Chapter Three

Author's Note : Hiyo ~ It's the third chapter! I can't believe it, can you? I honestly never thought I would actually do this. I am kind of lazy. I'm thinking about picking up the pace a little in the chapters. Does the chapter seem slow? I don't know. We'll see. It's not like I can predict the future or anything.

Disclaimer : I do not own Hetalia or its characters.

Warning : Beware of colourful language. And bad grammar in my opinion.

Now in the power vest in me, enjoy~

Just like I thought. Today's lesson was utter shit. I totally fucking forgot about it. The teacher told that we make up some kind of model and calculate shit for velocity or something. And she just needs to ask us to have a live model. Why the fuck do I need to do that for? Who in their right fucking mind those this. I mean, come on, why can't I just draw a stick figure throwing a ball. Is it that fucking hard to make it that simple.

The rules are fucking simple, to the goddammed teacher that is. Just take a picture of someone kicking/throwing something to create projectile motion, keep the scale of the model to the actual as accurate as possible, and calculate the distance and all that distance/velocity shit. There'll be a discussion where other people are going to guess your model's and vice versa. It'll be considered a project grade and an extra credit at the same fucking time. But like every fucking thing in this hell-hole of a universe, there are always exceptions. One : It can't be you. Two : It can't be anyone in your grade level. Three : It can't be anyone blood related.

Like what the fuck, I can understand the last two but why the first one. It doesn't actually make any sense. I can tape myself if I wanted too. If I have no other grade level friends, I can't go to my siblings, then am I supposed to ask? I don't want to just go to a random person in the middle of the street asking for help. People nowadays are too fucking sucked up in their own little perfect bubbles to care about other's miseries.

I went to my locker, put my old books in, and I took the new ones out like any robotic student does. With an automatic mindset, I make my way through my next class. Arts. I don't fucking know why they put me in Arts directly after Science to make me feel a tad better. I know for a fact that things take a turn for the worst for me so this is one of the unsolved mysteries as to why I have these fractions of good things in life. Shreds of hope as one might call it.

Elizabeta sits next to me, and our seat is in the back corner, hidden away from the teacher's main view.


I heard a small whisper to my right.


There it was again. I was trying to not drone out on whatever the teacher's saying about Gustav Klimt's life. I do not want to fail the exam, or test, or whatever the it is for either class at all. Like I said beforehand, I want to have lady luck favour me when I grow up.

"What do you want," I whispered quietly while I was taking down my notes on the lecture. I took the pleasure of censoring myself in class, please thank you.

"So who are you going to ask?"

"What?" I ask curiously. That's a weird fucking thing for her to suddenly say. I know that this chick is random for her love of 'ahem'yaoi'ahem. I have no fucking problem with homosexuality, but this bitch just takes it to the next level. She imagines weird and impossible scenarios for her victims all day, all night. It became an addiction. Elizebata and Sakura should have never met each in the first place.

"Puh-lease, I heard it from Felix already that everyone in our grade, or took the class, is going to have to do the project. Sooooo, who are you going to ask. Because you can't ask either of us, your adorable little sister, or even your grandmother to help, I just wanted to know your decision."

"So what, It's not like you need to know who I'll pair up with anyways. You won't die if you don't, you know." I hate all group work really, but I am not anti-social. Keep that in mind. Teachers always want us to work collaboratively. Team work my ass.

"But come on, I'm asking Gilbert out because he owes me and Lili's asking Alice. So what about you? I bet even Laura already has a person in mind too. The only other one not knowing who would probably be Sakura, but I already pass her a note."

"Really," I replied sarcastically, "But Eliza, you know goddam well how she doesn't talk in class, and besides how can you even send her the note if she's in front of the class?"

"Oh, come on. Lovina," she giggled a bit as she raise her voice up a notch, "you know well enough that I have a way. It's just a little trick up my slee-,"

"Ms. Hedevery, Ms. Vargas, would you mind telling us about your rather 'interesting' conversation?"

