A/N: 100,000 hits! All right! My 6th story to do so After the Biju Biju Fruit, Ponies One Half, Titania Falls, Bleach Marimo and Monkey D. Haru So anyways enjoy! It's not my best work, but hopefully you'll enjoy!
Chapter 57: Suspicion of Moody
Fourth Year was the same as usual for most classes. Of course things were more advanced, but it was still the usual. Pro. McGonagall was strict but a bit fair, Snape was his usual self. There was really not much say about this year.
However it was Pro. Moody's class that everyone was interested in.
After all he was not only a retired Auror, but a famous one at that.
It was going to be an interesting class.
"There's something off about him." Said Mami during breakfast.
"What do you mean?" asked Harry.
"No she's right, there's something off about him." Said Erza.
"Have any of you ever met him?" asked Harry.
"Maybe Momo." said Erza, "But we haven't."
"It's probably just you." Said Ron.
Erza and Mami shrugged it off.
And hopefully once they get to class it was would make them stop worrying.
It was a class about the unforgivable as it turned out.
"Can anyone tell me what the unforgiven cursed are?" asked Moody.
None of the class answered as he made them all kind of unconformable.
The teacher grumbled.
"All right! They are curses that illegal to use on another human being, just using it will land anyone in Azkaban." Said Moody.
"Even if the minister used them on Diagon Ally?" asked Daphne who didn't know why she asked that.
"Of course!" said Moody.
Meanwhile in the realm of the gods.
"Okay! Who compelled her to say that? Because seriously it's so obvious what the joke is! Someone come clean!" yelled one of the gods.
None of the other gods answered, not wanting to say anything.
Back at Hogwarts… As it was illegal to use on humans he used spiders to demonstrate on.
"Now can any of you tell me what the 3 unforgivable are?" asked Moody.
None of them answered which caused Moody to muttered something.
"All right the first is the Imperious Curse. Which I'm sure Malfoy know all about." Said Moody as this year both Slytherin and Gryffindor were sharing the class.
Malfoy glared at him.
He then proceed to make the spider to do a funny tap dance.
IT caused most of the class to laugh at the spider's antics.
"Oh you think it's funny, when a dark wizard makes you jump off a building or kill your family?" asked Moddy.
The laughter quickly died as they realized how horrifying it could be.
"Does anyone know what the next one is?" asked Moody.
Still no one answer.
"The Cruciatus." He said.
He used a spell to enrage the spider. Then used the curse on the spider. Everyone watched in horror as the spider writhed around in clear agony.
However the one that was taking the worst was Neville who was pale as he was watched the spider.
"Professor!" called out Hermoine knowing Neville wasn't doing well.
The professor stopped.
"That curse causes a horrifying pain within the victim, people have been driven inside by that pain. It's very nasty curse." Said Moody.
For some reason, Erza, Mami and Shampoo had gotten a strange feeling with what he said.
"Can anyone actually name the final curse?" asked Moody.
Once again none of them answered.
He took out the final spider and used the curse on it, everyone watched as the spider just outright died with a bright green light.
"This the final curse, the killing curse, all it does it kill, no pain, no nothing. Just death. There no way to stop it. Only one person ever lived through it." Said Moody.
Harry seemed to shrink at this reference to him.
"But of course not everyone can be the boy lived." Said Moody.
Harry sighed when he said that.
A couple day later once Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff had the same class the girls talked about it in the Room of Requirement.
"He's hiding something." Said Robin.
"Are you sure about that?" asked Haruna.
Everyone in the room looked at Haruna.
"Just kidding! I'm getting a bad feeling from the guy too." Said Haruna.
"Momo… do you have you ever met him before?" asked Mami.
"Sorry, I haven't." said Momo.
"It's fine." Said Mami.
"So… what we going to do?" asked Shampoo.
"Let's just keep an eye on him first, if he does anything too suspicious we'll report him to Dumbledore." Said Erza.
The other girls decided to nod in agreement as it the only plan they had for now.
Little did they know that the next class would drive their plans forward.
The next class would still focus on the Unforgiveable Curses.
However this class was a little different.
"What do you mean you're going to use it on us?" asked Hermoine.
Thankfully it was only the Imperious and not the other two curses.
"Don't worry Pro. Dumbledore gave me permission to use the curses." Said Moody.
"He's lying…" said Shampoo.
The two Gryffindor Girls nodded in agreement and knew right away that once class let out they would be talking to Professor Dumbledore.
One by one their classmates were asked to come down and placed under the Imperious Curse.
Although it was somewhat amusing, it was also very concerning.
However Shampoo, Erza and Mami all managed to break through it.
Although when they broke through each one had a different reaction.
When Mami felt the warm floating section and the voice telling her to do something, she managed to break through easily but she did breathe heavily afterwards.
Erza glared at Moody when she came out of it, it was a very harsh glare, a glare that seemed to concern Moody.
Shampoo also glared at the teacher when she came out of it, though it wasn't as harsh as Erza's.
Then again it was very hard to top Erza's glares.
Though the sensation was tempting to give into it, each other one of them was able to fight to fight back against it.
However they weren't surprisingly the only ones to break through it.
They watched as Harry also broke through it. The three girls were impressed by it.
"Good job Harry!" said Mami as he sat down.
Harry blushed as Mami said that.
As they were leaving class Ron sighed.
"Of course you three were immune." He muttered.
"Oh come on don't be that way." Said Shampoo.
"But you're already so amazing with your…" said Ron.
"Ronald… don't you dare anything about that in public." Said Erza.
Ron flinched at the glare.
"It's been a few years, you should know by now not to talk about it." Said Mami.
"Yeah…" said Ron.
"He's just jealous." Said Shampoo.
"Totally." Agreed Harry.
