yan first! Please apply here!"


"Sorry, Kami-yan! It's for the world!"

As Kamijou was being dragged away, Index followed and asked.

"Ne, Touma, did you find anything in there?"


"What is it?"

"...Myself."-Kamijou smiled.

Aleister woke up.


He failed his plan.


He was defeated.


His goal would never again be in reach.




"What can I do to make this world a little better?"

Kamijou woke up.

It was midnight.

Index was sleeping on a chair next to his hospital bed.

It was a normal scene for him.

"It's over...huh?"

Yet something small catches his eyes.

A small box, preferably for rings or jewel sat on the table.

Kamijou grabbed it with his right hand.

There was a note on it.

It was dark, but Kamijou read it as:

Othinus's eye.

Her missing eye? So it...

Kamijou gulped. This isn't going to turn into a horror movie now right?

Who sent this anyway?

'Let's...not use my right hand.'

Kamijou opened the box.

Inside seems to be a crystal-like emerald that matches that of Othinus eye. He wasn't sure if it is the real deal, but magic makes everything look good. An eye is no exception.

Infact, now that he look at it, it looks really like Index's eyes. With the two being of the same emerald green eyes, he guess the only difference is the look in their eyes are different.

Either way, he stared into it.




He would swore a he felt someone weight was leaning on him, and a familiar aroma filled the scene.

He felt a hand caressing his cheek and held on to the small box.




Kamijou didn't say anything.

Words aren't needed.

But he did mouthed a name.

That was all.



Index stirred from her sleep.

Seems like she was going to wake up. Considering her sleeping pose isn't the best, it was understandable.

And true enough, she got up.


With that, the feeling Kamijou get disappear.

Kamijou didn't answer her.

"What's wrong Touma? Are you okay?"

At that, Kamijou lifted his head.

" me a favor."


"Keep this with you at all times."

"Mn? Why are you giving it to me?"

"I don't know...but I think you'll take better care of it than I ever could."

"Touma! That's funny! I thought you said I can't take care of anything!"

"...Maybe you're right."


"I know, just joking. Here."-Kamijou handed Index the small box.

"I'll cherish this."-Index said with a small smile.-"Whoa!~ It's beautiful!~"



"..."-The boy was looking at the nightsky outside.




With that, the two only gazes at the sky as night goes on.

The incident finally ends.

There we go! The ending was kinda rushed, so I'm really think it got a bit out of hand there.

The whole point of this basically came from me wanting that cinematic "Don't give up" line from ghosts of the fallen. I didn't expect this is so long, but it worked out.

That being said, who do you think gave Kamijou Othinus's eye? Answer in your review please!

There would be no continuation. As if I need to said that.

I'll wait until NT10 and see what I can write there.

Either way! Fav and review please! I'll be very grateful if you do!

So I rest my hands here.