A chorus of "No teacher," was all we said. It took me almost everything, especially with the threat of more public humiliation, to refrain myself from scowling. Trust me, it's not and easy thing to do.

"Detention for you both. Don't be late to the detention this evening. Now, please refrain from any more chit-chatting throughout the year. Are we clear?"


"Are we clear class?" The teacher asked louder.

The whole class, then, replied rather boringly before the teacher continued on with the lesson.


It was lunch time, finally. I can't wait to be bombarded by questions I won't answer. And as if the questions have been rehearsed, the questions of my friends came along the lines of "Who are you going to ask?"

And as if they pretended to not know, I said that I don't fucking know. Right then, I swear I heard a 'click' on top of my friends' heads. They're going to force me to do something. I knew it.

"Lovina? How about you ask that little crush of yours out, hmm?" Elizaveta suggested with a sly smirk. It would have been a normal situation if not for the fact that little Lili had stifled a giggle.

"No, just fucking no. Why won't you then Eliza?" I directed a question back at her. This way she would start talking about Roderich just non-stop. It would divert my spotlight for the time being.

"Ah, well, you see, Lovina, Roderich is not that much into sports. He won't do things like that. If it were related to music, though, it would have been another story. Speaking about music, Roderich is just so amazi-"

"I'm sorry, Liz, but I'm going to have to cut you right there. We don't want you ranting when we have a sticky situation at hand, am I right?" Oh, hell no, Laura, why do you have to ruin my escape. You are one amazing bitch. I applaud.

"What 'sticky situation', Laura." I mocked her using air quotes.

"Well, well, other than the fact that you need someone as your partner? Or better yet, the fact that you can't seem to confess? How about we just wrapped it up in one go. They do say that why kill just one bird when you can kill two with one stone?"

Goddammit, why oh why do I have to face this kind of treatment. Am I that much of a douchebag in my past lives?

I shook my head violently to emphasize my feelings. And just then, the infamous Bad Touch Trio passed our table by. I need to hide, and fast. So I took a hiding spot behind Sakura. She isn't that much of a back-stabber everyone else proves to be.

"Oi, Lizzy. Did you land yourself in detention this time? I never thought someone like you would get in trouble."

"Oh shut up, Gilbert. It's not like you're any better. Don't you and your 'friends'," she glared at The blonde Frenchman specifically, "always land in detention almost everyday anyway because of you guy's constant harassment of the female student body, and not to mention pestering the student council president, Alice?"

"Come on Liz, it's not a big deal. I know you want to have detention to sit next to me. Everybody just loves my awesome five meters, kesesesesese!"


From behind Sakura, one could see that an albino male was hit with a frying pan by a brunette lady. That was fucking scary. You don't want to mess with Eliza and her kitchen weaponry, nope.

"Shut up!" she said between breathes, and that, my friends, ends another normal lunch time.


Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit! What the fuck am I going to do! I really cannot not do this assignment. But I just can't ask anyone. Shit!

I mean on one hand I could just ask him, right? There is nothing wrong with that right? Or just ask the teacher? That is an impossible choice seeing that she hates me. Ummm…. I could ask Lili's brother? No, he'll kill me. Laura's? No same result.

For the whole day I've been contemplating on this shit. I just could not fucking concentrate on anything at all. Good thing I work on auto-pilot in classes or else I'll be failing. I didn't want to go through with their shitty plans but it seems like that might be the only choice left.

You know what? Fuck this shit. I'm sleeping and escaping reality for today.

Author's Note : I'm sorry….. I didn't finish it before August, but I tried to though. Please forgive me? I've been trying to write it but adjusting to a new school take lots of time! I'll be sure to update more. Hopefully. Ha ha.

Fact Time : "Gustav Klimt was an Austrian symbolist painter and one of the most prominent members of the Vienna Secession movement. Klimt is noted for his paintings, murals, sketches, and other objets d'art." - Wikipedia One of his most famous works being "The Kiss".