~Dancing in the Rain.~ By:sunniwillows93

It was a dark stormy Vegas night. Catherine Willows' car just happened to break down in front her bosses' house. Catherine was soaking wet.

"Great" she muttered looking toward his house.

"Just tell him." She thought. It was fate or was it that Catherine happened to be Gil's street

Gil was flipping though the latest entomology magazine on the couch when he heard a knock.

"Catherine?" he asked with a grin.

"Yes it's me, car troubleā€¦" Gil moved aside to let her in.

"You can stay here."

"Thank you Gil.."

"Are you cold?" he asked.

"A little.." he put his coat over her shoulders.

"Thank you.." Catherine said

Gil smiled a little. "Yes, no problem. Ill grab you a blanket for the couch."

He walked upstairs.

Hank barked.

"Shhh buddy it's me; Catherine" she reached out her hand to pet Hank. Gil's dog

- End TBC~

AN: thanks to csihuntermom for the BETA and muskrate33 for keeping me on track! Please rate and review