Obi-Wan sighed and threw a rock across the room he now called home for the last two and a half days. He couldn't believe his ridiculous luck on his quest to find the Senator. Once again Obi-Wan is almost concerned the force was setting him up. He's either getting stalled, kicked off a planet, or now in this case he's stuck on this force forsaken planet.

'Qui-Gon would be so proud'. He thought with irritation.

The same day his former master had come to talk to him, he hadn't been out searching for the full day in Mos Eisley when he was attacked by what he presumed was a bounty hunter and many other followers of a Hutt by the name of Jabba. He was even beginning to fear he was losing his touch as a Jedi if that were even possible. He had tried to reason with them informing them he was the advisor of Senator Amidala but they had found his lightsaber and immediately threw him in the cell. Jabba was hoping to earn a lot of money by turning over a Jedi to Lord Vader, which sadly they were not aware of the status of the Sith Lord's whereabouts.

Obi-Wan once again scanned the cell around him thinking of his escape route. He decided to mediate for what he felt was the billionth time since he had gotten captured. The Jedi was hoping for some sort of change in the force, but to his dismay it was as clouded as ever. He couldn't quite shake off the feeling the force was telling him to stay where he was.

He sighed to himself wondering if he was beginning to go senile. He was starting to wonder if he should even be listening to the force anymore as he felt like it was sending him on a wild goose chase.


Anakin grinned to himself while he watched the Senator attempt to cook something inside the ship. He learned very quickly it was necessary to choke down her cooking because out of all her skills that was definitely not one of them. She claimed she never got the chance to cook so he would be her guinea pig while they were stuck here. He wasn't sure if this was a slow way of trying to kill him. She shyly turned and looked at him from over her shoulder trying to suppress a smile at him as she threw something into a bowl to stir it up.

If he was being honest with himself, he wasn't exactly working his fastest to fix the ship. There were also no complaints coming from Senator's end of things to get it done any faster either. He knew that he needed to get back to reality but ever since that day they slept together and gave in to the strange attachment they felt towards one another things changed. It's almost like all the walls fell down and he felt like he did in the days before he became a sith. It was wrong in many ways which they both knew but it was nice. He wasn't sure what was growing between Padme and himself but he knew that he didn't want to let her go. The way she smiled at him was like nothing he's felt before. He's been lost in hatred and anger for so long he doesn't remember the last time he's felt this happy. The most surprising thing in the galaxy is the happiness he can sense from Padme. In all of this she's just as happy as he is which saddens him to know that this can't possible last forever.

"Umm we might have a problem." Padme said. The Sith shook his head out of his thoughts and glanced over at Padme who is pulling out whatever she was trying to cook out of the oven. The smell of burnt food he suspected he smelt earlier now hit his nostrils full force. She turned around and he stared at the lump of what he only could assume was at one point food.

"I don't understand why this keeps happening. There must be something wrong with this oven." She trailed off and glanced back into the oven observing it.

"Maybe whoever shot at us somehow shot the wires to the oven as well. If we didn't crash and die they were going to make sure we at least starved." Anakin tried to keep a straight face as she turned around glaring at him.

"Well what are we going to eat now? I'm not sure we have very much food left." She ignored his comment and began to rummage through the cupboards.

"What's that in the bowl?" he asked leaning up to maybe get a glance at what's in there.

She glared at him once more and through the bowl and all into the trash. "Nothing edible."

Anakin chuckled as Padme came and sat next to him with a depressing thud. "I'm going to need to keep Sabe around forever so I don't starve." She said with a huff.

"I think that you'll get it one day. You just need a little practice." Anakin put his hand on her shoulder. The whole situation was amusing to him. "Plus it seems that you have perfected quite a few other skills in life so if you can never cook it's not the end of the world."

Padme looked over at him with her large brown beautiful eyes. "You know how depressing it is that your own mother is this wonderful cook that people brag about and then you have this daughter that burns toast twenty-five times before she gets one decent one?"

"Her daughter may not be able to cook but I think she's probably pretty proud of that daughter who turned out to become a queen." Anakin told her. "That may just trump being a good cook."

"I know you probably think this is ridiculous I'm so frustrated about this." Padme sighed. Anakin held his tongue from commenting his true thoughts. "Normally it wouldn't bother me so much but it's weird that being in the situation we're in brings that out. You have your talents of being able to fix things that probably shouldn't be able to be fixed plus you have quite a few skills in combat which is very helpful right now with protection. I guess outside the senate I don't feel like I can do a lot."

This time Anakin did laugh which got another glare from Padme. "Padme….I think you may be over thinking some things. Yes, I have some skills that are useful in these situations but I am also a trained sith where my job is in combat. You have a lot of skills. I've seen you get yourself out many situations that you shouldn't have been able to which could prove to be useful, you're a good negotiator. I don't tend to do that well in negotiating, I usually just win by default." Padme arched an eyebrow at that comment knowing that usually he just killed whoever he was even attempting to negotiate with. Anakin continued anyway ignoring her. "I've also seen your skills with a blaster and even I have to admit for a Senator isn't too bad. You have many skills that are useful so who cares if one of them isn't cooking?"

Padme sighed. "I guess. It's just very frustrating." She leaned her head on his shoulder. "So what do you want to eat then?"

Anakin gently stroked her long curls that cascaded down her back. "Want to go into town to see if we can find anything worth eating?" He felt her nod against his shoulder. "We can also pick up some extra food while we're there."