"Come on." Muttered Ron.
However once classes were over, they knew they had to talk to Dumbledore about class.
Thankfully by this point he had completely trusted them with the password to his office as they were something of school protectors. Momo, Haruna, Robin and Ino joined them for the conversation even though they weren't in the same class.
"I didn't give permission for him to use the curses on students." Sighed Dumbledore.
"So it isn't another a Lockhart situation." Said Erza, "Because it better not be another Lockhart situation."
"No." said Dumbledore.
"Do you know why he was hiding this?" asked Mami.
"Something did happen before the school year began." Said Dumbledore.
"Something about disturbance." Said Momo remembering hearing about it.
"You don't think something g happened?"
asked Mami.
"it is entirely possible." Said Dumbledore, "I'd be very considered though if that was the case…"
"Is he a good friend?" asked Momo.
"He is." Said Dumbledore.
"You don't think he's under the curse himself… or replaced?" asked Momo.
"Or possessed by something." Said Haruna.
"That's a good point." Said Robin.
"Do you think that you can keep an eye on him for the next few days?" asked Dumbledore.
"Don't worry, I'm sure we can come up with a plan." Said Ino.
Over the course of the next few they tried their best to keep an eye on him, it was very hard as their jobs were covert.
However there were times they were able to figure out things to do.
Although they didn't' have access to the time turners any more, they were able to figure out ways to watch him.
However one of those way was for Robin sprout eyes when he was alone in his office with the doors locked.
That was when she saw something deeply concerning.
One of the days she him open a trunk, which of course was bigger on the inside.
As she watched him go inside the trunk she sprouted more eyes on the walls of the trunk.
What she saw horrified her, inside was a second Moody, clearly drugged up.
She watched as the first Moody stole some of his hair.
She realized what was going on.
He was replaced.
She called an emergency meeting in Dumbledore's office.
He was furious upon finding out the truth.
All signs pointed to the Polyjuice Potion.
"What are we going to do?" asked Mami.
"We have to find out what he is planning." Said Dumbledore.
"Are you going to tell the other staff members?" asked Robin.
"None of them knows about our abilities." Said Mami.
"I will say that someone did find out the truth but hide your identities." Said Dumbledore, "And we will have to inform the owners of this crime as well as the board of Governors, as well as the ministry.,"
"We could keep quiet about it." Said Robin, "I don't' mean comply… I mean just partially. We don't let him know we know and find out what he is planning and hopefully putting a stop to it."
"Is that really a good idea?" asked Momo.
"He is going to try something." Said Dumbledore grimly, "However if the imposter is doing such things all for the plan, perhaps it's for the best to make it seem like we don't know the truth."
"So besides telling everyone to be on our guard, we just play dumb." Said Erza.
"For now… of course I will still inform everyone about what you have discovered." Said Dumbledore.
"We'll explain to Harry after the meeting that Robin was the one to find out." Said Haruna.
Dumbledore nodded.
"Just take it easy until I need your help again. You're still only young girls. I know you've become something of a protectors of the school but you're still children." Said Dumbledore.
"Of course." Lied Erza.
None of them knew they could tell that the combined ages of their lives, all of them were technically adults… and that wasn't counting Erza, Robin and Momo were all adults in their past lives.
Dumbledore called an emergency meets in of both the Board the Governors as well as the owners of the school. Along with the four heads of house deciding they should be trusted with the information. Amelia was also there.
Harry was concerned.
"Now I know this meeting is on short notice. But I have received some grave news." Said Dumbledore.
"What is it Albus?" asked Sylvester.
"Alastor Moody has been replaced by an importer, more than likely using Polyjuice Potion." Said Albus.
Everyone but Harry who didn't know what Polyjuice Potion was horrified.
"Are you sure?" asked Pro. McGonigal.
"Yes, my sources have yet to be wrong." Said Dumbledore.
"What is Polyjuice potion?" asked Harry.
Snape sneered, figuring that Harry wouldn't know about potions.
"It is a potion that allows someone to transform someone else." Explained Sylvester.
"That would explain why the ingredients have started to disappear." Muttered Snape.
"What is his goal?" asked Amelia.
"The plan for now is to keep quiet." Said Dumbledore.
"Are you sure that is wise?" asked McGonagall.
"If we out him, who knows what could happen." Said Dumbledore, "We'll lay low for now."
"Are you sure that's a good idea?" asked Harry, "I mean… he put the other students under the Imperious!"
"HE did what!" yelled Abraham
Amelia was also glaring harshly.
"Don't worry, Hufflepuff students haven't had that class yet." Said Dumbledore, "I can make sure that he doesn't use it in class on them. But I'm afraid that's all I can do."
"Albus…" said McGonagall dangerously.
"if anything happens to any students further, I will take responsibility." Said Dumbledore.
This seemed to place those unsure about the plant settle down a little.
"Now Harry, I expect you not to tell any students who don't already know about it." Said Dumbledore, "In order to rarely out him, we need compel secrecy."
"I understand." Said Harry.
However he quickly put to get a couple pf the pieces.
Once the meeting was over and returned to the common room, he saw Erza and Mami and doing homework together.
"How was the meeting?" asked Erza.
"Were you the ones to find out?" asked Harry.
"Robin found something out." Said Mami.
"You know it seems like she has eyes everywhere." Said Erza.
Mami wrote on scarp paper.
"Talk about it later in private."
Harry sighed as he went to his dorm room.
It was times like these he was concerned for the girls.
After all, they seemed to becoming more and more protectors of a school in a very concerning way…
Next Time: With everything going on with Imposter Moody Harry and the girls deicide to get their minds off it by focusing on other things, like the Triwizard Tournament for one thing... however could the tournament fit in the Moody's plans? Find out next time!