"Ani?" she moved her head so she could look up at him. "Is it awful of me to wish we could just stay here where no one could find us? We wouldn't have to worry about who we are but what we are now? We're just two normal people with no responsibilities."

Anakin stared back down at her. He could feel the sadness that he knew she saw in his eyes. "No." He hesitated for a moment. "I wish the same thing. I know I should be working harder on the ship so we can leave but I don't have it in my heart to work any faster than I am." He placed a soft kiss on her forehead that made a smile tug at the corners of her lips. "Although, I wouldn't exactly have complained if we could have gotten stuck on a little nicer of a planet."

"You mean one that didn't try to fry you alive?" Padme laughed.

"Yeah that would have been nice." Anakin laughed back. He sighed and unwillingly left Padme's side to grab their cloaks to protect them from the beating suns.

"I hope we find some place good to eat because I'm starving and quite honestly I can't eat any more of my cooking." Padme admitted throwing her cloak on.

"I was beginning to think this might be your slow and torturous way to try to kill me off finally." Anakin grinned

Padme lightly slapped his arm. "Very funny. You know for a Sith you got quite the sense of humor."

Anakin shrugged and opened the door to the miles of sand. The minute his boots hit the sand, he was abruptly stopped as he felt it. A slight tremor rushed through the force. It was gone just as quickly as he had felt it, letting the darkness fall back over crushing whatever ripples the tremor had made.

"What's wrong?" Padme looked over his shoulder questioning him what caused him to stop so suddenly.

"Change." That was the simple answer to the question. He wasn't sure what it was or what caused it, but what he did know was that if his master felt it, he wouldn't be happy. Since after Vader had made his presence known there hadn't even been the slightest change in the force until now. Anakin had felt the very slightest of tremor since they had been stranded on Tattooine but nothing to be concerned about. No one else probably even sensed it but himself. Anakin assumed it probably had something to do with his absence and the effects it was causing back on Coruscant. This tremor however, had made itself known. This one, even though small, was still big enough that anyone that had any force sensitive capabilities would have sensed it. For the first time in days, he felt that they were needed back in Coruscant.


Padme looked at Anakin with concern. Whatever he sensed has obviously got him worried. She was beginning to learn his facial expressions a little better with their time together. She wondered what he meant by 'change'. He didn't say anything else on the matter as they continued their way to Mos Eisley and she knew better than to ask him any more questions about it. She couldn't help but think to herself that if he didn't think the change was good, the rebels most likely did. That itself made her even more curious what it could be. On the other hand, she was beginning to notice the conflict within her about those thoughts. She was more than happy if the change would benefit the rebels, they needed a boost. The only problem with that was that she also couldn't help but wonder what that would mean for Anakin. As her feelings were quickly growing for the Sith she began realizing she couldn't cheer for the rebellion's success without also cheering for Anakin's death. They go hand in hand. Those thoughts brought a sickening feeling to her stomach.

"Is something wrong?" Anakin looked down at her with worry plastered on his face. It was clear to her that he was also developing feelings towards her even if he was attempting not show it.

"No." She smiled up at him trying to cover her worrying thoughts. He stared at her for a moment before deciding to let it go and they continued on their silent walk, both lost in their thoughts.

Padme stole a glance at the man walking along her wondering if he was having the same conflicting thoughts. After all, she was a rebel even if they couldn't prove it anymore, and technically it was his job to get rid of her. She was curious to why this was happening to the both of them. A part of her had still hoped that this was all still just purely about attraction and after they slept together it would slowly dwindle away, but to Padme's confusion, it had only gotten worse. Then to make matters even worse they had slept together again, and again, and again….to find out that there were real feelings that were being developed. She knew now that they were both in too deep and there was no erasing of these feelings. They were there to stay. She just wondered how this was going to affect things when they returned. If they would even be able to continue this 'thing' they had started. After all she still barely knew anything about him. In more ways than one he was still a mystery to her but the thought of not being with him made her feel like she'd be losing part of herself. Why out of all the men in the galaxy did she have to fall for a Sith?

"Seriously are you alright? I can sense you're worrying about something." Anakin questioned her again.

"I was just thinking about what the change could mean." She said quietly hoping he would get her meaning. He nodded slowly and she knew he had. She guessed he was thinking about the same thing.

"I know…." He trailed off. "I wouldn't be concerned about it. It happened so quick that I'm doubting it meant anything at all." She could tell he was lying to make her feel better about the situation which only meant he felt there was something to lie about. She just nodded excepting his explanation anyway not wanting to discuss it any further.

The walk went by fast since there had been so much to think about, Padme almost didn't notice they had already made it into town. They were walking toward the store they had bought their food from before when for the second time that day Anakin stopped abruptly. However, this time was different, this time Padme noticed the flash of gold creep back into the corners of his eyes. The look she recognized as Darth Vader was beginning to show on his face and that scared her.

"What is it?" she asked afraid of the answer.

He began to look around them almost looking for someone before he spoke. "There's another force presence here."

"Who?" Padme asked confused.

His face darkened as he spoke the name. "Kenobi."


Obi-Wan froze from inside his cell and stood up in disbelief at what he sensed. Vader's here.


Author's Note: So yeah it's been a little while since I've updated. Life caught up of course but hopefully since it's break I'll get some writing done:-) So once again I'll mention that I haven't made Vader completely soft yet but it's a different life they're living together on Tatooine together sort of. Also, I apologize for any mistakes. I only proof read once and did a spell check but I wanted to get this out there since its been so long. Please review and let me know what you think! I love to hear from everyone:-) I did try and make this one longer for you. Thanks again to all my readers!